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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again

It's mostly his stupid jump arc. I have a lot of trouble hitting him with anti airs. I generally have to predict jumps rather than react to them, and ultimately that screws me over.

Blanka and Adon's jump arc are the fastest in the game, coupled with their jump roundhouse makes them even more difficult to anti-air. The best options I can give for Vega are:
Air to Air
1. Neutral Jump Roundhouse(HK)- This has a great hit box, is fast and will beat out Blanka almost all the time. Best option imo.
2. Jump Back Roundhouse(HK)- Hit box is down and forward, beats out Blanka unless done late.
3. Jump Back Strong(MP)- Hit box is in front of Vega, beats out Blanka all the time unless done late. 1 Frame faster than jump back roundhouse, slightly less damage.
4. Air Throw- Good option, will be beaten if done late.
Grounded Options
1. Standing Roundhouse(HK)- Only do at max range, Blanka's Hitbox beats out this move if it is done to close or to early, need to time it right.
2. Scarlet Terror- Needs to be done at height of Blanka's jump. Due to start up, if it isn't it will trade or be beaten clean.
3. Dash Under- Only do if Blanka jump's to close. Safe.
4. Focus Back Dash- Can be caught by OS slide.
5. Focus Attack- Focus the hit and release, actually a good option, just be careful as they might start empty jumping you.
6. Slide Under- Not recommended, it works, but can be caught by sweep.
7. Ultra 2- Better Anti air than Ultra 1, plus it can punish ball more effectively.

As for the timing, just need to go into training and practice against it, or play a Blanka and grind it out. Although online is harder to deal with, that's really the best I can give you unfortunately.

Hopefully they use the PC build as a base (but lol at the netcode still). If the netcode is shit though I won't be buying it,because after playing sm4sh which has great netcode, I don't think I want to go back to PS3 lag...

I'm just hoping for an overall improvement. My PS3 time is limited to playing on it at locals occasionally, and even offline I could feel it.

FYI, recent activity in the Steam database hints to more costumes coming:

More? Well, hopefully they bring out some better designs, the last few have had some terrible ones.


So looking forward to USFIV on PS4.

2014 was the first time I played any version of SFIV (bought SSFIV for PS3 and 3DS) so I'm hardly tired of buying new versions.
So do you guys make assumptions on how good someone is based on their PP before you play them?

I had a guy join me today that pressed ready and then dropped out of the match before it started. He then sent me a message and it said "didn't mean to ready up. I saw your low points so I'm sure I'll probably wreck you. I need a challenge."

It made me think of all the times someone will join me and then leave without ever playing a match. I wonder if it's because they assume that I suck. If so, that's really fucking stupid. My 1200 points is not enough ;_;
all the time

0 - 999: toss-up; could be godlike and don't play ranked/reset their numbers to build again, or could be brand-new and awful
1000 - 1999: bad/losing streak (bad)
2000 - 2999: competent
3000>: finally a challenge
I knew I should've just stayed at 60 or whatever the fuck I was at. I quickly grow tired of ranked matches so I never made it past 1200 since ultra dropped.

...I think I made it to 4000 once before, or close to it.

Anyway, no matter what someone's points are, I will give them at least 2 matches (sometimes 3) to see if it's worth my time. I feel everyone deserves that at the very least.

It is hilarious to be underestimated very frequently though. I love it when someone with 3000+ points joins me and I wreck them because they initially didn't take me seriously.
Nah, I love ranked. Player matches are zzzzzzzzzz unless I'm specifically fighting someone I know. Why would I play a bunch of games in a row with someone and not get anything out of it? With Ranked, I get a match, get dem points, and boom, onto the next person.

Short version: Player Match is for chumps or playing against friends.


I got tired of losing ranked matches to lag so I just play endless now.

Been playing lots of Dan lately and been winning a lot with him. Dan kicks throw or grab mixup is too good.
Nah, I love ranked. Player matches are zzzzzzzzzz unless I'm specifically fighting someone I know. Why would I play a bunch of games in a row with someone and not get anything out of it? With Ranked, I get a match, get dem points, and boom, onto the next person.

Short version: Player Match is for chumps or playing against friends.
Yeah I feel the exact opposite. I get absolutely nothing out of a ranked match, win or lose. It's one match so I feel like I proved nothing. I can steamroll people in ranked just due to the fact that I have a ton of gimmicks and I'll pull out all the stops because it's just one match. If I did that in a player match with someone decent, I would likely get folded up after about 3 matches because I have nothing left in the tank. Plus player matches let me develop new tactics.
I pretty much feel the same way as Beef when it comes to points. If I didn't know you I probably would think you were a easy win at 1200 points. If you stayed at 60 then I think most players would always have some doubt in the back of my mind about just how good you are.

As for Endless vs Ranked, I prefer ranked because I don't want to play the waiting game. I want my match and when it's over, move on to the next one. I only like endless when it comes to playing friends. Otherwise being stuck in a lobby full of strangers with at least 4 or more bores me unless I'm kicking everybody's ass.
Yeah I feel the exact opposite. I get absolutely nothing out of a ranked match, win or lose. It's one match so I feel like I proved nothing. I can steamroll people in ranked just due to the fact that I have a ton of gimmicks and I'll pull out all the stops because it's just one match. If I did that in a player match with someone decent, I would likely get folded up after about 3 matches because I have nothing left in the tank. Plus player matches let me develop new tactics.

