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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I really liked Scott Pilgrim and Kick-Ass - am I part of the problem?

I loved Kick-Ass but Scott Pilgrim... The whole thing to me just felt massively rushed, like they didn't have time to add more stuff and so it all just happened in a flash. Also found the ridiculousness of it and the crappy songs played by the band made it real hard for me to take it seriously.

Some guy just came round handing out bars of chocolate Montezuma's Fruit & Nut, god knows where they got it but I ain't complaining. The benefits of working in the Union during freshers' week.

Jedeye Sniv

Who? Is she one of the boss fights?

She's Ramona Flowers yo! But Roxy's legs were nice too, certainly.

I think my emotional connection to Scott Pilgrim outstrips any critical view I could make of the film. Because all I saw were hot girls, amazing fights, a brilliant soundtrack and Edgar Wright owning the shit out of that frame every second.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Absolutely. My Scott Pilgrim screening was full of 'core gamers' thinking everything on screen was best-thing-ever. Good idea, but still a bad film. Don't know how it compares to the comics though, but I imagine its tone is pretty faithful. The game is great though.

Kick-Ass was remade as a much better film called Super.

Scott Pilgrim the film is about 23% of the books. It misses out a LOT. Like:

NO! The film ending doesn't make any sense!!!
By blaming a space squid, they're blaming an outside force - it makes sense to do that if you want to bring the world together. Blaming Dr. Manhattan is blaming what would be seen by the rest of the world as a creation of America. Do you really think that would bring everyone together? I would've thought it'd start a war.

In the film version
I got the impression that there was a lot of focus on how Dr Manhattan was becoming ever more removed and distant to the toils of humanity, focusing more on his questions and philosophy about the universe, spending time on Mars, etc. Adding in the framing of his presence causing cancer in various people he had lived and worked with, Dr M was viewed more and more as not human, and something else entirely. Thus he wasn't 'American' any more, so the blaming of the explosion on him became an issue about protecting humanity as a whole, rather than an East/West split. Hence everyone joining together against a common enemy.

I'll have to read the comic before I can decide for good though.


Absolutely. My Scott Pilgrim screening was full of 'core gamers' thinking everything on screen was best-thing-ever. Good idea, but still a bad film. Don't know how it compares to the comics though, but I imagine its tone is pretty faithful. The game is great though.

Kick-Ass was remade as a much better film called Super.

I really wanted to like Super but it was fucking psychotic and I turned it off - which I've done with exactly 2 films in my life and the other was Snakes on a Plane.

I almost thought it was funny... I love Rainn and Ellen but something about the movie just wigged me out and I couldn't finish it.


The only film I ever turned off before the end was Napoleon Dynamite. I just didn't get it.

Took me about 3 viewings before I got it. Nacho Libre is similar in style, but a whole lot more accessible.

I really wanted to like Super but it was fucking psychotic and I turned it off - which I've done with exactly 2 films in my life and the other was Snakes on a Plane.

I almost thought it was funny... I love Rainn and Ellen but something about the movie just wigged me out and I couldn't finish it.

It is psychotic, he is psychotic. The ending is fantastic though and really hits the point home and gets pretty touching and reflective. Try to persevere with it if you get a chance, it's worth it. It also helps if you've seen a few Troma movies before, it has that kind of anarchic charm. I don't remember finding it all that funny, it's a really dark, dark comedy.

Jedeye Sniv


So... is he really saying "lol how do brown people afford iphones?" or is it just me? What a jeremy.

Also, stop subtly changing your avatar, it's freaky.


Hell yeah man! JGL and Rian Johnson again. Brick was good but Brothers Bloom was sublime, he's one of my new favourite directors now.

I'm unfamiliar with Rian Johnson's work but the trailer to Looper fascinated me. I'll be watching it that's for sure :) I might watch Dredd again this weekend too.

