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UK's so-called "grooming gangs" get international attention


Gold Member
This is absolutely delusional, you'd be arrested for "breach of peace", I've seen plenty of videos of people arrested in UK for it that had done nothing. My dude, you have no idea what's going on in your own country

I'd like to see them do it at speakers corner, with no Police..


Gold Member
You can disagree with me but I'm an English teacher with a degree in linguistics, so my grammar is probably a stupid line of attack. There's nothing wrong with having "because" (as a subordinating conjunction) start a new sentence for stylistic reasons. I'm assuming you meant "causal" relation and there clearly is one; maybe it's not your native language.

Anyway, I can see my post wasn't popular. I wonder how many of the responders aren't British. I could go out on the high street right now and protest Muslim rape gangs all I want. It's if that protest turned into racial hatred that I'd have an issue - again, it's easy not to do that.

People like Tommy Robinson are scum, and not very bright scum at that, as they could make their points without falling foul of the law.

Edit: that's not to say the police/prosecution didn't fail to do their job properly because of concerns over racial harmony, let's just not get carried away extrapolating from that and imagine that we live in some dystopic nightmare where we're scared of breathing a word of dissent. The strength of America's free speech laws is kind of unique to it but that doesn't mean other countries have none.
I think you don't understand why your post wasn't popular. The answer is in your reply and you still don't understand it.

"I could go out on the high street right now and protest Muslim rape gangs all I want. It's if that protest turned into racial hatred that I'd have an issue - again, it's easy not to do that."

How does your government decide when something becomes hateful? Who can reasonably decide what is free expression and what is hate? When the government is allowed to decide what is hate speech then the government can make any speech hate speech. Being able to protest whatever you want as long as the government is ok with it isn't freedom at all.

Let's not pretend that this isn't the same government that expanded police power under the public order act in 2023 to give police the power to randomly stop and search people. And also jail people for simply carrying equipment they could use to lock themselves to another person because they may be able to disrupt public transport or interfere with traffic. They don't have to have actually done anything wrong. They arrested a small group of people arrested outside of Charles' coronation after determining that their "Not my king" placards were illegal. Go do your peaceful rape gang protest outside of a government official's home and you can be jailed for intimidation.

Even if it doesn't appear to be a dystopia it doesn't mean that the laws aren't draconian. But I guess a society that was raised under such restrictions on their liberty wouldn't be able to easily see what's happening.


Gold Member

I'd like to see them do it at speakers corner, with no Police..

From a place that broadcasts Islamic prayer over loudspeakers. Ironic.


I bet you haven't heard him speak for longer than a 10 second soundbyte. I once had the same opinion as you, because I too am a sheltered middle class home county graduate.

Give it a try, you might learn something.

I'm working class, from a deprived northern town and I've heard him speak plenty. Also met lots of people who supported him growing up (and in my family.) He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.
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Gold Member
I'm working class and I've heard him speak plenty. Also met lots of people who supported him growing up (and in my family.) He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.
You know who are even bigger scumbags by far? The savages in the OP. And that includes the politicians, judges and municipalities.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I'm working class, from a deprived northern town and I've heard him speak plenty. Also met lots of people who supported him growing up (and in my family.) He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.
Boy, maybe you men in that place should stand up for the children being raped, multiple men assaulting and entering them at the same time by the gang rape men, the same way? Or even those who covered it up while you folks were still sucking them off? You guys have no problem speaking out on this dude who is probably some random white dude from there, but you’ll bend over and let your children be raped without one person being fucked up.

Crazy town.
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Gold Member
He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.
Well if that's the case I guess we should just leave it up to the establishment to sort out..

They've been doing great so far, with more to come by the looks of it 👍

Ironic though, isn't it. When your degree loving world falls apart he'll be the exact type of character you'd want to sort it out. Just like that ivory tower attitude has always wanted in, lets see, every war going, isn't it? :unsure:

I'm sure you'd be right on that front line if push comes to shove.


Keir Starmer orders ALL of his MPs to vote against an inquiry into child rape gangs

Yesterday it is found that senior Labour MPs follow a paedophile that regularly posts dick pics and invitations for strangers to bum him

EVERY ONE of these MPs would have seen this filth on their feed

Put two and two together here and you get something very wrong is going on in the party !!!!



Gold Member
Keir Starmer orders ALL of his MPs to vote against an inquiry into child rape gangs

Yesterday it is found that senior Labour MPs follow a paedophile that regularly posts dick pics and invitations for strangers to bum him

EVERY ONE of these MPs would have seen this filth on their feed

Put two and two together here and you get something very wrong is going on in the party !!!!

