That's ok, I don't see any reason not to.
It's WAYYYY too good.
What can your team do against it anyways Slasher?
It seems like Gamma Crush or Order In The Count should have enough invincibility to get you through the swords, but you don't really have a safe DHC to DHC into or a hyper to punish from fullscreen...
I find it frustrating because it seems like Felicia can't do anything when spiral swords are up.
It's the fact that nobody can really do anything against it. It just has everything going for it.
Safe DHC. Check
Combo Extender. Check
Force Block String. Check
Stupid Rapid Slash conjunction. Check
Extra Formations. Check
Easy teleport shenanagins. Check
Eats many projectiles. Check
Destroys the neutral game. Check
All in one move.
This is a good starting point to a topic I should have brought up months ago, what is that one normal you get salty as fuck getting hit with?
Doom Footdive. I can't get mad at it but fuck I'm not just gonna let him sit in the air all day and spam shit, I gotta make my move sometime. Clearly if I use this high priority attack from this angle I can....
*Gets footdived
Good matches. I liked the Joe victory in the last match against DP. I guess being slowed continues after transformation.
Also poor God's Beard, Joe kept falling out of stuff and it looked hard to convert things causes he's so small.
Beardo you need to block and not put yourself in dumb situations. Jump back gun is annoying as fuck, but you do it in situations where you're just asking for it.
Holy shit this. It's such a God's Beard staple. I was literally playing a match the other day and someone was replicating this and I said over the mic "When did God's Beard start playing" and my opponent was like Whaa. Nevermind lol.
It's okay God's Beard my Wesker is just as fradulent.