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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
as someone who played UC1 a whole lot, the shooting itself didn't feel all that different. the set-pieces, however, were generally much more imaginative.


highluxury said:
Thats a personal HOLY SHIT to me.

I didnt expect them to go beyond 8. Wow.
Said this before (Rez will remember) - but it's funny that again they talk about the lack of innovation - without applying the same criteria to other games. Oh well. :)

McBacon said:
Deepbrown, have you checked out the asset disc? The concept art and renders are soooo hot.
Yeah. Was going to post some on here - but I think we've seen them all before. Nice to have them in higher res though :D
deepbrown said:
Said this before (Rez will remember) - but it's funny that again they talk about the lack of innovation - without applying the same criteria to other games. Oh well. :)
Yeah well they, uhm, no I got nothing.


Tenkai Star said:
Yeah well they, uhm, no I got nothing.
Yeah yeah...Edge isn't one entity, they have lots of different reviewers with different criteria. Blah blah blah (all bollocks IMO. One criteria for one magazine)


Beowulf28 said:
That part was funny as hell :lol

I busted a nut, when Sully said
" It's hotter than a hooker in church"
Nat.... "you brought a hooker to church"

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


My brother is playing through the first Uncharted and it froze for the first time ever on the first level. :S


Froze a second time wtf!


FFObsessed said:
My brother is playing through the first Uncharted and it froze for the first time ever on the first level. :S


Froze a second time wtf!
FAT PS3 ? You better be careful. I watched someone's FAT PS3 stop working when he tried to play UC2 yesterday. It froze a couple of times and that was it.


thaOwner said:
FAT PS3 ? You better be careful. I watched someone's FAT PS3 stop working when he tried to play UC2 yesterday. It froze a couple of times and that was it.

PS3 Slim.

edit: deleted the patch data and re-downloaded, seems to have worked for now.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
is it the same art you can unlock in the single-player store?


neoism said:
Well, Here is my two cents. It's the best single-player experience I ever had bar-none. I got it 12;30pm today, from Amazon, but had to wait another 2 hours because the cable people don't know what they're doing! Chapter one is fucking ridiculous... The part before the
falling building
is the best platform level I've ever played!I think is was chapters 15-18! Locomotion is insane, but the problems started there, I got some weird bug, were I would randomly die from nothing, and the part right before
the last cart does a million flips
I get in this fucking retarded loop, I died about 15 or more times, most was from the bug, and a few was shitty deaths( which happened through out the rest of the game, not the bug, it stopped after that level! Maybe I just suck I guess, I wanted the game to fill as real as possible, and dieing a shit load of times definitely takes you out of the experience. I was so pissed at one point I wanted to quit. I wish I would have just started on easy, I'm not that hardcore, I never even played UC1 on Hard. The other mine problem I have, was NG seemed like the made the game for people that already beat it. I had to wait alot for the hints to come up, and sometimes they didn't. The puzzles weren't hard or anything, but there needed to be a button that showed you were to go, I don't think the up button on the d-pad was it. It would have probably shaved about 2 hours off the game time, but I felt like it was trail and error a lot of the times,( definitely on the
Tank boss
Mined you I played for 9 hours straight, the pacing was fucking awesome though.I loved the
Where am I!
level, most beautiful level ever in a game, the npcs holy shit, I just couldn't believe how good it looked! and it was an example of the awesome pacing, the level before was fucking ridiculous!! These games are always better on the second time because you do know what to do, but sadly know what to expect! I now this sound like someone how didn't like it,.. no. It's the best single-player I ever played, it just has some problem areas, which will not be there on the second play through, I do fell there was too much fighting in this game though, but I'll more than likely fill different the second time through because, it;s not that there was to much fighting it just seemed like it, because I would get cheap killed, I'm not sure what it is, I'm playing on normal, and have probably died about 50 times,..... that is not normal.

The paragraph above is just may thoughts about the game soo far, I had to quit not because I was pissed but because I was tried of all the awesomeness. I'm 87% soo far. I know a lot of people will just think I suck, which is true, I'm not hardcore in the slightest, I don't like do the same shit over, and over, and over!
Just to be clear I love this game, NG am Gods. I know this is a video game, but I was hoping it would flow a little better for me( difficultly wise)
Also this is the best looking game on a console.
posted for new page....

Yes Boss!

Holy shit at this game. Seven hours non-stop and I want to keep going but I've got to get some sleep. This is like the PS3 version of Galaxy. What a treat.

Oni Jazar

So does Hard mode throw more patrol routes on the first mission? I got all my assasination badges because I had to redo this one area like 20 times. The patrols were too thick and I couldn't make it through. Damn them for making it an instant fail state.


Rez said:
as someone who played UC1 a whole lot, the shooting itself didn't feel all that different. the set-pieces, however, were generally much more imaginative.

Ahh ok, i'll play this on normal so i can concentrate on the exploration i guess. I think playing the UC1 on hard was a bad idea (my first play-through).

