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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Alex said:
Unfortunetly I think I'll forever suck at aiming with analog sticks.

Nah, if you stick with it, it'll become like any other skill, riding a bike is a good example. Three years ago I had to think about every motion with dual analog sticks, and it was very frustrating. Now I literally pick up a controller and don't think about it at all. It's very akin to getting on a bike and just going. When you learn to ride a bike you think about every little thing, and it's hard and you fall sometimes. After some practice you just get on the bike and go, and don't even give a second thought about balancing, you just do it.


aegies said:
So it isn't perfect. It's a 4.5/5. In my opinion. If you're getting that worked up about the possibility that the metacritic average is going to come back down to orbit, rather than the far reaches of the galaxy, then you should re-examine your priorities.

If the quoted was directed at me, my writing skills are truly horrible. I have absolutely no problem with a 4.5/5 score for Uncharted 2, aside from some multiplayer, I haven't even played the game. And even if I had played Uncharted 2, and thought it was the best game ever, that would be my opinion and I would not expect everyone else to feel the same way. Video game review scores don't effect my enjoyment the games I play.
Oh man pistole and sniper rifles oh my! Seriously such a blast. This game is the MOST fun I have ever had on a console shooter. Bar-frickin-none


but ever so delicious
Awesome impressions amir0x. I love it when that sort of feeling happens in a game. It's the same mad rush i get with a boss kill in WoW that we have been working our ass off for and i sometimes feel it when i play TF2 and im kicking ass, which is rare.

I did sort of quit WoW raiding for this games multiplayer along with all the other games coming out. Sounds like i wont be disappointed at all, Chances are i will suck at it though since i suck at console shooters. But i got into the groove in Beta 1 which is what gave me the insane idea of taking a break from raiding.

I can only hope there's enough aussies out there (should be) to keep me company when it comes to some multiplayer matches. Otherwise, look at for a guy who seems to bounce around a bit USGAF :D

Officially ordered the steelbook version as of right .. now!


Post Count: 9999
Shining Sunshine said:
They both seem amateurish.

It's basically just taking the trailer and cutting 30 seconds out of it. The second one's music is :lol .

A commercial has to be specifically made for it. Uncharted, Motorstorm 2, and Killzone 2 all had great commercials.

To me, it seems like they did them exactly how you'd do TV spots for a movie. Given what U2 is, I think it works quite well.
BruceLeeRoy said:
The biggest thing about them is they show lots of gameplay which can only be a good thing for this game.
I don't think showing straight up gameplay is good for a commercial. It needs a lot more composure. I think you may have forgotten how good Sony did their commercials for their games.

Uncharted - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaUr5dPv6Ow
Motorstorm 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8AN8hiYQMg

I think something like Motorstorm 2's commercial is what you're thinking of even though it is a minute, so it's probably just the first bit, which is still awesome.


Post Count: 9999
rhino4evr said:
genuine proof that reviews DO matter when it comes to games like this. i think this one will sell a lot better then Uncharted 1.

The original sold like 2.5 million ... there are actually fans of the franchise out there :p


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Onix said:
The original sold like 2.5 million ... there are actually fans of the franchise out there :p

Yeah sony said 2.6 million before going greatest hits. So it's probably at 2.7 or 2.8 million by now. It sold quite well and had really long legs.


Shining Sunshine said:
I don't think showing straight up gameplay is good for a commercial. It needs a lot more composure. I think you may have forgotten how good Sony did their commercials for their games.

Uncharted - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaUr5dPv6Ow
Motorstorm 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8AN8hiYQMg

I think something like Motorstorm 2's commercial is what you're thinking of even though it is a minute, so it's probably just the first bit, which is still awesome.

Never saw that commercial for UC1, that's pretty neat to see it CG-ified like that. Not that UC2 needs the same treatment, but still.


Is the demo available in Australia? Is it public or only restricted to invites?

With exams coming up and an overseas trip scheduled right after, the demo will be my only opportunity to play Uncharted 2 before January 2010 :(


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
KilgoreTrout said:
Damn video is taking forever to export, and all I did was add sound. :lol

Gonna get online. Anybody up for a few games?

Me, psn id: berbrice.


Just sank a few hours into the beta and I'm pleasantly surprised. I already pre-ordered U2 for the singleplayer, but I see myself sinking a lot of time into the multiplayer as well. I hope they work out the kinks in the matchmaking, but it's still a blast regardless.

btw, in the latter part of the Co-OP demo what wall are you supposed to blast with the RPG? My team was running around trying to figure it out, but with the constant gunfire all around us we eventually died.


