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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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NewBrof said:
ok, UC1 and 2 are both great, great games... but the stories are still flat und uninspiring to say the least. They have B picture quality...

now, wouldn't it be great if someone big from the movie business like Spielberg or Cameron would go to Naughty Dog, and make a deal for their next Uncharted 3, but they will work together to put out a great game with an inspiring script (compare Uncharted to the first Indiana Jones movie)...

of course I don't mean Spielberg (unless it is the Spielberg from 30 years ago, when he was actually good).

Problem is that these big Movie directors really don't care about games even if the say so. They ONLY care about there place in movie history. Games will always be side projects.

So, forget this post, it will never happen :-(


Why stop there...why don't we get Gabriel Garicia Marques or Ben Okri to write?

I agree with what you say, but personally I would prefer some of the better writers from the literary world to get involved with gaming and films... there are some excellent films out there....most of the block busters have pretty poor writing and dialogue however...they just fill a niche...
NewBrof said:
this would make UC legendary if they could pull it of...

Jesus people. It's fucking Indiana Jones.
INDIANA. JONES. And few of you assholes have seen Blade Runner.

Why god why?!!!!

Sure they could be more original in certain regards, but it's a tribute to a B-movie genre.
I don't want my pretense clogging up the fun. *cough*Gears 2*cough*
The story is fun, characters are great, hilarious dialogue, not sure what else one could want. The story telling in UC2 is far beyond what most games are putting out. Thematically I don't think the series needs anything much deeper.


wait.. is the hype train starting to turn around already?

I see some not so nice comments popping up. This is what happens when your expectations are higher then reality.


I just reached chapter 12 and I'm still really impressed. Kinda hated the first game, but everything about this just creams quality and polish. Firing a gun is actual fun, Drake is charming again, cutscenes are fun to watch, climbing is now interesting as opposed to just something you have to do to progress.

Ploid 3.0

darkwings said:
So the shooting isnt improved?

The shooting is a bit different. For one when you pop out from cover to shoot the crosshair is where you left it before going into full cover. It's the same style as Uncharted 1 though. That's what they might mean? It seem like it was tweaked to me. Maybe for multiplayer, head shots are easier. I think the recoil don't effect the aim as much, or maybe the enemies don't jerk when they hear you shoot, ducking under your shots.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
darkwings said:
So the shooting isnt improved?

Everyone I have heard that had a problem with the shooting in UC1 has said that the shooting is much improved in this one. Honestly the shooting was my biggest problem in UC1 for me, so I really hope it works better in this. I can tell from the videos alone that enemies take far fewer bullets to go down, though, which should greatly cut down on my frustration I experienced in the first game.

I just finished playing through the first game the other day and will have UC2 in a couple of hours so I will post my impressions soon.
rhino4evr said:
wait.. is the hype train starting to turn around already?

I see some not so nice comments popping up. This is what happens when your expectations are higher then reality.

That's some fucked up thinking right there.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Demon Souls? Not out over here.

UC2? Not out for another two days.


Reading these threads is torture. GAF should start its own country which gets all games, and gets them first.

*goes back to o-game*
*thinks about going back to dwarf fortress*

Ploid 3.0

Zefah said:
Everyone I have heard that had a problem with the shooting in UC1 has said that the shooting is much improved in this one. Honestly the shooting was my biggest problem in UC1 for me, so I really hope it works better in this. I can tell from the videos alone that enemies take far fewer bullets to go down, though, which should greatly cut down on my frustration I experienced in the first game.

Yea, the enemies are easy to kill. Some have armor on that takes a while to kill, knock the helmet off and hit them for a quicker kill. As for the heavily armored minigun dudes you just have to pump them full of bullets or grenade them a bit. They were a pain in goldrush co op beta. I just avoided them because they required too much.

And I forgot to mention, after playing this game for the first time (SP)... OMG, I haven't said omg to myself so much in a game or movie. Sometimes I couldn't even believe what was happening on the screen. Times were I could control the camera I figured it was in a fixed position. I'm not used to things looking like this and being able to control the camera too.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that thought the camera was fixed but found out that it wasn't. Right? Man I hope this is the direction games are going. Well the blockbuster games. Demon's Souls is still needed.

