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Ultra Street Fighter IV |OT| What is old is new once again

How is Poison in terms of learning? Is she super complicated or pretty simple? Any nice easy combos into ultra/super, stuff like that?

I'm trying to pick up a new character and I'm thinking of learning her or Rolento.

So far I play mainly Cody, but more recently a lot of Hakan. Also dabble in Abel and Fei Long a bit


How is Poison in terms of learning? Is she super complicated or pretty simple? Any nice easy combos into ultra/super, stuff like that?

I'm trying to pick up a new character and I'm thinking of learning her or Rolento.

So far I play mainly Cody, but more recently a lot of Hakan. Also dabble in Abel and Fei Long a bit

She's pretty simple from what I can tell.

Easy combos: Ex Rekka from anything gets you Ultra, but it's scaled annoyingly. DP FADC works pretty well. Standard stuff


I'll check that out when not at work, thanks! Anything that gives me more utility on the ground will make me very happy indeed.

And see, I knew there was more that could be done with that jumping MP juggle. I'm atrocious with Ultra 2 though. I only used it once yesterday when a poison threw out a projectile after she'd knocked me down. I dunno if she was thinking I was going to tech up and it would hit me or what. Pretty sure it would have wiffed no matter what. Anyway, woke up with Ultra 2 to win the round. I guess I should practice with Ultra 2. My biggest problem with it was that I was using it the lame way and throwing it out as a hail mary. Worked into setups like that jumping MP juggle, I'm sure it works just fine. Usually I just stick with Ultra 1. Feng Shui Engine is very entertaining.

The storing of the fireballs is part of the reason I bought a fightstick, honestly. Storing anything but HK on pad cripples my ability to keep fighting. I've only got one thumb! That and I'm already tired of losing rounds because my finger slipped off d-pad and onto Share. It happened so much, I switched to my pad's stick and twice I tripped the PS button somehow and input my combo right into the OS. I'm sure it was very impressed.

In general U1 is the prefered Ultra for Juri, since it adds utility and possibly higher damage output than U2 if you can open your opponent up multiple times.

Fireball game using pad is difficult, but I doubt there will ever be a time were you will have to store 3 at the same time. When in closer situation you mostly want lk and mk available, having lk projectile stored can net you maximum damage combo using FADC.

Evil Ryu is complex? I just messed around with him a little bit, but he just seemed like a Ryu/Akuma hybrid to me.

Evil Ryu might seem the same as Ryu/Akuma, but you don't play him like either of them. He has 10% less HP than Ryu, so if you play him like Ryu you won't get enough damage done and he doesn't have Akuma's tools to play like him.

With Evil Ryu you have to utilize his damage/stun potential, so hit confirming cr.mk into hadoken FADC combo is vital, for example. There is a ton more stuff that sets him apart. like both ultras being usable, higher output off a cr.mp counter hit, walkspeed, kara throw etc.. The catch is, he also requires good execution/reactions and doesn't allow as many mistakes.
I main Evil Ryu, and I don't think he differs all that much from Ryu. At a basic level these two are doing the same exact thing. They anti-air the same, they have similar hit confirms, they have identical fireball frame data(though Ryu's fireball speeds have changed, and they have pretty much the same approach when it comes to being aggressive. Besides being obviously the same character, these two are the most similar characters in the game in terms of move set and play style.

The main difference between the two is their low forward. Ryu's is fast and can low profile much better. Evil Ryu's is slower but has a bit more reach and hit stun. If you can't hit confirm that thing and convert it into damage than you're just playing a Ryu with slower normals. Evil Ryu is known for his damage, but that link is kind of awkward and can be difficult to his. Missing it can leave you wide open for and he can't really afford it with his low stun and health. Sure you can do the simple combos, but why play Evil Ryu then when Ryu can do those simple combos for similar damage and he has more health and stun on top of that.

Evil Ryu has plenty of extra tools and applying those tools is how Evil Ryu starts to differentiate from Ryu. Dive kick is great for mix ups, teleport can be a good escape if you're not making it obvious, hop kick blows up lows, and so on. Even with these differences in the end they're very similar characters. If you already play Ryu, you don't play Evil Ryu with a brand new approach. You can just take your Ryu game and easily transition to Evil Ryu while just learning the extra stuff he has and also the shortcomings he has compared to regular Ryu.


Juri pulls in newcomers because she looks cool. end of story.

