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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Haha. I tend to choke hard under pressure. -_-

Well, that's a thing that can't be helped until you actually face it more often. It's not like it doesn't happen to everyone. Personally, due to how uncommon it is, I feel that I choke way harder when I'm winning than when I'm losing.


tagged by Blackace
the first time i went to a local and heard commentators talking about my match while i played was pretty weird.
This would bother me way more than hundreds of people watching TBH. I don't need another extra thought process going on and making me doubt myself during a match, especially if under the pressure I take what they're saying as objective.
Isn't Brightside there as well? Why don't you PM him wherever he is at and see if he minds running casuals if he is going?

Hope you and Brightside make top 5.
Haha, I have no hope of top 5. I'd be thrilled if I made top 16. My goal is just to get more involved in the offline scene for better matches. My play has started to reach the point where online isn't cutting it anymore.

Damn i live in the suburbs of Chicago and I love marvel, but I'm terrible at it so I probably won't enter UFGT9. May come to watch though.
Another lurker not on the spreadsheet!

I'm going here tonight for Marvel casuals. Starts at 6PM if you want to come:

On that note, remember bring your Kronephones. Or else. So get those headphones Karst.
I don't have the money to spend on good headphones right now. :p If I started to do this seriously I would definitely invest in some, though.


get some go again
man some people online. dude invites me to player match and we go ft10. i win 10-3 and by the end the dude is tea bagging and taunting all over the place. dudes name was panda something. when i got the message i thought it might of been our very own panda but this guy was using team trench coat.


As in "Heathcliff"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";49435983]Not literally, just actively avoiding using GAF to work on some stuff. I think I'm gonna ban the website from my browser for now though, the temptation is too high.[/QUOTE]

I guess he got himself banned. Too bad, I'm curious about his work.


you guys should start up some huge game theory conversation so god's beard suffers through his ban.
Magneto is not top 5. Too much effort required not cheap enough.

Or something.

Marvel GAF, riddle me this- what are some possible candidates for best point Strider team?
Doom TACs and Ammy Cold Shots would be a huge support for Strider. Can also play Strider point with Doom Vergil shell for those SS DHCs.
Magneto is not top 5. Too much effort required not cheap enough.

Or something.
Well, based on results the top 5 are:

1. Vergil
2. Doom
3. Morrigan
4. Wolverine
5. Spencer

That looks like a good top 5 to me. There wasn't even a Magneto in top 8 at Winter Brawl, so I don't know why everyone talks about him like he's better than he is.


Magneto is not top 5. Too much effort required not cheap enough.

Or something.

Doom TACs and Ammy Cold Shots would be a huge support for Strider. Can also play Strider point with Doom Vergil shell for those SS DHCs.

TAC infinite character second is probably the truly optimal thing, I suppose. It's unfortunate since I hate TACs so much though :(

Strider definitely needs a high durability projectile assist to get him in in certain match-ups.

Well, based on results the top 5 are:

1. Vergil
2. Doom
3. Morrigan
4. Wolverine
5. Spencer

That looks like a good top 5 to me. There wasn't even a Magneto in top 8 at Winter Brawl, so I don't know why everyone talks about him like he's better than he is.

Magnus won Evo though, that's gotta count for something.


Who plays an optimal Magneto team though? Fchamps team is a Dorm team, Ray Ray, Fanatiq, and Joker all play Mags drones, Yipes plays disruptor assist.

I think X rays team is the best Magneto team right now...or Kbeast.


Magneto is above Spencer in results for sure. At the time of E3 Magneto was the character with the best results but hasn't won anything except Revelations since then. Still is way higher than Spencer.

Best result are Doom, Wolverine, Vergil in that order with either Morrigan or Magneto 4th. Wolverine won a bunch of tourneys in early UMVC3 when Vergil didn't even make an appearance until ECT and CEO. After Revelations he has won all but one big tournament so he is defintely very close to being 2nd best in results. Doom is #1 by a mile it's not even close.

Optimized Magneto team is something like Vergil plus Doom shell.. which is what many people in Norcal play (ShadyK, CJ, Chris Schmidt) or Doom plus Phoenix or Doom plus Ammy. Drones is his best assist though with Missiles a close second but Doom gives him TAC follow ups.
Magnus won Evo though, that's gotta count for something.
That's old stuff. When was the last time FChamp won a tournament? Not since the FT10 with ChrisG IIRC. Evo was before everyone joined the Doom and Vergil armies. The data just isn't relevant anymore. Hell, PR Balrog was between teams when Evo came.

Who plays an optimal Magneto team though? Fchamps team is a Dorm team, Ray Ray, Fanatiq, and Joker all play Mags drones, Yipes plays disruptor assist.

