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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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erotic butter maelstrom
I'm not saying that I don't believe you, I do, but I've never seen anyone get 56 kills in a single match. That is just ridiculous, as far as I can remember I've never seen someone go over 30. I feel good about myself when I get 15-20 in a match. Are you playing long games or something?


Its basically as bad as alot of people feared

Camping is now extremely more effective.

Spawn camping even more so with the predictable spawns.

Traversal gameplay is ruined as you are way more vulnerable climbing than ever before.

Person who shoots first wins almost everytime now no chance to out smart and turn the tables around like you used to be able to do if you were a good enough player.

Sniper seems to kill in 1 body shot which is ridiculous.

Hell they even made medals pop up in the middle of the screen blocking my goddamn view when im trying to play. Obviously trying to be like Call Duty here for some stupid reason.

Also the way of addressing map pack spliiting community seems to be hey lets make all trophies in deathmatch the worst gameplay mode ever so we concentrate player numbers, if you want to play another mode with new maps go to hell.

EDIT: Have not played plunder yet hate to imagine how broken it is now with less health even before this patch it was most effective to throw treasure because you would get killed quickly running it.

You think Naughty Dog would have the brains to give the player running treasure an increased health bonus but then again they still havent fixed instant "grenade spam double deaths" and introduced these terrible changes today. The online team is turning the Naughty Dog studio into a laughing stock.


Incredibly Naive
Just got into an intense round with you guys in there!:D Any room left in the party?

Snuggler said:
I'm not saying that I don't believe you, I do, but I've never seen anyone get 56 kills in a single match. That is just ridiculous, as far as I can remember I've never seen someone go over 30. I feel good about myself when I get 15-20 in a match. Are you playing long games or something?

Just went 53-16 in a game against yeef, kittonwy and others if you don't believe me I'm sure they can step up for me. I go all out.


ahh ffs i knew something else felt really bad cant believe they would make getting shot in the legs equal to other parts of the body. I said it earlier but GG Naughty Dog for fucking you own game.

The fact they are not going to fix grenades is even more disgusting while pushing these changes through that are completely unneccessary.


arne said:
That's not what happened and those aren't the survey results. We took the results exactly as they were asked, 5 questions on the own.

Of those 5 questions, 1 question was definitively the most popular choice.

As much as you'd like to see it any other way, any other interpretation is setting up a strawman argument for the basis of lending weight to your argument.
...I said it a few pages ago, here it is again.

I still don't understand why Crushing couldn't have been made a playlist instead. If I wanted to play MW2 or any shooter that results in quick deaths (I fucking despise these shooters... It's why I like Halo, Resistance, and this game pre-1.05), I would PLAY those games. Arne, the people who voted on your site represents a small fraction of the UC2 multiplayer gaming community, you can't surely base all of your ideas from just one poll there.


erotic butter maelstrom
msdstc said:
Just got into an intense round with you guys in there!:D Any room left in the party?

Just went 53-16 in a game against yeef, kittonwy and others if you don't believe me I'm sure they can step up for me. I go all out.
Damn. By now you probably have more kills than the black plague, I'd like to see you play someday.


Darkatomz said:
...I said it a few pages ago, here it is again.

They're not basing their game on that poll. Naughty Dog, unlike some of you, like the way the game is better now.

I do agree that poll is useless. The fraction of people who wanted the game to change were certainly more inclined to go online and do something about. And even then less than 50% of the voters wanted the old damage settings to be gone from the game.


Having played the patch now I can give my impressions:

I love the new medals. I'm making way more money now in all modes. Plunder is still the best competitive mode for money (I usually make between 28~40k post-patch with no negative boosters; before I usually landed between 17~23k), but Deathmatch and it's variants still make good money.

I don't mind the reduced amount of shots it takes to kill so long as the person you're squaring off with isn't using down the irons. It basically has made down the irons that much worse, but when you run into a team not using it I think the new health does feel a lot better.

1 hit sniper is really annoying as I expected. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't respawn so quickly, but I've noticed that even the big power weapons have been respawning faster over the last month or so. RPG, Hammer and now the Dragon all need longer spawn times. I think the Sniper also, at the very least, needs it's firing speed reduced.

I love that the pistol is so much better now. I generally prefer pistols and melee combat in most games, so it's a much welcomed change.

I have to agree that not being able to see your medals after dying is bothersome. Lower the transparency on the scoreboard while the medals are up or just wait until the player respawns to display the medals.

Lastly, I'm going to have to agree that these changes make the game more 'noob' friendly. Mainly because most people use DTI and with all of its associated problems on top of the reduced ttk of all weapons (not to mention GAF's oath not to use DTI, with the exception of vsrobot). In a 1v1 encounter the 'better' player doesn't always win because of the lag issues and the way DTI makes them even worse.

On the plus side, we did just play a plunder match where I managed to take out 3 DTI guys who were trying to surround me by making smart use of cover. The reduced health makes those sorts of little victories all the sweeter.

