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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Meus Renaissance said:
I'm not trying to troll or anything but I'll be shocked if this game does more than 250K first month for NPD. I really hope it does +1million but I doubt these spectacular reviews will be reflected in sales

Its too late. Get that shit out of here.


Meus Renaissance said:
Same for Ratchet. Tools of Destruction was the funniest game I've ever played

Unfortunately I think releasing Ratchet two weeks after this is a terrible, terrible decision, and that the game's sales are going to suffer for it. And that game looks stellar too.


RoadHazard said:
How much is "a little"? I don't want to see alot of new areas and stuff (already saw too much of that in IGN's review, even though I looked away from the screen and just listened to most of it).

I thought G4's review had more spoilers than IGN's review. It showed more cutscenes about the story and characters.


LaneDS said:
I'm sure building off of the first one helped considerably, but yes it's still a very impressive effort any way you look at it.

The most impressive thing is that both Uncharted games don't even require a hard drive install.


Cerberus said:
I thought G4's review had more spoilers than IGN's review. It showed more cutscenes about the story and characters.

Yeah. I watched IGN's review a few times and didn't really feel spoiled at all, but I won't be re-watching the G4 one. Lots of quick cuts in the three and a half minutes it runs, and lots of things are shown.

Still worth watching just to hear Sessler call it the best single player experience he's ever had with a videogame. That was almost enough to induce chills, which I think would be a first for me from a game review.

Zzoram said:
The most impressive thing is that both Uncharted games don't even require a hard drive install.

It sounds a little silly sometimes, but that "Naughty Gods" name seems appropriate quite a bit. They make the PS3 (and in years past, the PS2) sing.


LaneDS said:
Unfortunately I think releasing Ratchet two weeks after this is a terrible, terrible decision, and that the game's sales are going to suffer for it. And that game looks stellar too.

They need to push R&C ACIT back maybe a month and closer to Christmas, give both games some breathing room, let marketing focus on one game at a time, it's not like MAG is coming out this year.


iamcool388 said:
The video review from G4 is AMAZING if you dont mind being spoilt a little.

Yep. Great review from the Sezz. My anticipation for this game is reaching painful levels.


Cerberus said:
I thought G4's review had more spoilers than IGN's review. It showed more cutscenes about the story and characters.

thanks..but no thanks.

I feel spoiled just reading about stuff...seeing it is a whole other story.


Kittonwy said:
They need to push R&C ACIT back maybe a month and closer to Christmas, give both games some breathing room, let marketing focus on one game at a time, it's not like MAG is coming out this year.

I have no idea what Insomniac is thinking releasing Ratchet this year either. The market is too crowded with this and Modern Warfare 2. Oh its well too late anyway, I'm sure the copies are gold and ready to roll of the presses. Its a shame realy, they could have probably used the time.


LaneDS said:
Unfortunately I think releasing Ratchet two weeks after this is a terrible, terrible decision, and that the game's sales are going to suffer for it. And that game looks stellar too.

I'll buy the two in day one... but it would be better to release on november or december.

I think they was expecting to release GT5 on december...
Yeah, so... i had only played a cple of hours of the first beta... in sd...
Took the demo for a spin on a proper tv, and goddamn the game is pretty. Maybe a tad too much depth of field. But soooooo fucking pretty... and crisp... and them colors... holy crap...

Nice reviews all around too. Good for ND.


Kittonwy said:
They need to push R&C ACIT back maybe a month and closer to Christmas, give both games some breathing room, let marketing focus on one game at a time, it's not like MAG is coming out this year.

They really do, but unfortunately will not. While it might not light up the sales charts, it will at least be another AAA title on the platform for people to enjoy when they've got their fill of Uncharted 2. I'm hoping that R&C appeals to a younger audience and will be successful based on that at least.

Hydrargyrus said:
I'll buy the two in day one... but it would be better to release on november or december.

I think they was expecting to release GT5 on december...

I'd love to get Ratchet, but I have other things to consider so I'm essentially forced to pick one or the other, which sucks. I'll get it later assuredly, but I'd hate for R&C to come out looking unsuccessful simply because people like me chose UC2 over it.

And GT5 isn't out in Japan until March 2010, so December would have been a perfect month for Ratchet.
Felix Lighter said:
I was never bothered by the
supernatural stuff, except how it effected gameplay.
What would an Indiana Jones type adventure be without it?
The super natural element just shouldn't result in flood-like enemies, that do nothing but take a b-line towards the player and attack.
I'm generally fine with supernatural elements, as long as it doesn't result in
stupid mutants or aliens. (or the internet fighting a Mayan god)
AltogetherAndrews said:
You can further help the game by staying away from the thread.



Zzoram said:
The most impressive thing is that both Uncharted games don't even require a hard drive install.

This is becoming exceedingly rare, too. I'm surprised at this point when a PS3 game doesn't require an install. For a game that looks and moves like Uncharted 1 and 2 not to require an install, well, Naughty Dog is simply embarrassing most other PS3 devs on a technical level.


thuway said:
I have no idea what Insomniac is thinking releasing Ratchet this year either. The market is too crowded with this and Modern Warfare 2. Oh its well too late anyway, I'm sure the copies are gold and ready to roll of the presses. Its a shame realy, they could have probably used the time.

