Since I already posted my Dante, Trish and Strider changes a while back, I'll just not post them and go for some other characters.
I'd like to remove TACs, but since I know that won't happen I'll mainly abstaine from general changes since atm I can't think of a system that wouldn't completely gimp TACs, but also wouldn't keep me hating them. Though I will borrow Dahbomb's throw tech change, and remove the stacking damage/speed scaling of X-Factor.
- +[?] Judgment Cut now chainable up to three times into itself or one of its other variants with an additional respective button press.
- + Devil Trigger Judgment Cut now hits OTG
- + Can manually fire each projectile of Sword Storm(the crown) with ATK+S
- - Round Trip glitch removed
- - Round Trip damage changed from 20k per hit to 15k per hit(same as Trish's).
- - Lunar Phase damage adjusted from 25k x 8 + 50k to 15k x 8 + 50k.
- - Helm Breaker recovery changed from 18 frames to 22 frames. Cannot be canceled with a launch, but can still be special canceled.
- - Hitboxes adjusted to match the animations more, and no longer extend past them.
- - cr.L startup changed to six frames.
- - Spiral Sword durability changed from each sword having 3 frames x 5 high durability to 1 high durability each. Damage reduced from 15,000 to 10,000.
- - Dimension Slash no longer teleports Vergil beyond the opposing character, removing its ability to cross up.
- - Invincibility on Devil Trigger startup removed(since I didn't have this for Dante in the last list, it goes for him, too)
While there are a lot of -s, I don't think I nerfed Vergil too severely. Durability change on Spiral Swords means just about every projectile hyper goes through it now, the damage reduction on Round Trip and Spiral Swords also means his chip damage isn't as absurd. I chose to reduce individual moves damage, since chip is always 30%, meaning his chip damage would still be way too high if I just lowered his specials damage scaling. Lunar Phase damage reduction means he can no longer do 50k for each, doing about 30k now, and with the nerfed Spiral Swords damage means his loops - while doing damage still - is no longer as high damage/meter build as before.
Tentative about the 3 Judgment Cut change. It's accurate to the games, but that's a lot of real estate on the ground at one time...
Dr. Strange
- + Increase start up acceleration of forward and back dashes. Each travel 20% further.
- + cr.L now hits low
- + s.L rapid fire capable
- + Given a three-way airdash. Directions are forward, back and straight down.
- + Mystic Sword L lower hitbox increased, destroys low and medium durability projectiles during active frames.
- + Eye of Agamatto now 10 frames x 3 low durability points
- + Daggers of Denak M fires the discs one after the other instead of at the same time.
Not a whole lot of huge changes for Strange, but these are mainly just my personal gripes with him when I play him.
- Gold Armor break occurs upon getting hit, and now causes a soft-knockdown.
- + All ground normals are two frames faster(they're stubby, they should have some benefit)
- + Shield Deflect now counters high, mid and low attacks. Startup changed to 3 frames(from 5).
- + Cross Sword special cancelable. Projectile remains if Arthur gets hit. Now usable in the air.
- + Lance Charge startup reduced to 18 frames. Gold Armor reduces it further to 14 frames and destroys low and medium durability projectiles.
- + Increased hitstun on j.S by three frames.
- Assist – Heavenly Slash replaced with Scatter Crossbow
I'm not super sure on Arthur. Getting hit once and having the Gold Armor break seems a bit much, since he's primarily a projectile based character so if he gets tagged by something fast like Disruptor, he immediately becomes gimped. Maybe set it to range from 5-10 hits or something?
- + Increase hitstun and blockstun on j.L by four frames.
- + Ninja Gift M hits OTG
- + Cuttin' Time now scales to a minimum of 50%, up from 40%
- + Chimichangas window of cancel for Quick Work L changed to frame 20-25
- + Chimichangas window of cancel for Quick Work M changed to frame 45-50
- + Chimichangas window of cancel for Quick Work H changed to frame 55-60
- + Katana-Rama L and M cause soft-knockdown
- + Fourth Wall Crisis is now 5+0 on startup and can now counter projectiles.
