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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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picked up UC2 yesterday but haven't played yet. I was on media blackout except for the initial trailer and the early MP beta. I have my last midterm today and then I'll be playing this evening. Can't wait.

BTW, took advantage of the TRU B2G1 free deal and when I was at the counter 3 other guys came in looking for it (TRU didn't have it on the shelf yet).
sleeping_dragon said:
Uncharted 2 is like The Da Vinci Code - a surprise masterpiece. I sincerly hope that Uncharted 3 wont end up like the Lost Symbol though.:lol

Hmmm, verges on a witty stealth troll. Touche sir, whether intentional or not.


I have not had so much fun in a SP game in a long while, usually after 2-3 hours it feels like a chore. Now putting the controller down is the actual chore. Gread Job ND:D
BruceLeeRoy said:
Who is Tom Chick and did he write the review?
Tom Chick says:
I don't want to be that guy holding forth about how the original was better, but the original was better. There's a certain loss of innocence in Uncharted 2. It's a good game, to be sure. In fact, when it comes to pure gunplay, it's the PlayStation 3's best exclusive shooter. But as a follow-up to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, as a story about Nathan Drake, as a romantic adventure, as a series of set pieces, as a story, it's merely fair. The original game was a revelation. Uncharted 2 is a sophomore effort.


Unique Boss>>>>>>>>Waves of cannon fodder any day. Why cant ND make a few "Boss henchmen" It does not have to be as crazy as the bosses in the MGS series but its always fun to have some sort of battle with a boss to break up some of the sections.

There are many set pieces which feel like a boss fight to me... no?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark10x said:
Amazing game thus far. I have to touch on the visuals, though. I can't believe how incredible it looks. Really is the most impressive looking console game I've seen to date. It literally has every one of the "next-gen effects" present and accounted for. Each of those effects are done to a higher level of quality than I'm used to seeing. Amazing lighting, nearly flawless shadows, fantastic shaders, solid framerate with no tearing, high quality object motion blur, screen space ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering etc.
Most of all they have very nicely implemented subsurface scattering that they use liberally on snow, character skins, and also on some of the artifacts you find, among other things. The whole opening sequence was just unbelievably good looking to me, like some microcosm of custom programed, custom animated, custom shaded awesomeness, and you control your character every step of the way though it nonetheless.

Honestly, I thought people were a bit off for comparison Uncharted to Crysis back in 2007, but I do think UC2 is absolutely on par with it. The scale is still much smaller and more limited, obviously, but the quality of each effect seems every bit as high quality (if not more so) as Crysis. The snowy landscapes at the beginning, for instance, compare very favorably to the snowy areas of Crysis (honestly, I think it looks even better in UC2).
I agree that the snow looks better than any other game - period. Yes, including even almighty Crysis. Hell, everything else looks amazing too... You have to consider though that Crysis probably doesn't use static lightmaps at all, where UC2 can use them anywhere, so they can be rendered offline using some insane quality algorithm. That with the smaller scale where every little detail can be crafted to perfection helps it look so good, but the end product is what matters, and it looks just ridiculous.

Shurs said:
He wrote the review on Crispy Gamer. They rate games three ways; "Buy It," "Try It," or "Fry It." He scored it "Try It."
That's actually a big praise for this from that weirdo. :lol I remember that his top 10 list of games for the last year consists of stuff I wouldn't look twice.


gamerecks said:
Does he always review against what everyone else says? It seems what he hates is what everyone else praises.
Correct. But he has his opinion...plus Sony banned him from review copies and press events after he wrote two negative Infamous articles consecutively. So he's probably still very bitter.

Yoboman said:
Really? I don't remember any major sites not giving that above 90
Oh ok...I was talking about the ones included on Metacritic.
I made it to Chapter 10 in basically one sitting last night but quit at midnight. Had to get SOME sleep.
Awesome graphics, great sound, cool story. Naughty Dog are AMAZING developers. I hope that they win so many awards for this game.

One aspect of platforming I don't like is the swinging. It feels kind of odd because I try to swing how I "think" I need to control the action but I always just end up turning Drake around. I think the controller motion is to just press forward constantly then press X at the point you want to jump. Maybe it's too simple for my liking. Just an extremely minor complaint that sometimes the climbing and swinging feels a little too simple.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't really think he adequately fleshes out the "loss of innocence" point. I don't understand it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It's interesting, but I can see how someone might like the original better much like my first impressions of Gears of War 2. When I played through Gears 2 I never felt that they game reached the lofty heights of the original game. Turns out my memory was a bit fuzzy and Gears 2 was most certainly the better overall game. I think Tom may be reacting in the same fashion here...