And there's the rub. You have to hope you find someone decent otherwise it's boring as shit, so you have to leave and look again for another 12 hours.

Ranked >>>
I pretty much feel the same way as Beef when it comes to points. If I didn't know you I probably would think you were a easy win at 1200 points. If you stayed at 60 then I think most players would always have some doubt in the back of my mind about just how good you are.

As for Endless vs Ranked, I prefer ranked because I don't want to play the waiting game. I want my match and when it's over, move on to the next one. I only like endless when it comes to playing friends. Otherwise being stuck in a lobby full of strangers with at least 4 or more bores me unless I'm kicking everybody's ass.
Yeah I don't do more than 2 or 3 person lobbies. I don't like waiting either. Most times I'd rather just play one on one. Lately I have been doing 4 person lobbies just because of edition select mode and I like to see what kind of shit people are doing with Omega characters.

And there's the rub. You have to hope you find someone decent otherwise it's boring as shit, so you have to leave and look again for another 12 hours.

Ranked >>>
Ehh it might be different on PS3 but it doesn't take me too long to find someone decent on 360. I do hate it when I can't troll a bad player into quitting though. Sometimes they are just so determined, and that's honorable.
Decided to hop online again and what was supposed to be 20-30 minutes turned into 3 hours. Oh boy once I get rolling I just can't seem to stop whether it's just me wanting to play or me being extremely salty and wanting to try and make up for losses.

One match up that I actually like is the Dudley match up. I thought I had a good grip on it but I ran into a lot of Dudley tonight and got bodied pretty hard by one guy while losing short sets to a few others. I pretty much lost because one one thing, jumping fierce punch. I got nailed by that thing like 40 times tonight it seems.

The Duds would constantly get into my cr. MK range and then use it over and over. I can't reaction DP it because I'm too focused on the ground game and many times I tried to anti-air with cr. HP only to get blown up because I reacted to slow. Man that thing is so fucking irritating to deal with. It's the only reason I have a tough time against Dudley because if it was only his ground game vs mine, I think I would come out on top more often than not(against a similar skill opponent that is).

Funny thing is that I put myself in that situation most of the time because I got pretty salty and kept wanting them to do it so I could anti-air it. But I guess they knew what I was up to and attacked me on the ground. And I only blocked because I was too focused on them jumping at me. I guess it's back to the drawing board with this match up.

Robot Pants

Nah, I love ranked. Player matches are zzzzzzzzzz unless I'm specifically fighting someone I know. Why would I play a bunch of games in a row with someone and not get anything out of it? With Ranked, I get a match, get dem points, and boom, onto the next person.

Short version: Player Match is for chumps or playing against friends.
Championship was the greatest though.


You are giving game developers too much credit. They never full ass anything unless it's naughty dog or nintendo
Everybody else fails
I do like how Capcom half-assed a KOF like mode where meter doesn't carry over to rounds, but couldn't add a rematch button in endless...

I was pretty excited about that mode. I thought it might even gain traction at tournaments as a side tournament. Then we learned the truth about it and it was dead on arrival. Really, how hard can it be make those changes that fans asked for? That would definitely kicked some life into that mode.
I would but my stick can't work on pc so I'm stuck on ps3. If anybody would like to join either they are welcome. :)

If you're available later tonight I'll try to play you. I haven't touched the PS3 version since USF4 came out mainly because lag issues. But maybe our connection might be good. I'm east coast btw.
Let me know if you can get on at 8pm? My name is Rice_Eater483 on PSN. If Shinmaruku is a no show, I'll take anybody else that wants to play on either PC or PS3.
Bit of warning I am terrible XD

GG's, as for you skill. It's OK, I saw some of your videos already and knew what to expect :p

It's not a big deal though, I get bodied pretty hard to when I run into top tier GAF players or just better players in general. Against then I'm just as clueless and confused as to what to do to pull off the win. Just try to keep it up and don't get too discouraged and quit. At least not till next year, then we can all bail and start over in SF5.

After our matches ended I decided to go on a little adventure in PSN. Besides the endless against ShinMaruku, these are my first PSN matches since sometime last Summer. Surprisingly it's much better than I remember. I stuck with green bar matches and all but one of my dozen or so matches felt lagless or had minimal lag. That's a far cry from PC where everything is a fucking guessing game because the bars don't mean shit. In my experience it doesn't matter what your opponents bars say because I've had tons of lagless red bar games and laggy green bar games. I'm going to play on PSN some more just to see how well it holds up at different times of the day and so on. I might take back my word about how USF4 Steam is still better than PSN even though it sucks pretty bad itself right now.
Spent a few more hours on PSN last night. I take back all the stuff I said about USF4 on Steam being better than USF4 on PS3, it's much better on PS3. Just like what I said yesterday I stuck with green bars for the most part and most of my matches were lagless or had minimal lag. PC is in far worse shape then what I experienced on PS3 yesterday. I won't abandon PC, but I plan to play on PS3 much more if things hold up like this. At least until the PS4 version comes out and hopefully enough people buy that version.
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