[Ninja Edit] I haven't had any issue with the shoulder switching, but I've always been fast on the manual switching, so maybe it just doesn't bother me.
msdstc said:
Just got into an intense round with you guys in there!:D Any room left in the party?

Just went 53-16 in a game against yeef, kittonwy and others if you don't believe me I'm sure they can step up for me. I go all out.
Yep, he did. I was in that game too.

Love the health change, no problems there. The auto shoulder switching though, hate it. Dti also feels more powerful than ever.
I just got done playing about 15 games (at least one of each playtype) and I don't see what the big deal is. I still play the same way I always have and still get plenty of kills. I don't get where all this hate is coming from. Plus, the new medals kick so much ass!!! I also love the new medal sound!!!!!


Incredibly Naive
Snuggler said:
Damn. By now you probably have more kills than the black plague, I'd like to see you play someday.

Haha thanks man, I'm only level 53 so I probably don't have as many kills as one would think. Do you ever play in the GAF parties?
Two matches into the new patch thus far. So far, my opinion is mixed. Reflexes are far more relied upon now, I've been doing a lot more rolling and diving around. But it does kinda feel like CoD-Lite now, sad to say. I noticed the increased leg hit box right away, that's for sure. Feels very cheap. But the game is still fun for now, so I'll toil away till the next patch rips more fun from the game.


I'm in love with the multiplayer again because of this patch. I really like what they did with the weapon damage and the cool noise you get when you earn a medal is a nice touch.


CozMick said:
Came online just to post that Naughty Dog fucking rock!

The new patch is great............

No more bullshit full clip kills.

Shotgun is now bareable, taking them down before they even get close.

Lag is well hidden because it doesn't take as many bullets to drop someone.

Cover actually has a reason now. {Sorta Gears 2 like}

Running out in the open when getting shot dodging bullets like Neo is non-existent now.

New medals are awesome.

Plunder and Turf War are still as fun as hell, no more lone wolf runs, you actually need your team.

Statistics ticker is awesome.

Love it, fucking LOVE IT!! and that's just from 6 matches.

Bring on the new dlc! £3.99 is a damn bargain. :D

this all sounds good, i will give it another shot.

hopefully they have addressed the matrix bullet dodging that was running rampant (yes i did abuse this tactic to), i just feel that UC2 needed to be more grounded in its battles to have a more fun tactical approach.

has the greandes issue been addressed? i think the grenades need to be toned down a little its just to quick of a release and the explosion happens a millisecond after, its always the first thing that happens in a firefight.


Not as deep as he thinks
So I'm a co-op objective guy and I think the patch is pretty cool in THIS mode. It makes things more difficult because you drop health instantly. For me, this is pretty cool since the majority of random people I play against have it on Normal or Easy. There's only been a few instances where I've played co-op objective on Hard/Crushing difficulty with random people.


It's awful in Plunder matches. Like people have mentioned already, hardly anyone goes for the treasure because they're too busy camping. It's basically a 20 long minute deatmatch or whatever the hell Plunder matches last. Everyone is also using Down the Irons and the Sniper Rifle is bullshit with it's one kill shot. I mean, it used to be pretty tolerable, but now it's just annoying and not fun to me anymore. Plunder is the mode I like to play the most outside of co-op objective, but now it's not that fun anymore. I used to always equip the Invalid booster in Plunder matches so I know how it feels like to die with only a little bit of bullets, but this is sort of ridiculous...Oh well.

I'm just hoping that they fix the glitches in The Fort map in the next update because that's really...REALLY annoying and terrible. Still love the multiplayer for this game even after all of this.

Edit: Let me say that the new medals are pretty cool and I love the way they pop out now!
CozMick said:
Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?

After playing for a few more games I can't believe you guys are moaning, but then again aren't you the same guys that complained because the dlc wouldn't be free? :lol

There is a LOT less bullshit now, If a guy is lagging it doesn't take a full clip then a reload, then some more of another clip....only for him to kill you while you're reloading which happened ALL THE TIME before the patch.

Is it because you love running round carelessly dodging bullets and now you can't?

Agree from what i played i liked it, i can understand how plunder might be harder but if you work as a team i know thats crazy talk to alot of people online but if you work as a team you will still win. Like the new ticker thing too also just played with the new skins that came out the other week errrm very nice and seem super high res and not out of place at all.


Me and Jeramii and mgviper kept running into a bunch of trashtalkin douchebagz, we beat dem tho. Also ran into some glitchers. I think I'm getting the hang of it now.


Incredibly Naive
Captain_Spanky said:
So this patch makes cover more effective in a cover based shooter?

I dunno where people got this idea, but I think it's just the opposite. Before you could run and get to cover and try to defend yourself, now you die before you get a chance to get there.


I'm not really sure what to think. I sorta like the new system, but I can also see it getting very annoying, very quickly. At least my expert knowledge of the maps is coming into use now.

