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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again

Robot Pants

Don't want to turn thjs into the el Fuerte bitch thread, but they gotta do something about this retarded character. It may never happen seeing as how that last balance change was probably the final one.


Don't want to turn thjs into the el Fuerte bitch thread, but they gotta do something about this retarded character. It may never happen seeing as how that last balance change was probably the final one.

If they wanted to do it 1.04 was the patch to do it with him.

Have a feeling he's staying

Nose Master

Fellas. I've heard some rumours:

Stream monsters on a recent Wong stream were saying that random select prioritizes characters that aren't often used. Confirm or deny.
Haven't posted much lately, its been a month since I posted in here. Have had quite a scare the last few weeks. Doctors found a tumor in my neck, and have been having tests done, luckily after testing we have found out its benign, but it should probably be removed eventually. So I haven't felt like doing as much character testing recently, but now that I know I'm good, I can get back to posting my findings and stuff on Blanka no one seems to want to hear lol.

Here is some more stuff I have found(likely someone else found has these as well) that pertain to Cody. Note these are for Ultra 1.04. Damage and Stun values are bolded.

Cody has a character specific link that has probably existed before Ultra or 1.04, but I had not seen it my self. Close standing HP usually pushes to far back to link any other close normal after. However, some characters leave just enough room to link close standing MP after it. This is a 1 frame link and is spacing specific, a deep jump in Roundhouse(HK) helps with the spacing. This allows cody to get even more damage and stun off jump ins against certain characters. I will add a list for what characters this works on soon.

Edit: Characters this works on:
DeeJay(Because why wouldn't it), El Fuerte, Poison.
Abel, Sagat, Seth. I listed these 3 separately as the link can be weird with them, it hits sometimes but wont connect others for no apparent reason.

Example of best meterless jump in without this link:
J. HK- Towards MP- Cl. MP- Cr. HP- HP CU= 372 Damage, 652 Stun

With the Cl. HP- Cl. MP link:
J. HK- Cl. HP- Cl.MP- Cr. HP- HP CU= 412 Damage, 752 Stun

This gives Cody some powerful combos to use, not all are listed here but here's a few examples:
1 Bar Corner Required- J. HK- Cl. HP- Cl. MP- Cr. HP- Lvl 3 Zonk- EX CU= 496 Damage, 855 Stun
3 Bar Mid screen- J. HK- Cl. HP- Cl. MP- Cr. HP- Lvl 3 Zonk- FADC- Crack Kick- EX CU= 509 Damage, 912 Stun
2 Bar Combo- J. HK- Cl. HP- Cl. MP- Cr. HP- Lvl 3 Zonk- FADC- Ultra 1= 596 Damage, 740 Stun

Also Have been messing around with Cody's knife and its changes. While the basic problems with it are still there, the added juggle potential allows more damage and some more utility, which is a plus. If you are using the knife, end your combos in a Light Punch Criminal Upper. Yes it does less Damage than HP Criminal Upper, but it allows for a follow up with the knife that ends up giving more damage and stun than if you finished with HP Criminal Upper.

Example, A basic Knife combo would be: Cr. LP- Cr. LP- Cr. LK- HP CU= 208 Damage, 294 Stun
Utilizing this new juggle potential, you can instead: Cr. LP- Cr. LP- Cr. LK- LP CU- Cr. MP= 242 Damage, 312 Stun
This is even stronger in the corner as you can juggle into Cr. HP instead of Cr. MP, the same combo above ending with Cr. HP instead does 266 Damage, 372 Stun

Fortunately, there is a way to follow up with Fierce (HP) from mid screen, and it happens to be using one of Cody's least used normal's, Close Standing MK. When using close standing MK, it keeps Cody close to the opponent when he follows up with LP Criminal Upper, allowing him to follow up with Cr. HP. If you cross the opponent up with MK, you can still hit the Close MK, you will need to follow up with standing HP instead of a Cr. HP (The hit box on Standing HP reaches just a bit further than Cr. HP). Close MK also holds the distinction of being the only normal Cody can cancel into Level 1, 2, and EX Zonk when he is holding the Knife. You can also follow up a Lvl 3 Zonk with Cr. HP in the corner. EX Zonk Mid screen uses Standing HP Instead.

