Oh cool, at least I have more to come yet. Only 2 eps in so far, trying to pace it since I've been shotgunning shows like crazy recently. I want something left for later too
But Community is postponed?? WTF? I need Alison Brie back in my life, and not mousy 60s MadMen Alison. I want perky Annie...
I know, I need my Troy & Abed fix

I have a terrible habit of shotgunning shows too. It drives Suz crazy because she either misses a bunch of episodes because she gets home from work late and goes to bed early or she gets bored of the show, but I'm still powering through it.
I just did 2 seasons of Episodes in 2 days based on....um....somebody's recommendation in this thread.
Great show, by the way.
I've got a huge list of shows for the next few months:
The Office,
BBT (Yeah...sorry taste, but I love it),
Walking Dead,
Parks & Rec,
Bob's Burgers,
New Girl (I know, I know),
Modern Family,
American Dad (I know...),
Community (Soon, I hope?),
Also need to catch up with Breaking Bad, Psyche, Veep, 30 Rock and Weeds as I stopped watching them for some reason.
I kinda wanna see what all the fuss is about with Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Hell on Wheels & Homeland and there's a show called Boss with Kelsey Grammar in it which I'm tempted to try too...
So much TV.
At least I'm not watching Glee, right?
We'll just forget about the lettuce, mayo, tomato, bun, etc, etc.
Yeah, that's annoying, but I think it's the implication that it's so integral to your life that you'll be talking about it all the time, thus you'll need a time saving way to refer to it. "The BCO".
Fuck you McDonald's.
Actually, I could do with a DS&E McM right about now.
uuggh, Community is postponed?

I was looking forward to that. I loved watching random episodes of Bob's Burgers (and sometimes King of The Hill) on E4 late at night after I'd come home from a night out but I can't de-associate Bob's Burgers from Archer since H. Jon Benjamin uses the exact same voice for Bob and Stirling.
Archer is fucking ace too, but I think I actually prefer Bob's nowadays