You know what gets me about religion, It's that it's judgemental. Person A who follows religion B will always get scrutinized by his/her religious peers based on their actions.
"Oh! you support abortions? You're gay? You don't agree with [insert messiah/prophet here]'s point of view? you can't do that! It's blasphemous!" hmm, weird. I always thought it was God that judges a person at the end of the day. Does that mean religious people are higher than Go-? oh snap, I'm treading on thin ice here.
I don't hate religion. I actually find it interesting and would love to learn and take part in different religious practises around the world. I just seem to have this habit of putting reason over belief. A number of family members/friends are religious (I say religious but they use it more as an identity then anything else. They got a job, swear a lot, crack dirty jokes and have a laugh. They aren't hardcore at it) and they are the most honest, nicest people I know who have helped me a lot during my child/young adulthood. While I don't mind discussing religious topics with someone in real life, I rarely ever talk about it online. Just feels like it goes nowhere and they (or sometimes I) get worked up for nothing. It's not worth the hassle really.
At the end of the day, a religious person who supports noble causes (even if it contradicts their belief) is a far better person than a religious person who talks hate shit and kills/murder. That's how I see it anyway.
anywhooo, I hate driving through morning rush hour. With crazy drivers, cyclists and pedestrians (runners) out and about, I always feel like an accident is going to happen one of these days. I was unpacking my PC and 360 last night and discovered that I forgot to pack my 360 power pack and cable so I won't be able to play Resident Evil 6 when it's out next week

I'll have to wait until I go back to my parent's house in the middle of October.