I think her downward head stomp kick when jumping is one of the nastiest normals in the game. It's so sick when you catch someone with it. I should play her some more, I was actually getting decent with her when Ultra first dropped on 360.


I watched that Juicebox footsies video, then I watched a Juri specific footsies video by a dude named Triox who I've seen post a lot about Juri in the Street Fighter sub-reddit. He has a series of one hour Juri lessons up on youtube that at least seem useful. Some of it is beyond my skill level right now, but I'll take all the help I can get. Trying some of the things he showed off, I've come to the realization that I suck real bad with links. I need to practice, practice, practice. I'm getting Ok at reads/baiting out whiff punishes, but I'm not converting single hits into real damage yet. Probably getting ahead of myself. I should just keep focusing on fundamentals until it's all second nature. Then maybe I can get fancy.

Being aware of essentially how you're supposed to play Street Fighter has opened the game up a lot for me. Footsies was definitely a huge missing puzzle piece. I spent too much time in single player mode playing computers. I just completely forgot that you're playing the other guy as much or more than you're playing the game. I almost never jump now.

I went 3 - 1 with one guy who kept challenging me right away after I beat him the first time. I took out his Cody, his shit Ken (Shoruken! Shoruken! Shoruken!) and finally his T. Hawk who thought that Falcon Dive into command throw sure was a pretty slick move. So much so that he kept doing it even after I started blowing it up.

I still lose more than I win, but I almost always take a round now. Looking at replays, I can usually see where I went wrong. And it's usually because I still don't fucking anti-air enough. How hard is it to hit down and MP, past self?! How hard is that, really?

Unless of course, I fight a Balrog or Guile. I just don't get charge characters, you guys. It makes it hard to know what they're capable of. Guile in particular mystifies me.

For new players Juri has low health and slow reversal. Gonna get rekt a lot lol.

Makes no difference to me. I'm not here to win, ultimately. I'm here to perfect my game as far as I'm humanly capable. I went in expecting to get knocked down over and over. If I get to a point someday where I'm winning a lot, well that's great. But I'm in this for gaining mastery over a character I love. I actually like fights I lose. I feel like there's more to learn from the replays.

In reality, what will probably happen is that I will just start to get somewhere and SF V will come out and I will have to start all over again. Even if Juri is in, I might go Nash next game. Always liked him as a character and he looks fun. Maybe I'll just play both.


Pretty much. SFV will likely come out long before you get somewhere.

But as long as you have fun and get some improvement in it's all cool.
Ugh, a longshot, but anyone here know much about Oni? Especially the Oni vs. Blanka matchup? I almost never play oni let alone a good one. At a local tournament yesterday I lost to one in loser's finals and its the first time in a while were I was stumped on what to do/punish. I wish there was a video to critique but it wasn't streamed. I have a feeling I let him get away with way to much stuff.


Ugh, a longshot, but anyone here know much about Oni? Especially the Oni vs. Blanka matchup? I almost never play oni let alone a good one. At a local tournament yesterday I lost to one in loser's finals and its the first time in a while were I was stumped on what to do/punish. I wish there was a video to critique but it wasn't streamed. I have a feeling I let him get away with way to much stuff.

I don't know a lot.

So I'll just toss out random tips I guess

F + HP is -8 on block and can be pre-empted pretty simply due to slow startup. Focus also works well.
Regular fireballs are garbage in recovery but electric ones are like Akuma's red fireballs in recovery
Some air stomps can be punished if you have long reaching normals under 5 frames, only HP one is safe, you should be able to tell with some practice which is which bc HP seems to hang in the air for an eternity. Of course only EX one hits overhead so don't worry with that one.
Interrupt demon slash shenanigans with pokes or light attacks. This becomes considerably harder to do on your wakeup tho.
Jumping on him sucks due to St. HP, Cr Hp, and Uppercuts. Try not to too much if you think he can handle your jumps
Don't use too many punishable special attacks to AA him if you see him doing air dash shit. Walk him down when he gets in a pattern of doing that, or use a horizontal attack to catch him occasionally.
Never contest his EX DP, you will lose everytime. Conversely watch out for the chip on his EX DP, it's ridiculous, like 60 damage.
Air stomps are burn-kicks esque, they will air reset if hit and beat throws on wakeup. They will also lose to DPs and high moves.
Watch out for demon slash >> mixups, he's only -2 after that, so like Balrogs with their TAPs he can choose DP, Demon Stomp, throw, or normal after. ONLY applies to light demon slash (the fastest one), punish all other blocked slashes with extreme prejudice. In general, don't let him get away with non-light demon slashes for free.
EX slash almost always crosses up and will be -8 on block. Practice your optimal punishes for the inevitable situation when an Oni will try to gimmick you out with it.
Oni has a Kara Throw. Watch out for it.
how complicated is Gouken? I'm thinking of trying to pick him up. Any good tutorials out there specifically for Ultra (unless there isn't much difference between earlier versions)?


