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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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just got back from the parade.

It was awesome, everyone stopped cheering when the LGBTories came along lol. They hd stickers saying "TORIES SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE"....hmm


Have been told to wait another 25 mins... I'm not getting in, right? Gah annoying as fuck. Gonna take forever to get home

Edit: sorry predictive text turned that into a nasty slur. Genuinely didn't mean to say 'gay annoying'


I support this movement. I want my cash going to walmart instead of a local establishment. I'm tired of the "High Street" Plus i love going into a supermarket to buy a tube of pringles and coming out with a full bags full of awesome stuff.

Lolol, Kentpaul is such a sellout.


Should be meeting CHEEZMO™ soon. :eek:


that's not a banned image is it?
...Fuck it's midnight.

I've been playing Guild Wars since 6am. Whats wrong with me.

I know the feeling. Back in my addicted to GW phase, I woke up and sat in my office doing some hunts with a friend. He went offline, went out to a BBQ, then a party, came back and rejoined me. I hadn't left the office. I was sitting there in my boxers, drinking beer from the office fridge.

I spent more of my time with a flesh golem than real people that day.


weather has been shite in manc today. had a lurvley meal in with the missus though, also watched that Idris Ebra documentary about dance music, it was pretty good.


some pics of the Pride march:

LGBT GMP Marching Band:

Easyjet (they were playing that Eurovision song from a couple of years back, the air steward/ess one):

(Drag) Queen:

Pink Flag:

Cheshire FirePride (home county reppin'!)

UofM in memory of Alan Turing (the theme of the parade was gay science)


Well I ended up getting into the festival!
At The Drive In were awesome. Closed their set with One Armed Scissor. Ohh yes.

Crashed on a mates couch but am now desperate for home and a shower which won't come until tonight because there are scores to settle in Necromunda.

Juicy Bob

Having no internet access at home is crap. I can't afford to get it yet as I'm now officially unemployed, so that means no online gaming for me and I can't even play some of the PSN games I've purchased and downloaded without being connected to the internet. #FirstWorldProblems

I'm posting this from my mobile.


Having no internet access at home is crap. I can't afford to get it yet as I'm now officially unemployed, so that means no online gaming for me and I can't even play some of the PSN games I've purchased and downloaded without being connected to the internet. #FirstWorldProblems

I'm posting this from my mobile.
Can you tether your PS3 to your phone for access to the psn games?


Awesome Pride parade pics there Meadows! Weather looked alright too. Got drenched in the rain yesterday when I headed to a turkish restaurant for dinner :(

Necromunda...Aren't those the bad guys in The Chronicle of Riddick?

Meadows said:
the air steward/ess one):

this one?


can anyone else in Manchester hear ridiculously loud music. I live on the Salford side of the Irwell near Spinningfields/Salford Central and I can hear classic rock being blared out.

Please tell me that isn't the NQ Street party thing, because I should be way too far away to be able to hear that. (0.8 miles according to Google, and there's a shitload of buildings in the way).


can anyone else in Manchester hear ridiculously loud music. I live on the Salford side of the Irwell near Spinningfields/Salford Central and I can hear classic rock being blared out.

Please tell me that isn't the NQ Street party thing, because I should be way too far away to be able to hear that. (0.8 miles according to Google, and there's a shitload of buildings in the way).

No, but then I am in the Lake district today...


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Meadows has already called the police and council Grassing about the noise ;-)

In work till ten pm tonight and have a taxi to the airport ready for me at a friends house for 3am tomorrow morning. I will touchdown in Holland at 10am tomorrow morning.

Should be smoking a fine joint by noon cruising the coffee shops and dodgy Amsterdam backstreets.

I plan on getting higher than I have ever been before. Party.


Meadows has already called the police and council Grassing about the noise ;-)

In work till ten pm tonight and have a taxi to the airport ready for me at a friends house for 3am tomorrow morning. I will touchdown in Holland at 10am tomorrow morning.

Should be smoking a fine joint by noon cruising the coffee shops and dodgy Amsterdam backstreets.

I plan on getting higher than I have ever been before. Party.

Just remember, you only need like a quarter of a good brownie and the best girls work the night shifts, enjoy :)


Maturity, bitches.
Was bored so I started playing a bit of DQIX again only to get depressed knowing I'll never fully complete the game because the inn will never get fully expanded.

Chances of canvassing 27 people. 0%.
Gay science? What a strange theme for a parade.

Turing getting more recognition is a good thing. He's a freaking national hero. He's in my top 5 Britons.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Just remember, you only need like a quarter of a good brownie and the best girls work the night shifts, enjoy :)

I'm pretty nervous about the space cakes. Even the ones I used to make with fucking soap bar kicked my ass into oblivion. Real intense shit. Il be sticking with the finest joints on earth for the first few days.
Awesome bank holiday weekend so far! Yesterday our team won the nerf battle, got some Geocaching in, came home and made chilli, watched Columbiana and x-factor.

Today went to a Rockabilly fair, bought a nice top, went to Forbidden Planet and got a couple more Star Wars books, now at home waiting for take away to arrive, before heading back out for Age of Panic at Borderline.
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