You know he could FADC the SRK on the second hit in SSFIVAE, right? It's just the FADC on block that's new, and the nerfs weren't worth it.
I need to congregate with other Oni players to further my skills, because I rarely get to see Oni on streams. Sanford also plays a highly grounded Oni, while I jump in constantly and bait SRKs with the air dash. I saw Infiltration play Oni once, and I thought "That's how I play Oni!" I just wish I had more than the one video to go off of.
Anyway, what is your typical hit confirm Onemic? I used to just do jumping MK/HK depending on spacing, and then f.LP, f.MP for easy confirms. Now, against Decapre, Target Combo 1 whiffs sometimes (argh). I've noticed Sanford doing c.LP, b.MP, but I'm curious about what you use.