Is it the same salsa they put in the salsa twisters?
Doesn't matter, the crisp sandwich idea sold me. I'll be checking it tonight since my cupboard is bare.
I don't think it is, pretty sure I haven't tasted it before anyway.
Is it the same salsa they put in the salsa twisters?
Doesn't matter, the crisp sandwich idea sold me. I'll be checking it tonight since my cupboard is bare.
Oh for goodness' sake. Anything where you get a direct contact will do it (Sellotape, yes; superglue, no). Go for Duct tape if you must, because EVERYTHING looks better with duct tape on it.
Watch Accused.What happened to good British TV. Can anyone suggest anything to cure my blues? I'm currently awaiting my batch of US shows to renew next month, so it's pretty dead here.
If I could've voted for dead UK TV shows it would've been way hard:
Knowing Me Knowing You, I'm Alan Partridge, Spaced, Black Books, Blackadder, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Coupling, Look Around You, Brass Eye, The Day Today, Drop the Dead Donkey, Yes Minister, The Young Ones, Mr. Bean...
What happened to good British TV. Can anyone suggest anything to cure my blues? I'm currently awaiting my batch of US shows to renew next month, so it's pretty dead here.
Some excellent choices. Currently waiting for Amazon to deliver the Spaced boxsets to me, very impatiently.
In terms of British TV, the only worthwhile thing I can think of that's just started a run is Doctor Who. There's also a new series of Shameless coming up, if you like that sort of thing (which I don't.) Otherwise, it's the usual reality shit that makes me dive for my remote.
Only other thing I really watch on TV is re-runs of Friends on Comedy Central. That channel, by the way, has the most obnoxious adverts in all of man kind. "IT'S REALLY FUNNY. WHITNEY. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHUFFING WATCH IT. AMAZEBALLS." It's rivalled only by E4, which I watch for How I Met Your Mother and the occasional Scrubs episode, but has the most derivative shit on TV. If I hear an advert for Revenge one more time with "It's about Lucy... Conrad's not her father".... And don't get me started on T4. There's a special place in hell for T4 presenters where they have to read books, listen to good music, and comb their hair.
If we continue with the questions in the second thread we really should replace that last question with something else. "CBBC or CiTV" perhaps.
Watch Accused.
The Spaced box set is awesome and is one of the rare cases where I'd say it's worth watching the documentary that comes with it. It's called "Start at the End" or something and I really enjoyed watching it twice. Once before watching the box set over the course of a weekend, and once right after.
I'm not a fan of Dr. Who or Shameless, however mcuh I try
And I totally agree about the adverts. I used to watch a lot of Paramount Comedy/Comedy Central, but the adverts pushed me away and I mostly just watch streams/boxsets nowadays.
That Whitney show looks utterly fucking terribad.
Where do you live: Surrey
Where are you from: Berkshire
Occupation: IT Engineer/Warehouse Manager
University: Hard Knocks U
Sports team of choice: Southampton
Current political party of choice: I voted LibDem, so I obviously have no fucking idea, anymore.
Barm, batch, cob or bun: ...uh-huh
Favourite (current) UK TV show: We still have those? I guess Peep Show.
Oasis or Blur: In the 90s I'd've said Blur, in the 00s I'd've said Oasis, but having experienced both in the 10s, I'm pretty glad they're both gone.
Episodes was a good, if safe and comforting, original and recent comedy series.
Citizen Khan if you're a sucker for punishment.
I'm glad to hear it, I found out about a day after I ordered it from Amazon that the whole two series were up on 4OD for free. Felt pretty bad, but if it comes with good extras, totally worth it. Any commentaries?
That's fair enough. Shameless I just find utterly depressing to watch.
EDIT: Oh! Guilty pleasure of mine, Mrs. Brown's Boys. I know it might not be the most high-class humour, but I have to say, I find it bloody hilarious.
And yeah, Whitney seems to have the same problem as most American sitcoms, portrays their women as complete control freak bitches that seek to ruin the lives of their male partners.
So unlucky at the weekend. You's played amazingly well.
She said the one that looks like a schoolboy's drawing. The others were a touch too graphic.Which one did he say??? "The one with the veins on it. It looks yummy" ?
Shameless' early series were great but it's been shit for years now.
And people insult me for watching GimmeGimmeGimme...
She said the one that looks like a schoolboy's drawing. The others were a touch too graphic.
Now I have to remember my pen-tool (ha!) skills in Photoshop.
I'm glad to hear it, I found out about a day after I ordered it from Amazon that the whole two series were up on 4OD for free. Felt pretty bad, but if it comes with good extras, totally worth it. Any commentaries?