I play Yun, come at me bro

He's actually my secondary character but I've been going mostly Yun lately so the point still stands :p

Next time I try to be less free against your Yun. I think I should try counterpicking, always wanted to play Sagat. Now there is a good excuse to learn him.


Ken is such a good character in this game. Gonna miss the playstyle when sfv drops.

Still thinking about the time last week when I came back against a makoto with 10% life.

1) kara threw his ex overhead wakeup
2) kara threw his block
3) delayed kara threw his cr tech
4) his instant jump back fierce whiffed because I delayed, threw his landing frames
5) walked in his face, he hit the ultra panic button into my block, ex dp to finish it off

I was dying lol. The cheap stuff


Ken is such a good character in this game. Gonna miss the playstyle when sfv drops.

Still thinking about the time last week when I came back against a makoto with 10% life.

1) kara threw his ex overhead wakeup
2) kara threw his block
3) delayed kara threw his cr tech
4) his instant jump back fierce whiffed because I delayed, threw his landing frames
5) walked in his face, he hit the ultra panic button into my block, ex dp to finish it off

I was dying lol. The cheap stuff

Now you gotta play dat neutral huehuehue


Feels like the more I play this game the worse I become, I won zero games today. Boy does that make you want to end yourself.

I dont even do this nearly enough, but try watching replays of your loses and see why you lost. Work on those things in training mode and play more matches. Rinse, repeat.

Or you can look at some high level play of your characters in specific matchups you're having trouble in. Look at what they do, look at what works, what doesnt, and try to apply it in your matches.

Ideally do both. For me, watching my own matches is a far harder task than watching high level play of someone using my character, because I dont get to see myself get rekt.

Also try and find someone that you can spar with regularly. It's always better to find a consistent training partner than solely playing ranked.
Those things make sense, I've been putting them off for a while. I've gone from over analyzing my play to not analyzing at all. I should probably take a break and rewatch my matches every few games instead of playing 20 in a row getting angrier and angrier at myself.


I think Ken's DP can much easily catch Yun's divekicks, and he outfootsies Yun..

Doesnt matter that Ken outfootsies Yun when divekicks will beat Kens normals. And most people wont DP Yun's Divekick unless the Yun player is really sloppy/predictable about it. st.lk is a much safer option because there isnt close to as much risk involved. Even then Yun still has other options. st.mp can whiff punish Kens step kick pretty well and he has multiple ways to punish Ken throwing a fireball. There is no solid counter to Yun's options, just like there is no solid counter to Ken's options.

Compare this to gief where there are actually solid counters to Yun, namely his divekick and Yuns defense without meter. Yun has no way around the counter cmd grab gives against DK, it's either you get your DK perfect, or you eat a cmd grab, forcing him to play a 100% footsie game, exactly where Gief wants him to be. Without meter, Yun on defense is fucked against gief because he has one less option to deal with the fear of cmd grab.

I really dont think Yun loses any shoto matchup. It's just one of those matches where you cant turn your brain off and play on autopilot because you both have stuff that will beat the other. At best it's 5.5 - 4.5.
Next time I try to be less free against your Yun. I think I should try counterpicking, always wanted to play Sagat. Now there is a good excuse to learn him.

Here is a interesting little story about this. Me and Dun tried playing a while back on PC, he's German and I'm from the US(East Coast though). It was extremely laggy but he was on wireless at the time. He messages me to try again, this time he's on a wired connection. It was better, but still too laggy. I literally couldn't play my Evil Ryu at all because I was dropping everything. I went to Yun instead because he was easier to play in the lag.

He ask me to try PS4, I didn't think it would make a difference but we tried anyways. And to my surprise it was actually pretty good. I can't say it was lag free, but I didn't feel the lag getting in my way anymore. I was able to play Evil Ryu the way I normally do under normal circumstances. PS4 saved the day guys lol

As for a counter to Yun, honestly I don't think anybody is hard counter for Yun. He does have some match ups that I think are't in his favor. If I had to choose I'd probably say Decapre is his hardest match up.
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