I keep getting this "Cannot join party" error when I try to match up with a friend. He gets the same too. Tried fully rebooting the PS3s, etc, and it did let us in... for 5 seconds before kicking us back out.

It worked last night flawlessly, wonder what is up
falastini said:
Just sank a few hours into the beta and I'm pleasantly surprised. I already pre-ordered U2 for the singleplayer, but I see myself sinking a lot of time into the multiplayer as well. I hope they work out the kinks in the matchmaking, but it's still a blast regardless.

btw, in the latter part of the Co-OP demo what wall are you supposed to blast with the RPG? My team was running around trying to figure it out, but with the constant gunfire all around us we eventually died.
There is a wall at the end of an alley to the far left, you need to shoot that and make an opening

Also Hahaha never saw this for the original Uncharted when it came out:



I tell you, it's not worth wasting time killing your enemies in Plunder. Playing Treasure volleyball is way more satisfying. We again destroyed a team who way outranked us and was trashtalking us. I had 4 of the scores, Mango had 1. 5-3. Again the team grumbled their way to a huge fucking loss. They actually had the balls to say "look we had way more kills than you, you're a treasure whore."

NO SHIT! That's the point of the mode where you have to get the treasure, smarts!

I'm sorry but THIS is the motherfucking reason to own a PS3.

falastini said:
btw, in the latter part of the Co-OP demo what wall are you supposed to blast with the RPG? My team was running around trying to figure it out, but with the constant gunfire all around us we eventually died.

Yup. Blast it with the RPG.


Amir0x said:
I tell you, it's not worth wasting time killing your enemies in Plunder. Playing Treasure volleyball is way more satisfying. We again destroyed a team who way outranked us and was trashtalking us. I had 4 of the scores, Mango had 1. 5-3. Again the team grumbled their way to a huge fucking loss. They actually had the balls to say "look we had way more kills than you, you're a treasure whore."

NO SHIT! That's the point of the mode where you have to get the treasure, smarts!

I'm sorry but THIS is the motherfucking reason to own a PS3.

Tom Penny

Amir0x said:
I tell you, it's not worth wasting time killing your enemies in Plunder. Playing Treasure volleyball is way more satisfying. We again destroyed a team who way outranked us and was trashtalking us. I had 4 of the scores, Mango had 1. 5-3. Again the team grumbled their way to a huge fucking loss. They actually had the balls to say "look we had way more kills than you, you're a treasure whore."

NO SHIT! That's the point of the mode where you have to get the treasure, smarts!

I'm sorry but THIS is the motherfucking reason to own a PS3.

The thing that pisses me off is the person who returns the treasure in Plunder and GoldRush don't get any extra points when that is the actual objective.

Sorry for not partying up Amir0x either you or I was already in a game. I did get through 10 rounds of GoldRush with FreiTaX though.


Finally played the demo a bit tonight, loved it as I knew I would (was in the first beta and liked that a lot, loved Uncharted 1). Played co-op with my brother and some random guy and we made it through the 10 levels of arena, fan-fing-tastic fun. A real nail-biter at the end as I still kinda suck but they carried me through, I went from rank 2 to rank 8 after that match. :lol


ND needs to do something to speed up their matchmaking, can take a while sometimes. Everything else is perfect. :) Awesome, awesome MP.


Another story. I was walking along all quietly watching for someone to try to kill the dude on our team with the treasure on Ice Caves. And the dude snaps my neck. He's all yelling into the mic "oh shit I jus' broke yo neck, fuck you, I love dis game!" I made it a point to remember who he was and then silent killed him three times in a row. He then said "alright it's not THAT cool man" :lol


Amir0x said:
Another story. I was walking along all quietly watching for someone to try to kill the dude on our team with the treasure on Ice Caves. And the dude snaps my neck. He's all yelling into the mic "oh shit I jus' broke yo neck, fuck you, I love dis game!" I made it a point to remember who he was and then silent killed him three times in a row. He then said "alright it's not THAT cool man" :lol
:lol :lol :lol
This game is awesome. If anyone here wants to party up anytime, add me. PSN ID: gibration

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I might as well post my PSN ID here. Feel free to add me, guys.

PSN ID: R_e_z
I'm not surprise this game got high scores universally, well simply put this game got everything a videogame should have and some more. It looks great both technically and artistically, it got great story telling elements, it got actions, it got puzzle and its look very fun to play. And to me a that's is the definition of videogame in the first place. So don't worry about the review scored, because most of them will be high cos if it doesn't that just prove the reviewer does not like videogame and he should quit the gaming industry for his own good.


