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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Good luck Cindres. You better hope one of the interview questions isn't "which dubstep song was Musha trying to identify?"

As for the squatting thread, what exactly is the law regarding squatters? I have been under the impression for a long time that if they squat in an 'unoccupied' house for a certain amount of time, you have to go through a complicated legal process to evict them?

EDIT: Ah, so it's the precise lack of criminality that causes the issue - provided they somehow gain access without breaking a lock or window (or, at least, claim not to have done so). So you have to go through the civil courts and not rely on police assistance. To be fair, the situation does seem ridiculous.

Yeah that's how I roughly remembered the current situation. If the squatters manage to enter without forcing entry (or there is no proof/evidence of it) then it is a civil and not criminal matter. Then you have a fun game of trying to evict the self entitled hippies through the courts. Or batter one of them when they leave for supplies....
Either way, it really needs to be addressed quickly.

Good luck Cindres, what is it for?


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Cheers guys! Good lord this is early.

EDIT: A Job developing some online training module for the Uni course reps. Not super exciting or life changing but for 3-6 weeks work I'm getting paid £1200.
Ok, so I get on the tube and for once it's pretty empty so I grab a seat then realise I am sat opposite the most beautiful girl I think I have ever seen. I literally cannot take my eyes off her. Luckily she has her eyes closed for most of the journey so I can get away with perving.

I'm going to write into the Metro rush hour crush section right now.



You fucking rock. I wonder how many commuters will be chucking filthy ropes later while thinking about your crush.

Edit: Oh, and I'm still not smoking everyone! Woohoo!

Nearly choked out an old lady at a bus stop but apart from that, all is well.

Old people can be annoying though...

Well done squire.

So Musha, I am prying here but are you bi? I seem to recall you mentioning a boyfriend? Just wondering if this is common knowledge and I am just being dense.


Off-topic, but it still angers me that Simon Harwood got away with manslaughter.

I kinda feel the same after reading that Rachel Corrie article on the front page of BBC News this morning.

Cheers guys! Good lord this is early.

EDIT: A Job developing some online training module for the Uni course reps. Not super exciting or life changing but for 3-6 weeks work I'm getting paid £1200.

Good luck Cindres! That's good money at the end of the day :)

and check out Smooth Musha! That's awesome haha.


I was sat in a pub yesterday, by a window looking onto the street, and a girl from a group walking passed pressed her nose against the glass and licked the window and smiled at me. It was 2pm. GAF, how do I take this further? Am I in love?


I was sat in a pub yesterday, by a window looking onto the street, and a girl from a group walking passed pressed her nose against the glass and licked the window and smiled at me. It was 2pm. GAF, how do I take this further? Am I in love?

You certainly should be. Window-licking is my favourite form of foreplay.
So Musha, I am prying here but are you bi? I seem to recall you mentioning a boyfriend? Just wondering if this is common knowledge and I am just being dense.

I do have a boyfriend. I don't like labels. I wouldn't go quite so far as saying I'm bi, I'm like 75% straight I guess. I've only dated guys and I'm mainly attracted to guys, but I find some women attractive and I have fooled around with girls before.


I do have a boyfriend. I don't like labels. I wouldn't go quite so far as saying I'm bi, I'm like 75% straight I guess. I've only dated guys and I'm mainly attracted to guys, but I find some women attractive and I have fooled around with girls before.

An ex of mine was exactly the same way, she wanted to "take the leap" I think (something I encouraged I have to admit) but was terrified of the label, as if it was some lifestyle choice rather than just sex.


Unconfirmed Member
Dat Dark Souls feel when you beat a boss and are looking for a bonfire to cash in dem souls but you blatantly miss the shortcut back to it, progress too far and die, then have to redo all of that (finding said shortcut) and recover but get poisoned doing so, run back to the bonfire with no flasks left, fall down a ladder and just make it to the bonfire with a sliver of health.

Jedeye Sniv

Inspired by Musha's low-tech stalking, do you guys have any stories about 'the one that got away'?

