Jedeye Sniv
Guys play some pink floyd and reword your poor fucking ears![]()
Listened to Wish You Were Here for the first time yesterday. Was OK.
Guys play some pink floyd and reword your poor fucking ears![]()
This Thread was talking about Kanye when I left for work.
What the hell happened.
the bromanceJaydes beard and mikes back hair will create enough static during the centipede to make sparks fly.
The romance.
the real question is who will be giving and receiving. i can imagine musha putting on a strap on and doing jeyde in the arse.
I've seen things done with a vagina I never knew possible.
Page 336 might be my favourite page of this thread since the day BGBW made us all Jeremy avatars. And this might be my favourite post of my favourite page:
Did it involve Reggae Reggae Sauce?
336? Wtf? Are you on 50pp?
Signed by you?I have a signed bottle of Reggae Reggae Sauce.
I have a signed bottle of Reggae Reggae Sauce.
dumbbells.Did it involve Reggae Reggae Sauce?
This Thread was talking about Kanye when I left for work.
What the hell happened.
Listened to Wish You Were Here for the first time yesterday. Was OK.
Well now I need to hear more.
Page 336 might be my favourite page of this thread since the day BGBW made us all Jeremy avatars. And this might be my favosurite post of my favourite page:
I love reading the subtle insults passed between Chinner and Kentpaul throughout this whole thread. Kinda reminds me of two kids in primary school who always try to one up each other. Wish they'd come to the meetup on Saturday and just have a rap battle in the middle of a quiet old man's pub.
I love reading the subtle insults passed between Chinner and Kentpaul throughout this whole thread. Kinda reminds me of two kids in primary school who always try to one up each other. Wish they'd come to the meetup on Saturday and just have a rap battle in the middle of a quiet old man's pub.
Are any of you fine chaps going to be getting XCOM, Torchlight 2 or Borderlands 2?
Wouldn't mind some UK GAF co-op goodness.
Jedeye, if you like retro games of any variety, you should probably check out new XCOM. Looks so good. (.gif)
Yeah, XCOM looks very much up my alley. Is it a full price 360 game? I feel a little bit eeeeeehhh paying that much for a strategy game, iOS has spoiled me like that.
I also think I might be the only person in the world who doesn't like Borderlands, the first one bored the hell out of me.
If only XCOM was on iPad...![]()
Guys play some pink floyd and reword your poor fucking ears![]()
I love reading the subtle insults passed between Chinner and Kentpaul throughout this whole thread. Kinda reminds me of two kids in primary school who always try to one up each other. Wish they'd come to the meetup on Saturday and just have a rap battle in the middle of a quiet old man's pub.
Is the 'd here short for had or would? Surely I didn't completely miss the post-meetup discussion in here?
Do you have a capable PC at all? That's what I'll be playing on.
If not, let's buy you a PC. You're paying.
Is the 'd here short for had or would? Surely I didn't completely miss the post-meetup discussion in here?
EDIT: Guessing by the rest of the sentence that it hasn't happened yet. Kentpaul, I will pay for a return ticket from your choice of Scottish city if you promise to attend.
My PC can barely run windows and sounds like a jet taking off. But it does the trick, I only really use it for internet (when not on the sofa) and updating my phone. I haven't even used my xbox for gaming in about 3 months either. This gen has come to a spluttering stop for me
I do need a new PC though, mine sounds like a jet taking off and weighs about 20 kilos. Got it second hand from ebay for £100 about 4 years ago. Pretty good deal, all things considered.
I'm pretty sure that's gonna be pure gold.
When's the meetup again?
Saturday. And it's going to be awesome.
I want somebody to liveblog it so I can follow on my phone.
Managed to melt my razor over night, leaving it on the light over my sink. God damn it I have no common sense.
This is what I get for going to Camel (Cindres knows what I mean).
Are any of you fine chaps going to be getting XCOM, Torchlight 2 or Borderlands 2?
Wouldn't mind some UK GAF co-op goodness.
Jedeye, if you like retro games of any variety, you should probably check out new XCOM. Looks so good. (.gif)
omg yes. Someone needs to set up a stream! Someone also needs to film some stuff and upload it if i'm not there in my capacity as documentarian.
Actually, that's not a bad idea for a future gafmeet - a house party with a webcam in the corner - those that can't make it can hang out and watch the orgy/party.
Camel improved. At least on Friday and Saturday anyway...
It couldn't really get much worse, I maintain it's a better option than Tokyo these days.
Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 are both quite tempting to me. Built my new PC last weekend.
Though I'll be playing mostly Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2 when I get the internet installed on Saturday.
Let me know when you're building/buying a new PC/laptop - I can give you a hand.
Would you also consider lending me your expertise? My laptop is on its last legs and I think I'll be wanting to replace it in the next few months. I've tried configuring my own on and it comes out to about £700, though I've no idea what I require in terms of RAM or graphics cards or any of that mumbo jumbo. I feel like an old man. With a concussion. In a coma. The only thing I do know is I want a blu-ray drive.
There's gotta be a live camera in London, like the one NYC-GAF found in Times Square.
omg yes. Someone needs to set up a stream! Someone also needs to film some stuff and upload it if i'm not there in my capacity as documentarian.
Actually, that's not a bad idea for a future gafmeet - a house party with a webcam in the corner - those that can't make it can hang out and watch the orgy/party.
I have the uneasy feeling it would be referred to as evidence after not too long.
I'm playing GW2 also - you'll have to hit me up. I'm a complete newb and have no idea what I'm doing at MMOs, so if you're a bit more au fait with the whole MMO-thing then that would be hugely helpful if you're up for it.
Camel improved. At least on Friday and Saturday anyway...
It couldn't really get much worse, I maintain it's a better option than Tokyo these days.