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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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BruceLeeRoy said:
You got a ps3 and you played UCD1! Amir0x Im so proud of you.

Yeah it was the first game I beat to completion on the PS3. It took me no time at all, and I got 60% of the trophies.

It was pretty fun though...I enjoyed it a lot. Like I said, an 8/10 game. However, nothing in the game suggested to me we'd have a sequel that would be some gaming classic. I am on hype overboard.

PS3 gonna have a badass few weeks - Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2, followed by Ratchet. And if you're a PS3-only owner, you can get Brutal Legend and whatnot.


I just recently played through Uncharted 1 for the first time and absolutely loved it. I am super, super hyped for Uncharted 2.


hype hype hype
this game has such beautiful colours

I'm with Amir0x in that I thought Uncharted was great, but around an 8/10 style great. Enjoyable ride that I would recommend, but not jaw-dropping. But fffff hype caught up to me on this one.
BruceLeeRoy said:
If the pre-order numbers are to be believed your already wrong.
Sweet! Fake numbers. I love basing my arguments around fake numbers!


Awesome reviews, so hyped!!! 2 weeks left, fuck its gonna be a hard two weeks. Thank god for Demoon's Soul next week.

Gonna go download the demo, need some people to play with on PSN


Please add moi folks.:D


dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through
I usually find playing on Hard the first time can ruin a game for me so I don't unless the game isn't balanced for co-op and the developers recommend stepping it up (most specifically, Halo 3).
MNC said:
Why are people holding so strong to scores... Since when have they mean so much to GAF or in general!?!?!?!??! :p

Wait...how are you not a junior? Are you using your brothers gaf account? :D

Firestorm said:
I usually find playing on Hard the first time can ruin a game for me so I don't unless the game isn't balanced for co-op and the developers recommend stepping it up (most specifically, Halo 3).

You know I used to feel this way but now that I really only have time to play one game every couple of months I find I enjoy the whole experience more playing on hard. Unfortunately that means I don't beat most games till weeks after the gaf collective have moved on to the next great thing.


Tom Penny said:
Sony's add campaign should literally show all the perfect 10's and like average score of " " then show some footage. Simple and to the point.

Sony Europe will probably run a colour saturated ad of a pink poodle shitting on the beach while the creepy looking middle aged woman holding the dog's lead whispers "uncharted, uncharted" nonstop through blackened teeth before sucking suggestively on an ice lolly covered with flies.

Yes, I have no faith that Sony has a clue how to do proper marketing yet.


Amir0x said:
Yeah it was the first game I beat to completion on the PS3. It took me no time at all, and I got 60% of the trophies.

It was pretty fun though...I enjoyed it a lot. Like I said, an 8/10 game. However, nothing in the game suggested to me we'd have a sequel that would be some gaming classic. I am on hype overboard.

I agree with this. I felt similarly about Uncharted 1, but the sequel looks to have improved it in almost every way. I still feel like the shooting doesn't hit as hard as it should, but I'll get over it. Wanna run some co-op tonight? :)


bish gets all the credit :)
dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through

I might, although I did that with KZ2 and it ruined some enjoyment. If Crushing is only unlocked by playing Hard, I'll probably do it.
dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through

Normal the first time through to soak up all the story and atmosphere. Hard the second playthrough for all of the trophies. Crushing and attempting to just survive on the third playthrough.:D


BruceLeeRoy said:
VGch@rtz which have a questionable reputation so take it with a grain of salt but even if its half that Uncharted 2 is already off to a great start.

Wait...how are you not a junior?

Cool, thanks.

Damn, that's a cold-blooded edit!! I'm not a junior as I've been knocking around here for a while. But I just don't let myself get that caught up in it all. Hence the constant naivety...


dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through
Absolutely. I thought Uncharted improved with each higher difficultly level, and I imagine it'll be a prerequisite for unlocking Crushing this time out as well.

EDIT: That's the second time I've been transfixed on your avatar today Slider!


Gold Member
AltogetherAndrews said:
How about we post reviews from all sites, and determine their credibility for ourselves? If they have actually played the game, their opinions matter as much as that of "proper" critics.

What a crock of shit. All opinions do not matter as much as every other. They are all not equal in merit, reason, or logical basis.

