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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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October 26th.

Don't get it, man...

so i can either see the new anticipated james bond film that has some huge talent behind and so far looks brilliant.

or i can get a piece of shit game that involves shooting brown people/terrorists by the same derivative publisher who shits out the same shit out of an infected puckered up anus* every year

boy is this a hard decision....

*a metaphor for AAA gaming

Jedeye Sniv

Hardly ever check in on this side of the fence but looks a pretty entertaining thread..

Where do you live: London/Dalston in the week, Cardiff by w'end
Where are you from: Guildford, Surrey
Occupation: Record Label / Music Publishing Manager
University: Goldsmiths
Sports team of choice: McLaren (F1)
Current political party of choice: Pfff.. Green? Maybe?
Barm, batch, cob or bun: bread roll
Favourite (current) UK TV show: Not into TV - F1, otherwise BBC4 in general
Oasis or Blur: Oasis. Fuck Blur.

Welcome to the thread! There are a few of us from the Guildfordish area, and even more from London :)

And you work for a label, eh? What kinds of bands do you work with? My band are looking for someone to give us loads of money to make some albums :) if Foe got signed, anyone can!

Jedeye Sniv


(apologies in advance if the matter at hand is serious and this post comes across as insensitive)

Sick burn :p

Musha, you should spill your guts to us. Nobody knows you personally well enough for it to affect your personal life, it might make you feel better and... I'm nosy.
Sick burn :p

Musha, you should spill your guts to us. Nobody knows you personally well enough for it to affect your personal life, it might make you feel better and... I'm nosy.

Actually they do, I have friends in here from the real world.

Anyway I've been spilling my guts to J Tourettes, and he's been a great help. I wasn't trying to get attention with that post, more like send a message, but I'm not sure it got through.

Given time I'm sure I'll be fine.
Because doing both would involve buying a shitty game?

Myself, I'm not that fussed by Bond and I'm waiting for Halo as my next AAA purchase.

No offence, but singling out purchases as "AAA purchases" is kinda depressing. Unless that's your way of saying "I'm prepared to drop 40 squid on this straight away". But still! You shouldn't use marketing lingo, you're in a band fer Pete's sake :(

Jedeye Sniv

Actually they do, I have friends in here from the real world.

Anyway I've been spilling my guts to J Tourettes, and he's been a great help. I wasn't trying to get attention with that post, more like send a message, but I'm not sure it got through.

Given time I'm sure I'll be fine.

Don't sweat it. As I say, I'm just nosy and want to know the ins and outs of a cat's arsehole :) but if you need to vent, your GAF buddies will always be here to lend and ear and take the piss unnecessarily ;)

Jedeye Sniv

No offence, but singling out purchases as "AAA purchases" is kinda depressing. Unless that's your way of saying "I'm prepared to drop 40 squid on this straight away". But still! You shouldn't use marketing lingo, you're in a band fer Pete's sake :(

Pretty much this, although I think it says more about the games industry than anything else. I play a lot of games on iOS (and play them to completion more than most on GAF I'd say) but these games are often degrees of scale removed from the average console game. And the worst thing is, these games are often a lot more fun and satisfying than your average big box game, most of which bore me to tears lately.

I need another way to describe them maybe, but the only big boy games I'm looking forward to are Halo, Xcom and GTA5. I'm barely even aware of what else is out there.

But marketing lingo has its place. Parachute for Gordo is PUNK ROCK POST ROCK yo :p
I always liked the word "blockbuster". I know it's cribbed from the movie business but it just sounds way better. Plus I used to get games from Blockbusters all the time.

I dunno if I'd call XCOM "AAA" or "blockbuster" or whatever, that one seems kinda low-key. Maybe that's just me, mind. And yes, GTAV will hopefully deliver and then some.


Pretty much this, although I think it says more about the games industry than anything else. I play a lot of games on iOS (and play them to completion more than most on GAF I'd say) but these games are often degrees of scale removed from the average console game. And the worst thing is, these games are often a lot more fun and satisfying than your average big box game, most of which bore me to tears lately.

I need another way to describe them maybe, but the only big boy games I'm looking forward to are Halo, Xcom and GTA5. I'm barely even aware of what else is out there.

But marketing lingo has its place. Parachute for Gordo is PUNK ROCK POST ROCK yo :p

Please get a PC for XCOM, I want to beat you at it.


When this seasons Champions league started I never thought that Celtic & Arsenal would be top of their selected groups. Especially Celtic.


Well it doesn't sound like theft or burglary. Trespass maybe, but are you really going to sue them for it?

On the whole it sounds like a reasonable deal.

Yeah, you're right. Spoke to them on the phone and they stated that they needed the delivery guy to put the new fridge in the flat otherwise it would've went back to the warehouse and complicated things. Strangely, they admitted that what they did was illegal (which surprised me) and that they'd give me 24 hour notice in the future. I was like "nah, don't worry about. No harm done. At least I got a new fridge :)"

I'm currently watching the new Ninja Turtles cartoon instead of the football. Am I doing it right?


Oh god, I am getting bored of gaming.

Got Borderlands 2 last week, played it a fair amount and already getting bored. It's the same cycle every time: hype makes me want game, buy game, play for 10 hours ish, get bored.

The ones that do hold my attention I just feel I don't have time for (last one was BC2 MP). Worst part is, being 32 I feel I am "too old" for mainstream gaming now, I must play iOS only or something.

