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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
NewBrof said:
So, maybe Naughty Dog will have to scout for good, gifted writers and other artists if they want to accomplish their mission: the definite interactive movie videogame. UC2 is not the end of the road, it is on the right track...
bender endlessly spitting out drink in shock.gif


FFObsessed said:
The first Uncharted is still constantly freeing for me. I thought it was an issue with FW 3.00 which was fixed with 3.01? Yeah not so fixed.

edit: Just froze while loading up :lol

edit2: omg I'm a retard. Just checked and I'm still on FW 3.00. I was certain I updated but like I said I'm a 'tard. :p

It's okay, you had a blonde moment.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Amazing game thus far. I have to touch on the visuals, though. I can't believe how incredible it looks. Really is the most impressive looking console game I've seen to date. It literally has every one of the "next-gen effects" present and accounted for. Each of those effects are done to a higher level of quality than I'm used to seeing. Amazing lighting, nearly flawless shadows, fantastic shaders, solid framerate with no tearing, high quality object motion blur, screen space ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering etc. Honestly, I thought people were a bit off for comparison Uncharted to Crysis back in 2007, but I do think UC2 is absolutely on par with it. The scale is still much smaller and more limited, obviously, but the quality of each effect seems every bit as high quality (if not more so) as Crysis. The snowy landscapes at the beginning, for instance, compare very favorably to the snowy areas of Crysis (honestly, I think it looks even better in UC2).

I think the use of SSAO really improves the cohesiveness of the visuals the most. Everything just blends together really well. It completely blows away what they did with the original game. I have to say that the stable framerate also plays a massive role as UC1 had lots of screen tearing and slowdown. The fact that you can now jump into a pool of water and NOT have the framerate take a dive is nice indeed. :p

Literally every single problem the original game suffered from has been addressed and then some. Pretty amazing. I can't think of another developer this gen that has shown this much improvement between their two games. It's rare that issues people had with an original are addressed. Case in point, Halo 3 and its low resolution issues. I had kind of expected Bungie to at least try to improve the image quality of ODST, but they literally did nothing. The engine runs exactly the same as it did in 2007. No improvements were made. This seems to be the norm, unfortunately.

So, maybe Naughty Dog will have to scout for good, gifted writers and other artists if they want to accomplish their mission: the definite interactive movie videogame. UC2 is not the end of the road, it is on the right track...
What's wrong with the writing here? It's pretty solid all around, I think. It's definitely on par with what you might see in a film, though certainly not the best films. It seems very natural.


ADD New Gen Gamer
NewBrof said:
They nailed the tech side of things, now they can improve story-wise.

Well, I actually think they have the best writing in a videogame I have seen thus far... Can't really think of any other game that tops this. The personality of every main character really shines through in this game. It'll be mighty hard for Naughty Dog to beat themselves again...


Up to chapter 7 (I think?), game is incredibly awesome. The graphics are wow, and I love the pacing of the game, especially around the hotel part I've been through.
Lord Error said:
Humor is another thing that absolutely needs to be commended. It's not just good, it's probably the best I've seen in games since the Monkey Island.

Absolutely. I laughed pretty good on multiple occasions last night.

The early museum:
"There's a guy above you!"..... "There's a guy below you".


ADD New Gen Gamer
PoweredBySoy said:
Absolutely. I laughed pretty good on multiple occasions last night.

The early museum:
"There's a guy above you!"..... "There's a guy below you".

And who can forget Marco... Polo... and Fish outta the water!

And the ending conversation... it had me in stitches :lol
Picked it up yesterday. A friend and I are gonna play through the single player this weekend, so I've banned myself from playing the story before then.

Last night I tried out the co-op arena though- fun as hell. Played for over 2 hours.


bobbytkc said:
Well, I actually think they have the best writing in a videogame I have seen thus far... Can't really think of any other game that tops this.

you write it yourself: the best writing in a game. So we know that the bar is not that high :D

What's wrong with the writing here? It's pretty solid all around, I think. It's definitely on par with what you might see in a film, though certainly not the best films. It seems very natural.

yeah, you too: solid, not the best films ...

Why not have writing on par with <enter great movie name here> ?

well, at least it is obvious that Noughty Dog has the will to improve even if their customers are satisfied with what they get... :D


ADD New Gen Gamer
PoweredBySoy said:
I can't forget it, because I haven't even heard it yet. A-hole.

Well, it was already mentioned a few pages back actually, there's this gigantic (okay maybe not quite) discussion about it cuz a few people didn't really get it.... And anyway, it is the context that is funny.
Rez said:
it's going to be interesting to replay. There are a few sections in the game that feel like they work really well given the circumstances, but could be kind of repetitive or simplistic when I'm skipping all the cutscenes and just jumping from scene to scene.
The puzzle scenes could certainly grate on a second playthrough. Fortunate that there's chapter selection, I suppose.

I really think the tech side of things is pretty much perfected at this point, and the gameplay is pretty much there as well. I can't possibly see Uncharted 3 being as big of a leap as this one, but I'll be happy with new enemies, new environments, new setpieces, some new characters, and a new story.