Anyone notice that any website that criticises Uncharted 2 talks up Uncharted 1 to try and seem neutral? Even though they most likely criticised Uncharted 1 the first time around.

Oldest trick in the book.

dark10x said:
It's interesting, but I can see how someone might like the original better much like my first impressions of Gears of War 2. When I played through Gears 2 I never felt that they game reached the lofty heights of the original game. Turns out my memory was a bit fuzzy and Gears 2 was most certainly the better overall game. I think Tom may be reacting in the same fashion here...
Yes...he knew what to expect with this one. U1 was new. However, I have to beg to differ - everything about U2 feels new and exciting - not just compared to U1 but compared to ALL video games. (Only at the beginning mind, so could change me brain later)


Bad_Boy said:
Oh I meant the same.

I didn't like RE4 as much as the rest of GAF, so I guess thats where we differ lol. It was good, but not great. And I don't think it was ahead of it's time, god of war 1 came out a few months after iirc. God of war 2 was graphically on top of it's class like Uncharted 2. Ahead of it's time. Also, an amazing sequel to an already well accepted game. But I feel there will be more that don't like GOW2 than those who don't like Uncharted 2.

So at the end of the day, I don't think you can compare it to anything.

Gameplay/mechanic wise GOW2 really was almost the same as GOW1 while RE4 had some major tweaks from previous RE games. I think there are actually a lot of games that feels like that have some influences from RE4. I thought Gears was inspired by RE4 a bit and so, Uncharted (just some mechanics like the over shoulder cam when aiming, etc). While some game did the camera system before RE4, it was RE4 that used it really really well and became a stable of the genre almost.


Some have questioned the decision to open the game up with mandatory stealth, but I think that it was actually a very wise decision. Showing you the stealth so early on is the game basically telling you that creeping up slowly behind enemies and subduing them is now a far more legitimate option than it was in the first game (anything having to do with melee is, really).

There are sections later on where Drake has the jump on his foes and you're able to take down some enemies via either stealth or gunfire, and those opening sections show you that the former is now a viable option.
Host Samurai said:
My ONLY complaint so far (I did not beat it yet ) the same issue as the first game. Where the hell are some boss battles? I dont understand why ND wont put bosses in this series, instead I am fighting waves of generic cannon fodder.
I remember while going up the flooded hotel entering a room where an elevator opens and a couple guys come out, one of them HUGE and armed with a shotgun. I think it was the first encounter of that enemy type (at least that close) and he was a bit tougher to take down. It made it feel like a mini-boss battle to me (very mini) but still cool. Cinematic even.
I'm playing on Hard.


deepbrown said:
Said this before (Rez will remember) - but it's funny that again they talk about the lack of innovation - without applying the same criteria to other games. Oh well. :)

So will your head assplode if I find you a review from EDGE that criticizes a game outside Uncharteds for not being innovative?

Anyone notice that any website that criticises Uncharted 2 talks up Uncharted 1 to try and seem neutral? Even though they most likely criticised Uncharted 1 the first time around.

Oldest trick in the book.

Give the fuck up already.

And haha my friend bought this so I'll be playing it as soon as my holiday ends. IT's good to have rich friends :D


Pacing is excellent. It's really like a good book you can't put down.

I'm not big into online console gaming, mainly on PC, but I think I'll be playing a great deal of this online.

Add me up if you another buddy. PSN: Edeuinu
deepbrown said:
Anyone notice that any website that criticises Uncharted 2 talks up Uncharted 1 to try and seem neutral? Even though they most likely criticised Uncharted 1 the first time around.

Oldest trick in the book.

Yes...he knew what to expect with this one. U1 was new. However, I have to beg to differ - everything about U2 feels new and exciting - not just compared to U1 but compared to ALL video games. (Only at the beginning mind, so could change me brain later)
I read Chick's Uncharted review. He lavished it with praise.
I dont know what he means about the 'loss of innocence' in Uncharted 2 though. The original was about Nathan Drake and his pals killing a small army of pirates on a remote island.


« generous god »
The game was one hell of rollercoaster ride. My game of the generation so far.
The only thing is I found the game a little hard in some spot and I was only playing on normal.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
gamerecks said:
Does he always review against what everyone else says? It seems what he hates is what everyone else praises.

It seems like every game I really like he either hates or is ambivalent about. I usually hear what he says and know I'll think the opposite.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
theignoramus said:
I read Chick's Uncharted review. He lavished it with praise.
I dont know what he means about the 'loss of innocence' in Uncharted 2 though. The original was about Nathan Drake and his pals killing a small army of pirates on a remote island.
But Elena is so cyoote!


zoukka said:
So will your head assplode if I find you a review from EDGE that criticizes a game outside Uncharteds for not being innovative?