This nonsense is often put forth under the misleading idea that social egalitarianism should extend into the realm of ideas. Bully for them. This is the reason political discourse in countries like the US is at a standstill. Everyone believing their lunatic asshat opinions matter, and the intellectual arbiters believe that in order to be 'fair', they have to sit and listen to each mouthbreather and their 'opinion'.
If anyone needs help beating Co-Op (story or arena) on Crushing or just wants to team up with a good player for some multiplayer, add me up.

PSN: IronFistedChamp


Zeliard said:
I agree with this. I felt similarly about Uncharted 1, but the sequel looks to have improved it in almost every way. I still feel like the shooting doesn't hit as hard as it should, but I'll get over it. Wanna run some co-op tonight? :)

Yes. I have to download the demo now, but yes I do.
Firestorm said:
hype hype hype
this game has such beautiful colours

I'm with Amir0x in that I thought Uncharted was great, but around an 8/10 style great. Enjoyable ride that I would recommend, but not jaw-dropping. But fffff hype caught up to me on this one.Sweet! Fake numbers. I love basing my arguments around fake numbers!

I thought I clarified they are likely bullshit but still even if its a fraction of that number its clearly going to do more than 250k.


Hydrargyrus said:
What's wrong with the swedes?, is there a joke about them in the game??

Gamereactor, this... :lol :lol

i just remembered that Gamereactor marked UC2 down because of the sound... could be due to bad voice acting?

particularly seeing as how many english reviews mention the great voice-acting, it's difficult to imagine the nuances can be replicated in every language.


Amir0x said:
Yeah it was the first game I beat to completion on the PS3. It took me no time at all, and I got 60% of the trophies.

It was pretty fun though...I enjoyed it a lot. Like I said, an 8/10 game. However, nothing in the game suggested to me we'd have a sequel that would be some gaming classic. I am on hype overboard.

PS3 gonna have a badass few weeks - Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2, followed by Ratchet. And if you're a PS3-only owner, you can get Brutal Legend and whatnot.

I agree..it was the first PS3 game I played after MGS4..of course..and while I enjoyed it. I was in the "this is like Tomb raider meets Gears of War" crowd. I was impressed by it, but not blown away.

Still really looking forward to this. The E3 walkthrough convinced me that this was the game to watch.
slider said:
Cool, thanks.

Damn, that's a cold-blooded edit!! I'm not a junior as I've been knocking around here for a while. But I just don't let myself get that caught up in it all. Hence the constant naivety...

:lol Not you slider I was referencing the dude that asked about the review scores.


Gold Member
Hydrargyrus said:
What's wrong with the swedes?, is there a joke about them in the game??

Gamereactor, this... :lol :lol

As posted earlier, LEVEL (Sweden's best gaming magazine, and the only one worth reading now that Super PLAY has gone the way of the dodo) gave it 10/10 (second opinion 9/10). So no, not all Swedes are insane.

Baloonatic said:
Pretty sure it's the 16th.

No, it's the 14th, except for in the UK/Ireland:

"So once the Beta’s over do not despair, as the full game will be released on October 14th in Europe, October 15th in Australia and New Zealand, and October 16th in the UK and Ireland."



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
highluxury said:
Playing on normal first, gonna get used to the levels, then do a run on Crushing. :D
Do you unlock Crushing after beating Normal or do I have to beat Hard?
dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through

*raises hand*

I played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on hard the 1st time and on Crushing the 2nd time.

I intend to the same with Among Thieves.

Seiken said:
Do you unlock Crushing after beating Normal or do I have to beat Hard?

You have to beat hard first.
Atrus said:
What a crock of shit. All opinions do not matter as much as every other. They are all not equal in merit, reason, or logical basis.

This nonsense is often put forth under the misleading idea that social egalitarianism should extend into the realm of ideas. Bully for them. This is the reason political discourse in countries like the US is at a standstill. Everyone believing their lunatic asshat opinions matter, and the intellectual arbiters believe that in order to be 'fair', they have to sit and listen to each mouthbreather and their 'opinion'.

He didnt say everything is equal. He said post them all, and then we can figure out for ourselves which are to be taken seriously and which are to be dismissed. Dont see anything wrong with that.


highluxury said:
Playing on normal first, gonna get used to the levels, then do a run on Crushing. :D
Don't you need to complete on Hard before Crushing unlocks? I thought that was the case for the first, can't remember now as most recently I played it on Hard then Crushing anyway (Completed it on Normal back at release on a different profile).


I'd be in the dick
Adam Sessler's review has me super pumped.