I think X rays team is the best Magneto team right now...or Kbeast.
What's an optimal Magneto team? Magneto + Missiles/Drones is key, but other than that it's pretty flexible.


Marvel GAF, riddle me this- what are some possible candidates for best point Strider team?
Strider/Strange/Dante, Strider/Iron-Man/Dante, Strider/Doom/Dante and Strider/Magneto/Dante for teams that benefit Strider the most imo, with no real order between them.

Strider/Vergil/Doom would probably be the 'easiest' best point Strider team, though. Strider/Magneto/Vergil is also good if you want the derp. Disruptor left/rights + easy TAC infintes + anchor Vergil.
you guys should start up some huge game theory conversation so god's beard suffers through his ban.
I already made him suffer earlier. I'm on my way back home from playing him in person. And yes Karst, we recorded some footage. Don't know when it'll get uploaded, so don't ask.


So does it make me a douche for trying to roll with a team that consists of Jill, Doom, & Vergil?

Because everyone (but Jill) is top tier.
I already made him suffer earlier. I'm on my way back home from playing him in person. And yes Karst, we recorded some footage. Don't know when it'll get uploaded, so don't ask.
I hadn't even thought to ask, but cool.

So does it make me a douche for trying to roll with a team that consists of Jill, Doom, & Vergil?

Because everyone (but Jill) is top tier.
It makes you a Jill user who also wants a chance to win.


It makes you a Jill user who also wants a chance to win.

I can barely use Jill and can only do simple combos, Doom=Footdive Mania, & Vergil is the only character I can claim that I'm mildly familiar with. And that's because I've been playing him since summer of 2012.

Plus, with friends, if I ever want to win via the timer I can always lvl3 x-factor mad beast Jill.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Yeah but he's just gonna cut out all the matches he loses.

Ultimate Street Fighter is a cool idea it just sucks there's no way to do it offline. Not sure if it's even possible at all right now since damage would be low iirc. I doubt you can set that for online matches.

nvm training mode
Yeah but he's just gonna cut out all the matches he loses.

Ultimate Street Fighter is a cool idea it just sucks there's no way to do it offline. Not sure if it's even possible at all right now since damage would be low iirc. I doubt you can set that for online matches.

nvm training mode
If he does that, then only one game is gonna be uploaded. :p


That's old stuff. When was the last time FChamp won a tournament? Not since the FT10 with ChrisG IIRC. Evo was before everyone joined the Doom and Vergil armies. The data just isn't relevant anymore. Hell, PR Balrog was between teams when Evo came.
All data is relevant. At the minimum pre-EVO stats are relevant just to show the evolution in the meta game.

Last time FChamp won was at Revelations. He has also been placing high at various tournaments he has been to.


get some go again
are the top 2 at last years evo in danger of becoming irrelevant? i know infrit is getting there and fchamp hasn't really done much since then.


are the top 2 at last years evo in danger of becoming irrelevant? i know infrit is getting there and fchamp hasn't really done much since then.
FChamp is still super relevant and is among the top 5 gods of Marvel. At his worst FChamp is #4 in the game. Infrit is in a bad character crisis moment now, I don't think he will replicate that performance again. A lot of people have leveled up since then.

The only problem with FChamp is that he isn't as hungry anymore. I mean he already won EVO. He is more motivated to win that Battle Royale than he is to win FR.


That's old stuff. When was the last time FChamp won a tournament? Not since the FT10 with ChrisG IIRC. Evo was before everyone joined the Doom and Vergil armies. The data just isn't relevant anymore. Hell, PR Balrog was between teams when Evo came.

What's an optimal Magneto team? Magneto + Missiles/Drones is key, but other than that it's pretty flexible.

Mags/Doom/Vergil or Mags/Doom/Ammy maybe?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
That's my worst fear. Getting blown up on stream at my first real tournament.
I should track down my first stream performance. It was a mess. I played sloppy as hell and the whole room was against me since we were playing against the hometown team. And then in singles on the next day, I got steamrolled by JWong on stream too.


I think Magneto is actually looking better and better as time goes on. He might be #4 overall. Magnetic Blast is a salve that covers over all wounds, and his air mobility allows him to get away from a surprising amount of BS. Also, the best Magneto team is Magneto plus any good lockdown. I think my favorite Mags team, which I have been playing a lot lately, is Magneto/Vergil/Doom (missiles, of course). I like running Vergil second on that team instead of last since he's so dirty with missiles behind him and works better for DHCing from Mags.