Amir0x said:
Another story. I was walking along all quietly watching for someone to try to kill the dude on our team with the treasure on Ice Caves. And the dude snaps my neck. He's all yelling into the mic "oh shit I jus' broke yo neck, fuck you, I love dis game!" I made it a point to remember who he was and then silent killed him three times in a row. He then said "alright it's not THAT cool man" :lol

Holy shit, you hold videogame grudges like no other:D

ACE 1991

sleeping_dragon said:
I'm not surprise this game got high scores universally, well simply put this game got everything a videogame should have and some more. It looks great both technically and artistically, it got great story telling elements, it got actions, it got puzzle and its look very fun to play. And to me a that's is the definition of videogame in the first place. So don't worry about the review scored, because most of them will be high cos if it doesn't that just prove the reviewer does not like videogame and he should quit the gaming industry for his own good.



WOW. My jaw is on the floor right now. This game continues to impress me.

Just had a great session with a bunch of GAF-ers, all with headsets. Made the game a fuckton more enjoyable. Good games guys!

BELIEVE THE HYPE, PEOPLE. This game is going to be fucking epic.


DigiMish said:
Holy shit, you hold videogame grudges like no other:D

I am a little sheepish about it though. I'm not the trash talking type, usually. I savor my victories and only lash out at the end, after a win, and only when someone was shit talking me.
ACE 1991 said:

did you read the bold part only? or did you read my whole post? basically i said that UC2 is the definition of a videogame since it got everything and some more and if you dont like it then you basically dont like videogame and if you dont like videgame then why are you in the industry in the first place. im hope that clarify what im saying.
sleeping_dragon said:
I'm not surprise this game got high scores universally, well simply put this game got everything a videogame should have and some more. It looks great both technically and artistically, it got great story telling elements, it got actions, it got puzzle and its look very fun to play. And to me a that's is the definition of videogame in the first place. So don't worry about the review scored, because most of them will be high cos if it doesn't that just prove the reviewer does not like videogame and he should quit the gaming industry for his own good.

Eh, it's quite possible to dislike well designed games. That has nothing to do with not liking games, as it's all really about preference. It could be lacking something that the critic finds critical, or simply focus on the "wrong" things. Then again, to be a good buyer's guide, which I think any review should aim for or else it sort of loses its raison d'être, this baseline good (or bad) design should be made clear, and personal opinion generally left to a sidebar. But critics don't seem to be as interested in providing buyer's guides as they should, which means that they should probably be lined up and kicked real hard in the teeth.


Tom Penny said:
The thing that pisses me off is the person who returns the treasure in Plunder and GoldRush don't get any extra points when that is the actual objective.
It's for the better. During the first beta only the person who returned the treasure got the capture bonus and on one of the maps you HAD to throw the treasure up tot he top floor to get it to the chest. You'd get people who'd just camp the chest in order to get the bonus rather than help the team.

It's much better to have everyone on the team get the bonus. Unless the other team is completely terrible capturing the treasure is definitely a team effort and can't be done alone.
Nice matches tonight, Kilgore and company. Game is way more fun with all gaf members. All mics, no mean people, balanced teams, sheer fun.

I think I love you guys.
Here's the thing, in gold rush I think there may be a bonus for getting the treasure. I managed to clear all ten round with a party a few times the other day. I had 3 times the points our treasure runner did, but when the game ended, I got ~33K and he got ~40k. I'm not sure how the points translate, but I'm assuming there is a benefit to being the carrier.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Eh, it's quite possible to dislike well designed games. That has nothing to do with not liking games, as it's all really about preference. It could be lacking something that the critic finds critical, or simply focus on the "wrong" things. Then again, to be a good buyer's guide, which I think any review should aim for or else it sort of loses its raison d'être, this baseline good (or bad) design should be made clear, and personal opinion generally left to a sidebar. But critics don't seem to be as interested in providing buyer's guides as they should, which means that they should probably be lined up and kicked real hard in the teeth.
Anyone who actually gets their work published based on their own preferences need be buried up to the head with a cup of delicious pudding placed in front, but out of their reach.


I am not Max
autobzooty said:
Nice matches tonight, Kilgore and company. Game is way more fun with all gaf members. All mics, no mean people, balanced teams, sheer fun.

I think I love you guys.
Agreed! <3
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