We're not voting our way out of this, are we.
I'm working class, from a deprived northern town and I've heard him speak plenty. Also met lots of people who supported him growing up (and in my family.) He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.
Fair enough, I'll take your word on that. But scum? Really?

He's lower working class with a criminal record. It was insanely easy for the likes of the BBC to demonise him and sweep what he was pointing out under the rug. And it worked. Certainly no one from a London-centric middle class background like myself would want anything to do with him.

I believe it was Sargon of Akkad who pointed this out to me, I'm yet to see this smoking gun of all the terrible things he's supposedly done since he became poltically active. Usually all I hear are angry NPC noises. He's ruined his life challenging a system that was not meant to be challenged.

He's not even my cup of tea, but I hate the BBC and legacy media. Anyone who catches the Eye of Sauron for the public prescribed 2 Minutes Hate instantly goes up in my estimation.


Keir Starmer orders ALL of his MPs to vote against an inquiry into child rape gangs

Yesterday it is found that senior Labour MPs follow a paedophile that regularly posts dick pics and invitations for strangers to bum him

EVERY ONE of these MPs would have seen this filth on their feed

Put two and two together here and you get something very wrong is going on in the party !!!!


Crazy how it's just all out in the open. Pedos drunk off of power for decades.


I'm working class, from a deprived northern town and I've heard him speak plenty. Also met lots of people who supported him growing up (and in my family.) He's a scumbag and former football hooligan, hardly someone I'd go to bat for.

He's a prat and an idiot.

But, as far as I know, he's never caused anyone any real harm, even the schoolboy he libelled and was found in contempt of court of.

And he has been trying to get what has happened with these rape gangs noticed, which is far more than you or I have.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
He's a prat and an idiot.

But, as far as I know, he's never caysed anyone any real harm, even the schoolboy he libelled and was found in contempt of court of.

And he has been trying to get what has happened with these rape gangs noticed, which is far more than you or I have.
And there we have it, folks. Guy is a moron and been a shitbird in his life, but at least he is trying to get the word out.

However, we have known about this in the states since the 1990s. We had discussions on it, wondering why a small area would immigrate so many Muslims who live under Sharia Law. It was all countries of Islam back then pretty much and now it is 53 or 56 countries where they have it.

I spent much of my military career, around 16 years worth as a SME for the Middle East and spent years living in remote villages. I have learned a wealth of how they are, how they see themselves compared to other religions, what their leaders tell them to do to non believers, stoning women to death, dragging gays behind cars on payment till their skin and muscle start to tear offf the bone. You can look at what has happened to Northern Africa.

Every intelligence agency and reports show that 15-22 percent of Muslims are extremists and want Sharia law. Now considering there are over 1.9 billion followers of Islamic teaching, that would be over 200 million extremists running around. That is larger than all the militaries in the world combined numbers.

No one is changing these folks who are ardent believers and they won’t stop if they believe it is their right by God to use women and children as they see fit. The only way to fix the situation is to go after them in force, using every force multiplier that their weak police have.

Not every Muslim is the same and not all sects believe and look at the Quran the same way, but about 90 percent agree that they are above others, that their religion is the only one for the world, etc. Like anything else you have good and bad apple, unfortunately with the number in Islam, it is a metric ton of trouble.

Folks from the west have no idea what it is like in their countries. It is nothing but nonstop atrocities for women and children.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
They're all complicit.
You are so damn right. There has to be some reason they are fighting so hard to keep away from a national inquiry zeroing in how this was covered up, who was involved, emails, cell phones, police chiefs, etc.

This is on a whole new level that I have never even seen, letting this systematically happen to children and do nothing. They are hiding pedos amongst themselves.
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Keir Starmer orders ALL of his MPs to vote against an inquiry into child rape gangs

Yesterday it is found that senior Labour MPs follow a paedophile that regularly posts dick pics and invitations for strangers to bum him

EVERY ONE of these MPs would have seen this filth on their feed

Put two and two together here and you get something very wrong is going on in the party !!!!


This is absolutely insane.


Gold Member
Keir Starmer orders ALL of his MPs to vote against an inquiry into child rape gangs

Yesterday it is found that senior Labour MPs follow a paedophile that regularly posts dick pics and invitations for strangers to bum him

EVERY ONE of these MPs would have seen this filth on their feed

Put two and two together here and you get something very wrong is going on in the party !!!!

