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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Maturity, bitches.
My tip for life: Never experiment with a opened bottle of Jack Daniels you found in the drinks cabinet. This has got to be the most foul thing I have ever drunk in my life.


I'm home from Day 1 of Eurogamer!

Exciting stuff. Can't wait to go back.
I spent most of today with Spookie - I know radioheadrules and Spookie are around tomorrow. Anyone else?
If you can get through 4 seasons, even short seasons, of anything in a mont then you very much need to reassess your life.

Nonsense. It adds up to about two episodes a day, which as an average (some days more, some days less) is not unreasonable at all.

EDIT: God, so many metal fans in this thread...


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
My tip for life: Never experiment with a opened bottle of Jack Daniels you found in the drinks cabinet. This has got to be the most foul thing I have ever drunk in my life.

Mix that shit with cola and ice son


Okay, Scotland, I'll give you this:
Your porridge oats are the best porridge oats.

But I want you to know that I used cinnamon rather than salt, so fuck you.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Okay, Scotland, I'll give you this:
Your porridge oats are the best porridge oats.

But I want you to know that I used cinnamon rather than salt, so fuck you.

Cinnamon instead of salt?! Go back tae eatin' Ready Brek ye sassenach.

I'm actually fine with this, considering I add cinnamon to my tea and all.
Happy Friday campers!

Weekend plans?

I'm off to do some karaoke tonight followed by watching a couple of bands. Tomorrow is Eurogamer followed by an epic dinner at Jimmy's World Grill followed by Dredd 3D. Sunday is relaxing day, depending on weather may go for epic bike ride in Epping Forest.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
What's the story behind your tag, creep?

Well Suairyu, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they hold each other in a special way...

I accidentally ventured into a tag-fishing thread in late 2009/early 2010 and walked away with it.

Happy Friday campers!

Weekend plans?

I'm off to do some karaoke tonight followed by watching a couple of bands. Tomorrow is Eurogamer followed by an epic dinner at Jimmy's World Grill followed by Dredd 3D. Sunday is relaxing day, depending on weather may go for epic bike ride in Epping Forest.

My girlfriend will be in Osaka from Saturday-Tuesday so I'll have the flat to myself... to finish a web design project :/

That and I'm abstaining from alcohol because I need to have a bunch of checkups done in hospital on Monday. My next beer will hopefully be next Friday when this web design project is finished.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Ergh, my tip: Don't drink 5/7 of a bottle of 700ml JD before going out.


EDIT: OOO Weekend plans.
Well tonight we're heading out into Newcastle again, think we're gonna get on the Bucky.
Tomorrow night we may just be getting high and watching a movie.


Fuckin' right.

Can we just have one big UK-GAF Camp area? I may have a hard time convincing many a person to go

A GAF Camp area would be sweet. We'll need a neogaf flag planted next to the tents though. The logo on one side and Evilore's face on the other. I wouldn't worry about it if you weren't able to convince anyone to go with you. We'll all be there so you'll have folk to hang out with.

All anime fans are alcoholics.

Hey! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to watch it sober? :p ...I don't either but I wish I had fucking ketamine to help me recover after watching Street Fighter: The Ties that Bind.

Happy Friday campers!
Weekend plans?

Sweet F.A! Which I'm ok with because I've been out and about the last 2/3 weekends and I could do with a weekend of sitting around in my living room staring blankly at the TV. Mr Virgin Media is hooking up my internet this afternoon and I - thankfully - brought up all my PC cables so I might hop onto Steam for the first time in 500 days. Feel free to add me guys: Shorty_symd or Shortysymd Angelo1975

EDIT: I was just invited to head to Dundee to watch Dredd 3D and meet the creators but I had to pass since I have to be there by 6pm. Virgin Media said they'll be sending their engineers between 1pm and 6pm :/ If only they gave me a fixed time. if only!!

Currently at a starbucks stealing their internets. Last night I re-watched, possibly, the best espionage thriller movie of all time people. OF ALL TIME! Spy Game. I'm still blown away at how tense and perfectly paced it was. Does anyone know any films that are similar? I can only think of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy which I'll be watching tonight.

Jedeye Sniv

Happy Friday campers!

Weekend plans?

I'm off to do some karaoke tonight followed by watching a couple of bands. Tomorrow is Eurogamer followed by an epic dinner at Jimmy's World Grill followed by Dredd 3D. Sunday is relaxing day, depending on weather may go for epic bike ride in Epping Forest.

Giiiiiiig! And meeting Mike properly :D

I've spent the past two days at work not really working but making a zine to give out at the show. Here's the cover (quoted for insane size):



Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
A GAF Camp area would be sweet. We'll need a neogaf flag planted next to the tents though. The logo on one side and Evilore's face on the other. I wouldn't worry about it if you weren't able to convince anyone to go with you. We'll all be there so you'll have folk to hang out with. .

Just realised, June 12-14, that'll be cutting it REAL close to exams. This past June my last exam was the 7th, could run on later if they want.

However, I shouldn't have as many exams this time, a lot of my modules are pure coursework with them being like AI for Games and Graphics and Computer Games Development and stuff.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
The weather in Taipei is getting noticeably colder now. I just had my first hot shower since April. 20-25c for the next couple of days apparently - doesn't help there's a typhoon here as well.


Dredd 3D soundtrack composed by Paul Leonard-Morgan...a Scot!

Speaking of Scot, we had a VIP from the US in the office yesterday and he decided that he wanted a Glaswegian dish for lunch at the cafeteria so he was given a pie, baked beans and chips (no idea who recommended him that) in one of those polystyrene takeaway cases (He was late for a meeting so he wanted it to-go). After receiving it from the chef, he closes the case and heads to the cashier. Dinnerlady looks at the closed polystyrene case then looked back at him with a blank face and said "Oi! Ya hink I'm wearin' x-ray specs or sumthin?" awkward laughs followed with someone commenting "oh, that's just Glasgow humour sir!" I couldn't stop smirking.