That's fair enough. Shameless I just find utterly depressing to watch.
EDIT: Oh! Guilty pleasure of mine, Mrs. Brown's Boys. I know it might not be the most high-class humour, but I have to say, I find it bloody hilarious.
And yeah, Whitney seems to have the same problem as most American sitcoms, portrays their women as complete control freak bitches that seek to ruin the lives of their male partners.
I keep seeing your avatar and thinking you're Kentpaul. Confusing bastard
It's just like the guy who went around with a duck avatar, who I kept confusing with Chinner.
And people insult me for watching GimmeGimmeGimme...
She said the one that looks like a schoolboy's drawing. The others were a touch too graphic.
Now I have to remember my pen-tool (ha!) skills in Photoshop.
Would anyone recommend Extras? I never really 'clicked' with the UK Office, but I loved Idiot Abroad.
Alas poor ScreenSplitter, his tenure with us was short and his future was bright...
And people insult me for watching GimmeGimmeGimme...
Is this WORK SAFE? I mean, I know about electrical tape etc. and considered it, but the health and safety gives me pause for thought.
I think you mean duck tape.
No, I mean duct tape. It is for taping ducts not ducks,
Alas poor ScreenSplitter, his tenure with us was short and his future was bright...
Anyway, enough of mocking newcomers and their dubious taste in telly, I have a Huntwatch alert!
So I'm reading the school magazine that we put out at the start of each term (or Quarter, as they are known here in Poshton). Flicking through between the photos of kids playing cricket and their amazing (I mean AMAAAAAZING) artwork, there is an interview with none other than our UKGAF mascore, Mr Jeremy Hunt. Turns out he was an old boy here and is still involved with the school. Choice excerpts would be him defending his education, saying that government is made up of people from all walks of life (bollocks is it), him revealing himself as somewhat of a weeaboo (or Asiaphile at least) and a lovely pic of him aged about 10.
I feel ashamed of my profession.
Also, all the kids are back to school today (here at least). Walking past them all earlier, I'm sure there are a much higher percentage of blond boys here than at my previous school. Are posh people predisposed to blondness?
Oh hey, you're back!Correctionbot.exe output =
I'd take Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie over Mrs Brown's boys anyday.
So it's been 6 weeks since starting my diet and I'm getting really, really bored of salad for lunch everyday. I don't want bread of any kind, and we don't have a microwave. Any suggestions?
Shameless' early series were great but it's been shit for years now.
No, I mean duct tape. It is for taping ducts not ducks,
Knowing Me Knowing You, I'm Alan Partridge, Spaced, Black Books, Blackadder, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Coupling, Look Around You, Brass Eye, The Day Today, Drop the Dead Donkey, Yes Minister, The Young Ones, Mr. Bean...
Even if Duck Tape is your preferred brand of duct tape, we really ought to refer to it as 'gaffer tape' on this site.
I'd take Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie over Mrs Brown's boys anyday.
So it's been 6 weeks since starting my diet and I'm getting really, really bored of salad for lunch everyday. I don't want bread of any kind, and we don't have a microwave. Any suggestions?
Pizza is bread. Bento box is the best suggestion so far.
Pizza is bread. Bento box is the best suggestion so far.
Even if Duck Tape is your preferred brand of duct tape, we really ought to refer to it as 'gaffer tape' on this site.
Sorry, sir, I was only joking!![]()
No, I mean duct tape. It is for taping ducts not ducks,
No he isn't!I expect that from some here, but you're better than that, Dave.![]()
Some of you watch some fucking shit television.
Only good things on now (not imports) are Dr Who when it's on form and Peep Show when it comes back.
Rest is all about the US, Always Sunny, Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, hell even How I met your Mother is far better than most UK stuff.
The one show I do miss we did very well was Spooks, highly underrated, decent production values and some good plots.
Some of you watch some fucking shit television.
Only good things on now (not imports) are Dr Who when it's on form and Peep Show when it comes back.
Rest is all about the US, Always Sunny, Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, hell even How I met your Mother is far better than most UK stuff.
The one show I do miss we did very well was Spooks, highly underrated, decent production values and some good plots.
Gah, double post. IamMikeside, give Always Sunny another go!
I tried
Does it pick up after the first 5 or 6 episodes?
I really want more Curb Your Enthusiasm at this point.
Your GIF (which you edited out) reminds me I need to find out wtf is happening with Entourage... are they still doing a movie, or *fingers crossed* is there another season coming instead? I know they weren't going to renew at one point.
I just want more Ari.