Comic book movies are a hit and miss with me. Sometimes I love them and sometimes I don't. I enjoyed the hell out of Iron Man 1 but Iron Man 2 put me off comic book movies for a while. Slowly getting back into it now.

Cheezmo, heard Lupe's new album? Not as consistently good as Life is Good but it's still worth a listen. I'm slowly liking it (apart from the few love/pop/r'n'b tracks in the middle).


Obsidian fan
Not listened to any music in a while because my earphones went and fucked themselves. Particularly annoying as Renard put out 3(!) new albums in the last few weeks.



Does Bruce Willis end up playing his high school prom, y/n

Sadly not.

It's dark, very clever and especially good if you don't go in spoiled. It's also one of the few time travel movies that cleverly does not try to explain too much about how it works (they even joke once or twice about how long that would take).


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Thor is legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen. It makes Batman and Robin look good.

I guess this is the OT forum's equivalent of "<Crappy PS360 game> looks like a PS2 game!"

If this isn't extreme hyperbole, you really need to watch Batman & Robin again to remind yourself of how deep that rabbit hole went. Thor was arguably the weakest of all the Avengers movies, but still did a decent job.


I guess this is the OT forum's equivalent of "<Crappy PS360 game> looks like a PS2 game!"

If this isn't extreme hyperbole, you really need to watch Batman & Robin again to remind yourself of how deep that rabbit hole went. Thor was arguably the weakest of all the Avengers movies, but still did a decent job.
I watched all four original Batman films recently.

Thor is just that bad.

B&R was trying for neon cheese. Thor didn't have an excuse.

CHEEZMO&#8482;;42530022 said:
More like
B: MOTP > BB > B > BOTF> ROTJ > TDKR >> TDK >>> BR > BF >>>>>>>>>> B&R > Thor
I refuse to believe any part of B&R came about due to the vision of the creators. It's not failed cheese, it's just a failure.

I'm sorry, but I just can't take a series of films about a man who fights crime while dressed as a bat seriously.

You people who didn't have that concept battered into the "That's perfectly normal" centre of your brain from birth fascinate me. How do you find that ridiculous after 80+ years of Batman being a tentpole of pop culture? I mean, it is daft but you really have to step back to see that, in the moment it's easy to brush off.
I would prefer fellow agnostics like Neil Degrasse Tyson, militant atheists can be a real bore. I have no issue with people having faith, just don't try and force it on others. More of an issue in the US than here though.

No such thing as a militant Atheist in my opinion. There can be militant anti-theists though, which is what Dawkins is. His atheistic side is not militant.


That, my friend is what we call splitting hairs. Atheist or antitheist, they're all insufferable.
What do you call "militant", though?

I don't get the complaints about Dawkins. He expresses his point of view no more than the average religious person, getting shirty only when religious crap tries to get forced into schools.

What a fucking shitty fucking stupid day.

I wake up in a bad mood, pissed off at stupid shit I shouldn't be, work stresses me out all day, now my pc speakers are fucked for no reason and the bloke has ruined dinner (note I was cooking not him yet he still fucked it up).

I could seriously fucking hurt someone right now.

Jedeye Sniv

Hurt the bloke, he'll forgive you and you'll feel better.

Or (and I probably shouldn't be saying this) but I find when I or my missus are annoyed unreasonably it probably means we're just gagging for it and haven't realised it yet. So as well as being a typical Jedeye over-share, my advice is that sex is often the best cure for a bad mood.
That, my friend is what we call splitting hairs. Atheist or antitheist, they're all insufferable.

Two very different things. This is why people need to be educated more on these issues. Ever taught about Atheism in school and the reasons why people are Atheists? Nope? Thought not.
Taught about Hinduism/Christianity/Islam etc? Yep. Taught to respect peoples superstitions? Yep.

This is coming from a signed up member of the church of the flying spaghetti monster. I'm a Pastafarian.

Respect my superstitious beliefs man.

I've been touched by its noodly appendage.

I'm only joking, but I do find religion hilarious.
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