Mine is crushingly pathetic. August 1999, I'm on holiday with my best mate and his folks after finishing our GCSEs. I was (and still am, mostly) a broken mix of incredibly gregarious and crushingly shy. On this holiday, my mate challenged me, asking if I was gay since I could never work up the guts to speak to a girl. The opposite was true, much like the main character in 500 Days of Summer, my brain was twisted by soppy love songs and romantic comedies and books, I had this idealised version of love and girls mixed up in my head that pretty much led me to being a giant pussy who couldn't speak to anyone sans-penis.

Anyway, at the resort this girl turned up with her folks too. To say she was my type is to undersell the situation. She was grungy with a camo t-shirt and a pink streak in her hair, and there was me with my Nirvana t-shirt and floppy hair (oh, the days when I had hair...). I had to talk to her, and with my friend's concerns about my sexuality I was resolved. We found her sitting outside her room reading and what followed was one of the most awkward conversations of my life. But, for some reason she kept talking to me and we arranged to meet the next day.

We met the next day and I was a bundle of nerves but we talked a bunch while overlooking the sea, it was very sweet. No kiss though, and to make it worse she was leaving the next day. But she was perfect for the me aged-16. A punk-rock scene-queen with angel wings and a tiara, she lived not an hour away from me in England and I was smitten. She was Ramona Flowers, ten years earlier.

But, retard that I am I totally forgot to ask for any details. Surname, phone number, address... nada. I only knew her name and that she went to an all girls school near enough to Chessington to get free season tickets. So when I got home, lovesick, I set about tracking her down with the nascent millennial internet. I found a girl's school not 5 minutes from Chessington. I wrote a letter to her, sealed it up and wrote a covering letter to the school reception, asking them to pass it along to this girl, describing her in perhaps a little too much detail.

I received a letter back from the school saying they had no such girl. I was crushed.

Even a year later I held out hope of meeting her again, since she had said she might be going to the same 6th form college as me after GCSE. But I never did see that girl again. Which is a shame, because she was hot as FUCK.

There we go, told you it was pathetic but I need something to keep me busy as I spend the morning printing marck schemes :D

Anyone else?

Jedeye Sniv

She probably did go to that school but wouldn't actually give her the letter because paedos and rapists and that.

I thought this but wasn't sure, it was a handwritten note from the receptionist - I would think that if they didn't want to release for protection reasons they'd say. These days of course I'd be on a list just for writing the letter. 1999 was a simpler time...

At least, I hope I wasn't thwarted by pedo panic, that would be sad.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Probably rushed the presentation a little, but I reckon I did real good on the questions they asked. Will hear back in a couple of days, fingers crossed. Now to kill 3 hours in Newcastle, might head down to Brew dog...


Anyone else?

Fleeting holiday romances are the worst. Of course in this day and age you could have tracked her down in 5 mins using Facebook. However, having met up with someone i had a Hollywood rom-com holiday romance with, you're probably better off having the memory, this girl was NOTHING like she was on holiday. Heart breaker.

Juicy Bob

Gaf you gotta help me, I am being driven insane. There is a music track I've heard a few times that I really like, but I have no idea what it's called or who it's by. It's kinda got a techno dubstep type feel to it, no lyrics on the bit of it I remember, and I'm pretty sure it was used for some of the bbc coverage of the olympics. And yes, I have been googling it all fucking day with no luck. Not much to go on I know, but Gaf you so awesome, surely someone can dig up something?
The only music I remember from the Olympics in the background when they would talk about the scheduling and what have you was this.

Probably rushed the presentation a little, but I reckon I did real good on the questions they asked. Will hear back in a couple of days, fingers crossed. Now to kill 3 hours in Newcastle, might head down to Brew dog...
Nice one! Best of luck with it. Let us know how you get on.


Inspired by Musha's low-tech stalking, do you guys have any stories about 'the one that got away'?

Mine is crushingly pathetic. August 1999, I'm on holiday with my best mate and his folks after finishing our GCSEs. I was (and still am, mostly) a broken mix of incredibly gregarious and crushingly shy. On this holiday, my mate challenged me, asking if I was gay since I could never work up the guts to speak to a girl. The opposite was true, much like the main character in 500 Days of Summer, my brain was twisted by soppy love songs and romantic comedies and books, I had this idealised version of love and girls mixed up in my head that pretty much led me to being a giant pussy who couldn't speak to anyone sans-penis.