Basic Examples of this(J. HP means jump towards HP with knife):
Without knife: J. HP- Cl. MK- LP CU= 338 Damage, 476 Stun
With Knife: J. HP- Cl. MK- LP CU- Cr. HP= 406 Damage, 568 Stun
Cross up: J. MK- Cl. MK- LP CU- S. HP= 356 Damage, 468 Stun
1 Bar Knife Combo: J. HP- Cl. MK- EX Zonk- S. HP= 422 Damage, 640 Stun

One more thing to mention on knife Juggles is after the juggle you push the opponent away, but there is enough time to dash forward once and still be safe. From this reset here you can go into Cr. LK- LP CU into another juggle reset, Crack Kick, or an overhead if they are close to stun. While Cody's overhead is slow and mostly unsafe, at the range after the dash its relatively difficult to punish, and some characters can't. Also if you juggle in the corner, depending on how you time your dash you can cross under for a deceptive mix up.

So some pretty nice stuff, makes the knife more tempting and worthwhile when picked up. I have some more stuff with Blanka as well, mostly reset shenanigans, but I'll post that later. I love doing this kind of stuff, and if anyone finds it useful it just adds to the enjoyment. If there's any other characters you want me to look at and test stuff, feel free to ask, I'm more than happy to do so!

Edit: Can't believe I forgot this, but with the 1.04 changes Crack kick starts up faster and can you can do 2 Crack kicks on certain characters like in AE2012 for big stun. A good example would be neutral jump HP(do it late) on Balrog's dash punch, dash low, or turnaround punch. Its good for Balrog because Neutral jump HP towards MP combo wont connect all the time into Close MP. Plus you can follow this up with EX CU for more damage and stun, or Cr. HP with the knife for a juggle reset.
Glad to hear you're good. That's some scary shit to find out.

As for your Blanka stuff... please just tell me the easiest way to beat the son of a bitch. I hate him so much.
Updated the post and included the Crack kick stuff I somehow had forgotten to post about.

awesome info solid snake

Thanks man.

Glad to hear you're good. That's some scary shit to find out.

As for your Blanka stuff... please just tell me the easiest way to beat the son of a bitch. I hate him so much.

Don't you play T Hawk? If so I'm sorry for the pain we cause you. I suppose counter picking isn't necessarily the answer your looking for? lol
No I can play almost every character to some degree, minus Ibuki. Counter picking would be fine....I just don't know which characters counter Blanka.

I started typing this big write up and didn't notice your reply lol. Balrog is probably the best counter, followed by Vega, Cammy, Fei, and Hakan(this match up is really bad). I can post some matchup stuff with those characters later.

Since GAF has several T-Hawks and people seem to struggle with Blanka in general, this post will mostly cover T-Hawk vs. Blanka with the notes I have taken, the testing I have done, and my experience playing this match up. I will also add some general things about Blanka later that most people don't know about. Warning, this is gonna be a long ass post.

The Big Issues For T-Hawk Against Blanka
1. Hawk can't punish ball for shit in most cases.
2. Struggles to mix up Blanka, especially when Blanka has Meter.
3. Although Hawk can have a strong footsies game, Blanka has better normal in general.
4. Blanka's speed and movement can be hard to keep him pinned down, as well as having a few options for escape.
5. Hawk generally has to take more risks than usual in this match up.

Preface Before this Matchup/Ultra Choice
-You can pick whatever Ultra you prefer, its up to you. I recommend Ultra 2, as it gives a strong threat to Blanka's air options and is useful for punishes. Ultra 1 can also punish a variety of moves and stuff as well, but you lose the air threat. Ultra W has the most use, but you will have to decide if its worth losing the damage for, as damage is crucial in this match up imo.
-Meter is going to be important, it not only gives Blanka more options, but gives Hawk a way to apply pressure and shut down some of Blanka's escape options.