Looking forward to it, National Treasure/Indy comments have got me excited.


Rez said:
is it the same art you can unlock in the single-player store?
Yeah I presume so. Don't know yet...not very far in.

PS. Loved seeing Borneo after being there :D Needs some Proboscous monkeys though :D

PS. Drake's journal is hilarious and amazing. Love the faces of Sully :lol


Junior Member
my special edition from GAME came two days early which was cool, it has a metal finish (like dmc4 did) and a transparent slip case which contains all the text (title, logos, etc.). the case itself is designed like a journal or chest or something, i dunno i havent played much of the game yet. very neat though.

i played just past the stealth mission and im enjoying it so far, but it feels like an extended tutorial and i hope it lets go of my hand soon. the platforming seems to be good but not great, though the presentation is fantastic as many have said.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Prine said:
Ahh ok, i'll play this on normal so i can concentrate on the exploration i guess. I think playing the UC1 on hard was a bad idea (my first play-through).

Looking forward to it, National Treasure/Indy comments have got me excited.
earlier, I would have been like "nah man, just play on Hard", but having bet the game, stick to Normal for the first playthrough. The game gets significantly more challenging toward the last handful of chapters.


Opus Angelorum said:
I haven't noticed this is any of the reviews, do enemies take the same amount of bullet impacts as seen in Uncharted : Drake's Fortune?

It was rather frustrating to hit a foe with three or four well placed shots with the AK-47, only for them to continue on.
According to the giantbomb video review, it takes less bullets to down an enemies than in the first game. Brad's words were something along the lines of "enemies are not bullet sponges anymore".
The video review is up on their site, you should check it out. It contains spoilers though but nothing that will ruin the game for you.


I read somewhere along the last few pages that the game freezes at a surden point. Having tried finding the same posts twice with no luck, I ask again. The game just froze upon me, so what do I do? Restart the system and it'll freeze again? =/

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
deepbrown said:
Yeah I presume so. Don't know yet...not very far in.

PS. Loved seeing Borneo after being there :D Needs some Proboscous monkeys though :D

PS. Drake's journal is hilarious and amazing. Love the faces of Sully :lol
the journal is great, and gets better as more entries are added. they made the lamest feature of UC1 great
PowderedToast said:
i played just past the stealth mission and im enjoying it so far, but it feels like an extended tutorial and i hope it lets go of my hand soon. the platforming seems to be good but not great, though the presentation is fantastic as many have said.

It does let go shortly after that.

Agree with the platforming - it's not as smooth or feel as 'connected' as some games. Sometimes even trying to get onto a ladder can be a little dramatic. Rolling instead of taking cover, etc... But yeah, this game simply has the most beautiful environments ever created for a game. That, along with some insanely polished scripting and voice work, goes a long ways to making a game fun.


My favorite part of the game so far is the sound work. Being able to select DD, DTS, or LPCM from the Language menu is a rare treat.

That said, the game annoys me with the constant platforming. I've only cleared the first chapter, though, so I expect it to even out like the first game.

And, honestly, it's not quite enough to rip me away from Demon's Souls. I'll return to UC2 in about two weeks when I've cleared out that bad boy. :D


ok, UC1 and 2 are both great, great games... but the stories are still flat und uninspiring to say the least. They have B picture quality...

now, wouldn't it be great if someone big from the movie business like Spielberg or Cameron would go to Naughty Dog, and make a deal for their next Uncharted 3, but they will work together to put out a great game with an inspiring script (compare Uncharted to the first Indiana Jones movie)...

of course I don't mean Spielberg (unless it is the Spielberg from 30 years ago, when he was actually good).

Problem is that these big Movie directors really don't care about games even if the say so. They ONLY care about there place in movie history. Games will always be side projects.

So, forget this post, it will never happen :-(


Yes Boss!

How About No said:
Nothing constructive but don't want to read thread yet. HOLY SHIT SO AWESOME

Unbelievable game. To me it is like the HD promise has finally arrived. That it comes in a platform/adventure game make is all the sweeter. Good work ND.
NewBrof said:
ok, UC1 and 2 are both great, great games... but the stories are still flat und uninspiring to say the least. They have B picture quality...

I think the fact that you're even beginning to compare a video game to big-name movie making is saying a lot.


thaOwner said:
FAT PS3 ? You better be careful. I watched someone's FAT PS3 stop working when he tried to play UC2 yesterday. It froze a couple of times and that was it.

...that's completely unrelated to Uncharted 2.