- Assist - Trigger-Happy H assist changed to an eight shot Trigger-Happy M
Relatively minor changes here.
- + Rhino Charge returned to vanilla status
- + Normal counters are now unblockable.
- +/- Removed glasses buff by using Phantom Dance. Will only buff Wesker if glasses are broken through damage or chip damage.
- - Phantom Dance follows a set pattern that always tracks a character, keeping them in constant blockstun to avoid the random cross ups.
Again, mostly minor changes.
Dr. Doom
- - Universal damage and meter reduction for all normals. (Nothing too severe, generally ranging from 5-10k)
- - Hidden Missiles as an assist has an additional 10 frames of startup
- - If Doom is hit during Hidden Missiles, any missiles that have not already begun descending onto a target automatically self-destruct
- - Plasma Beam(assist) comes out at the point's location(that's a good change, Dahbomb. Wouldn't have thought of it)
I think these changes are reasonable. Not too much of an overnerf, but not too light. I think Doom is mostly fine, it's just his high damage/meter gain for little effort is too high. Additionally, Hidden Missiles is too good, but I don't want it to be
useless. It just needs slightly more risk for the reward, which I thnk my changes give it without making it worthless...
maybe remove the additional startup, or lower the number some. Thoughts?
- + Less hitstop for animations, speeding up his combos.
- - Damage scaling lowered from 20% normals and 30% specials to 15% normals and 15% specials.
- - Buster canceling Raikousen will immediately remove the lightning from the screen.
Less hitstop is a much needed buff, imo.

I'm not too keen on nerfing characters, so these are just
needed changes. Reasoning for 15/15 instead of 10/20 is that Zero's normals scale very quickly, and going down to 10% is a bit too much imo. Additionally, his damage comes from specials mainly, so 20% is too high. Since I'm not getting rid of the loop(it's not an easy loop to do, so there should be a reward to do it, but the damage that Zero can get right now is too high), 15% would half the loop's damage(anywhere from 400-500 down to 200-250).
- - Fix guard-cancel glitch with Gravitation moves(not that it sees any use, but I don't think it's intentional)
- - Increase startup of Disruptor assist by 5 frames.
- - Magnetic Blast L now has 3 low durability points, down from 5. Magnetic Blast M has 4 low durability points, down from 5. Magnetic Blast H remains the same.
Not too much to see here. Not wholly sure on the Magnetic Blast change, but there's literally no reason to use the M or H version over the L version(which is the fastest startup). There needs to be
some sort of incentive.
- + Air Soul Drain hits OTG
- - Astral Vision clone's attack do not build meter, unless it's a Soul Drain.
- Assist – Soul Fist changed to Soul Drain
- Assist – All assists now use Shadow Servant for THC
Nothing too drastic here, I think. Astral Vision still builds meter, but doesn't double it with the clone(it does double, right?).
- + Her cr.H now hits OTG.
- + Her s.S has extended horizontal range.
- + j.S now causes her to descend faster, much like Arthur's j.S(though not as fast)
- + Henkyo Ki L disappears after 60 frames, Henkyo Ki M disappears after 120 frames, and Henkyo Ki H disappears after 240 frames.
- + Air Throw and Command Throw untechable knockdown time increased by 30 frames.
- + cr.M now hits low.
- + Universal 5 frame startup decrease for Senpu Bu.
- + Can immediately cancel all versions of Senpu Bu with S. Cancel takes 3 frames.
- + Anki-Hou now have 5 low durability points. New QCF + S move now always throws bombs that explode on contact with an enemy.
- + Airdash movement speed increased by 25%. Range increased by 50%.
- + Walkspeed increased by 10%.
Somehow, it still feels like Hsien-Ko needs more. I can't tell if it's because she's so bad, or just that I have trouble imagining her with even these changes. lol.
Didn't really follow the criteria set(5 buff/5 nerf), but whatever. I had fun making them, and that's that.