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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Kent you are one of the most weirdly anti-social people sometimes, but only in really unusual, specific ways.

Its why i used to drink so much in bars. Once i was out my shell the conversation flowed without any problem. But i have no problem in public now since i gave up full time weed smoking.

Don't expect me to hold a conversation with a stranger though :p

Nightshift tonight fellas, This is gods revenge for me calling him bullshit the other night :(
Are there any good, trustworthy places that offer online courses in computing? Really feeling the need to get out of my rut, but my job means it would be hard to go back to college or anything like that, so something I can fit in around my schedule would be ideal.
Going back to the conversation on the previous page, I sometimes feel I'm moving to fast.

Finished school, went to uni and finished my undergrad, straight away did my masters, and now I'm working. I really enjoy my work now (relaxed and good pay), but I do feel that my life is moving to fast.

I might take a sabbatical after I've saved enough, should be a couple of more years.


Going back to the conversation on the previous page, I sometimes feel I'm moving to fast.

Finished school, went to uni and finished my undergrad, straight away did my masters, and now I'm working. I really enjoy my work now (relaxed and good pay), but I do feel that my life is moving to fast.

I might take a sabbatical after I've saved enough, should be a couple of more years.

Yeah, I do feel like it's all moving very fast.

I was born in July, so I'm young for my school/college/uni year. Plus I went straight to 6th form and then straight to Uni. It'll be the case for me with this job that I'll be only just be 21 when I join, which is a really quick turnaround.

I think a few years down the line I might do an MBA or something to give me a break, but for now I'm finished with studying. Doing a masters degree is what I least want to do at the moment, 17 years of straight education without much in the way of a prolonged break can kind of get you down a bit.

I feel like I'm done learning, I want to start doing.


Are there any good, trustworthy places that offer online courses in computing? Really feeling the need to get out of my rut, but my job means it would be hard to go back to college or anything like that, so something I can fit in around my schedule would be ideal.

I'm on a course with The Home Learning College at the moment (doing Internet Business and Web Design dual module course) and they've been really good with me. Decent pricing and very helpful staff both online and on the phone. Got recommended to me by a friend who is doing an advanced networking course with them.

Also, you can apply for a student card if you enroll on one of their courses ;)
I'm on a course with The Home Learning College at the moment (doing Internet Business and Web Design dual module course) and they've been really good with me. Decent pricing and very helpful staff both online and on the phone. Got recommended to me by a friend who is doing an advanced networking course with them.

Also, you can apply for a student card if you enroll on one of their courses ;)

Awesome, thanks for the reply :)
Probably. Business is for doing, not for studying.
I have business modules on the course I'm doing. I think they're going to be what stops me achieving the result I need. It bores me to tears. It's just not remotely interesting in any way shape or form. In school there were subjects I was bad at, but I could see how they were interesting. Business is just... eugh. Who cares?
Eh, I loved economics and econometrics in uni. Business is often considered a mickey mouse course, you either don't need a business degree or you do an MBA. It seemed most business students were economics students who were poor at maths.

Anyway, my brothers would claim that both are useless and that engineering and the sciences are the most important degrees for the good of the country and the world. Goddamn science elitists :D


Eh, I loved economics and econometrics in uni. Business is often considered a mickey mouse course, you either don't need a business degree or you do an MBA. It seemed most business students were economics students who were poor at maths.

Anyway, my brothers would claim that both are useless and that engineering and the sciences are the most important degrees for the good of the country and the world. Goddamn science elitists :D

I'm an Economics undergrad and I'm still not very good at maths :(

The course itself is ok but every once in a while I'll come across some gibberish equation which makes me want to scream.


Economics is fantastic because it teaches such a broad set of skills - from mathematical and statistical analysis to philosophical and political issues. The main problem is that Economists expect too much of themselves and other people expect too much of economists.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Gotta be careful here, because my brother-in-law is an economist. But seems to me that way too much economics is about explaining stuff away in hindsight, whereas business is about making things happen now.

Trouble I have with most business courses is the lack of a sense of urgency. You can analyse a business decision or move or strategy as much as you like, but you'll never understand it unless you realise it all had to be done in three weeks across twelve countries with nobody knowing what is going on and bankers breathing down your neck.
The course I'm doing is an Access to University course. It's run by the University of Ulster but recognised by virtually every university in the UK. The idea is to take adults, like me, who did poorly in school (because I didn't care) and offer them... a route to university.

The course I'm doing is Computing with Business and Multimedia. Before I started I was told by the course director that the business wasn't a huge part of the course. However, it turns out it's one of the biggest modules (if not the biggest) and rightly so I guess since this course needs to offer routes to the business related study as well as computing. If he hadn't of played down how big it was I'd of done the mathematics and computing course.

Anyway, I hope to go on and do Computer Science in either UU or QUB. I'm now sweating it though because business sucks, it's a lot of work, I hate it and have zero interest in studying it. Both UU and QUB want pretty high marks though, and I'm sure the business modules are going to drag me down.