I went into U2 thinking it couldn't possibly match Demon's Souls in awesome factor. It brings something to the table that makes it compliment the feast that Demon's Souls is a part of. I'm eating happy right now.


PoweredBySoy said:
That's some fucked up thinking right there.

LOL, no it isn't. It's totally true. If you get into anything thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever you are setting yourself for more of disappointment. The most memorable moments in life come from surprises. It's best to keep expectations grounded.

For instance..by expecting this video game to be on the same caliber as a Speilberg film, you are setting yourself up for a fall when it's no where close to that. You're better off going in expecting to be amused, not have you face melt off.


deepbrown said:
Who thinks the characters eyes are shinier than Uncharted 1? Kinda too shiney...

The character's eyes are the one thing that outright bothers me about the visuals of the game. Chloe, in particular, looks really unnatural to me.


rhino4evr said:
LOL, no it isn't. It's totally true. If you get into anything thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever you are setting yourself for more of disappointment. The most memorable moments in life come from surprises. It's best to keep expectations grounded.

For instance..by expecting this video game to be on the same caliber as a Speilberg film, you are setting yourself up for a fall when it's no where close to that. You're better off going in expecting to be amused, not have you face melt off.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Shooting does not feel the same as in UC1, it's done better, I am positive about it, and for a few reasons.

Bullet impacts seems more believable now, think killzone 2 versus first uncharted to know what I'm talking about. The way you lose aim when hit is done better, and so is the shaking that happens when you shoot. I hate to use the word visceral, but it's the appropriate thing to say. Eemy animations are also done better, and transitions between them are better to.

Also, enemy AI is more clever and aggressive. They flank more and move more quickly. I've have completed UC1 on crushing twice, and yet I'm dying during firefights on normal difficulty here. In general, firefight situations are improved tons, you often have to constantly move and do something to stay ahead, it literally feels like you're in the middle of some movie action scene :-D
rhino4evr said:
LOL, no it isn't. It's totally true. If you get into anything thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever you are setting yourself for more of disappointment. The most memorable moments in life come from surprises. It's best to keep expectations grounded.

But how did you come to the conclusion that all criticism is born of high expectations? That's what I'm talking about.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I noticed the opposite. The AI seems, if anything, a bit less aggressive than in UC.

Ploid 3.0

rhino4evr said:
LOL, no it isn't. It's totally true. If you get into anything thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever you are setting yourself for more of disappointment. The most memorable moments in life come from surprises. It's best to keep expectations grounded.

For instance..by expecting this video game to be on the same caliber as a Speilberg film, you are setting yourself up for a fall when it's no where close to that. You're better off going in expecting to be amused, not have you face melt off.

Have you played through U2 yet (Not a smart question. Just want to know what you thought)? I went in kinda expecting a lot, and I was seriously floored. The subtle music kicking in, the intense action going on, the beauty of the action, and you being in control (don't want to spoil the points I'm talking about) but man I'm very very impressed. I played through Uncharted 1 one time. I'm going to play through this, and the highlight chapters over and over again. I haven't even seen what the co op missions will be like. With just 3 people, I hope they went all awesome like they did with the single player.

I'm still not finished with the SP. And I think the start was a bit slow (mainly the thing
). They should have put it somewhere else, but I can see why they had it at the start. It's like when Insomniac got flack for putting the heavy uninteresting world war 2 stuff at the start of Resistance 1. People wanted focus on the aliens, it made Resistance look like just another ww2 game.


