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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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With 35% of the Asian population how much of China does this 50% include? Otherwise we're dealing with a situation where other Asian countries have over 50% of the population supporting honour killings.

This is why I feel this 50% figure was plucked out of nowhere to cause even more controversy. Which is strange because the kind of people to watch a programme about the subject are not likely to support the idea anywho.

Asian has been traditionally used in the UK for Pakistan, India etc. Being from the UK, don't you know this already?

Edit: Beaten by Dave and Murkas.


I think they're just referring to Muslims when they say Asians. We don't call east Asians "Asians" here for some reason.

Were there any Indians in this study for example?

I agree with the 50% being wrong, that means half, HALF!

Our muslims skew more conservative than elsewhere in Europe.

The Guardian said:
It shows that British Muslims hold more conservative opinions towards homosexual acts, abortion, viewing pornography, suicide and sex outside marriage than European Muslims, polling markedly lower when asked if they believed these things were morally acceptable.

Dunno why. That study is two years old but there are plenty more out there.


Maturity, bitches.
I like to be literal. And oddly enough the Americans are the opposite and use Asian to describe those from the far east. This also is reflected in our newsagent stereotype. We always use Indian shopkeepers, they seem to use Koreans*

Shame I missed my chance to send request for J/K-pop songs to the BBC Asian network.

*Apu is an exception.


Looks like one in 5 according to this article.

One thing that chilled me in that article....

Mr Afzal told Panorama: “We don’t know the true figure of honour killings. It’s anything between 10 and 12 a year in this country.
“I don’t know how many other unmarked graves there are in our green and pleasant land, I don’t know. And that suggests to me that we’re underestimating this issue.

This mirrors conversations I had with the aforementioned convert. She insisted that this shit happens a lot and that our police can't / won't touch it. I thought she was paranoid and brainwashed at the time.

It also seems that the first white victim honour killing was newsworthy. Don't normally see ethnicity front & centre like that.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'd heard the "gardyloo" theory before. Apparently there was a particular time at night in Edinburgh, when everyone would simultaneously throw their chamberpots out the window. No citation, though, so take all that with a pinch of salt.

That's how my parents explained it to me when I was a kid.


You almost got in trouble for that, what?

Also how in the hell is oriental offensive?

'Nip' is a slur for a Japanese person.

It shows how heavy America is on this stuff, I was going to type 'Nip is a slur for Jap' and then I remembered that is considered racist too. Yet we shorten 'British / Britain' to 'Brit' without a second thought. Language is crazy.
I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.


I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.

I don't think the BBC want their HQ burning down so I wouldn't expect them to get specific any day soon.


I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.

Honour killings and threats happen in the Indian community too. That women in the beginning of the programme was Sikh. And there was the picture of Geetah something which sounds like a non-Muslim name..

Context is thrown out the window every time someone takes offense.

Jew leaders lol

lol that was hilarious.


Maturity, bitches.
'Nip' is a slur for a Japanese person.

It shows how heavy America is on this stuff, I was going to type 'Nip is a slur for Jap' and then I remembered that is considered racist too. Yet we shorten 'British / Britain' to 'Brit' without a second thought. Language is crazy.

To be fair it's considered bad form to shorten Pakistani so we can be just as bad.


To be fair it's considered bad form to shorten Pakistani so we can be just as bad.

Tis true. I 'get it', it's all about the context behind the word, supposedly. Thing is, when a word becomes unacceptable under any context, that doesn't really hold up. Funny thing is, it's another of those words that is perfectly acceptable if you're a member of that community.

I always wonder where the spark of offense is born. I mean, 'Brit' has some serious negative connotations (predominantly based on Colonial times) and yet, I'd never dream of getting seriously offended. I joke (kinda) about being English and not British, but there's no real, actual offence behind it. I'm not even that bothered that we're widely held accountable for all sorts of shit that took place long before we walked on this soil.

What is it that causes offence, I wonder?
If Indian people are called Asian in the UK, what are East Asian people called?

'Nip' is a slur for a Japanese person.

It shows how heavy America is on this stuff, I was going to type 'Nip is a slur for Jap' and then I remembered that is considered racist too. Yet we shorten 'British / Britain' to 'Brit' without a second thought. Language is crazy.

