Jedeye Sniv
oh wow. Looks like how I used to play battlefield...
When he uses big papers (e.g. king size silver Rizlas) its all good, but when he tries to use 3 small Rizlas (cigarette ones, e.g. green) it doesn't turn out great.
Get a packet of 3/5 at Primark for a pound. Don't spend £25 for 3.Why are socks and boxers/briefs so fucking expensive?
Kentpaul what happened to sober living?
UK/ROI GAF is worth it just for the classic man weed makes people more sober than soberness it's self. The brain has thc receptors just for awesome weed.
Apache crash lands in Afghanistan. Wow... wtf were they thinking..
Final day of work experience. This is probably where the joy dies and the "I'm still not any closer to a job!" kicks in.
I've got Breaking Bad series 3 to session.
Weekend is here. What is everyone up to?
Its a rest weekend for me. Spent all of last weekend trekking around England meeting friends and watching the rugby at random bars. I figured I'd have a quiet one this weekend and just play Mass Effect 3 and watch films.
oh wow. Looks like how I used to play battlefield...
I've got Breaking Bad series 3 to session.
Kickboxing, washing clothes, go to the zoo and continue watching The X-Files with my girlfriend. Since she was forced to study by her parents she missed all the good 90s shows and I'm enjoying rewatching them with her.
Washing, cleaning, job applications, calling mum. Just another day really.
Weekend is here. What is everyone up to?
Its a rest weekend for me. Spent all of last weekend trekking around England meeting friends and watching the rugby at random bars. I figured I'd have a quiet one this weekend and just play Mass Effect 3 and watch films.
The wire and the xfiles are the only two shows i can't get my girlfriend into. Fuck i even managed to get her into the shield.
I'm using The Sopranos to lube up the missus ready for The Wire. I will force-feed her decent TV if it kills me.
Is the sopranos actually any good? I have season 1 sitting on dvd somewhere but never watched it. I remember watching an episode a few years ago and didn't like it but I think I'm willing to try it out again.
I'm using The Sopranos to lube up the missus ready for The Wire. I will force-feed her decent TV if it kills me.
Is the sopranos actually any good? I have season 1 sitting on dvd somewhere but never watched it. I remember watching an episode a few years ago and didn't like it but I think I'm willing to try it out again.
The wire and the xfiles are the only two shows i can't get my girlfriend into. Fuck i even managed to get her into the shield.
Just had to hire a suit.
Lovely bloke doing the measurements. I could have pulled a revolver on him and he would have been gracious about it.
I'm 34 today, but I refuse to let anyone at work know.
I mean, it's my birthday so I have to buy everyone else cakes - what kind of twisted, fucked-up logic is that!?
I shall not participate in such lunacy.
I don't have a suit. I just shirt and tie special occasions. Girlfriends taking me to this food place she enjoys later so i'm skipping breakfast so i enjoy it allot more. Today will be a day of feast/beer. Sorry guys i may have to leave this thread and check into the drunk thread after my 6th bud wiser (I wont be drinking to later, my girlfriend has a spinning class at 5) I may open a beer and chill with it playing battlefield 3 (i may not)
I always promised myself I'd get fitted for my own suit in Asia, but my weight keeps fluctuating too much. When I get myself down to a maintainable size I'll do it then.
I brought in cakes for my birthday and I think as a result others feel obliged to do the same. Well it was fun making cakes to take in and seeing how well received they were.
Did he ask you which way you 'dressed'?
So what's this I hear about Tulisa from ndubz sex tape? Is it any good?
Sounds like class all round. That's a rather gentlemanly way of holding someone up.
Did he ask you which way you 'dressed'?
Sounds like class all round. That's a rather gentlemanly way of holding someone up.
Did he ask you which way you 'dressed'?
I really must dress as a Dandy Highwayman one of these days.
I'm 34 today, but I refuse to let anyone at work know.
I mean, it's my birthday so I have to buy everyone else cakes - what kind of twisted, fucked-up logic is that!?
I shall not participate in such lunacy.