Anyway, at the resort this girl turned up with her folks too. To say she was my type is to undersell the situation. She was grungy with a camo t-shirt and a pink streak in her hair, and there was me with my Nirvana t-shirt and floppy hair (oh, the days when I had hair...). I had to talk to her, and with my friend's concerns about my sexuality I was resolved. We found her sitting outside her room reading and what followed was one of the most awkward conversations of my life. But, for some reason she kept talking to me and we arranged to meet the next day.

We met the next day and I was a bundle of nerves but we talked a bunch while overlooking the sea, it was very sweet. No kiss though, and to make it worse she was leaving the next day. But she was perfect for the me aged-16. A punk-rock scene-queen with angel wings and a tiara, she lived not an hour away from me in England and I was smitten. She was Ramona Flowers, ten years earlier.

But, retard that I am I totally forgot to ask for any details. Surname, phone number, address... nada. I only knew her name and that she went to an all girls school near enough to Chessington to get free season tickets. So when I got home, lovesick, I set about tracking her down with the nascent millennial internet. I found a girl's school not 5 minutes from Chessington. I wrote a letter to her, sealed it up and wrote a covering letter to the school reception, asking them to pass it along to this girl, describing her in perhaps a little too much detail.

I received a letter back from the school saying they had no such girl. I was crushed.

Even a year later I held out hope of meeting her again, since she had said she might be going to the same 6th form college as me after GCSE. But I never did see that girl again. Which is a shame, because she was hot as FUCK.

There we go, told you it was pathetic but I need something to keep me busy as I spend the morning printing marck schemes :D

Anyone else?

Oh! Me! Me!

I would guess that this happened in 2002, but I'm terrible with years, so I'm not 100% on that.

I'd spent the bank holiday weekend somewhere in the New Forest in a caravan with a couple of friends and their parents. We had an absolute blast riding our bikes around the woods, having BBQs etc. Unfortunately, we decided to take charge of cooking the last BBQ of the weekend.

So on Tuesday, I go into school and I'm feeling like absolute crap. About half-way into my first lesson I realize I'm going to throw up so I stand up, walk over to the teacher and ask if I can go to the toilet to throw up. She tells me that I'm not funny, I have to sit down and get on with my work. I insist that I'm about to throw up, but she just gets angrier. Eventually the argument is settled and my honest is proved when I throw up all over the teacher's desk.

Obviously, I'm sent straight to the medical room, because they have all the medicines and salves required to deal with food poisoning. Well, they sat me in a chair in a small room and periodically popped in and asked me if I felt better.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in this room, the door opens and an absolutely stunning girl shuffles in and sits on the other chair. She's in her PE kit, bleeding from her knee and looking, to my geeky teenage eyes, like a young Lara Croft. I absolutely couldn't say a word to her, so we sat in silence for what seemed like hours until she struck up conversation. When she did, we chatted for ages - laughing about me throwing up on the desk, it turned out she'd scraped the fuck out of her knee playing hockey on the astroturf. She had a PS2 and played GTA III daily, she liked all the same shows, movies and bands as me. I was instantly in love with her. Unfortunately, even though she's started the conversation and we were talking happily, I couldn't bring myself to ask her name, get her number or ask her out.
After not too long I got pulled from the sick room because I was obviously feeling better when they noticed I'd be constantly laughing and joking since she arrived.

After that, I kept looking out for this girl around school, but I never saw her.

Flash forward to 6th form. I'm in the top year at this point and I'm about to go to a friend Pete's house party which he's co-hosting with his little sister.

She's there. It turns out she's friends with Pete's little sister.

I'm so excited! I tell Pete the whole story and he thinks it's amazing that she's turned up. Obviously I can't talk to her before I've had a drink or two, so I set to working up some Dutch courage. Eventually, I'm ready to reintroduce myself, but I can't find her. She's left the party! I'm distraught. I drink accordingly.