Hope you get in Kyle!

Which UU campus is it you're looking at? I'll presume Jordanstown, that's where most of the science and engineering stuff is done isn't it?
Good on you. My daughter's applying for one of those.
Cheers. They're a good route to go down.

Hope you get in Kyle!

Which UU campus is it you're looking at? I'll presume Jordanstown, that's where most of the science and engineering stuff is done isn't it?
Yeah Jordanstown. They want 72% overall and 72% specifically in maths. My first semester as it were I was sitting on 74% but that was before this bitch of a business module.

All the courses I've chosen are expecting high marks, haven't heard back from QUB yet but I expect they will want higher than UU. QUB is ideally where I'd like to go purely because it's the handiest to get to.


I hope you get in to Queen's if it's your first choice, enjoyed my time so far here.

Just a pity it's taken the UU so long to move in to Belfast, Jordanstown isn't exactly the best location.


Geography, although if I was to go back and choose again I'd do something like Electronic and Electrical Engineering or Economics/Finance.

That being said I do enjoy my degree and there is a lot of different areas of study in it, still deliberating on what to do my dissertation on at the minute.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Lol nightshifts aint bad at all, 3 hours in. This will be another life experience I will have been glad to have tried


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Got any 80s music on the go?

I quite enjoy doing nightshifts, certainly isn't the worst shift (6am or earlier starts, ARGH!)

Yeah man from 10pm till 12 had the back to school 80s stuff on, then charts from 12 till 3 lol now rizzle kicks is on. My body is shagged right now I can't wait to get home and go to sleep. Shit will be cash. In so used to Woking the perfect 2pm till 10pm shift that all other shifts can eat my Scottish ass. Caffeine seems to be working great keeping me alert. I rate a nightshift 7 out of 10. Being a female would be awsone, I'd be a lesbian for sure. 1.5 hours till I'm home guys
The Catholic thread reminded me of this from the English Reformation

While the English Catholic community fragmented, amid renewed frustrations that the Spanish peace had failed it, James’s Government was contemplating its next steps. In September 1604 Tassis sent back to Spain the leaked minutes of a private meeting between James and his Councillors to discuss ‘the mitigation of the recusancy laws’. The Earl of Northampton, probably the source of the leak, opened the meeting, repeating James’s position that he did not ‘desire the blood of Catholics’. From this starting point the other Councillors gave their opinions. Sir Robert Cecil advised: ‘I would not counsel your Majesty to use such rigour against Catholics in that they govern themselves moderately and well for they intend nothing against the state of our country.’* Thomas Egerton, a lapsed Catholic, put the opposing view: ‘the Papists are a dangerous people’. Baron Kinloss followed suit, speaking to James’s anxieties: ‘should your Majesty not wish the laws to be enforced against Papists undoubtedly their increase will be…so great that they will rise up against your Majesty and expel you from this kingdom’. Cecil responded: ‘I have no fear of the rebellion of Catholics for sake of their religion as I have never understood that any people has rebelled for sake of religion but more for politics and matters of state under pretext of religion.’​

Here's the context http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP8AfD5Wz9k

Although conflicts of religion and politics are fully endowed in our history books, it always amazes to see so many parallels between our modern England and that of 400 years in this particular subject


London GAF - I'm booking some flights, but unfortunately neither the outbound or return journeys line up very well with coaches. If I wanted to be overnight but didn't want to spend money, is it possible to just "wander around" certain areas?
London GAF - I'm booking some flights, but unfortunately neither the outbound or return journeys line up very well with coaches. If I wanted to be overnight but didn't want to spend money, is it possible to just "wander around" certain areas?

You can wander around whatever areas you like, may run into a lot of drunks at the weekend.


Maturity, bitches.
My problem with nightlife if London is the lack of benches. Since most are located in parks and squares they are closed off. And if the argument against them is tramps just stick some separators between the seats. Sometimes you just want to sit down when you've ordered a late night takeaway.


My problem with nightlife if London is the lack of benches. Since most are located in parks and squares they are closed off. And if the argument against them is tramps just stick some separators between the seats. Sometimes you just want to sit down when you've ordered a late night takeaway.
This might be a problem. Worst comes to worst I was planning to just set up underneath a street lamp and read a book until 6am.


My problem with nightlife if London is the lack of benches. Since most are located in parks and squares they are closed off. And if the argument against them is tramps just stick some separators between the seats. Sometimes you just want to sit down when you've ordered a late night takeaway.

Bus stop.


My problem with nightlife if London is the lack of benches. Since most are located in parks and squares they are closed off. And if the argument against them is tramps just stick some separators between the seats. Sometimes you just want to sit down when you've ordered a late night takeaway.

Some of the buildings have nice steps though. Eat al fresco hobo style.


Its not a nice situation to be in. I was in a similar situation in NYC during the summer and ended up in McDonalds all night. Find a few 24 hour restaurants or cafes and note their location just in case. I'd rather have been stuck in London than NYC though.


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