DMeisterJ said:


Have you played through U2 yet (Not a smart question. Just want to know what you thought)? I went in kinda expecting a lot, and I was seriously floored. The subtle music kicking in, the intense action going on, the beauty of the action, and you being in control (don't want to spoil the points I'm talking about) but man I'm very very impressed. I played through Uncharted 1 one time. I'm going to play through this, and the highlight chapters over and over again. I haven't even seen what the co op missions will be like. With just 3 people, I hope they went all awesome like they did with the single player.

no, my copy will be here this week. I want to be floored too, I was commenting on other peoples negative comments. Basically a few people posted that the story wasn't really up to the quality they expected..yet where did those expectations come from? Maybe it was reading all those positive reviews that stated the game was as thrilling as a live action movie? I don't know, I just think that people (GAF especially) tends to buy into the hype and then end up being disappointed. Need proof..please see the recent Scribblenats thread or maybe read the Twilight Princess thread.

on the other end of the spectrum...the reason Batman:AA was so well recieved was becasue it surpassed expectations as a Franchise title..which mostly suck. OF course the quality of the game is still the most important part of any criticism, but those initial expectations do come into play more then people realize
Lord Error said:
Shooting does not feel the same as in UC1, it's done better, I am positive about it, and for a few reasons.

The shooting is slightly improved over UC1. Guns handle a little better and aiming seems a bit more forgiving. But it's certainly not the best gun play found in a video game.....

I'm finding the enemies still take a couple shots too many before they go down - but I'm playing on Hard so I was kinda expecting that. At least they try to justify it by giving all the bad guys body armor. =/


PoweredBySoy said:
The shooting is slightly improved over UC1. Guns handle a little better and aiming seems a bit more forgiving. But it's certainly not the best gun play found in a video game.....

I'm finding the enemies still take a couple shots too many before they go down - but I'm playing on Hard so I was kinda expecting that. At least they try to justify it by giving all the bad guys body armor. =/
I just shoot them in the head and they go down in one shot.

BTW guns now point to where the bullet comes out :D :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The enemies don't have as many, like, "I'm ducking now," "I'm sliding now," "I'm sidestepping now," reactions to getting hit now. It makes them much easier to take down and it makes aiming much less screwy.

Not that I had an issue with the shooting in Uncharted 1 anyway. But the Los Angeles Dodgers are not in Uncharted 2.


I'm at chapter 5 at the moment. It's a beautiful, inventive, unrelenting rollercoaster of a game and I understand from other comments it is primed to only get better from this point.

Hype? Here's a little for you... At the moment, Uncharted 2 is giving me goose-bumps and grins that are reminiscent of another game a played a few years ago, and like that other game it feels like the culmination of what's been learned in the action genre for this generation. That other game is Resident Evil 4. It pulled together most of what other shooters of its time were attempting, smoothed out edges and fleshed out a more compelling world than the standard, and delivered in my opinion the game of the generation.

Uncharted 2 is following that high trajectory. I'm not rushing to claim it's 'GotG'- I haven't even finished it. It has Galaxy to contend with for that prize and several more years for contenders to arrive, and some of those contenders will look at Uncharted 2's experience as a bar to leap over. I will claim right now, though, that playing Uncharted 2 this week will be one of the keystone moments looking back at this console generation for years to come.

Ploid 3.0

Rez said:
I noticed the opposite. The AI seems, if anything, a bit less aggressive than in UC.

I haven't played crushing in this yet, but didn't the AI in Uncharted1 depend on grenades to be aggressive? They don't seem to be throwing them as much in this on hard. But people say Hard in this game is Normal in Uncharted 1.
What the problem with Uncharted's shooting? Are the people complaining the same who prefer Gears' stiff controls maybe? Because if it's you people I hope Naughty God never ever listens to you.

rhino4evr said:
LOL, no it isn't. It's totally true. If you get into anything thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever you are setting yourself for more of disappointment. The most memorable moments in life come from surprises. It's best to keep expectations grounded.

For instance..by expecting this video game to be on the same caliber as a Speilberg film, you are setting yourself up for a fall when it's no where close to that. You're better off going in expecting to be amused, not have you face melt off.

That's Naughty God's fault. By making Uncharted 1 so amazing they increased our expectations tenfold. :p

Btw I just found out that my copy will come next week. :( I envy all of you.