Neutral Game/General Footsies
Your basic goal is to get Blanka to the corner, and get him to burn meter to give you a stronger offense.
-Far Standing Jab(S. LP), Crouching Jab(Cr. LP), Crouching short(Cr. LK), Far Standing Forward(S. MK), Crouching Forward(Cr. MK), Far Standing Strong(S. MP), and Crouching Strong(Cr. MP) are your best buttons in the neutral game.
- Close Standing Strong(Cl. MP) is great when up close, as it is +6 on hit and 0 on block.
-Standing Roundhouse(S. HK), while useful for punishes, whiffs on a crouching Blanka. Sweep(Cr. HK) is also useful, but can be punished by Far Standing LP into Ball. Not the easiest punish but something to be cautious of.
- Far Standing Strong(S. MP) is a great poke and jab combo ender, but make sure Blanka is standing when used in a combo. Crouching Blanka this move will whiff on in a combo.
-Slide can punished on block with SPD, Super or Ultra 1. Focus dashing the sweep also works, or focusing for a crumple is another good option.
-Refrain from jumping in the neutral. Most characters cannot do much to Hawk when he neutral jumps mid-full screen. Blanka with charge will just Up Ball you to death.
-Well timed dashes help to close space as well as LK Condor Spire which builds some meter. Blanka can punish these with a well timed sweep or slide, but it isn't the easiest, and if you block it, you get a free punish.
-EX Condor Spire is great for pressure. While its -3 on Block, it is hard to punish, and Blanka's fastest normal is Far Standing LP at 3 frames, which EX Condor Spire will put you close enough only close normal will come out, Blanka's fastest close normal is 4 frames, making this a great approach/pressure tool.
-Jab to keep Blanka honest with Hori Ball. Use Cr. LP as its hit box is best suited for this.
-Use these to make Blanka play more honest. Honest Blanka is much easier to deal with then derp Blanka in this matchup.

Hawk Against Up Ball
-Unfortunately L, M, and H Up Ball are unpunishable on block and hit except in the corner.
-Whiffed Up Ball you can chase down and punish.
-EX Up Ball when not FADC'd are punishable on Block however, and stand blocking reduces the balls bounce back. The Punishes are:
1. Stand Roundhouse(S. HK)
2. MK Condor Spire (this is spacing specific, Blanka needs to do the Up Ball close to you).
3. EX Condor Spire, leads to soft knockdown, can be followed up with Tomahawk and Dive.
4. Dash Forward LP, MP, or HP SPD(Preferred punish without Ultra). These have 2 frame startup and will punish, while EX SPD has 4 frame startup and will not work if Blanka immediately jumps or backdashes.
5. Dash Forward Super, Dash Forward Ultra 1, or U2(no dash needed) for best punish.

Hawk Against Back Step Roll
- If blocked high or at apex of roll, any Condor Spire will hit leading to soft knockdown.
- If blocked low Condor Spire will Whiff, use Dash SPD instead(Preferred)
- Dash SPD, Dash Super, Dash Ultra 1 or Ultra 2 will connect
- If blocked High, Sweep leads to hard knockdown. Blocked low Sweep can still reach in some cases, Dash sweep used when it does not.
- Focus is very useful here. Builds Ultra Meter and you can see what side he will land on. If behind, dash towards SPD, Super or Ultra 1. If in front, release focus as he is about to land for a crumple.
- Be careful however, if you see Reversal pop up during the start up, do not focus, as Back step roll breaks focus when used as a reversal.
- If you Focus the roll and Blanka ends up behind you, back dash then Ultra 2. Forward Dash Ultra 2 whiffs almost all the time(I honestly don't know why).
- EX Back Step Roll is mainly used to escape the corner, however HP and EX Tomahawk will stuff it during its startup(Back Step Roll has fairly slow start up). You can also stuff it with Ultra 2.

Hawk Against Horizontal Ball
- Cr. LP will stuff all versions of Hori Ball. S. LP can also be used, but it has slower recovery and needs to hit at tip of the move.
- EX Tomahawk will beat out ball outright, and HP Tomahawk will beat out them as well, need to hit slightly early with it however. Can react to long range HP Ball or mid range MP Ball(MP Ball travels slower).
- Stand Block reduces pushback.
- LP, MP, and EX Ball unpunishable on block or hit except in corner.
- HP Ball Punishable on Block. Punishes are
1. Standing Roundhouse(S. HK)
2. EX Condor Spire
3. Immediate Sweep. Leads to Hard Knockdown.
4. Dash Forward Super or Ultra 1, Stand Block helps here. Dash SPD does not work but Dash Super and Ultra 1(1 Frame faster startup then SPD) will.
5. Ultra 2. Doesn't matter if stand or crouch block.

