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UK/R.O.I GAF - Thread of geopolitical confusion

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Did anyone watch Richard Bacon's program on internet trolls/bullying? The pictures of him moping all over the BBC site are annoying.
One of my mates dad is going fucking mental on Facebook over the health care bill. Carrying on in his traditions, he calls for hardcore socialism, and a violent revolution to achieve it.
If we can't get rid of this government by democratic means now then I want a violent revolution. Nothing less will satisfy now.
I hate this government now so much I don't care anymore about being arrested for violence.

Regardless of his politics, he is a nasty person though. Hates foreigners, loves shocking headlines in newspapers, racist etc. You agree with him or he dislikes you.
He even dabbles in a little bit of one world order/illuminati conspiracies, and how Tories and Republicans are going to take over and rule the world in some corporation controlled economy where no one has human rights.

Not even sure where I stand on the bill. As usual I prefer to have an informed decision. Though I'll guess it isn't as great as one group is making out, and neither as bad as those opposing it are making out. Does seem alarming though how many health care groups oppose it.


One of my mates dad is going fucking mental on Facebook over the health care bill. Carrying on in his traditions, he calls for hardcore socialism, and a violent revolution to achieve it.

Regardless of his politics, he is a nasty person though. Hates foreigners, loves shocking headlines in newspapers, racist etc. You agree with him or he dislikes you.
He even dabbles in a little bit of one world order/illuminati conspiracies, and how Tories and Republicans are going to take over and rule the world in some corporation controlled economy where no one has human rights.

Not even sure where I stand on the bill. As usual I prefer to have an informed decision. Though I'll guess it isn't as great as one group is making out, and neither as bad as those opposing it are making out. Does seem alarming though how many health care groups oppose it.

Sounds like a couple of people who have lived across the road from my parents for years. Lovely people, but they are staunch EDL supporters, and the stuff they post on Facebook is shocking sometimes.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Because I need that £200 a month to pay for shit.

So now I'm being switched to weekly sign-ons so they can offer me "more help", and I have waste my money going into to see them two times next week, so they can do a follow up on my apparently wrongly arranged work experience.

I'd like to personally thank Mr. Cameron for his Big Society action plan of making people who want a job go through mountains of bullshit.

It's always been like that. I remember when I signed on the dole for the second time (Summer 2004 and in Summer 2007). I went into the office and said "you've still got my details from 2004, the Imperial Japanese Army haven't made me a POW since then."

But yeah, first you have to call them and confirm your details. Then you get the call back. Then you go in to the office to see them and discover they still have ALL your shit from the previous time. The entire process is a bureaucratic nightmare that some might say...

The job centre exists solely to keep job centre employees employed.

Hole in one.

It's depressing when they see my journal, notice all the attempts and failures then say to me "Have you looked an hour away from home?" I could never afford the commute, for heaven's sake. At least my latest two advisors smile sometimes.

I found filling in the book to be the most frustrating and demeaning things ever. How many times can you write:

"Read local paper. Nothing."
"Applied for position on S1Jobs.com. No response."
"Handed in CV to company. No response."

Before the constant reminders of your failures just gang up on you and you give up entirely, just writing the same shit ad verbatim without looking for any work.

One of my mates dad is going fucking mental on Facebook over the health care bill. Carrying on in his traditions, he calls for hardcore socialism, and a violent revolution to achieve it.


Regardless of his politics, he is a nasty person though. Hates foreigners, loves shocking headlines in newspapers, racist etc. You agree with him or he dislikes you.
He even dabbles in a little bit of one world order/illuminati conspiracies, and how Tories and Republicans are going to take over and rule the world in some corporation controlled economy where no one has human rights.

Does not compute. L'Internationale Sera le genre humain.
Does not compute. L'Internationale Sera le genre humain.

But what racist would be complete without being ignorant, hypocritical, bigotted, and a complete contradiction?!

I'm still laughing about him threatening violence. He is about 5 foot and skinny. His protest would amount to 'down with this sort of thing!'


Fucking A. Got given the assignment of researching companies in India and drafting some questions for the BBC presenter to ask the CEOs for the new TV series. I was so absorbed and enjoying the work that by the time everyone noticed I hadn't gone home, I was an hour and a half past my finish time.


Fucking A. Got given the job of researching companies in India and drafting some questions for the BBC presenter to ask the CEOs for the new TV series. I was so absorbed and enjoying the work that by the time everyone noticed I hadn't gone home, I was an hour and a half past my finish time.

Dude, that's fucking awesome.