I'm going to take back some of the bad things I've said about Hsienko. She can actually be quite fun at a casual level.
I used a team of Hsienko(Senpu Bu)/Dante(Weasel Shot)/Sentinel(Drones) against one of my friends offline this weekend, and it actually worked quite well if I didn't get zoned out. (Also pretty bad against any sort of runaway tactics)
The safe DHC of Gold Armor -> Devil Trigger was very useful. Her mixups aren't bad in the corner, backed by Drones. I did pretty well going nuts with XF2 Hsienko + Drones.

Better movement and hit boxes on her bombs would be nice though. ... and pendulum canceling...


Norcal is probably the most competitive Marvel scene out there at the moment. I mean their weeklies are fucking brutal these days, even low tier players like CJShowstoppa have leveled up drastically while gods like PRRog settle for 4th placing. FChamp still the king of Norcal with that performance yesterday.


Okay, Marvel GAF, it's time play "Help Beckx Find an Anchor for His Team."

I run either IM or Spencer on point, Frank second. I'm looking for a good anchor with assists that synergize with them, and also anchors not named Doom, Vergil, or Dante.

I'm a terrible player so anchors that require high execution are...bad ideas. Currently running with Phoenix as anchor but there's no real synergy on that team I can find.


Okay, Marvel GAF, it's time play "Help Beckx Find an Anchor for His Team."

I run either IM or Spencer on point, Frank second. I'm looking for a good anchor with assists that synergize with them, and also anchors not named Doom, Vergil, or Dante.

I'm a terrible player so anchors that require high execution are...bad ideas. Currently running with Phoenix as anchor but there's no real synergy on that team I can find.
Probably Hawkeye is your best bet.

Also Hulk with manly anti-Helm Breaker punch:



I'll check out Hawkeye, any particular assist that's better for this team than others?

Maybe play around with Hulk too, was the first Marvel character I liked when I was a kid.

Azure J

You wanna run Hawkeye with Triple Arrow because it gives Spencer a secondary tool to use for overhead zip ins and Frank a solid assist for command roll mixups.


Okay, Marvel GAF, it's time play "Help Beckx Find an Anchor for His Team."

I'm a terrible player so anchors that require high execution are...bad ideas. Currently running with Phoenix as anchor but there's no real synergy on that team I can find.
I'd recommend either Hawkeye(Triple Arrows) Arthur(Daggers), or Sentinel(Drones). XF3 Arthur can be some scary shit.

Maybe play around with Hulk too, was the first Marvel character I liked when I was a kid.
I don't really think Hulk is great option for anchor. Sure he does damage, but he has poor mobility and can be zoned out easily.


Okay I'm getting really salty against spiral swords.
That's ok, I don't see any reason not to.
It's WAYYYY too good.

What can your team do against it anyways Slasher?
It seems like Gamma Crush or Order In The Count should have enough invincibility to get you through the swords, but you don't really have a safe DHC to DHC into or a hyper to punish from fullscreen...

I find it frustrating because it seems like Felicia can't do anything when spiral swords are up.


why do i always get hit by cap's cr.L fufasdjflasjdf

All I know is that Task/Dante/Akuma is my new anti-derp team. It tends to blow up people who mash a lot.

Azure J

why do i always get hit by cap's cr.L fufasdjflasjdf

This is a good starting point to a topic I should have brought up months ago, what is that one normal you get salty as fuck getting hit with?

Right now, it's either this, Wolverine's c.L, or Hawkeye's j.H. I've almost reached zen in this game with regards to getting hit, but these moves man... I still can't get all of the rage out.

Edit: Oh fuck, forgot about online Ryus and j.L/c.L.


Thanks guys. Really appreciate this.
No Problem.
Also, here is a good Arthur combo video if you eventually want to learn some more complicated things with him.

This is a good starting point to a topic I should have brought up months ago, what is that one normal you get salty as fuck getting hit with?

Edit: Oh fuck, forgot about online Ryus and j.L/c.L.
-Hulk's standing H, even though its my own fault for not respecting it.
-Vergil's everything, mostly because I'm online...


This is a good starting point to a topic I should have brought up months ago, what is that one normal you get salty as fuck getting hit with?
Cap's cr.L(obviously), Paipu(especially if it's the second or third pipe in a row, I have no confidence in throwing it :/), Doom's j.H(I hate getting hit by it because pretty much no one ever backs it with an assist, and it's so easy to punish if I just didn't jump :/), Vergil's s.H(only if it's someone who teleport + assisted me and I jumped back, they throw out s.L, and I try to punish on the way down but they're auto-ABCing and s.H comes out to whack me in the face. SO MUCH SALT) and that's about it.

I just hang my head in shame when I get hit by Foot Dive or Helm Breaker.
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