I really struggle to see how Uncharted 3 can POSSIBLY top this game though. Naughty Dog have outdone themselves and everyone else.

What sort of exotic locations are left to do? All I can think of is a desert (could be extremely awesome) and maybe some underwater ruins of some sort. I wouldn't mind seeing some jungle that allows you to platform through the canopy, either - more nonlinear platforming like that would open up nice possibilities for stealth/combat.


Ended up getting up to and playing some of Chapter 5 last night. Gunplay feels largely the same (unfortunately), but so far there seems to be far more variety in the gameplay in general (nice balance between stealth, platforming and gunplay in the first five chapters, though exploration still seems minimal), as well as more variety in the visuals and locales. The cutscenes and storytelling in general have also seen a big improvement - they're well-acted, paced and directed, and fun to watch.


Whats the deal with the different audio settings? What actually is the "default" setting? No matter which setting I chose the DTS, NEO 6, and Dolby Digital lights are lit on my reciever so I can't figure out which one is actually best.


Lord Error said:
Humor is another thing that absolutely needs to be commended. It's not just good, it's probably the best I've seen in games since the Monkey Island.

I got a lot of outburst laughs and chuckles from the dialogue. Very very entertaining. :D


ADD New Gen Gamer
badcrumble said:
What sort of exotic locations are left to do? All I can think of is a desert (could be extremely awesome) and maybe some underwater ruins of some sort. I wouldn't mind seeing some jungle that allows you to platform through the canopy, either - more nonlinear platforming like that would open up nice possibilities for stealth/combat.

They MUST do a desert setting.... Egyptian Mythology is just too rich to pass up. A roman setting would be nice as well.

IMO, it is not just simply the setting. The style makes things exotic and interesting too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Regardless of the quality of Uncharted's writing, man, people really romanticize movie writing. By the standards being espoused in this thread, 95% of movies are B-quality or worse, and, following this, Uncharted has no chance of matching THE ENGLISH PATIENT. Well no shit.

My one issue with the writing (and it's not much of an issue at all) is that all the sexuality is a little extreme. It was in the first game, too, where within an hour of the game opening we'd already had Sully established as the smuttiest vagina eater on the Eastern seaboard.

Far be it from me to compare Amy Hennig to whoever penned Paul Blart: Mall Cop without someone snickering, but I'm looking at a list of the top 30 movies this year in terms of budget and nothing sticks out to me as obviously superior to Uncharted. Or, actually, most games that focus on cinematic presentation.

The depreciation of the hobby is excessive and unnecessary. It's not that bad.

edit: Uncharted is MASSIVELY better written and acted than EITHER National Treasure movie, particularly the first. Diane Kruger barely speaks English in that movie.
bobbytkc said:
And who can forget Marco... Polo... and Fish outta the water!

And the ending conversation... it had me in stitches :lol
I just had that conversation a few hours ago. I had to stop playing and laugh for a good minute. The best part is you get money for doing that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
yeah, you too: solid, not the best films ...

Why not have writing on par with <enter great movie name here> ?
It's still a game, you know. It's on par with films that attempt similar story lines.
bobbytkc said:
They MUST do a desert setting.... Egyptian Mythology is just too rich to pass up. A roman setting would be nice as well.

IMO, it is not just simply the setting. The style makes things exotic and interesting too.
ND could pretty easily, I think, have a very windswept desert/dune setting with a similar effect to the snow-footprints and perhaps something akin to (or better than) Killzone 2's moving texture of sand being blown along the ground. Only problem with the desert is that there's generally less of an opportunity for vertical level design, but I'm certain that they could make it very technically impressive despite the overall lack of color in such an environment.
Started the game last night and it's incredible. Uncharted is, IMO, THE PS3 franchise, bar none. Worth buying the system for, and it lives up to the hype and will continue to do so in people's memories even after people have finished it (unlike KZ2, Heavenly Sword, etc. which are all good games with good points but ultimately fairly forgettable, IMO). Graphics and sound are both great, and I'm loving it.

Now for my minor, nit-picky complaints: Stealth?...Really? Damn I hate that shit. It wasn't hard but I hope there isn't any more later in the game. I don't recall any forced stealth sections in the first game where you couldn't just shoot your way through.

Second, I just don't like Chloe. I don't like her voice, and in cutscenes there is something...wrong with the way her face is modeled. It doesn't look like a normal human. At the very least it's somewhat ugly. It's odd and I end up focusing on her weirdness whenever she's on-screen and trying to figure out what it is that doesn't work. Is it the eyes? Are the too close together? I don't know.

Like I said, nit-picky. I love the game.