Nice one.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
7 shifts in 7 days lol this blows major ass, I am currently just a human robot who makes money for my own bank account. I am used to cruising through the week with more days of than days in /rant over. Glad I bought my cigarettes yesterday before the tax bullshit (I mix my weed with cig tobacco) half a grand a the end of all the extra shifts is a plus mind you
7 shifts in 7 days lol this blows major ass, I am currently just a human robot who makes money for my own bank account. I am used to cruising through the week with more days of than days in /rant over. Glad I bought my cigarettes yesterday before the tax bullshit (I mix my weed with cig tobacco) half a grand a the end of all the extra shifts is a plus mind you

Got to fund that gambling habit somehow. Judging by your past adventures it won't be via more winnings.


Berlin is awesome!

I think most of the touristy stuff is generally quite good, the Brandenburg Gates and all that.

The olympic stadium is great too.

Hope you have a great time!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I'm still laughing about him threatening violence. He is about 5 foot and skinny. His protest would amount to 'down with this sort of thing!'

In the UK, you could be 7 foot tall and jacked as hell, you'd still retain that beaten defeatist attitude that is innate in our nation's collective consciousness.
Berlin is awesome!

I think most of the touristy stuff is generally quite good, the Brandenburg Gates and all that.

The olympic stadium is great too.

Hope you have a great time!

Cheers. I've not heard anyone say a bad word about it and have wanted to go for some time. looking forward to it! Unfortunately the gf is now making noises about Seville but I think I'll win this one.


In the UK, you could be 7 foot tall and jacked as hell, you'd still retain that beaten defeatist attitude that is innate in our nation's collective consciousness.

Unless you are with 3 or more mates and have had 1 or more pints, then you are hard as 10-men and will start on anything that comes into range.

I always raise a chuckle at these so called "hardmen" who wouldn't say boo to a goose on their own, strength in numbers I guess.
It's always been like that. I remember when I signed on the dole for the second time (Summer 2004 and in Summer 2007). I went into the office and said "you've still got my details from 2004, the Imperial Japanese Army haven't made me a POW since then."

But yeah, first you have to call them and confirm your details. Then you get the call back. Then you go in to the office to see them and discover they still have ALL your shit from the previous time. The entire process is a bureaucratic nightmare that some might say...

Hole in one.

I found filling in the book to be the most frustrating and demeaning things ever. How many times can you write:

"Read local paper. Nothing."
"Applied for position on S1Jobs.com. No response."
"Handed in CV to company. No response."

Before the constant reminders of your failures just gang up on you and you give up entirely, just writing the same shit ad verbatim without looking for any work.

Does not compute. L'Internationale Sera le genre humain.
Ugh, I was on the dole for 6 months before I enrolled on an Access to University course. Whether I get the marks I need to progress to university or not I'm going to have to go back on it in the interim and just can't be bothered. I remember getting to that point where you had given up and week in week out wrote crap in that bollocks little book.
Ugh, I was on the dole for 6 months before I enrolled on an Access to University course. Whether I get the marks I need to progress to university or not I'm going to have to go back on it in the interim and just can't be bothered. I remember getting to that point where you had given up and week in week out wrote crap in that bollocks little book.

I had to go yesterday, finally signed on two weeks ago after losing my job :(

They didn't even check my little book yesterday, I don't even even think they can be arsed anymore. On a brighter note, it's another beautiful day and Mcdonalds Monopoly has started again :D

Jedeye Sniv

Have another job interview in exactly one hour from now, wish me luck GAF!

TBH I should be a shoe-in, it's in my own office and is technically a promotion, but I hear that about 3 others from my college are going for it too, so I might face competition. Hopefully 7 years experience in the role will count for more than 'i want a change of scenery' and 'i think i can learn this stuff'. If someone else gets it over me I honestly don't know what I'll do. It's almost inconceivable. But then again, the world is unfair and I'm sure politics will play into this somewhere...
Have another job interview in exactly one hour from now, wish me luck GAF!

TBH I should be a shoe-in, it's in my own office and is technically a promotion, but I hear that about 3 others from my college are going for it too, so I might face competition. Hopefully 7 years experience in the role will count for more than 'i want a change of scenery' and 'i think i can learn this stuff'. If someone else gets it over me I honestly don't know what I'll do. It's almost inconceivable. But then again, the world is unfair and I'm sure politics will play into this somewhere...

Good luck man.