About an hour later, Pete has decided to 'do the rounds' checking that nobody has gone into rooms they shouldn't be in. I'm horribly drunk and horribly mopey at this point so I decide to join him and generally whine at him about the situation as he goes room to room, opening the door, making sure nobody is inside, closing it and moving on.

We get to his parents bedroom.

Pete opens the door and we get a full, amazing view of a guy I don't know bending a girl over the bed and giving it all he's got... Yep, you guessed it.

Pete hasn't seen the girl before, so he just shouts "put some fucking clothes on and get out of my parents bedroom"

As we walk away, I say "Pete, that was her. She's been in there for over an hour." Pete pisses himself laughing, much to my dismay.

At this point, this would probably be a great 'one that got away' story. But it doesn't quite end there.

About 2 hours later, everyone who isn't staying over is leaving. She's been outside with a group of girls. As she walks past me to leave, she turns in surprise and says "Oh my god! Medical room! I haven't seen you in years! Are you still listening to Something Corporate?"

I'm taken aback and we have the most awkward conversation I've ever had in my life. She's excitedly asking me questions and I'm just thinking "this could've been an amazingly romantic story but you whored it out with some guy" on loop in my head.

Eventually, she's done talking, she leans in and starts making out with me.

I throw up.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh! Me! Me!

I would guess that this happened in 2002, but I'm terrible with years, so I'm not 100% on that.

I'd spent the bank holiday weekend somewhere in the New Forest in a caravan with a couple of friends and their parents. We had an absolute blast riding our bikes around the woods, having BBQs etc. Unfortunately, we decided to take charge of cooking the last BBQ of the weekend.

So on Tuesday, I go into school and I'm feeling like absolute crap. About half-way into my first lesson I realize I'm going to throw up so I stand up, walk over to the teacher and ask if I can go to the toilet to throw up. She tells me that I'm not funny, I have to sit down and get on with my work. I insist that I'm about to throw up, but she just gets angrier. Eventually the argument is settled and my honest is proved when I throw up all over the teacher's desk.

Obviously, I'm sent straight to the medical room, because they have all the medicines and salves required to deal with food poisoning. Well, they sat me in a chair in a small room and periodically popped in and asked me if I felt better.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in this room, the door opens and an absolutely stunning girl shuffles in and sits on the other chair. She's in her PE kit, bleeding from her knee and looking, to my geeky teenage eyes, like a young Lara Croft. I absolutely couldn't say a word to her, so we sat in silence for what seemed like hours until she struck up conversation. When she did, we chatted for ages - laughing about me throwing up on the desk, it turned out she'd scraped the fuck out of her knee playing hockey on the astroturf. She had a PS2 and played GTA III daily, she liked all the same shows, movies and bands as me. I was instantly in love with her. Unfortunately, even though she's started the conversation and we were talking happily, I couldn't bring myself to ask her name, get her number or ask her out.
After not too long I got pulled from the sick room because I was obviously feeling better when they noticed I'd be constantly laughing and joking since she arrived.

After that, I kept looking out for this girl around school, but I never saw her.

Flash forward to 6th form. I'm in the top year at this point and I'm about to go to a friend Pete's house party which he's co-hosting with his little sister.

She's there. It turns out she's friends with Pete's little sister.

I'm so excited! I tell Pete the whole story and he thinks it's amazing that she's turned up. Obviously I can't talk to her before I've had a drink or two, so I set to working up some Dutch courage. Eventually, I'm ready to reintroduce myself, but I can't find her. She's left the party! I'm distraught. I drink accordingly.

About an hour later, Pete has decided to 'do the rounds' checking that nobody has gone into rooms they shouldn't be in. I'm horribly drunk and horribly mopey at this point so I decide to join him and generally whine at him about the situation as he goes room to room, opening the door, making sure nobody is inside, closing it and moving on.

We get to his parents bedroom.

Pete opens the door and we get a full, amazing view of a guy I don't know bending a girl over the bed and giving it all he's got... Yep, you guessed it.

Pete hasn't seen the girl before, so he just shouts "put some fucking clothes on and get out of my parents bedroom"

As we walk away, I say "Pete, that was her. She's been in there for over an hour." Pete pisses himself laughing, much to my dismay.

