Need to sort out what's happening Friday. Might just meet up with Shorty and go drinking till you get here
ooo! a pre-meetup meetup. Fine by meWe should also just all head out on that Friday night the second Lirlond touches down in London.
Chain pizza lol I would rather eat grilled cardboard with a slab of American cheese on it.
Learn to find local gems folks. Life's to short to settle with anything but the best.
You should be ordering pizza from Kill the highstreet! Long live our website overlords!
kentpaul snorts pizza so the cheesy goodness goes directly into his brain
Lost my sense of humour rather spectacularly tonight, now feeling like a bit of a berk. Went out to a roller disco (quite cool, wife happy) but the rush to get out means I missed dinner. Everyone else eats at a sainsburys before I arrive but promise food in vauxhall. No food. I think we're finishing at one. Ok, I can make it till one. Oh no, we're not finishing till two.
Fuck this, temper lost. Low blood sugar + had enough = not playing any more.
Humph. I don't often get in a sulk, but when I do I fear I'm not pleasant to be around.
Oh and now we'rr listening to Magic fm in the taxi and I could quite happily thump something.
Ugh, it's so annoying when you're in that situation and the group of people you're with seem hell-bent on being totally inflexible.
And there's absolutely NO excuse for Magic FM. You shouldn't have to go through that.
I know! When you're a music elitist, Magic FM is the last thing you need when you're in a sulk.
Thank god for drop7.
Still, £80 for a taxi back from London was a good deal.
Did you get fed in the end?
Are you going to have to suffer the morning after experience where you feel sheepish but don't really want to confront the loss of temper?
I hate those moments. Still trying to find a dignified get-out of those situations.
Just had a bag of Nik Naks, that'll tide me over till the subway run tomorrow morning
I think I should be OK tomorrow, I was just quiet so didn't super piss anyone off. Apologised to my wife already, she's cool. She's just happy I skated at the roller disco. Which I did, and it was really difficult. But kinda fun. So it's a net win.
Well, you always gotta solo the campaign first time around for the immersion or whatever. Always some asshole who skips cutscenes.That's weird, I was playing ODST last night. Then I remembered that the best way to play Halo is with friends and I felt sad.
Guys I'm actually really nervous about this London shoot. It feels like the first day of a job all over again, only the job has a lot of responsibility and pressure, more than I've ever really had in my life. I know I'm capable and will probably come out on top and I am excited, but my stomach just doesn't agree.
How do you guys keep your butterflies out of the basket?
Dads universally love the Dredd comics.CHEEZMO™;41912876 said:I'm gonna go watch it tonightwith my dad.
Final prop made: a restaurant menu. Hid a couple of jokes in it that people with HD channels might be able to catch.
To London I go!
Go enjoy it. I wish I could still go watch movies with my dad.CHEEZMO;41912876 said:I'm gonna go watch it tonightwith my dad.
via PM, sure. I probably already say too much on here!Good work, man, will you let us know when the finished product is on TV?
Well I'm certainly paying for that weekend, I am fucking shattered. Totally worth it though. Hope everyone else had a good one.
Oh and I think I've temporarily sorted the boring salad dilemma, bought some sweet chilli sauce.
Well I'm certainly paying for that weekend, I am fucking shattered. Totally worth it though. Hope everyone else had a good one.
Oh and I think I've temporarily sorted the boring salad dilemma, bought some sweet chilli sauce.
Yeah I know that feeling, I could do with a week off to get over the weekend! Turns out roller skating uses muscles that I technically don't even have. Oww.
Totally understandable. You chose the right way to deal with it too, moody silence beats raging every time.Lost my sense of humour rather spectacularly tonight, now feeling like a bit of a berk. Went out to a roller disco (quite cool, wife happy) but the rush to get out means I missed dinner. Everyone else eats at a sainsburys before I arrive but promise food in vauxhall. No food. I think we're finishing at one. Ok, I can make it till one. Oh no, we're not finishing till two.
Fuck this, temper lost. Low blood sugar + had enough = not playing any more.
Humph. I don't often get in a sulk, but when I do I fear I'm not pleasant to be around.
Oh and now we'rr listening to Magic fm in the taxi and I could quite happily thump something.
I get the same thing every time I go snowboarding.
Trying to picture you on roller skates.... that image will keep me giggling all morning!
Morning chaps and chapess. Glad to hear y'all had good weekends. I rode far too far and now my thighs feel like Lisa Riley has been dancing on them
Still not smoking. Closing on 3 weeks with no cigs and no weed, woohoo!
Totally understandable. You chose the right way to deal with it too, moody silence beats raging every time.
Just say no. I'm glad i only smoke when I'm drunk. I don't think its addictive at all when sober, Its all down to habit i suppose.
It appears dave has broken the habit but i expect him to spark up once or twice down the line when he is drunk. He will wake up the next morning regretting it of course.
Smoking occasionally is probably worse for you as you don't build up a tolerance to the chemicals.
kentpaul spams his brains cells with mkat, coke and weed every day though so it balances out pretty well.