Very wrong. You should see what some of the labour councillors have been busted for over the last few years, its disgusting. I have a list but don't want to post here as I'm not sure on the rules on that sort of thing.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I give you the mayor of London, demonstrating just how the british establishment go out of their way to cover for certain communities.

GIF by Christmas FM

All over the country there are certain demographics of persons getting into positions of power (be that the police forces, MPs etc) voted in by the same demographic. Its like a game of chess when you think about it.
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Its funny how this is being branded a Labour issue, when the Tories were in power for 14 years and did sweet fuck all about it.

Convenient how this has entered the discourse now.


Gold Member
Aye, watched that yesterday, it really is unreal what's going on in this shithole

What can you expect from such a divided nation though. We don't even talk to our neighbours. Any nation like that is one that will be easily taken over by organised rot.

Especially when that rot has help from higher up.
Same game-plan here in the states by the same puppet masters. Making people divided by red vs blue, not talking to neighbors, etc..

More prominent in blue cities and states, and they've been trying to do that in more rural areas, but have not been so successful, thankfully.

There are over 300,000 missing children that were trafficked by the wide open border. Parallels.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Its funny how this is being branded a Labour issue, when the Tories were in power for 14 years and did sweet fuck all about it.

Convenient how this has entered the discourse now.
No one gives a fuck about which political side it is. It is the men in that country that are too weak to protect their own children and country. They gave up their children’s innocence and bodies to be called good people.

That’s the issue.
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Its funny how this is being branded a Labour issue, when the Tories were in power for 14 years and did sweet fuck all about it.

Convenient how this has entered the discourse now.

Sorry, but while the lack of national response is mostly on the Conservatives (and they are massive hypocrites for calling it out only now), Labour is in this shit 6ft deep.

Seriously. Some of these councils that helped cover up and obsure these rape gangs are Labour. Some of the perpetrators are prominent local Labour members.

Some of think tanks and advocacy groups that have helped push people to be scared of being branded racist have links to Labour. Some of the advocacy groups have gone after whistleblowers. And some of the trade unions have made it clear they won't help members branded 'racist'. All helping perpetuate these vile crimes.

And lastly, Labour are the ones in power now. The responsibility to act falls on them now. Yet they refuse to elaborate on exactly what they will do, which only leads to more suspicion.
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Gold Member
Same game-plan here in the states by the same puppet masters. Making people divided by red vs blue, not talking to neighbors, etc..
Seems to be a running theme in the west

More prominent in blue cities and states, and they've been trying to do that in more rural areas, but have not been so successful, thankfully.
It's definitely in more left leaning areas it seems. All the bluster of 'be more mindful' 'mental health awareness' and peace and love guff certainly have some of the worst crime rates going.

There are over 300,000 missing children that were trafficked by the wide open border. Parallels.
How this isn't on the news 24/7 is a crime in itself. Absolutely abhorrent!

Which is what I was saying earlier in the thread that it does seem like we're being run by some form of evil cabal

And it's so blatant it's painful.

No one gives a fuck about which political side it is. It is the men in that country that are too weak to protect their own children and country. They gave up their children’s innocence and bodies to be called good people.

That’s the issue.
Not I, that's for damn sure.

But I get the gist. I sadly know of such 'men'. Men that actually support this regime



Dear Wokies

You know saying "South Asian Men" when it's 99% Pakistani and 1% Bangladeshi men is WORSE, right?!

It ain't Raj from IT that's the problem and you're throwing two billion other people under the bus for your fear of naming the problem, this was almost completely a Pakistani cultural problem.


So Anglo Saxons spend the entire last millennium just barely fighting off the Ottomans only to later invite them in with free apartments and food cards? Weird idea, but let's see how it works out for them.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
So Anglo Saxons spend the entire last millennium just barely fighting off the Ottomans only to later invite them in with free apartments and food cards? Weird idea, but let's see how it works out for them.


The Ottomans were never a threat to England and we didn't fight them off for the last thousand years. The Ottoman Empire also wasn't around for a thousand years. The grooming gangs are also mostly men from Pakistan, which has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire.



The Ottomans were never a threat to England and we didn't fight them off for the last thousand years. The Ottoman Empire also wasn't around for a thousand years. The grooming gangs are also mostly men from Pakistan, which has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire.
*broadly speaking of Western Europe and the Middle East.
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