Yeah, I didn't realise those words were slurs for a long time either. In fact, our Japanese society at uni was called "Jap Soc" up until a couple of years ago when one of the lecturers found it offensive. You still hear people say stuff like "Jap class", like they would say "Indo class" for Indonesian. Its not offensive, its just shortening the word. No negative racial connotations to it here. Makes me cringe a little now that I know what it means though. Reminds me of when my boyfriend first heard the word gook he thought it just meant idiot, and that it was fun to say =/ He's Korean by blood too...

Mr. Sam

"Yank" is the single ugliest word I can think of. Just the noise of it - ugh. It really grates for me.

I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.

I appreciate the point - that using the catch-all term "Asian" is damaging - but Indians and Muslims aren't mutually exclusive, are they? My knowledge of the subject is woefully inadequate.


I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.


Actually, I understand perfectly why you say this, but I bet the reason they used the term 'Asian' instead of 'Muslim' was for the same reason you hate them using the catch-all term 'Asian'.

Muslims would complain if they did that.


Junior Member
Tis true. I 'get it', it's all about the context behind the word, supposedly. Thing is, when a word becomes unacceptable under any context, that doesn't really hold up. Funny thing is, it's another of those words that is perfectly acceptable if you're a member of that community.

I always wonder where the spark of offense is born. I mean, 'Brit' has some serious negative connotations (predominantly based on Colonial times) and yet, I'd never dream of getting seriously offended. I joke (kinda) about being English and not British, but there's no real, actual offence behind it. I'm not even that bothered that we're widely held accountable for all sorts of shit that took place long before we walked on this soil.

What is it that causes offence, I wonder?

Mate that's not even comparable to use of terms like Paki. Like you said, outside of the 'English/Scot/etc before British' context, I doubt there's a single person that'd get offended by Brit. Makes sense, Brit's never been used to make a group feel like 'the other'.

Mr. Sam

Hinduism is the largest religion in India by quite a way. I've never associated India with Islam.

I appreciate that Hinduism is the largest religion, but one of my Muslim friends actually comes from India. It just seemed off to me to say "Don't blame that on X nationality - it's X religion that's to blame" as if they're entirely separate entities.

By the way, is the your username a reference to the Belgian trance producer?

Nope, afraid not. I thought he was French anyway. Sam's a unisex name and I wanted people to know I was male.
They probably just took it from the UK. :p We call it "the East" as well, despite it being directly north.


Usually they're called Chinese though.

Ah okay. Its weird we don't really use Oriental in Australia except when referring to food.

I try not to refer to people by countries. Even for Pakistani or Nepalese I don't use Indian.


all these labels


As soon as you consider someone to be different you've already lost. Then you get bogged down in the semantics of what to call this different thing, what's an acceptable word to use on this foreign object. It's fine trying to create an inoffensive term, or definition, but the distinction has already been made and the damage has been done; a word is going to make no difference to the thought-process that's already happened in your head.

Mr. Sam

I've always wondered why the Americans refer to Japan as the Far East rather than the Close West.

My guess - because of maps:


Three dimensions is too hard, let's stick to two.
I've always used Asian to refer to Chinese, Japanese, etc. This is the problem with having a continent that spans a number of very distinctive ethnic groups - makes it confusing for us Westerners :p

EDIT: Although, now I think about it, I kind of do just use it for anyone from a country in Asia.


Actually, on the subject of racist words and slurs, I find Reginald D. Hunter's view on it quite interesting. He describes racism in the UK as 'soft racism'. I suppose what he means is in contrast to the sort of racism that has occurred in the US over the years..


And he does have a good idea of what it is like in the UK because he has lived here for many years.


Neo Member
Looks like one in 5 according to this article.

One thing that chilled me in that article....

This mirrors conversations I had with the aforementioned convert. She insisted that this shit happens a lot and that our police can't / won't touch it. I thought she was paranoid and brainwashed at the time.

It also seems that the first white victim honour killing was newsworthy. Don't normally see ethnicity front & centre like that.

thanks for that, this is the statistic that is worrying.

Some 69 per cent said families should live according to the concept of honour of “izzat”.

it's worrying that that upcoming generation think like this and it's just as worrying that no politician or those in power refuse to act on this before it becomes a major problem.

I really wish people would stop using the catch-all term "Asian" for things that Muslims do. It gives us Indians a bad name. That paedophile group in Bradford was all Muslim, but no, on the news they were "Asian", these honour killings are perpetrated by Muslims, but no, ont eh TV programme last night it's "Asians" that do it.

muslim paedophile gang. do you have more information on this.

and you're factually wrong. honor attacks and killings aren't exclusive to the muslim community. they are also prevalent throughout the indian, sikh communities.
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