Dealing With Blanka's Hop Mixup
- Throw, SPD, and Tomahawk are options, but have a chance to go the wrong way.
- Cr. LP and Cl. LP will stuff these mix ups more efficiently, really any characters jab will.
- Follow up with a combo or tick throw.
- Only time not jab really is on knockdown and Blanka goes for a meaty Hop Up Ball, or meaty Hop Electricity as it will stuff these jabs.

Hawk Against Blanka's Ultra's
- On Ultra 1 mix ups, if you have a bar of meter, use it on EX Tomahawk, it will blow through this mix up.
-On Blocked Ultra 1, Dash Forward SPD, Super or Ultra 1. Alternatively you could just Ultra 2.
- Ultra 2 Anti-Air, Just walk up, Focus crumple and follow up.
- Ultra 2 Anti-Ground. At full screen(where Blanka would use this) Immediately jump forward and condor dive at the highest point, It should hit him inbetween the bursts of electricity. Alternatively, you could immediately jump, Condor Dive before the highest point landing in front of Blanka for a SPD, Super or Ultra 1.

When Hawk Has Blanka Knocked Down
- The key here is to make Blanka Burn his meter, EX Up Ball beats almost all of Hawks options or trades with them. So safe jump the shit out of him.
- When Blanka has no meter, Up Ball or any other wake up option other than focus back dash will flat out get beaten by a meaty splash.
- If you think Blanka will Up Ball on wakeup, you can take a risk and HP, or EX Tomahawk, which will beat out the start up of any Up Ball. Ultra 2 will do this as well.
- Regular throw is not a bad option, far less recovery then SPD and Blanka wont be able to punish and escape negating the ground you have earned.

That's basically all the T-Hawk specifics and advice I can give on that matchup, since this post is so long, I will make another one with some lesser known stuff about Blanka that would be useful.
Thank you for that informative post

I play neither of those characters but its cool to see info get spread

No problem, I've thought of putting some of it on SRK forums, but those places are pretty dead, especially the character discussion sections :(

I think people will like this info, I'm honestly kind of amazed how many good or high level players do not know some of this stuff about Blanka, but here we go.

Anti-Blanka Stuff You Might Not Know

1. Blanka Has good normal's, most notably his Fierce(HP) and Roundhouse(HK) normal's which are known to cause problems in a lot of matchups, especially grapplers. They have a fast startup and great range, but 1 very big flaw people don't take advantage of. They have shit recovery. If your character has a far reaching normal, it most likely will be able to punish these, or a very fast Ultra or Super. Chun-li and Dudley can punish most of the HP or HK normals on Block pretty easily. If your character can't punish on block, you can focus dash and get a punish that way. In fact, a large portion of the cast can focus dash Ultra all of Blankas HP and HK normal's. For those that can't or people who struggle with execution, don't worry. Blanka's recovery on these moves is long enough you can focus the attack, score a crumple and then follow up.

2. This is one of the least known things about Blanka imo. Jab electricity is great, great block stun, decent damage, and a solid frame trap. It is usually cancelled from Stand Jab, Close Stand Jab, and Crouching Jab. EDIT: Crouching Short, and Crouching Forward are true block string's, my mistake. It is then 98% of the time the HP electricity, which does the most damage, and the most block stun with the exception of EX. So why wouldn't you use that version all the time?

Well, all those normal's I listed cancelled into HP Electricity, most of them aren't actually true block strings. There is a very small gap where you can do something in between on block. Cancelled into LP, MP, or EX Electricity is a true block string, HP electricity is mainly used as a confirm or minor frame trap when the Stand Jab or whatever normal you used is blocked. However, the overwhelming amount of Blanka players who piano into Electricity use only HP, because it does the most damage, block stun, and is the easiest to cancel into. If your character has an invincible move(DP for example) or a 1 frame grab(which is every grapplers Ultra or Super I believe) you can hit or grab Blanka out of the startup of HP electricity after the initial normal is blocked. Note this is extremely difficult to do, but this is more just saying it can be done. This is why I implore all new blanka players to learn a way to cancel into LP Electricity as well as HP Electricity for the other frame trap and mix up possibilities it adds, and the off chance someone manages to mash through it.