The weather in Taipei is getting noticeably colder now. I just had my first hot shower since April. 20-25c for the next couple of days apparently - doesn't help there's a typhoon here as well.

Damn! sounds nuts. You heading back to the UK anytime soon?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Damn! sounds nuts. You heading back to the UK anytime soon?

I intended to come back for December (my birthday, Christmas, New Year and the expected birth of a nephew all in one month) but getting a pulmonary embolism in May derailed that train.

I aim to return to the UK next December instead. I miss my mum cooking proper Christmas dinner.

And this typhoon isn't as severe as the last few. Just a lot of rain and the odd gale force wind. When I was coming back from Hong Kong in July the plane flew through a typhoon from takeoff all the way to landing in Taipei. To say that was the longest 2 hours of my life is quite the understatement.
I intended to come back for December (my birthday, Christmas, New Year and the expected birth of a nephew all in one month) but getting a pulmonary embolism in May derailed that train.

I aim to return to the UK next December instead. I miss my mum cooking proper Christmas dinner.

And this typhoon isn't as severe as the last few. Just a lot of rain and the odd gale force wind. When I was coming back from Hong Kong in July the plane flew through a typhoon from takeoff all the way to landing in Taipei. To say that was the longest 2 hours of my life is quite the understatement.

Guessing with everything that happened flying isn't well recommended for the time being? Feeling alright otherwise?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Guessing with everything that happened flying isn't well recommended for the time being? Feeling alright otherwise?

I can fly short distances (2-3 hours max) and I'm that heavily medicated that technically I could risk flying back to the UK. But I've not got enough money to spare for a return ticket, and I don't want to risk complications and getting stuck in a hospital ward in the UK. My life is in East Asia now.

I've been on medication for 6 months now and go to the hospital on Monday for more bloodwork and to get a chest x-ray to see how the clot is doing. The doctor wants me to be medicated for life, but unless he can prove that it's a genetic reason for this occurring and not just a "shit happens" then I'll have to refuse. Warfarin sucks the fun out of life.


I can fly short distances (2-3 hours max) and I'm that heavily medicated that technically I could risk flying back to the UK. But I've not got enough money to spare for a return ticket, and I don't want to risk complications and getting stuck in a hospital ward in the UK. My life is in East Asia now.

I've been on medication for 6 months now and go to the hospital on Monday for more bloodwork and to get a chest x-ray to see how the clot is doing. The doctor wants me to be medicated for life, but unless he can prove that it's a genetic reason for this occurring and not just a "shit happens" then I'll have to refuse. Warfarin sucks the fun out of life.

50% chance I'm going to TW for Chinese New Year so I might meet you up in Taipei. Looking at around 8th/22nd Feb, but that obviously depends on other commitments and such.

Jedeye Sniv

Trying to experiment to find a spirit that I like. I wanted to try this JD Honey that you chaps have been talking about but my local shop didn't sell it. So instead I've gone for some Sailor Jerry's rum. I had it once and liked it. Let's do this!


Trying to experiment to find a spirit that I like. I wanted to try this JD Honey that you chaps have been talking about but my local shop didn't sell it. So instead I've gone for some Sailor Jerry's rum. I had it once and liked it. Let's do this!

I've never met anyone who dislikes spiced rum.

You've made the right choice.


I'm not one to often call bullshit on a ban, but this is bullshit. He was very clearly imitating a certain section of the population you see best expressed on things like Fox News and YouTube comments. Hope it's a short ban.

It wasn't contributing much the conversation but it wasn't exactly "shit posting" either.

Especially when Kettch went unbanned for much the same sort of comment:
Such a misleading thread title. I'm sure almost half of those deaths would be military-aged males, AKA militants.
I can fly short distances (2-3 hours max) and I'm that heavily medicated that technically I could risk flying back to the UK. But I've not got enough money to spare for a return ticket, and I don't want to risk complications and getting stuck in a hospital ward in the UK. My life is in East Asia now.

I've been on medication for 6 months now and go to the hospital on Monday for more bloodwork and to get a chest x-ray to see how the clot is doing. The doctor wants me to be medicated for life, but unless he can prove that it's a genetic reason for this occurring and not just a "shit happens" then I'll have to refuse. Warfarin sucks the fun out of life.

Makes sense, not worth the risk for what might happen so soon after.

IIRC six months is the typical duration on Warfarin? Either way I hope you can come off soon. Stuck on two beers a night is not a way to live, it's dull as fuck. I'll probably be on it for a while yet, with the caveat I can come off at my own risk.

I laughed a lot at Meadows post.

Jedeye Sniv

FREE MEADOWS! He only just came back dammit!

This may be oversharing a tad (this is what I do, if you've not cottoned on my now) but I just found this rather beguiling adult performer online. But you have to buy her... performances and it's like $85 for 9... performances which, even if I were to enjoy them immensely would probably still work out at $5 per enjoyment.

For a second, the idea of gathering some of my like minded friends to club together the money crossed my mind, but then I thought it would be really creepy.



FREE MEADOWS! He only just came back dammit!

This may be oversharing a tad (this is what I do, if you've not cottoned on my now) but I just found this rather beguiling adult performer online. But you have to buy her... performances and it's like $85 for 9... performances which, even if I were to enjoy them immensely would probably still work out at $5 per enjoyment.

For a second, the idea of gathering some of my like minded friends to club together the money crossed my mind, but then I thought it would be really creepy.


That's a very specific type of club, you're looking for there.
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