At this point, this would probably be a great 'one that got away' story. But it doesn't quite end there.

About 2 hours later, everyone who isn't staying over is leaving. She's been outside with a group of girls. As she walks past me to leave, she turns in surprise and says "Oh my god! Medical room! I haven't seen you in years! Are you still listening to Something Corporate?"

I'm taken aback and we have the most awkward conversation I've ever had in my life. She's excitedly asking me questions and I'm just thinking "this could've been an amazingly romantic story but you whored it out with some guy" on loop in my head.

Eventually, she's done talking, she leans in and starts making out with me.

I throw up.

haha amazing story man! It's so sad, and so relatable. I found the worst thing about the girls that do stuff like that was I'd become even more attracted to them and even less capable of doing anything about it. Oh man she's hot, and she has questionable morals, even hotter! But oh god the crushing shyness...

I'm so glad I'm married, I cannot talk to women for the life of me. But now I can talk to anyone and don't give a shit since there's no pressure. If only I could have thought like this when I was single...

Your story would make an excellent ~12 page comic, find an artist.
Oh! Me! Me!

I would guess that this happened in 2002, but I'm terrible with years, so I'm not 100% on that.

I'd spent the bank holiday weekend somewhere in the New Forest in a caravan with a couple of friends and their parents. We had an absolute blast riding our bikes around the woods, having BBQs etc. Unfortunately, we decided to take charge of cooking the last BBQ of the weekend.

So on Tuesday, I go into school and I'm feeling like absolute crap. About half-way into my first lesson I realize I'm going to throw up so I stand up, walk over to the teacher and ask if I can go to the toilet to throw up. She tells me that I'm not funny, I have to sit down and get on with my work. I insist that I'm about to throw up, but she just gets angrier. Eventually the argument is settled and my honest is proved when I throw up all over the teacher's desk.

Obviously, I'm sent straight to the medical room, because they have all the medicines and salves required to deal with food poisoning. Well, they sat me in a chair in a small room and periodically popped in and asked me if I felt better.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in this room, the door opens and an absolutely stunning girl shuffles in and sits on the other chair. She's in her PE kit, bleeding from her knee and looking, to my geeky teenage eyes, like a young Lara Croft. I absolutely couldn't say a word to her, so we sat in silence for what seemed like hours until she struck up conversation. When she did, we chatted for ages - laughing about me throwing up on the desk, it turned out she'd scraped the fuck out of her knee playing hockey on the astroturf. She had a PS2 and played GTA III daily, she liked all the same shows, movies and bands as me. I was instantly in love with her. Unfortunately, even though she's started the conversation and we were talking happily, I couldn't bring myself to ask her name, get her number or ask her out.
After not too long I got pulled from the sick room because I was obviously feeling better when they noticed I'd be constantly laughing and joking since she arrived.

After that, I kept looking out for this girl around school, but I never saw her.

Flash forward to 6th form. I'm in the top year at this point and I'm about to go to a friend Pete's house party which he's co-hosting with his little sister.

She's there. It turns out she's friends with Pete's little sister.

I'm so excited! I tell Pete the whole story and he thinks it's amazing that she's turned up. Obviously I can't talk to her before I've had a drink or two, so I set to working up some Dutch courage. Eventually, I'm ready to reintroduce myself, but I can't find her. She's left the party! I'm distraught. I drink accordingly.

About an hour later, Pete has decided to 'do the rounds' checking that nobody has gone into rooms they shouldn't be in. I'm horribly drunk and horribly mopey at this point so I decide to join him and generally whine at him about the situation as he goes room to room, opening the door, making sure nobody is inside, closing it and moving on.

We get to his parents bedroom.

Pete opens the door and we get a full, amazing view of a guy I don't know bending a girl over the bed and giving it all he's got... Yep, you guessed it.

Pete hasn't seen the girl before, so he just shouts "put some fucking clothes on and get out of my parents bedroom"

As we walk away, I say "Pete, that was her. She's been in there for over an hour." Pete pisses himself laughing, much to my dismay.

At this point, this would probably be a great 'one that got away' story. But it doesn't quite end there.

