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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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i used to feel the same way, but im p happy misising out now. get witcher 2 instead bro.

I've come this far, I must...I must persevere.

I'm going to see if The Witcher 2 is in GAME's closing down sale later, and play that after ME3 to remind myself life isn't all bad.


get witcher 1 if you can. it's a bit aged but it's got some really good atmos and story shit going on. then when you play witcher 2 you won't know you're coming or going.


I've got Witcher 1 but I played up to a point where I'd completely messed up my character spec and couldn't kill ghost dog. Now that I know what I'm doing I should revisit it.


Neo Member
Well it's sunny here, where are you?

Drinks tonight, drinks tomorrow night, drinks Saturday night, out on the bike Sunday. Pity I'm not actually drinking..... diet coke will suffice!

Sounds like a good time. My wallet is still crying from drinks last weekend, so I think I'll take this weekend off.

I'm in central N.I where it's as wet and miserable as ever. This week started off so nice out, shame it couldn't last.


Neo Member
The combat is the best part of ME2/3 though...

Maybe you are making a joke that went right over my head, but I definitely preferred the character interactions and story development over combat in ME2. I haven't played ME1 or 3 though, so I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I thought most people felt the same way :?


I don't want to spoil anything here so I won't go into details, but ME2 dumbed down everything that was good in ME1 (story, characters, quests, progression, dialogue, intergalactic politics) and made the combat better. ME1 was barely an RPG, ME2 is even less of one. It's like the TPS equivalent of Bioshock.

ME1 is dead cheap now though, check it out.


Neo Member
I see what you mean. I'll definitely check out Mass Effect 1 sometime then, because those are the aspects of ME2 that I really wish were more prevalent.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I don't want to spoil anything here so I won't go into details, but ME2 dumbed down everything that was good in ME1 (story, characters, quests, progression, dialogue, intergalactic politics) and made the combat better. ME1 was barely an RPG, ME2 is even less of one. It's like the TPS equivalent of Bioshock.

ME1 is dead cheap now though, check it out.

ME1 has better combat than ME2. Much better combat.

I'm still torn on whether to buy ME3 now or during summer when it'll be cheaper. I really just want to finish the story, and see how my 3 Shepards turn out.

Mass Effect 1 is probably my favourite game of the entire generation. After the "holy shit! ME2!!" factor wore off, ME2 pales in comparison. And it looks like the direction they took it with ME3 just makes it even worse.


ME1 has better combat than ME2. Much better combat.

How so? ME2 had skill rather than stat-based shooting, holster, cover, running and target animations were more responsive, biotic/tech powers had satisfying pay-offs, enemies had much better AI, melee wasn't gimped, headshots were possible. Probably more that I'm forgetting but it was a far more polished experience than the first.

ME1 had weapon cooldown though, which was nice.
ME1 has better combat than ME2. Much better combat.

I'm still torn on whether to buy ME3 now or during summer when it'll be cheaper. I really just want to finish the story, and see how my 3 Shepards turn out.

Mass Effect 1 is probably my favourite game of the entire generation. After the "holy shit! ME2!!" factor wore off, ME2 pales in comparison. And it looks like the direction they took it with ME3 just makes it even worse.

I almost succumbed to the hype but then remembered that I wasn't that impressed with ME2 compared to ME.

I put the money towards a bean to cup coffee machine instead.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
How so? ME2 had skill rather than stat-based shooting, holster, cover, running and target animations were more responsive, biotic/tech powers had satisfying pay-offs, enemies had much better AI, melee wasn't gimped, headshots were possible. Probably more that I'm forgetting but it was a far more polished experience than the first.

It had something to do with the fact there's only 5-or-so non-heavy guns in the entire game and they're all shit.

ME1's weapon progression and upgrades were great if rough-around-the-edges. Combined with the overheat system and you had a very tactical game to get the most out of your guns. By the end of my Soldier runthrough I had an infinite assault rifle: never overheated and spewed hot death to everyone who came my way. By the end of the same character's run in ME2 I was just using the bog-standard-shitty-but-high-ammo-capacity assault rifle you got in the Collector Ship that felt marginally more powerful than the crap I had before. Zero sense of progression whatsoever in the name of streamlining the fuck out of the game.

That and it was pointless in ME2 to do anything except fire from cover. The weapons were wildly inaccurate as soon as you started to move. I remember roaming about all over the place in ME1 thanks to the upgrades that stabilised the aiming.


