Jill Sandwich
the turds of Optimus Prime
Only if they were plain chocolate digestives.
Only if they were milk chocolate digestives.
Fixed, but yes.
Nah man plain all the way.
yes in kentpauls place hes got the mkat and weed sorted
55, shopkeeper, married 27 years, 3 kids, one banjo, one sax, ex corporate hatchet man but I calmed down a lot.
Plus, what is it with Anchor butter? I'm sure it used to open at the ends but it unwraps from the sides now.
and I'm currently watching "Above the Rim" while munching on oreos.
UK-GAF has gone all americanised. It was bound to happen anyway.
I dunno, sounds pretty Scottish to me.I had a curry - nothing more British than that!
I dunno, sounds pretty Scottish to me.
I dunno, sounds pretty Scottish to me.
Only if they're winning at tennis.Unfortunately for the rest of us, Scottish they may be, but they're still British.
I'm sure somebody will make deep fried butter chicken soon enough...I dunno, sounds pretty Scottish to me.
can we stop talking about the scottish please? its pretty much undisputed fact that all scots are either heroin or crack addicts who have a shit taste in phones and videogames so can we talk about something else?
can we stop talking about the scottish please? its undisputed fact that all scots are either heroin or crack addicts who have a shit taste in phones and videogames so can we talk about something else?
by the way i write all of my own material so if anyone wants to hire me as a writer you can contact me me here
What do you want us to talk about? The Welsh?!
more like
Hang on the scots have produced loads of great stuff....
Kevin Bridges, Twin Atlantic......err...ummm.
The Welsh it is ;-)
Only the Welsh are allowed to slag off Wales you know. Bit like gingers.
Of which I am both.
You don't play Warhammer because it requires somebody to be willing to play WITH you.
Chinner is such a loner-nerd, you guys.
You don't even know.
reinactment of me reading your post:
no offensive but even if i was a gay octopus furry i could probably do better than you.
You don't play Warhammer because it requires somebody to be willing to play WITH you.
Chinner is such a loner-nerd, you guys.
You don't even know.
I'm half Welsh.
Am I allowed to say that Wales is shit?
I mean, it's not as shit as anything north of Birmingham or south of Southampton...
That depends on how exactly you class yourself as being half Welsh, and if you've ever lived there
can we stop talking about the scottish please? its undisputed fact that all scots are either heroin or crack addicts who have a shit taste in phones and videogames
This is the first I've heard of any such law, and I am the law.Careful.
Only the Welsh are allowed to slag off Wales you know. Bit like gingers.
Of which I am both.