About 2 hours later, everyone who isn't staying over is leaving. She's been outside with a group of girls. As she walks past me to leave, she turns in surprise and says "Oh my god! Medical room! I haven't seen you in years! Are you still listening to Something Corporate?"

I'm taken aback and we have the most awkward conversation I've ever had in my life. She's excitedly asking me questions and I'm just thinking "this could've been an amazingly romantic story but you whored it out with some guy" on loop in my head.

Eventually, she's done talking, she leans in and starts making out with me.

I throw up.

Amazing story. Wondering how much of it is fabricated/exaggerated :p

How many people went to your school that you never saw her???


Gaf you gotta help me, I am being driven insane. There is a music track I've heard a few times that I really like, but I have no idea what it's called or who it's by. It's kinda got a techno dubstep type feel to it, no lyrics on the bit of it I remember, and I'm pretty sure it was used for some of the bbc coverage of the olympics. And yes, I have been googling it all fucking day with no luck. Not much to go on I know, but Gaf you so awesome, surely someone can dig up something?

I bet it's Skrillex - Bangarang.

Jedeye Sniv

Amazing story. Wondering how much of it is fabricated/exaggerated :p

How many people went to your school that you never saw her???

They could have split the timetable, maybe by language. There was a whole half of my school that I never saw since they did german and I did french. In fact, I have a good friend these days that I mayeb only met once in my entire school life and we were in the same year.

Also Mike, please tell me you had a crywank later. That'll just top it off, a salty teary cherry on top of the story. lmao


haha amazing story man! It's so sad, and so relatable. I found the worst thing about the girls that do stuff like that was I'd become even more attracted to them and even less capable of doing anything about it. Oh man she's hot, and she has questionable morals, even hotter! But oh god the crushing shyness...

I'm so glad I'm married, I cannot talk to women for the life of me. But now I can talk to anyone and don't give a shit since there's no pressure. If only I could have thought like this when I was single...

Your story would make an excellent ~12 page comic, find an artist.

Yeah, I always had more female friends than male, but as soon as there was a girl I had a crush on, that was it. Couldn't interact like a human being anymore.

Definite 500DoS syndrome here too - I felt like I should be looking for 'the one' right up until I thought I'd found her - I was 19, she 18. I asked her to marry me after about 3 weeks. She said yes - that's when the arguments started.

We stayed engaged for about 18 months, but then she started seeing and then slept with a friend of mine. For some reason I 'forgave' her. (as in, convinced myself that) it was my fault and was desperate not to be alone) But then she did it AGAIN with another 'friend' which gave me the perspective to actually end it and re-evaluate my 80s-pop-song-priorities.

Another friend of mine actually saw my ex-fianceé come up on a side-advert when he was on pornhub or similar. It was a localslags.com ad. Oh how we laughed :D

Haha, love the idea of turning that first story into a comic. I actually know a pretty good artist. The slight issue is that he's the second 'friend' my ex-fianceé slept with.

Amazing story. Wondering how much of it is fabricated/exaggerated :p

How many people went to your school that you never saw her???

Entirely true - I wouldn't make up something to make me look quite so pathetic.
She was in the year below me, which is why I hadn't met her.
Entirely true - I wouldn't make up something to make me look quite so pathetic.
She was in the year below me, which is why I hadn't met her.

But to never even pass her around the school grounds? I pretty much recognised most people in my school, especially those a year or two either side, there was never anyone who I thought I'd never seen before. You must have had shit loads of kids at your school.
At a Paralympics event tonight, blagged in as international press (long story). Had no idea what would really happen, but just got info of who will be there.

Sebastian Coe and...

Jeremy Hunt!

Must not shout to Seb that I hate him and Jeremy that he's a Jeremy.


But to never even pass her around the school grounds? I pretty much recognised most people in my school, especially those a year or two either side, there was never anyone who I thought I'd never seen before. You must have had shit loads of kids at your school.
Nah, I can dig it. Years 7 to 13 is a lot of kids.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
UK GAF getting real dating age today. Sippin' a pint at Newcastle brew dog waiting for the train. Forgot how much I love Newcastle, saw a pretty funny street magician on my way down.

Man I can't wait to move back here next month.
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