I see your point and I agree, the lack of weapon progression and upgrades is a direct consequence of there being a complete lack of any character development in ME2. The mechanics themselves were far more solid though, and ME3 increases that so it plays exactly like Gears of War (with a diving mechanic and all).

That said, I played through ME1 the first time using no biotics at all so you could say that weapons in ME2 were more 'balanced', requiring you to use biotics and tech alongside them.
Sounds like a good time. My wallet is still crying from drinks last weekend, so I think I'll take this weekend off.

I'm in central N.I where it's as wet and miserable as ever. This week started off so nice out, shame it couldn't last.
Yesterday in Belfast we had all the seasons within about 3 hours. Really nice sunshine, rain, sunshine, snow. It was wild.


Neo Member
Yesterday in Belfast we had all the seasons within about 3 hours. Really nice sunshine, rain, sunshine, snow. It was wild.

Oh man, same here in Magherafelt. Hailstones, snow, then switching between sunshine and rain for the rest of the day. N.I weather, huh?

Jedeye Sniv

When on a stag in Edinburgh a few years ago, when starting the drink at 5:30 in the morning, I was fucked by the time we got to the hotel at 10, but had to wait for the room to be ready. After necking a Scottish breakfast, we just carried on, but I was knackard and with a 4 hour wait, I was already flagging.

Iron fucking Bru and vodka. Within minutes I was bouncing off the walls! Easily the best energy drink out of them all, and it wasn't even the energy version.

The other good stuff is Mountain Dew Energy.

This may be weird, but Irn Bru and Amaretto got quite well together too. But I just love amaretto. Stick some cranberry in there and you have the finest drink know to man (or woman, as is more appropriate...)
Lucky, I guess. My hair grows way quicker in some parts than others so I have a pretty good foundation for a moustache and chinstrap/goatee combo but the part that joins it all up grows super slowly.


I was at the cinema yesterday and I saw a guy dressed in all black (metal band t-shirt, natch) with a leather trenchcoat and he had grown a full neckbeard, which he had shaped into two fountain shapes.

I was not happy.

Also, Chinner, what's with this "p" business? Like, "I was p happy". I don't understand.
I was at the cinema yesterday and I saw a guy dressed in all black (metal band t-shirt, natch) with a leather trenchcoat and he had grown a full neckbeard, which he had shaped into two fountain shapes.

I was not happy.

Also, Chinner, what's with this "p" business? Like, "I was p happy". I don't understand.

I don't get those people or really anyone who indentifies so much with a sub culture that they dress a certain way. What's the purpose behind it? They're just making me hate them on first sight.

Jedeye Sniv

Good morning UK Gaf!

It's a beautiful sunny Thursday and we're that much closer to the weekend. Is it too early to ask what everyone's plans are?

Mass Effect 3, haircut, 12 mile bike ride, band practice and maaaaaaaybe a wee drinkie poo over the couple of days. Perfect.

How about you?
Mass Effect 3, haircut, 12 mile bike ride, band practice and maaaaaaaybe a wee drinkie poo over the couple of days. Perfect.

How about you?

Now that sounds like a nice weekend. And not too dissimilar from mine.... also hopefully having a haircut (by my bloke's mum, I'm cheap), also going out on the bike on Sunday, no band practise though, that was last weekend. And next weekend.

Apart from that just going to Qasiel's anti-house warming. No drinkie poo for me though, I'm driving :(

What do you play Sniv? (Style and Instrument)


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I've not shaved (except my moustache area, I rock the Abe Lincoln look) since January. Whereas I get a decent goatee area the sides look puffed as fuck.

There's only three reasons for me to shave. 1) Impress a lady. 2) Get a job. 3) To fit within societal norms. And considering I've got a girlfriend and I'll be leaving my work to start my own business soon that pretty much narrows it down. And society can go fuck itself with a clawhammer.

I was at the cinema yesterday and I saw a guy dressed in all black (metal band t-shirt, natch) with a leather trenchcoat and he had grown a full neckbeard, which he had shaped into two fountain shapes.

I wear a leather trenchcoat and metal t-shirts, son. Come at me.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't get those people or really anyone who indentifies so much with a sub culture that they dress a certain way. What's the purpose behind it? They're just making me hate them on first sight.

