Jobcentre is angry I arranged work experience without their obviously essential help. Bunch of twats. Now I'm going to be late getting back to the work.
So fucked off right now.
I assume your ex wasn't Rachael Cordingly? Would be pretty jealous if that was the case.
I assume your ex wasn't Rachael Cordingly? Would be pretty jealous if that was the case.
Not work safe!
Jobcentre is angry I arranged work experience without their obviously essential help. Bunch of twats. Now I'm going to be late getting back to the work.
So fucked off right now.
shes so fat she would roll up hill.
Who could be attracted to that? She looks like a giant tumour.
Who could be attracted to that? She looks like a giant tumour.
shes so fat she would roll up hill.
Wait. Is that Gary Whitta?
This really is sickening. I feel sorry for the kids.
Dear god...
She will be dead soon surely? Diabetes and all the other horrors associated with essentially being a living tumour.
Jesus Christ, sure picked the wrong fucking time to look in on this thread.
Living under the same roof means they have a statistical chance of seeing her naked.
kentpaul if you eat YOU WILL LOOK LIKE HER :O
Because I need that £200 a month to pay for shit.I don't get it? Why did you even bother going there?
Because I need that £200 a month to pay for shit.
So now I'm being switched to weekly sign-ons so they can offer me "more help", and I have waste my money going into to see them two times next week, so they can do a follow up on my apparently wrongly arranged work experience.
I'd like to personally thank Mr. Cameron for his Big Society action plan of making people who want a job go through mountains of bullshit.
I honestly never looked into it because before this day I'd have felt like a dickhead asking for bus money from them. Now my perception of it has very much changed.Can't you claim your fares back? no job at the moment...lack of money...
What's happening Guys?
CHEEZMO;36210192 said:Just doin' a little dancin', mate.
You look pretty sharp - check my moves to see how it's really done:
Because I need that £200 a month to pay for shit.
So now I'm being switched to weekly sign-ons so they can offer me "more help", and I have waste my money going into to see them two times next week, so they can do a follow up on my apparently wrongly arranged work experience.
I'd like to personally thank Mr. Cameron for his Big Society action plan of making people who want a job go through mountains of bullshit.
Yep. I've only been unemployed for relatively brief periods of time the past - literally between jobs style things - but not once have they offered any decent help. If they can't do anything, they should just let me sign on every two weeks and get on with shit myself.The job centre exists solely to keep job centre employees employed.
I think I'm just going to do this. I'm planning on going to Bilbao anyway.I had the weekly sign on bullshit , I signed off to go to turkey then when I signed Back on with a rapid reclaim it was back to every fortnight.
I mean, last time I came in and I'd filled half of the job-seeking journal thing out with job hunting activities and shit I'd applied for and the guy was "woah you've done so much". I'm thinking well of course I have, I want to fucking find a job. Your "three job hunting activities a week" thing is bullshit.