You fucking twats I just saw what was on the last page, there was no need to post that filth :(

On the topic of jobseekers: I signed on once a few years ago, depressing as fuck, most of the time they don't even bother helping you look for a job or reading your mini diary thing. Come in, sign the card and fuck off, that's good for the lazy but not for people who actually want a job. You may get one person who will slightly care and help you look for stuff on their computer (which I'm sure as shit produces better and more accurate results then the crappy pods they make you use)


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
You fucking twats I just saw what was on the last page, there was no need to post that filth :(

try browsing that at work while eating food.

what colours of lyle scott polo's are you guys going with this summer ? I'm thinking the bright light blue one and the black one for poorer wether.

also bought in my baggy cargo shorts. I am prepared.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Talking of fashion, why did "everyone" make such a raucous about Prince Harry's blue shoes. I've had a similar pair in purple for a while now, it's not exactly new fashion.

a wild hipster appears
Wuss. I'm 31, the missus is 29, and we still tear shit up.

A clubbing granddad, how quaint. To be honest never really liked clubbing and was usually done under duress and with a large amount of drugs. Having a bird and not really doing drugs that often nowadays means I have practically zero reason to go. Booze, drugs and my own music indoors is infinitely better.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
In Scotland our clubs have younger (18-24) people on a Friday and the older lot (daves age) on a Saturday. the "social clubs" cater to the 45+ ages then you have the bowling clubs for 60+ then the domino club in the nursing home for 70+


I just realised yesterday I'm going to be 37 this summer. 37!!! Fuck, how did that happen.

Had a spontaneous barbecue yesterday and it was awesome, drinking a beer after around the hot coals.
In Scotland our clubs have younger (18-24) people on a Friday and the older lot (daves age) on a Saturday. the "social clubs" cater to the 45+ ages then you have the bowling clubs for 60+ then the domino club in the nursing home for 70+

Social clubs are great, I need to get someone to vote me in to a Working Men's Club in London. Cheap booze for all!


Talking of fashion, why did "everyone" make such a raucous about Prince Harry's blue shoes. I've had a similar pair in purple for a while now, it's not exactly new fashion.

I don't know. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to fashion, and I'm pretty proud of that. I also have no idea what Prince Harry wears or the public's reaction to his wardrobe.


I've been wearing these for years.


A clubbing granddad, how quaint. To be honest never really liked clubbing and was usually done under duress and with a large amount of drugs. Having a bird and not really doing drugs that often nowadays means I have practically zero reason to go. Booze, drugs and my own music indoors is infinitely better.

Granddad? Dude, I still get ID'd! :)

I had a period of non-clubbing in my early 20's. Not sure why, just dropped off for a while. Nowadays it's every couple of weeks instead of every day except Tuesday but I still find it fun. Probably helps that the missus is at her happiest when she's on the dance floor.

I feel you on the music though. There are approximately '0' clubs in Notts that play my kind of music.

In Scotland our clubs have younger (18-24) people on a Friday and the older lot (daves age) on a Saturday. the "social clubs" cater to the 45+ ages then you have the bowling clubs for 60+ then the domino club in the nursing home for 70+

Ah well, tis true I suppose :)


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Social clubs are great, I need to get someone to vote me in to a Working Men's Club in London. Cheap booze for all!

i have to admit i love social clubs because there like wedding receptions without the wedding/food table.

songs like Journey - Don't Stop Believin' come on at the end of the night when everyone's pissed and a mass sing song starts.

Good times


Maturity, bitches.
I don't know. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to fashion, and I'm pretty proud of that. I also have no idea what Prince Harry wears or the public's reaction to his wardrobe.

I don't follow fashion either. I just go with what is practical. I mean I beat the "manbag" craze by a couple of year simply because I was using one as a summer bag rather than a fashion statement. Too hot for a jacket so I needed somewhere to put my thing when I had no pockets. Looked at all the women with handbags and wondered why men don't use something similar.

As for knowing what Prince Harry wears, I just have the unfortunate luck of eating breakfast at the same time the news decides to focus on celeb gossip.

Jedeye Sniv

i have to admit i love social clubs because there like wedding receptions without the wedding/food table.

songs like Journey - Don't Stop Believin' come on at the end of the night when everyone's pissed and a mass sing song starts.

Good times

I'm not entirely sure which circle of hell this represents, but I think it's one of the deep ones....

anyway peeps, I'm off to face my doom. bricking it :D



I've been wearing these for the past few years. I even get into clubs with them, when my mates get knocked back for wearing trainers haha.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I don't follow fashion ether but when i was shopping yesterday the store i was in had lots of new shit for decent prices.

Buy new i mean new and fucking badass.

I'l need to pick up some of the new season weekend offender shit next time i have a stack of 20's in my wallet.


Because i spent this mini stack on some summer threads yesterday
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