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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I am 29. Married, mortgage, good job. Music nerd. Comics nerd. Games nerd. THC over alcohol. Boxers.

There, now you know me :)

EDIT: actually that was kinda fun. Anyone else feel like sharing who they are in tiny sentences?

This does sound fun.

21, Single, one of them fucking Students, Music nerd, gaming nerd, computer nerd, sports fan, drummer/guitarist and I was the singer of my band in College!

It's like a sickness.

All I wanna do now is buy shit, just... so much shit.


This does sound fun.

21, Single, one of them fucking Students, Music nerd, gaming nerd, computer nerd, sports fan, drummer/guitarist and I was the singer of my band in College!

All I wanna do now is buy shit, just... so much shit.

I like the cut of your jib, good sir.
You probably mentioned it back when we were doing our top lists, but what music are you into?


Yeah bro, selfpics if you got em too :D


Jedeye Sniv

That would be awesome - I'll hit you up on Facebook for more info on this at some point, thanks :)

I did a Music Tech course in college - at the time I was 100% going to get into studio production. I was pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. My plan was to look towards opening an indie studio for local musicians, so I did a lot of recording (unofficially) at the college, but I got so sick of all the bullshit from the local bands who felt entitled to this and that - really killed any interest at the time, which is a shame.

Ah that's a shame to hear. Musicians can certainly be dicks that's for sure. I sometimes think production would be a fun avenue to go down but then I know that I've not got the brain for it. I'm very much a 'good enough' music person, but some people are so picky about sound, it drives me mad. You've got to be so incredibly on the ball to pull that job off. And you have to work with dicks a lot of the time too :p

I'm constantly thinking about putting together a portable studio solution though. All you'd really need is a laptop, a decent soundcard and some good mics and you're away. Technology has changed how music works immensely in the past decade, it's crazy.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I like the cut of your jib, good sir.
You probably mentioned it back when we were doing our top lists, but what music are you into?

I'm a pop punk/rock kinda guy mostly. All from the Skatepark days, oh yeah I should add skater to the list of hobbies. But my top 5 before went:

Fall out boy
Blink 182
The Smiths
Justin Timberlake

Though I'd probably swap on JT for something like Weezer or Chili Peppers or something.

It's probably better you want to spend it at Primark, I just dropped £300 in 5 minutes of a new graphics card and fixing my Playstation :(

Just bought a new PC for my birthday this month, but I want more games...


I'm a pop punk/rock kinda guy mostly. All from the Skatepark days, oh yeah I should add skater to the list of hobbies. But my top 5 before went:

Fall out boy
Blink 182
The Smiths
Justin Timberlake

Though I'd probably swap on JT for something like Weezer or Chili Peppers or something.

Just bought a new PC for my birthday this month, but I want more games...

Nice - If you DID swap JT for Weezer then we'd be 4/5 compatible so I'm going to pretend you did :p

I had to take my OH's sister's kids to the skatepark a while ago, they were expecting me to teach them. Trés embarrasing. I had to go up to all the skater kids "excuse me... um... how do you do that? please teach my sort-of-nephew, here"

Do you have Steam yet? Add me up, buttercup - I'm 'IamMikeside' on there too. I think my avatar is a bear still.

Ah that's a shame to hear. Musicians can certainly be dicks that's for sure. I sometimes think production would be a fun avenue to go down but then I know that I've not got the brain for it. I'm very much a 'good enough' music person, but some people are so picky about sound, it drives me mad. You've got to be so incredibly on the ball to pull that job off. And you have to work with dicks a lot of the time too :p

I'm constantly thinking about putting together a portable studio solution though. All you'd really need is a laptop, a decent soundcard and some good mics and you're away. Technology has changed how music works immensely in the past decade, it's crazy.

I did everything on my laptop if I couldn't book studio time. I had a portable mixing desk, external sound card, set of drum mics, an SM57 and a DI box that I used to carry around with me in this huge messenger bag.

Good times. We recorded this really great version of Come Together over the course of about 9 months where we just had random people who were recording other things add little bits to it. I'll try to find it for you guys, it had everything - xylophone, guitars, mandolin, castanets, double bass, electric bass...

Yeah, I've really gotta find that shit.
I am 29. Married, mortgage, good job. Music nerd. Comics nerd. Games nerd. THC over alcohol. Boxers.

There, now you know me :)

EDIT: actually that was kinda fun. Anyone else feel like sharing who they are in tiny sentences?

25. Student. Long-term relationship. Part-time job. Musician. Gaming nerd. Pseudo-fitness freak but going into body-building soon. Briefs.