I know! Metal people are just so silly. There's a guy gets on my bus sometimes and he looks a right tit. He has really curly hair that he's grown down long into hassidic-esque ringlets, a ginger neckbeard and he walks with a cane with a demon's head on it. It's just so dumb and conformist. Find your own style godammit, don't copy a 30 year old style.

Jedeye Sniv

Now that sounds like a nice weekend. And not too dissimilar from mine.... also hopefully having a haircut (by my bloke's mum, I'm cheap), also going out on the bike on Sunday, no band practise though, that was last weekend. And next weekend.

Apart from that just going to Qasiel's anti-house warming. No drinkie poo for me though, I'm driving :(

What do you play Sniv? (Style and Instrument)

I play bass in a post-rock style band, which basically means we don't know how to end songs properly and so just build them up for ten minutes haha. Just got off from playing a covers gig last weekend, so now it's back to the grind of writing and recording to get gigs for the summer. I love it! How about you? There really should be a thread for band-gaf to trade experiences in, I know there are a bunch of us around here.

Anti-housewarming sounds weird though, what do you do, turn up and trash the place? Or open all the windows to let all the heat out? :p


Are any of UK-GAF influential enough to get Nissan to sell me the only RHD Juke-R?


I want it so much it's making me feel physically sick.
Oh I'd have no doubt it moves, and drives wonderfully. But you know, it's a Duke.

I was followed most the way home last night by a Ferrari 458, in Smethwick. I almost crashed twice. So pretty.


I wear a leather trenchcoat and metal t-shirts, son. Come at me.
I wasn't criticising the clothes, but the neckbeard. It was more well of course he's wearing those clothes if he has the neckbeard. I have plenty of band t-shirts myself and a couple of (wool) trenchcoats. I'm sure I've rocked the combo once or twice.

But neckbeards? Never.

We're hating metallers now? I thought UK Gafs ire was reserved for hipsters? It's hard to keep up.
Anyone part of any subculture who dresses in a way that screams "I'm part of this subculture!!!!!" and looks like a right tit gets ire, not just people belonging to specific subcultures.

It's something you do in your teenage years, as you're not mature and confident enough to form your own identity, so you flock towards one that is pre-made for you. As you get older, you're meant to grow into your own skin and forge an identity that is unique to you, whether you belong to a certain subculture or not.

I'd say I belong to the internet 'core' gaming subculture and its ancillaries like anime, comic books and other general geekiness, but I wouldn't let any of those things define who I was outwardly. I am not the people who I share interests with, I am me.

edit - before anyone leaps to the conclusion, the above does not mean I think anyone dressing with band t-shirts is an unconfident manchild.
I play bass in a post-rock style band, which basically means we don't know how to end songs properly and so just build them up for ten minutes haha. Just got off from playing a covers gig last weekend, so now it's back to the grind of writing and recording to get gigs for the summer. I love it! How about you? There really should be a thread for band-gaf to trade experiences in, I know there are a bunch of us around here.

Anti-housewarming sounds weird though, what do you do, turn up and trash the place? Or open all the windows to let all the heat out? :p

I sing in a rock/metal band. Just putting ourselves back together after losing some members, so working on some covers at the mo but gonna start writing again soon. Actually all we need now is a bassist......

Well I think most of their stuff will be packed up so there'll be nothing to trash, they have a load of alcohol that needs drinking but as I'm driving I'll be the sensible one.

I have a Nissan. I love it. It's not that weird looking thing though.


I was going to make a plywood joke but I thought it was kind of already played out and I'd look like a dick. I've accepted that from now on I'll associate being illogically attracted to a fictional character with Salvadora.

Jedeye Sniv

We're hating metallers now? I thought UK Gafs ire was reserved for hipsters? It's hard to keep up.

Eh. At least hipsters have decent taste in music and their women are hot. Hardcore metallers are stuck in 1998 both sartorially and musically. I see kids at college still wearing Slipknot hoodies and it makes me laugh. Get your own music you pussies!

And there is a world of difference between people who listen to and enjoy metal (such as myself on occasion) and people who are subsumed by the style. It's just weird, giving yourself over so entirely to a style. It's like, broaden your horizons, dress with some colour, expand your record collection. Being super into metal is like enforcing virginity upon yourself.

But then again I am not one to judge since I own exactly one pair of (non-work) trousers and about 6 rapidly decaying t-shits. Clothing is not my strong suit. But at least I wear colour!
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