Give the fuck up already.

And haha my friend bought this so I'll be playing it as soon as my holiday ends. IT's good to have rich friends :D

Dude. I said not EVERY game is put to those standards of innovation. Consistency is all I was asking for. Basically there are some Edge reviewers who hold innovation above everything else, and the rest don't give a shit - they just want to have some "funs" I personally don't think that's right.

AND SECOND; that was only in relation to Tom Chick and the 7/10 review. Bring on the crap reviews - Uncharted 2 is crap - sure argue it well. Justify your reasoning - but don't say you thought the first game was the best thing under the sun to make you look unbias. Just criticise the game.

You sir need to eat those chips.

theignoramus said:
I read Chick's Uncharted review. He lavished it with praise.
I dont know what he means about the 'loss of innocence' in Uncharted 2 though. The original was about Nathan Drake and his pals killing a small army of pirates on a remote island.
Fair enough.

forgeforsaken said:
It's not like this is some new opinion from Tom in regards to loving the first Uncharted.

From said review
Aye, I stand corrected with that one :)


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
dark10x said:
It's interesting, but I can see how someone might like the original better much like my first impressions of Gears of War 2. When I played through Gears 2 I never felt that they game reached the lofty heights of the original game. Turns out my memory was a bit fuzzy and Gears 2 was most certainly the better overall game. I think Tom may be reacting in the same fashion here...
The MP mode alone is better than the first.


Has a work around been worked out with regards to the Drakes Fortune trophies not being recognised in the Bonuses section of the game? I've tried looking back through this thread but it soooo damn huge!


deepbrown said:
Basically there are some Edge reviewers who hold innovation above everything else, and the rest don't give a shit - they just want to have some "funs" I personally don't think that's right.

Good luck finding a publishment that fits your criterias.
I guess this isn't necessarily Uncharted 2 related but I just bought the official headset yesterday and I'm noticing that it picks up a lot of background noise, especially the sound from the game. Is there something I can do? I don't feel the television is excessively loud.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I don't know what someone was saying earlier in the thread about the cutscenes being 1080p. They are 720p like the rest of the game. I have 1080P enabled in my system settings and the game defaults to 720 and never switches away from it.

The longer cutscenes are encoded videos like in first game btw, they are encoded well, artifacts are not visible from a normal viewing distance except on a rare ocasion.

However, I'm 99.9% sure there's been plenty of shorter cutscenes even featuring complex character facial animation, dialogues, etc that were fully realtime. Like the early mission you have with Flynn - if you take a look at what the video encoded cutscenes are, it's only the very beginning and two longer ones near the end in the cutscene viewer - but I'm pretty sure there's been plenty of shorter ones in between that looked just like a regular cutscene with them talking etc, and those are not available through the cutscene viewer, and were also done through immediate cuts, not like when the screen fades and the cutscene begins like they do with video encoded ones.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
marc^o^ said:
The MP mode alone is better than the first.
Well, I don't play Gears for competitive multi (don't like it) so I was only talking about the single player component. Of course, Gears 2 has the awesome horde mode, which I DID play a lot of...but not when I first formed my opinion of the game.


Damn I can't get this game until the weekend. Two questions though. One is there any super natural parts in the game? and two is there a cat fight between Chloe and Elena in the game?


Lord Error said:
I don't know what someone was saying earlier in the thread about the cutscenes being 1080p. They are 720p like the rest of the game. I have 1080P enabled in my system settings and the game defaults to 720 and never switches away from it.

The longer cutscenes are encoded videos like in first game btw, they are encoded well, artifacts are not visible from a normal viewing distance except on a rare ocasion.

However, I'm 99.9% sure there's been plenty of shorter cutscenes even featuring complex character facial animation, dialogues, etc that were fully realtime. Like the early mission you have with Flynn - if you take a look at what the video encoded cutscenes are, it's only the very beginning and two longer ones near the end in the cutscene viewer - but I'm pretty sure there's been plenty of shorter ones in between that looked just like a regular cutscene with them talking etc, and those are not available through the cutscene viewer, and were also done through immediate cuts, not like when the screen fades and the cutscene begins like they do with video encoded ones.
Ah OK, they changed their minds then.

And yeah in that mission most of them are real-time...since one of the guys you kill his body position will stay the same in the cutscene :)


zoukka said:
Good luck finding a publishment that fits your criterias.
Most publications don't hold innovation so strongly with some reviews and so weakly with others. A happy medium would be better. Like Ars and many others.
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