PoweredBySoy said:
The shooting is slightly improved over UC1. Guns handle a little better and aiming seems a bit more forgiving. But it's certainly not the best gun play found in a video game.....

I'm finding the enemies still take a couple shots too many before they go down - but I'm playing on Hard so I was kinda expecting that. At least they try to justify it by giving all the bad guys body armor. =/

Was there firing from behind cover in UC1 like there is in UC2?


Played half way through last night before going to sleep due to work early.

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Everything about it. I also loved seeing everyone on my friends list playing it, that doesn't happen to often.
deepbrown said:
I just shoot them in the head and they go down in one shot.

Eh, I've shot plenty of thugs in the head, helmet-less, and they still don't go down. I've been playing some Hardcore World at War lately though, where a single pistol shot to the shin will down a guy, so perhaps my scale is a little off. =P

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Ploid 3.0 said:
I haven't played crushing in this yet, but didn't the AI in Uncharted1 depend on grenades to be aggressive? They don't seem to be throwing them as much in this on hard. But people say Hard in this game is Normal in Uncharted 1.
The enemies get a lot more grenade happy later on in the game on Hard.

I remember areas in UC1 where I was constantly being flanked and rushed by shotgun guys and the like. I replayed it a week ago, for reference.

UC2 feels, especially in the late game, similar to that. Earlier on, though, not so much.


TheBranca18 said:
Was there firing from behind cover in UC1 like there is in UC2?
Yes, but it wasn't as functional as it is in UC2. From what I recall you couldn't follow an edge around corners, Nate lacked the blindfire capability when in cover (might be wrong on this) and the grenade interface was much clunkier.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm only on chapter 6 for now, but the game is honestly, practically unbelievably well put together, and amazing in ways I never even expected. They almost go out of their way to do impressive things in game, and every chapter so far had their special situations that seemingly required some custom programming to happen, or custom set of animations or... I don't know how to describe, but the good part of the game so far felt like a long, uninterrupted cutscene, only you had complete controls over everything during almost every second of it, and it all flows one into another in such an effortless and natural way. I'm 101% positive there was never been a game that did this kind of cinematic feel better, and I think UC2 will be the game that will remove the stigma of having cinematic approach to games.


Shurs said:
The character's eyes are the one thing that outright bothers me about the visuals of the game. Chloe, in particular, looks really unnatural to me.

I seem to recall the same problem in inFAMOUS. Trish's eyes and hair mostly...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Evlar said:
Yes, but it wasn't as functional as it is in UC2. From what I recall you couldn't follow an edge around corners, Nate lacked the blindfire capability when in cover (might be wrong on this) and the grenade interface was much clunkier.
the blind fire stuff was pretty much the same in UC1. the grenades are infinitely more useful in UC2.


The first Uncharted is still constantly freeing for me. I thought it was an issue with FW 3.00 which was fixed with 3.01? Yeah not so fixed.

edit: Just froze while loading up :lol

edit2: omg I'm a retard. Just checked and I'm still on FW 3.00. I was certain I updated but like I said I'm a 'tard. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BattleMonkey said:
Shooting feels same to me at UC1.
Nearly the same, but there are some subtle refinements that improve the overall experience. While I haven't used many weapons just yet, it seems to me that the pistol isn't quite as effective as it was in the original while large automatic weapons are more useful. The pistol was all powerful in the original game and rendered the others nearly worthless. The damage dealt by the different weapons and their overall usability seems to be balanced a bit better this time. I'm still fairly early in the game, however, so I can't make a full call on this, but the Borneo fights suggest this to be the case.

