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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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A.R.K said:
One thing that bothers me is that grenades take time to explode and you can't cook them like in KZ before you throw them..they can be avoided 99% of the time. Its hard to get a kill from them unless the other person is totally oblivious that there is a grenade at their feet.

When taking screen shots in-game, I was not able to capture the player names. Is there a way to turn it on so they can capture the name of the player too?

I think the nades go off very quickly. On the snow mountain map peopel were throwing them from long distances and by the time they reached me they were blowing up killing me.


I fully agree with TTP's praise, apart from his skill with the pad he's always in control of where he is, where the rest of the team is and what they need to do depending on the situation, I look forward to his squad & platoon command in MAG, too bad the awful lag killed Killzone 2 mp for him.


Needs to be posted again -

"EW: We definitely see players quitting as an issue. What we intend to do is to address as many of the issues which cause players to drop from a game as possible. We’re going to adjust the playlist structure to offer more choices for the types of modes you can search for, so people won’t drop from a game when they’re stuck playing a mode they don’t want to play. We’re also going to adjust the win conditions dynamically as the number of players adjusts to put the goal at a more attainable level for both teams. Finally we’re going to implement a penalty for frequent quitting, so players won’t do it without thinking twice."


bish gets all the credit :)
TrAcEr_x90 said:
I think the nades go off very quickly. On the snow mountain map peopel were throwing them from long distances and by the time they reached me they were blowing up killing me.

They all have a set detonation time. Obviously if they're in the air longer, they're going to detonate quicker after hitting the ground.


Grenade kills are so satisfying :lol

I got BBQ tonight XD That felt good. So you can only view replays from friends on the playstation right? So no youtube or something export?
crap, made all these gif, but I can't get them small enough. The best I can do is 1.5m and that's too big for free hosting. I tried different compression on the video I cut but it's not getting smaller. Any suggestions?


<---see the gifs I posted actually killed my avatar after years :(


are we gonna be able to save some of our replays for the main game?

I want so badly to save the one match I had yesterday with those trash talkers, but I'm worried when the real game comes out it won't transfer!
Amir0x said:
are we gonna be able to save some of our replays for the main game?

I want so badly to save the one match I had yesterday with those trash talkers, but I'm worried when the real game comes out it won't transfer!
There's going to be a wipe. If you want any of your match video, you need to save them yourself : (
Amir0x said:
there has to be easy directions to do that, I'm lazy!
oh, I meant capture them. I bought a dazzle dvd recorder for 50 bucks a few weeks ago. Takes nice looking SD footage, and that's how I captured my gifs and the Demon's souls footage.


The only way would be to use a capture card. If you really want it that bad you could send it to me and I could capture it for you. There are other people on here with HD capture cards though, so you may want to ask them [mine isn't obviously].
Finally we’re going to implement a penalty for frequent quitting, so players won’t do it without thinking twice.
NICE! Just as I wanted, now to the whole bricking-your-PS3-if-you-throw-the-treasure-out-of-the-map-business. I really think that should be implemented.


BobTheFork said:
oh, I meant capture them. I bought a dazzle dvd recorder for 50 bucks a few weeks ago. Takes nice looking SD footage, and that's how I captured my gifs and the Demon's souls footage.

fuck me! Laaaame :(
Amir0x said:
fuck me! Laaaame :(
yeah, kind of. I got tired of trying to take pictures and video off a screen so I broke down and paid the money. You can send them to people in the main game, but you can't export them in any way.

I need to figure this out. I have 3 great gifs of TTP blasting someone from 3 different angles, but the gifs are 3.5m each.
KilgoreTrout said:
All right. I'll post it later tonight.
Don't forget the ass comparison picture. :p

I downloaded the MP demo. I've enjoyed what I have played, but I'm a SP gamer, and the only MP game that's gotten me hooked is Halo's. Usually with a new game's multiplayer mode (unless it's Halo), I'll play a few games then get bored with it and not touch it again. To reiterate, though: I've enjoyed what I've played.

I can't afford to pick this game up come release (gotta save some money for MW2), so the earliest I'll get to play is Christmas morning. Which, funny enough, it was on a Christmas morning that I got to play the first Uncharted.


Dax01 said:
Don't forget the ass comparison picture. :p

I downloaded the MP demo. I've enjoyed what I have played, but I'm a SP gamer, and the only MP game that's gotten me hooked is Halo's. Usually with a new game's multiplayer mode (unless it's Halo), I'll play a few games then get bored with it and not touch it again. To reiterate, though: I've enjoyed what I've played.