I feel like someone may steal my identity now.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Nice - If you DID swap JT for Weezer then we'd be 4/5 compatible so I'm going to pretend you did :p

I had to take my OH's sister's kids to the skatepark a while ago, they were expecting me to teach them. Trés embarrasing. I had to go up to all the skater kids "excuse me... um... how do you do that? please teach my sort-of-nephew, here"

Do you have Steam yet? Add me up, buttercup - I'm 'IamMikeside' on there too. I think my avatar is a bear still.

Steam user since 2006. my id is 'cindres' but I'll show up as "Adam Bogdan" at the moment.

Display name changes quite regularly on steam...


So I booked a table at this restaurant i for the office's Xmas party this year. Sent out the invite by email to everyone and, about 5 minutes later, overheard a conversation that went along the lines of this:

Person A: "oh my goodness! Did you get the invite for the Xmas party?"
Person B: "Oh yeah, isn't that the same location as XXXX's leaving party last year?"
Person A: "Yeah, the same place I was going to beat the shit out of that waiter"
Person C: "PERSON A!!"
Person B: "You did have a few to many glasses of wine that night"

lmao! At least I don't have to worry about sorting out that night's entertainment.

Also, manager doesn't seem too chuffed that I invited a person that shouldn't have been invited....even though they were at the Xmas event last year.
"I assumed she was suppose to be invi-"
"Nope. Never assume. It's done now. I'll speak to her"

Sigh, office politics BS. Hate it so much! Lesson learned I suppose.
30, 6 year relationship, good job in accounts, hot, music geek, sci-fi geek, comic geek, vocalist, snowboarder, mountain biker, mother of UK Gaf.

It's hard limiting yourself to a short sentence, I feel there's so much more to me than that. But there ya go.

Jedeye Sniv

30, 6 year relationship, good job in accounts, hot, music geek, sci-fi geek, comic geek, vocalist, snowboarder, mountain biker, mother of UK Gaf.

It's hard limiting yourself to a short sentence, I feel there's so much more to me than that. But there ya go.

You're never 30! You've just blown my mind. I like how you include hot in there too, self confidence is awesome :D

20, newish relationship, student, scout, manga geek, book geek, pc geek. Man I thought I'd have more.

You're never 20!

What the fuck people? If I had to have guessed, I would totally have swapped your ages around (based on my message board perceptions).

I like that you were/are a scout Lirlond - what was the bestest badge you ever earned?


25, full-time desk jockey, single, bassist, traveller, coffee drinker, music fanatic, video game geek, sports spectator, US TV and film addict, casual comic/graphic novel reader, hesitant anime/manga observer, boxers.



27, long term relationship, network security engineer, health & fitness nut, world explorer, foodie, 2 steps from being an alcoholic (probably 1...), American.


Yep in London, 3 years now.

How do you find the country?

I find it quite fascinating for some reason, Americans living over here. I worked with a bloke from Chicago for a few years, he picked up a bit of Yorkshire dialect over the years and it sounded so weird.

It's probably that i just can't comprehend why someone from Chicago would want to come live here :p


Do you not miss the glorious Walmart? The free refills wherever you go? How cheap everything is compared to here? I can't imagine what the UK has that the US doesn't...

Social saftey net, free healthcare, less violence, no tent city's just off the top of my head.

Grass is always greener, I got that sort of thing when I cam back from a year in Sydney, Brits never think we have anything good but then you travel...


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Oh yes, Tesco near me started selling Honey Jack Daniel's. Can't wait to crack into this.


You're never 20!

What the fuck people? If I had to have guessed, I would totally have swapped your ages around (based on my message board perceptions).

I like that you were/are a scout Lirlond - what was the bestest badge you ever earned?

I'm almost 21, but yeah, 20.

I'm pretty close to getting my Queen Scout, which is the highest achievement in UK Scouting iirc. Just got my Wood badge which is basically proof that I've finished all the training. I'm currently a leader for the Cubs, who are the 8-10 year old section.
I shall be attending future ones. Previous ones have always been when I've been busy. I'm a bit of a workaholic. Wrote a novel in the same year I did my teacher training. I'm a prat.

Is there another one planned?

Yeah we're trying to sort one out for either 24th Nov, 1st Dec or 8th Dec. So far 1st is looking most popular.


Bit of a youngling here.

17, Student (applying for Uni), part time shop slave (assistant), Sports fan (Bradford till I die), love all comedy, Magners fan.

Also, Enjoy Eurogamer guys!
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