This thread is too big now to scan through; I'm having trouble with my preorder bonus :( Anyone else as well? I recieved a PSN card from my Gamestop with the currency multiplier serial on it but PSN won't accept the code :( It just says that either I've entered a typo or it's no longer valid, apparently (but the offer is available until late 2011). Faulty code from sucky Gamestop/Sony or just not uploaded to PSN yet? :) I have quintuple checked my spelling by now :p

Oh, and single player is awesome so far (up to chapter 7, took a break) :D I almost feel bad for just having to pay half price :lol
Rez said:
people who have finished the game (particularly on harder difficulties):

is there some trick to the last boss? I nearly went insane trying to beat him on Hard before spitting the dummy and turning the difficulty way down to "Very Easy" to just get the damn thing over with before it totally killed the momentum the game had been building.

actually, yes.
The game was teaching you that shooting the blue sap causes it to explode. The level has blue sap spheres all around he level. Lure the boss towards them and shoot the sap. The range of explosion is quite large and you can actually him him with two at once. He has four stages, and only the last one is really tense (the guy throws four grenades at you at once ffs). The only real problem is that you have to constantly be moving the camera back and forth to shoot behind you then see where you're running.
Just got to the part where you meet Elena for the first time, so far it has been amazing, really really amazing and the game i have enjoyed far the most this gen. Haven't played any multiplayer but i hope that is just as good.

Love the dailouge, especially Nate and Sullys small talks. :lol


I personally get a much better feeling from the shooting than I did in the first game. I still don't really feel like I get that instant gratification for a headshot, but maybe I'm just used to M-rate gibfests, I don't know.

I'm not sure how far through the game I am (I don't really want to know either) but I played for about 7 hours yesterday. As I get older I feel like I have less compulsion to finish games, but this game has me totally hooked. I actually wanted to call out of work today. I'll have to call it the best experience a game has ever provided. It might not be my all-time favorite game yet (it's still so soon!) but I know it's going to make the top 5.

All this coming from someone who has been slowly transforming to a 360 fanboy for the last few years. It's like I'm that parent who never thought their kid was good at anything and then all of a sudden they become an amazing musician or something. I'm actually proud of my PS3 now. This will be the game I show people when they come over.


PoweredBySoy said:
I think the fact that you're even beginning to compare a video game to big-name movie making is saying a lot.

This is a game wich wants to be compared to a Blockbuster movie. There is nothing wrong with that. To make the game even better, I think, it would be the next thing to do. Get some good script writers and directors working on the next UC. They nailed everything else: flow, gameplay, tech, design, graphics, animation....

What could a great director do? UC copies film making, but does not invent. They are always a step behind in that regard. Great movie direcors don't copy others, they invent their own cinematic language.

this would make UC legendary if they could pull it of...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
thaOwner said:
FAT PS3 ? You better be careful. I watched someone's FAT PS3 stop working when he tried to play UC2 yesterday. It froze a couple of times and that was it.

I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with Uncharted 2... Otherwise like 95% (?) or PS3 owners would be screwed.


Zefah said:
I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with Uncharted 2... Otherwise like 95% (?) or PS3 owners would be screwed.
I don't think I said in my post that it's directly related. Just saying.


Anastacio said:
I read somewhere along the last few pages that the game freezes at a surden point. Having tried finding the same posts twice with no luck, I ask again. The game just froze upon me, so what do I do? Restart the system and it'll freeze again? =/
Read my post in this thread, post # 7814 :)

Sorry, this mobile browser isn't letting me quote my own post. :lol
NewBrof said:
This is a game wich wants to be compared to a Blockbuster movie. There is nothing wrong with that. To make the game even better, I think, it would be the next thing to do. Get some good script writers and directors working on the next UC. They nailed everything else: flow, gameplay, tech, design, graphics, animation....

Eh, I guess I kinda disagree. What Uncharted needs to make it better is improved gameplay. The platforming, stop-and-pop shooting, jumping, etc. have all been done better in other games, in my opinion.

Although at this point I can't ask for much more, in terms of cinematic feel and production values, than Uncharted 2 brings. It's absolutely amazing. The environments and amount of detail are mind-blowing. As you say, they're going for that blockbuster movie feel. I believe Amy Henning (?) wrote and produced this game, and she's one of the best in the business. I'm not sure simply bringing in a 'big name director' would translate into a better game, since video games are inherently restricted by, well, being a game. Ideas and visions still have to be whittled down into something that can be translated into a game world, something that's playable.

I think Uncharted 2 has done much to push the gaming media forward, both technically and into the mainstream limelight. That being said though, I'd have a hard time voting it my GOTY.
I just want to say what treat it is to once again play in a colorful, vivid game world. I've passed on a number of well-received games just because I'm tired of washed out looking gray/brown and gray/green environments.
darkwings said:
So the shooting isnt improved?

Haven't played UC1 in a while, but it feels the same to me, but I thought the shooting was perfectly fine in UC1. If anything it seems like guns have a bit more killing power.


thaOwner said:
FAT PS3 ? You better be careful. I watched someone's FAT PS3 stop working when he tried to play UC2 yesterday. It froze a couple of times and that was it.

For some reason this statement pisses me off.

The slim has been out for what a month? And people are already treating the older model like it's garbage. Im sure the older PS3 model can handle U2, if it couldnt Sony would be in a lot of trouble. Im happy you may have just jumped on the PS3 bandwagon when the slim came out, but most of us have been happy with our "FAT" ps3 for some time.

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