My gf watches TV and I sit gaming at my desk, don't feel we spend evening together half the time so then I feel guilty and consider going mobile only.


CHEEZMO™;42779260 said:
Some of my best multiplayer experiences ever were BC2. Such an amazing game in pretty much every way.

Yeah, last one I was "good at" as well, even mouse and keyboard is starting to feel uncomfortable.

Juicy Bob

I'm currently sat in the Nottingham Arena waiting for the third period of Panthers vs Cardiff to begin.

Ice hockey is seriously bloody amazing. Why did I never try it before now?


I'm currently sat in the Nottingham Arena waiting for the third period of Panthers vs Cardiff to begin.

Ice hockey is seriously bloody amazing. Why did I never try it before now?

I used to watch the London Knights, back when they were a team (arch-rivals were the Sheffield Steelers). Good times.

EDIT: Musha, check your PMs

Jedeye Sniv

Oh god, I am getting bored of gaming.

Got Borderlands 2 last week, played it a fair amount and already getting bored. It's the same cycle every time: hype makes me want game, buy game, play for 10 hours ish, get bored.

The ones that do hold my attention I just feel I don't have time for (last one was BC2 MP). Worst part is, being 32 I feel I am "too old" for mainstream gaming now, I must play iOS only or something.

My gf watches TV and I sit gaming at my desk, don't feel we spend evening together half the time so then I feel guilty and consider going mobile only.

You and me both buddy. This is kinda what I was alluding to earlier. I can't tell if it's me, or if it's just this point in the generation, but I'm getting a very been-there-seen-it feel from most games these days. Military shooters can go fuck themselves with a rusty pike, I've had enough of being shouted at constantly by AI and playing multiplayer with 12 year olds. Non Rockstar sandbox games feel brittle and empty RPGs have become "walk down the corridor, do what we say" kinds of games (seriously wtf bioware). Bethesda still haven't worked out how to tell a damn story or animate a face properly. Maturity = tits. Bulletstorm, the most fun game of this gen is almost completely overlooked and is hampered by its chunky Epic visual style.

I feel like an old man yelling at clouds.

Even iOS makes me mad with its thousands of bird themed games with three star systems. Thankfully there is plenty on the system to keep me not only engaged but almost overwhelmed with awesome, but none of that sells because people will wait for a sale on a game that costs three fucking quid.


Maybe this is my brain's way of telling me to grow up :p

I do the exact same as you too, wife on the telly, me at my desk. Thankfully the iPad is breaking me of that, and Netflix is replacing broadcast tv in the house as we sit down and only watch things that we want to. Books help too, people need to read more books.

I don't even know what my point is, other than I too feel this malaise recently about mainstream gaming and it makes me sad. But maybe I'm just pining for lost youth more than anything else.

I am a maudlin motherfucker tonight. It's this cold, it's making me cranky.

EDIT: oh that was my point! Borderlands is fucking boring, no wonder you don't like it lmao


Too much to play!
I'll be playing a lot of XCOM once it comes out so don't ever expect to beat me that fantastically again :p

We'll see. :p

CHEEZMO™;42775609 said:
Well I'm looking forward to it

Not sure about everyone else but I'm still considering Medal of Honor for the MP. I need some sort of CQC shooter this winter Far Cry 3 isn't going to be it (though the SP looks awesome) and Black Ops 2 and lowest common denominator gameplay doesn't appeal to me. On the PC it becomes who sees who first wins due to the lack of recoil.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh no you di'uhnt.

I love Borderlands :(

Why you gotta play like that.

But it's sooooooo dull and people ride its dick sooooooo hard. I skipped the second one because the first sucked so hard - totally boring story, shooting that feels like ass, pointless loot system (oh I need a new gun because this area how inexplicably tougher enemies for no story reason - how about you give me just ONE gun that is fun to shoot rather than a million that aren't?), dull missions. I felt genuinely cheated after about 3 hours and felt compelled to carry on thanks to the hype and it went nowhere.

Sorry buddy :(

EDIT: oh yeah, Far Cry 3, that actually does look interesting. I loved the second one despite how much they cocked up with it.


Yeah BL2 is great for a bit, then you realise you are just comparing arrows on yet another treadmill. It's also a PITA for anyone with a life with its save system, half way through quest and something comes up? Fuck you, start again!


Arc de Triomphe. Notre Dame. Louvre. Assemblee Nationale. And, at 11pm, Tour Eiffel, champagne at the top.

Tomorrow, Disneyland Paris and dat French Pocahontus.


All this shitting on Borderlands 2... I'm tempted to move to US just to get away from UK GAF, you guys.

Let's pretend you were all talking about Vanquish, OK?
I heard that they had a massive amount of them left and needed to dump them before the T came out. I think it's done now, and the T advertising campaign starts this weekend.

Makes sense. Orange were offering the S for £36pm, while literally 20 metres away Carphone Warehouse were offering the T on the same deal for £32pm. When I asked the guy in Orange if they had the T in stock, he tried to bluff me into thinking it didn't have a release date yet
Just been to a comedy night with the guy off the Plusnet adverts introducing the acts.

He picked on me! Very funny though.

Does he have a genuine Yorkshire accent? Sounds forced on the incredibly irritating advert. The most annoying song in the world, set to the most annoying instrument in the world (after the banjo and the ukelele)
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