Edit: Looking back at this, I realize the above isn't that useful, nor is it a reliable way to punish. It is very, very difficult to do, This is more the fact you can do it type thing, but it is not recommended.

Edit 2: Made a mistake and misread my notes, Crouching Short(Cr. LK), and Crouching Forward(Cr. MK) cancelled into HP Electricity are true block string's. Shouldn't have made this mistake, considering I use them as a meaty often.

3. In relation to the above post, Blanka has always been seen as the scrubby character for scrubs. Yes he has good normals and can be annoying to deal with. At a higher level to do well with Blanka, to do any real damage, combo's worth a damn, and combos into electricity/pressure with electricity, he actually requires heavy execution. Almost all of his BnB's have at the minimum one 1 frame link, he has several that with three or four 1 frame links(Red focus combos this number just only goes higher). So why this is advice isn't really the best thing to say in general, but with Blanka's tight links, mashing out SPD or Uppercut occasionally isn't necessarily bad thing to do against him. To be real, I can't think of another character when watching streams that has as many dropped combo's in a match as Blanka does.

4. While I mentioned the Hop mix up in the T-Hawk post, it applies to the whole cast, with the exception of meaty Up Ball, meaty Electricity, or hop through Ultra(You will almost never see this tbh) jab or crouch tech will beat out or at the worst trade with everything else Blanka throws out at you. If your character has a fast 3 frame normal, like Balrog's jab, you can severely limit this mix up.

That's all for now, there will probably be more in the future.
I started typing this big write up and didn't notice your reply lol. Balrog is probably the best counter, followed by Vega, Cammy, Fei, and Hakan(this match up is really bad). I can post some matchup stuff with those characters later.
Ok I had a feeling that Vega was a decent matchup. He's one of the characters I do reasonably well with against Blanka. I'm still pretty awful at fighting him though.


I've started to mess with Dudley and he's...not really that hard to pick up. Most of his combos are pretty easy I feel and dat damage.

Anyone a Dudley main here who can share some good tech?
Ok I had a feeling that Vega was a decent matchup. He's one of the characters I do reasonably well with against Blanka. I'm still pretty awful at fighting him though.

Yeah Vega's long reaching attacks and amazing normal's are the biggest plus for him in that matchup. As I said above some of Blankas normal's have pretty slow recovery, Vega is one of the few characters that can confirm into a combo for decent damage after blocking them. Vega's downsides in that matchup are his limited options on wakeup, his limited anti-air game, though most people struggle with Blanka's jump arc, its very odd in comparison to the rest of the cast, Jump back MP, air throw, or dash under are his best options in my experience. Low profiling Blanka's cross up MK is another option, timing can be tricky though. Focus Backdash is another one that's fairly decent, however be cautious of an option select slide. Also thanks to Blanka's weird hurt box when crouching, EX Barcelona can occasionally whiff at max range in a combo against a crouching Blanka. Though even with some of those negatives, his pokes are extremely effective against Blanka.

Anything in particular you struggle with against Blanka?

Robot Pants

How much slower does blanka get up than the rest of the cast? I know it's slower but I've never gone and actually practiced getting the timing right against him.

Oh the official App says +2. Is that right?
How much slower does blanka get up than the rest of the cast? I know it's slower but I've never gone and actually practiced getting the timing right against him.

Oh the official App says +2. Is that right?

Yup, I should have added that to my post, but Blanka is +2, Sagat, Cammy and by extension Decapre are +1 on wakeup compared to the rest of the cast. Almost all of the cast that I know of has safe jumps that only work on Blanka and no one else. Also its part of the reason why Blanka gets away with wake up throw so much.

Edit: I honestly can't remember if Adon is 0 or +1.
Anyone want to play? PSN. UncannySilk.

Do I got you on psn? Ill be on in about an hour if you'll still be down

Anyone for some early morning PSN?

PSN revival brahs?

