They're kinda starting to think like that by selling last generation iPads/iPhones as their 'cheap' alternative.I still think Apple are missing a trick with an entry level macbook. Used to be about £699 for the 13" non-pro Aluminium, now the cheapest is the 11" Air at £800+ and that comes with a laughably small 64GB SSD.
I do get the Air being so light / small but some people just want a decent 13" Apple laptop with a normal HD for less than a grand...
But it's probably just not worth their time wasting precious engineering/manufacturing resources building products with lower margins - they've realised when it comes to a laptop, if someone wants to buy a mac, they'll find that extra £200 somewhere.
The prices are a little better when you use their educational online store (which doesn't require any proof...) or if a friend works for Apple Retail, buy their 1-per-year discount from them.