I’m not 100% certain when it happened. I think it’s when I had Nathan Drake atop a building in a war-torn Nepalese city, cornered and being fired upon by a helicopter, engaged in a fist fight with the screen slowly draining of color, snapping my enemy’s neck and quickly rolling into cover to reload my grenade launcher only to turn and fire upon the chopper one last time as I watched it crash and explode. I think this is when I realized that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was the best single-player game I have ever played.

Holy shit.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through
I might. I finished the first game on crushing twice after all, so I'm worried that Normal would be too easy unless they increased the difficulty compared to the first game. Every time I fire up the game 'just for fun', I play it on hard. But then again, it's much easier when you know where enemies will be coming from, so I don't know for sure.
Atrus said:
What a crock of shit. All opinions do not matter as much as every other. They are all not equal in merit, reason, or logical basis.

This nonsense is often put forth under the misleading idea that social egalitarianism should extend into the realm of ideas. Bully for them. This is the reason political discourse in countries like the US is at a standstill. Everyone believing their lunatic asshat opinions matter, and the intellectual arbiters believe that in order to be 'fair', they have to sit and listen to each mouthbreather and their 'opinion'.

You're talking as if there is a distinct elite among game critics. There may be differences in writing quality and credibility (although longevity and industry presence certainly doesn't stop IGN from publishing reviews of atrocious quality, nor has it prevented Eurogamer from posting reviews with factual inaccuracies), but when it comes right down to it, anyone can offer an honest and useful buyer's guide.

Add to that the fact that many of the unknowns are simply new writers, and may actually be capable of offering the most honest reviews due to being far less bogged down by historical precedence, and preconceived notions based on developer pedigree (or familiarity/buddyship).

So yeah, let's see all the reviews. It's typically not very difficult to separate the good from the bad.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
RoadHazard said:
As posted earlier, LEVEL (Sweden's only gaming magazine worth reading now that Super PLAY has gone the way of the dodo) gave it 10/10 (second opinion 9/10). So no, not all Swedes are insane.
Yep, and the 10/10 coming from Thomas Wiborgh (won Swedish award for being the best gaming journalist 2008) must mean something!


dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through

I played Uncharted 1 on Hard the first time and enjoyed it. Crushing is just stupid though, it replaces a lot of that enjoyment with frustration.


Gold Member
highluxury said:
Playing on normal first, gonna get used to the levels, then do a run on Crushing. :D

Crusing is unlocked after beating the game on Hard (at least it was in the first game, and I expect the same to be true for this one), so that won't work.

I'll probably play it on Hard the first time through. I thought UC1 was a tad too easy on Normal, while it was more or less perfect on Hard. Crushing was a bitch (though I did beat it eventually).


dralla said:
Who's playing on Hard the first time through

Me! if Crushing is available I'll take that.

When I play Uncharted 1, I played through it on hard the first time I ever touched the game. It wasn't that hard at all


TheExecutive said:
Normal the first time through to soak up all the story and atmosphere. Hard the second playthrough for all of the trophies. Crushing and attempting to just survive on the third playthrough.:D

Good call. I plan on doing something similar. Might do hard first, but I'm thinking normal.


Played a bit of the beta, I enjoyed it a lot. Also, I'm digging the photo mode. I loved it in halo 3 and am glad that devs are starting to add that kind of stuff into console games. And damn, this game is reviewing well. Congrats to Naughty Dog.
Amir0x said:
Me! if Crushing is available I'll take that.

When I play Uncharted 1, I played through it on hard the first time I ever touched the game. It wasn't that hard at all

Damn. I'm gonna play on Easy. :lol

gofreak said:

Dunno his pedigree, but his almost unreal verbal jack-off of the game has me excited too :D :lol

Nothing to worry... Sessler is cool.
rhino4evr said:
I agree..it was the first PS3 game I played after MGS4..of course..and while I enjoyed it. I was in the "this is like Tomb raider meets Gears of War" crowd. I was impressed by it, but not blown away.

Still really looking forward to this. The E3 walkthrough convinced me that this was the game to watch.

Though I can understand from a gameplay perspective people coming away from UCD thinking it was just a clever mash up of Gears and TR what really solidified it as a excellent game to me were the characters and presentation. I don't think this generation has really presented a solid new protagonist aside from Nathan Drake.

Though Marcus Fenix is pretty bad ass.


slider said:

Just stared a DM game and my team mates were ranked:
(I'm only at 5 myself.)


Shit, I came last...

EDIT: Damn, unable to join deepbrown's party... too slow off the mark. Probably just as well as I currently suck.
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