Y2Kev said:
The enemies don't have as many, like, "I'm ducking now," "I'm sliding now," "I'm sidestepping now," reactions to getting hit now. It makes them much easier to take down and it makes aiming much less screwy.
Couldn't put my finger on why the game was so much easier (even on crushing) but this is exactly why. Enemies don't target just you anymore and aiming at their heads doesn't activate their spidey sense.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Now for my minor, nit-picky complaints: Stealth?...Really? Damn I hate that shit. It wasn't hard but I hope there isn't any more later in the game. I don't recall any forced stealth sections in the first game where you couldn't just shoot your way through.
I enjoyed that part, actually, and thought it was a good design in that it teaches you all about stealth which can then be applied to the game proper. You can attack many scenarios using stealth or simply go in guns a blazing. A dedicated (and easy) stealth segment was a great way to demonstrate all of the different possibilities available to the player while moving forward with the story. The game has a very natural progression to it that keeps things interesting for experienced players but still introduces different mechanics in a staggered fashion for new players.

What about the stealth bothered you? The AI is not oversensitive, which is good, the locations are not overly complex, and the execution of stealth take downs is simple yet satisfying.

As far as I know, however, there are no additional forced stealth segments in the game.

Couldn't put my finger on why the game was so much easier (even on crushing) but this is exactly why. Enemies don't target just you anymore and aiming at their heads doesn't activate their spidey sense.
Yeah, this make a HUGE difference. It was cool to see all of the moves they had in the original, but they were way too accurate in detecting where the player was aiming. Not a good idea. The AI here is more balanced and enjoyable to engage. Furthermore, the melee system is much more refined and mixes very well with the gunplay.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Every console developer needs to go to ND when it comes to VA and facial modeling.

Except Valve!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dark, some people are just not ever going to like it. There was really nothing super offensive about THAT stealth segment. People just don't like stealth. It is a restrictive gameplay type that some people don't enjoy. I loved it though.

And then amirox fell through the floor.

edit: The melee system is massively improved. Since enemies can counter now, you can't just run up to them and mash. Furthermore, you can't run up to them in a firefight because encounters can take long enough to get you killed. In the past game, whenever I was challenged, I'd just go melee on their faces.


Dr. Zoidberg said:
Second, I just don't like Chloe. I don't like her voice, and in cutscenes there is something...wrong with the way her face is modeled. It doesn't look like a normal human. At the very least it's somewhat ugly. It's odd and I end up focusing on her weirdness whenever she's on-screen and trying to figure out what it is that doesn't work. Is it the eyes? Are the too close together? I don't know.

Her skin has a plastic quality to it that the other main character models don't really share.

Y2Kev said:
edit: The melee system is massively improved. Since enemies can counter now, you can't just run up to them and mash. Furthermore, you can't run up to them in a firefight because encounters can take long enough to get you killed. In the past game, whenever I was challenged, I'd just go melee on their faces.

Yeah, I like the melee'ing in UC2. Lots of contextual stuff.
dark10x said:
What about the stealth bothered you? The AI is not oversensitive, which is good, the locations are not overly complex, and the execution of stealth take downs is simple yet satisfying.

It's just a pet peeve. I think it's fairly well known at this point that most gamers in general hate stealth segments where an alert instantly ends the game and reloads from the beginning of the stealth sequence, but devs keep putting these sequences in and it pisses me off. If a game has stealth sections, I prefer the MGS method where alerts are not insta-death events. Like I said, that section is not hard, but the first couple of times the whistle blew and I was reset, I had horrible flashbacks to Windwaker and the awful stealth sequence in that game.


The only bad thing I can say about Uncharted 2 is that it sets the bar too high for other console games ...:lol It's easily the best looking console game ever. I'm on the train right now and so far, I haven't seen a game even come close to this kind of visual quality. ND delivers big time.


dark10x said:
The AI is not oversensitive, which is good, the locations are not overly complex, and the execution of stealth take downs is simple yet satisfying.

As far as I know, however, there are no additional forced stealth segments in the game.
Stealth is surprisingly enjoyable, due most in part to the animations. I was more disappointed that certain set pieces allowed stealth only to a certain point before it forced a guns out solution.


Got the game last night. Played the game for an hour. I love it so far but finding the game to be pretty easy. Does it get more challenging?


Hooray, can pick it up 2 days early :D Though The NL release date was 14 to begin with, but the store thought it was 16 :lol Anyway, Getting the special edition for no extra fee :D
Bad_Boy said:
i'd say mgs3 before re4.

or god of war 2 due to the unified praise of the game. but i don't think it's ps3's send off so that wouldn't work either.

really, uncharted 2 is this gens uncharted 2 and that's that. there's nothing like it.

Yeah it really is its own beast. I think we all expected it to be good but I have honestly not said holy fuck this many times in any game.
So far I absolutely LOVE the game. Its very polished, animation and graphics are top notch and its fun as hell.

My ONLY complaint so far (I did not beat it yet ) the same issue as the first game. Where the hell are some boss battles? I dont understand why ND wont put bosses in this series, instead I am fighting waves of generic cannon fodder.

Unique Boss>>>>>>>>Waves of cannon fodder any day. Why cant ND make a few "Boss henchmen" It does not have to be as crazy as the bosses in the MGS series but its always fun to have some sort of battle with a boss to break up some of the sections.
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