When Ultra drops on PS4 I'll be picking one up and will finally be on PSN. Console + New Stick are gonna make a dent in my wallet though... Hopefully the issues with the PS3 version are remedied in the PS4 version.
When Ultra drops on PS4 I'll be picking one up and will finally be on PSN. Console + New Stick are gonna make a dent in my wallet though... Hopefully the issues with the PS3 version are remedied in the PS4 version.
Hopefully they use the PC build as a base (but lol at the netcode still). If the netcode is shit though I won't be buying it,because after playing sm4sh which has great netcode, I don't think I want to go back to PS3 lag...


Hopefully they use the PC build as a base (but lol at the netcode still). If the netcode is shit though I won't be buying it,because after playing sm4sh which has great netcode, I don't think I want to go back to PS3 lag...

You sure you want the PC build? It still freezes up in training, I think.

I so wanna play, but my ps3 in in my other house in another state.. When I get back gonna grind some Ibuki and Juri

There's always PSNow. (▀ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Okay I need some tips for fighting el fuerte players.

Everytime I play an el fuerte it's like playing rng the guessing game. el fuerte players just spam that move where they jump over your character, and either you try and block high to prevent the overhead, or you block low to avoid being grabbed. But as far as I can tell there's not any visual difference between the two moves? Or is it just the same move and it will always grab you if you block high?

If not, I'm either blind, or el fuerte is just a fucking dumb guessing game gimmick character

anyway, help requested plox


Okay I need some tips for fighting el fuerte players.

Everytime I play an el fuerte it's like playing rng the guessing game. el fuerte players just spam that move where they jump over your character, and either you try and block high to prevent the overhead, or you block low to avoid being grabbed. But as far as I can tell there's not any visual difference between the two moves? Or is it just the same move and it will always grab you if you block high?

If not, I'm either blind, or el fuerte is just a fucking dumb guessing game gimmick character

anyway, help requested plox

Backdash beats both of those options should be.

Also early jumps (not reactive jumps usually) will let you air -to air him, but you have to do them as a guess as well.

El Fuerte is indeed a guessing game gimmick character, you can only tell the difference by listening to whether he makes a sound or not during the jump part of the move, but that's usually too damn quick to really react to so you're stuck guessing and preventing him from doing that by pressuring him up close or staying away.


FYI, recent activity in the Steam database hints to more costumes coming:
Those DLC slots recently got added, and the depot referred to as "Watermelons" just got populated with file size data the same way the "Peanuts" one did just before the Wild set was released. Likely one more after that if the trend holds.

Maybe they'll announce it at the Taipei Game Show event at the end of the month.


FYI, recent activity in the Steam database hints to more costumes coming:
Those DLC slots recently got added, and the depot referred to as "Watermelons" just got populated with file size data the same way the "Peanuts" one did just before the Wild set was released. Likely one more after that if the trend holds.

Maybe they'll announce it at the Taipei Game Show event at the end of the month.

The costumes keep getting worse with each pack. Didn't even purchase the stupid animal ones and I love costumes.
FYI, recent activity in the Steam database hints to more costumes coming:
Those DLC slots recently got added, and the depot referred to as "Watermelons" just got populated with file size data the same way the "Peanuts" one did just before the Wild set was released. Likely one more after that if the trend holds.

Maybe they'll announce it at the Taipei Game Show event at the end of the month.

When USF4 on PS4 was announced they did say that the game would get all the DLC costumes released up until that point or something like that. So they pretty much hinted that more was to come that wouldn't be apart of the PS4 release. Sounds like this new costume pack will come out right after the PS4 release which I assume will be this Spring. I'm not a big fan of the Animal theme costumes. If their is another costume pack releasing soon hopefully I'll find it more interesting.


When USF4 on PS4 was announced they did say that the game would get all the DLC costumes released up until that point or something like that. So they pretty much hinted that more was to come that wouldn't be apart of the PS4 release. Sounds like this new costume pack will come out right after the PS4 release which I assume will be this Spring. I'm not a big fan of the Animal theme costumes. If their is another costume pack releasing soon hopefully I'll find it more interesting.

It looks like there may be two. One's essentially ready to go live on Steam, and a slot for one more. It'll be hard to be worse than the animal ones. I'd love one to be Capcom character based ones.

Was there a tentative date set for Ultra on the PS 4?

Nothing yet.
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