I can't afford to pick this game up come release (gotta save some money for MW2), so the earliest I'll get to play is Christmas morning. Which, funny enough, it was on a Christmas morning that I got to play the first Uncharted.



Junior Member
BobTheFork said:
crap, made all these gif, but I can't get them small enough. The best I can do is 1.5m and that's too big for free hosting. I tried different compression on the video I cut but it's not getting smaller. Any suggestions?
Are you using Ulead Gif Animator?
There has a quite powerful optimization (automates compression while play with it) and try to play with dither level to reduce the size.
Dax01 said:
Don't forget the ass comparison picture. :p

I downloaded the MP demo. I've enjoyed what I have played, but I'm a SP gamer, and the only MP game that's gotten me hooked is Halo's. Usually with a new game's multiplayer mode (unless it's Halo), I'll play a few games then get bored with it and not touch it again. To reiterate, though: I've enjoyed what I've played.

I can't afford to pick this game up come release (gotta save some money for MW2), so the earliest I'll get to play is Christmas morning. Which, funny enough, it was on a Christmas morning that I got to play the first Uncharted.

Dax you piece of shit jump on this bandwagon right now. Start eating some pork everyday, bulk up and frequent the local dairy queen where you can harass / threaten enough kids coming to put a "I donated to cancer sticker" on the wall to buy MW2 later.
lol I found a solution, I'll actually pay for my bandwidth. 3$ a month is fine if I plan on hosting all this stuff so here we we again

Here's the Gif of the match TTP and I had






And here is the last one I got for TTP
TTP angle:

close angle:

and just for you TTP, the reverse angle:

I tired to time them all...not bad

BobTheFork said:
lol I found a solution, I'll actually pay for my bandwidth. 3$ a month is fine if I plan on hosting all this stuff so here we we again


Wow you REALLY HATE Chloe!


BobTheFork said:
lol I found a solution, I'll actually pay for my bandwidth. 3$ a month is fine if I plan on hosting all this stuff so here we we again

Here's the Gif of the match TTP and I had






And here is the last one I got for TTP
TTP angle:

close angle:

and just for you TTP, the reverse angle:

I tired to time them all...not bad

So awesome :D
BruceLeeRoy said:
Dax you piece of shit jump on this bandwagon right now. Start eating some pork everyday, bulk up and frequent the local dairy queen where you can harass / threaten enough kids coming to put a "I donated to cancer sticker" on the wall to buy MW2 later.
I caaaannnn'tttt. :( I'm sorry.
I just had a couple of matches, and as an outspoken UC2 MP sceptic, I must say, I may be converted.

Would this be the thread to hit up on weekend to play against some Gaffers?
FunkyPajamas said:
I'm going to start a petition online so Dax joins us. I'll have the paypal account setup in a minute.
I'm kidding!
You had me thinking I was gun b 'k.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Im so disappointed in you. Though I understand you crazy sucka.
I'll just be fashionably late to this party. I'll wear dress well when I arrive, though.


Got my press copy a few hours ago. This game is amazing. If anyone wants, I can provide impressions later tonight. Or maybe I'm under embargo I don't know. I was never contacted about one. :/


Incredibly Naive
OMG unbelievable timing... I'll be buying this at toys r us as part of a B2G1, so I can grab R+C! It feels like a good time to be a sony fan:D
JSnake said:
Got my press copy a few hours ago. This game is amazing. If anyone wants, I can provide impressions later tonight. Or maybe I'm under embargo I don't know. I was never contacted about one. :/


Seriously though, looking forward to your impressions....
and checking your UC2 trophy list >B)


Incredibly Naive
JSnake said:
Got my press copy a few hours ago. This game is amazing. If anyone wants, I can provide impressions later tonight. Or maybe I'm under embargo I don't know. I was never contacted about one. :/

Definitely would appreciate some impressions:D. How are the visuals looking?


Sully: "Whaddya bet we follow the hose and we find the camp?"
Nathan: "You always follow the hose."

OMG :lol :lol

msdstc said:
Definitely would appreciate some impressions:D. How are the visuals looking?

They're fantastic. I'll provide some detailed impressions later tonight. I'm not very far, only on chapter 4. Actually the title for chapter 4 just came up a few seconds ago.

I'm not enough of a technical wizard to say whether or not UC2 beats out KZ2 in terms of sheer graphical oomph but UC2 has the prettier overall look IMO.
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