I'm finding the enemies still take a couple shots too many before they go down - but I'm playing on Hard so I was kinda expecting that. At least they try to justify it by giving all the bad guys body armor. =/
What are you comparing this too? Thinking about other 3rd person shooters like this, most of them don't really seem any better in this regard. I mean, you have to empty entire magazines into the heads of the Locust in Gears, for instance, to take them down. If you go for a headshot they go down immediately in UC2. When shooting body armor it takes a few shots, but it doesn't seem unreasonable.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ploid 3.0 said:
I haven't played crushing in this yet, but didn't the AI in Uncharted1 depend on grenades to be aggressive? They don't seem to be throwing them as much in this on hard. But people say Hard in this game is Normal in Uncharted 1.
Not my experience at all. They throw granades a lot even on normal here, and the only reason I can see anyone saying that the difficulty is what you quoted is because fans of the first game played it so much and got so good at it. If anything, I'd say the balance here is better and smoothed out. There are no super-easy fights followed by that underground water room, folowed by another bunch of easy fights etc. It's more gradual.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Train Train!

Train Train, Train Train Train Train. Train Train Train Train Train.

Train Train Train Train, Train Train Signpost Train, Train Train Gun Train! Train Gun Ass, Train Train! English?
This game is almost certainly the Resident Evil 4 of this generation. Just so relentlessly entertaining from start to finish, and so much replay value in the drastically different ways each incredible set piece can play out.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
re: the number of hits enemies take to die

I would have been fine with some of the tougher "minion" enemies later in the game had headshots still resulted in one hit kills. I always feel cheated when a dev just puts a helmet on the standard enemy type and thus makes them harder to kill. It seems totally unnecessary to me. It's like, great, now I have to hit him twice, thanks a lot guys. Head-shots should, in my opinion, always remain the easy solution so that the player can occasionally get that "I'm a badass!" feeling when he pops three heads in a row.

to reiterate, I'm not talking about the special enemies that appear throughout the game, I'm talking about the standard dudes that you kill hundreds of throughout the game.

I'm getting totally picky, but yeah, just throwing that out there.


Corto said:
I seem to recall the same problem in inFAMOUS. Trish's eyes and hair mostly...

I don't want to lump Uncharted 2 in with Infamous because they're worlds apart visually. Uncharted 2's characters' eyes look a little "off," while in Infamous every character but Cole looks like a stroke victim.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Humor is another thing that absolutely needs to be commended. It's not just good, it's probably the best I've seen in games since the Monkey Island. There's actual real life quotable material here, and some of it had me not just grinning but laughing (first one that comes to mind -
follow the hose!
). The actors are so in character, and it makes dialogues and jokes feel so natural.

Y2Kev said:
The enemies don't have as many, like, "I'm ducking now," "I'm sliding now," "I'm sidestepping now," reactions to getting hit now. It makes them much easier to take down and it makes aiming much less screwy.
Yes, this is true, I liked those animations, but what they do now looks better. I really like watching them go from cover to cover.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
badcrumble said:
This game is almost certainly the Resident Evil 4 of this generation. Just so relentlessly entertaining from start to finish, and so much replay value in the drastically different ways each incredible set piece can play out.
it's going to be interesting to replay. There are a few sections in the game that feel like they work really well given the circumstances, but could be kind of repetitive or simplistic when I'm skipping all the cutscenes and just jumping from scene to scene.


I think it is not about negativity. I was not negative about the game. I think it is a great game AND there is room left for improvement. I think Naughty Dog thinks the same if you compare UC1 to UC2. They improved. And they will improve for their next game ... They nailed the tech side of things, now they can improve story-wise.

but it's a tribute to a B-movie genre.

it is a tribute, but it is a tribute to Indiana Jones, which was a tribute to the 30s adventure movies. And the good Indiana Jones is also 30 years ago... imagine!

dont'r read this as negativity! I try to be positive :)

I know that a movie director will not be able to solve it, because as I wrote before: great movie directors care about movies and NOTHING ELSE, even if they pretend to care about a game project. Also, a great movie director would have to serve the game, so that the game can shine... this will never happen...

So, maybe Naughty Dog will have to scout for good, gifted writers and other artists if they want to accomplish their mission: the definite interactive movie videogame. UC2 is not the end of the road, it is on the right track...

tell me, is this negative or what?


ADD New Gen Gamer
I just finished this game yesterday.

Game of the generation thus far indeed (at least on HD consoles). What a thrill ride. Started the game, finished it in 2 5 hour sessions. Just incredible.
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