There's a bit of room this year, next year will be so much more crowded because of all the delays, but it's a tad too close to Uncharted 2's release, now granted the two games are going after different markets but Ratchet's gameplay has pretty much become a tad too sophisticated for the core mascot platformer market in terms of the weapon management and controls that older gamers would have an easier time. Next year might end up being the death trap for a lot of titles whose publishers decided to delay because they didn't want to be in the same space as a juggernaut like COD.
Zeliard said:
This is becoming exceedingly rare, too. I'm surprised at this point when a PS3 game doesn't require an install. For a game that looks and moves like Uncharted 1 and 2 not to require an install, well, Naughty Dog is simply embarrassing most other PS3 devs on a technical level.

They are embarrassing almost every dev on the planet on a technical level. :lol


LaneDS said:
It sounds a little silly sometimes, but that "Naughty Gods" name seems appropriate quite a bit. They make the PS3 (and in years past, the PS2) sing.

Crash Bandicoot was the first game I ever played on Playstation 1, and that one part Uncharted where you have to run towards the screen as stuff was falling behind you reminded me of that game. It was a nice piece of nostalgia.


Meus Renaissance said:
I'm not trying to troll or anything but I'll be shocked if this game does more than 250K first month for NPD. I really hope it does +1million but I doubt these spectacular reviews will be reflected in sales

Prepare to be shocked then. I'm assured it'll do greater than that. Look at what KZ2/inFamous did in a week, this has 3 weeks in NPD. I'd be surprised if it wasn't over 600k.


Mr. Sam said:
This and Ratchet releasing so close together made me stop myself from buying Katamari!

Even the King of All Cosmos isn't safe from Uncharted 2. Sony is clearly a bunch of jerks.


Zzoram said:
Crash Bandicoot was the first game I ever played on Playstation 1, and that one part Uncharted where you have to run towards the screen as stuff was falling behind you reminded me of that game. It was a nice piece of nostalgia.

That's true. The Crash games were eye-popping back in the day. I remember CTR being quite the looker (and I think the final game they did on that system).

They've come a far cry from Way of the Warrior on the 3D0.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Zzoram said:
The most impressive thing is that both Uncharted games don't even require a hard drive install.
No user-visible install at least. The game does indeed use a hard drive for caching, but this happens while you're playing the game so from that standpoint, you can't really notice it.

I wish the game would offer an optional full install though. 25GB of drive space be damned, I'd go for it. I have a completely silent HDD in PS3, and while the PS3's disc drive is pretty silent compared to a typical DVD drive, it's not as silent as my HDD. Not really an issue unless I play the game with sound almost all the way down though (talking about the first game btw, no idea if they made disc access more silent in this one).
Zeliard said:
This is becoming exceedingly rare, too. I'm surprised at this point when a PS3 game doesn't require an install. For a game that looks and moves like Uncharted 1 and 2 not to require an install, well, Naughty Dog is simply embarrassing most other PS3 devs on a technical level.

With Uncharted 2, i'd agree with you. Sony has an incredible bench though.

Insomniac: A crack in time looks ridiculous... graphically, its only a step below Uncharted 2, if even that.

Polyphony: GT5. Come on now.

Sony Santa Monica: I have no doubt God of War 3 will be amazing. They did things on the PS2 which almost amounted to console-rape. To get so much out of the PS2 was mindblowing, and I am sure they will do something special on the PS3 as well.

Guerrilla: Killzone 2 looked like nothing else ever had before it, and I am sure Killzone 3 will make me piss my pants.

Team ICO: The Last Guardian might be the game of the generation for me. (It might override MGS4, which is unimaginable to me from any other game.)

And the best part? They all share tech. Brings tears of joy to my eyes.


Mr. Sam said:
This and Ratchet releasing so close together made me stop myself from buying Katamari!

yeah..but you can get Katamari for super cheap using the Amazon Sale/Promo discount/ECA discount. I bought it yesterday for $30!!


Lord Error said:
No user-visible install at least. The game does indeed use a hard drive for caching, but this happens while you're playing the game so from that standpoint, you can't really notice it.

I wish the game would offer an optional full install though. 25GB of drive space be damned, I'd go for it. I have a completely silent HDD in PS3, and while the PS3's disc drive is pretty silent compared to a typical DVD drive, it's not as silent as my HDD. Not really an issue unless I play the game with sound almost all the way down though (talking about the first game btw, no idea if they made disc access more silent in this one).
Why would you need to do this? For less loading? There is no loading...
Lord Error said:
No user-visible install at least. The game does indeed use a hard drive for caching, but this happens while you're playing the game so from that standpoint, you can't really notice it.

I wish the game would offer an optional full install though. 25GB of drive space be damned, I'd go for it. I have a completely silent HDD in PS3, and while the PS3's disc drive is pretty silent compared to a typical DVD drive, it's not as silent as my HDD. Not really an issue unless I play the game with sound almost all the way down though (talking about the first game btw, no idea if they made disc access more silent in this one).

One thing that I found annoying was the long initial load in U1, or the load screens you'd get if you skipped the fmv cutscenes. An optional install wouldn't kill anyone, would it?
DMeisterJ said:
Prepare to be shocked then. I'm assured it'll do greater than that. Look at what KZ2/inFamous did in a week, this has 3 weeks in NPD. I'd be surprised if it wasn't over 600k.

If I remember correctly Uncharted did over 300k by the end of 2007 in the US, in the worst environment ever and is over 2.6 million worldwide now last I heard. Uncharted 2 will do at least 500k it's release month i'm sure and it'll be in the millions by the time it's all said and done, no need to worry. It probably won't be Gears or Halo but it'll still be a commerical and critical success i'm positive.


Hydrargyrus said:
I'll buy the two in day one... but it would be better to release on november or december.

I think they was expecting to release GT5 on december...
Then there's Assassin's Creed 2 less than a month after that...
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