BTW, ClearCELL, I didn't see your BFBC2 invite until after you had signed off. It made me feel so guilty that I had to quit out. :(


msdstc said:
I dunno where people got this idea, but I think it's just the opposite. Before you could run and get to cover and try to defend yourself, now you die before you get a chance to get there.

this exactly
Irish said:
I'm not really sure what to think. I sorta like the new system, but I can also see it getting very annoying, very quickly. At least my expert knowledge of the maps is coming into use now.
Wish i could have played more. My first impressions were only based on a handful of games. Were you able to test out blindfiring to see if it changed / stayed the same?
msdstc said:
I dunno where people got this idea, but I think it's just the opposite. Before you could run and get to cover and try to defend yourself, now you die before you get a chance to get there.

Because you should avoid being in the open as much as possible and be snapping from cover to cover? Seriously, that's why I got that impression.


I just camp now and spam the sniper rifle whenever possible.

Oh and I also babysit the new over-the-shoulder camera that insists on facing me away from my opponents.


Incredibly Naive
Captain_Spanky said:
Because you should avoid being in the open as much as possible and be snapping from cover to cover? Seriously, that's why I got that impression.

I didn't shoot the idea down, I just said I see it as the opposite. I get what you're saying, but I definitely used the cover more before, but that's just me.


Still Alive
Generally people seem to like the changes, but i'm getting the impression that a separate 'hardcore' playlist or something would have been good enough. :\

Oh well, hope I like it when I eventually pick up the game. :lol
(soon i swear)


After seeing the experimental weekend poll it's clear that you guys moaning are infact the minority.

Just like every other game, either get used to it or play another. It's not hard math.
finally got around to testing the patch and HOLY CRAP im in love with the game all over again, sure the new health changes up the playstyle but i think it feels perfect now.:D GAF crew can definitely expect me to play way more often now.


msdstc said:
it's not about the headshots, it's about who the better player it is. This game may be mindless fun to you, but I enjoyed it competitively. I'm just bitter right now TBH, it's not the same game it was and this caters to the noob players and makes it more mainstream accessible, but I guess that's the way it goes.

Also I have a feeling you have NO idea what you're talking about. Quake3 has NOTHING to do with headshots at all.:lol

Also I have a feeling you have NO idea what you're talking about. UC2 has NOTHING to do with competitive gunplay at all LOL

hey i dont give a crap about the mp, but you and alot of other guys sound butthurt and thats kind of anoying after pages upon pages, but thats just me
A few more matches and I'm really getting used to the new health system. My opinion has risen slightly.

But fucking nerf the DTI already, ND. This is ridiculous. I made a mental note to remember the boosters of players that had killed me, and EVERYBODY used it. That has never happened before.


Naughty God indeed, they actually added the glowing red eyes to the Helghast skin.......

We're not worthy, we're not worthy, *bows*


How do I shot gun guys?? I keep dying when I am running. I should be like tank when I run. People hiding next to walls keep killing me >:| I dunno wat cover is but I like to run around and win every time.

You guys are crazy.
I played a match last night, but the patch didn't feel any different to me, since I lost as usual. I haven't been playing as much since I want to finish WKC but I do not think the patch broke the game.

When can I give ND my $5.99 for the next DLC?


If game had started out with this health system, and then a patch added more health, I have a feeling most of the same people would be in here losing their minds. Change=scary. I also have a feeling NDI isn't done tweaking what I still consider the best multiplayer game on the market.

People complaining about the medal placement show their true colors as bitching just for bitching's sake and can be safely ignored. "Boo-hoo, I still hold a grudge because I had to pay a couple of extra monetary units to get a few skins that have been become de facto exclusives to my region, boo-hoo."

One thing that did get borked for sure is the auto-shoulder switching. (How is it that all the biggest complainers aren't bring this up? Oh yeah, they're spending more time complaining than playing so they haven't run into this yet.) Hoping there's a quick fix pushed out for that so when I'm back in town that issue will be nothing but a bad memory. Come on, 1.05.1!


While the fact that if you change your tag and it says "Checking" before displaying your changes probably just means a more robust censorship system (can be ban NAZ!, please, if 1.05 didn't already) there is a little part of me that hopes it indicates that they are laying the groundwork for full-featured clan support.


BattleMonkey said:
The changes sound like they will get me playing again! :D


I've been meaning to buy the Pinkerton and Rika DLC too on PSN. Next time I'm online I'll try out the new changes. It's not the fact I disliked it before but with new maps coming out soon and even more skins my urge to replay Uncharted 2 has been reignited.


I actually really didn't like UC2's multi before the patch. After hearing about it on here I'm going to give it another try though.

I don't know how it actually plays obviously, but the changes sound good enough to me to get me excited about playing after work today.


I like the patch and my friends that I usually play with in U2 (2 of them play more then me) don't seem to be complaining about the change in damage but they were caught off guard with the "random" over the shoulder placement when aiming. we played played 2 deathmatches and northing's change in our scores.

we adapt and dominate >: )
The new update saved me from trading my game in because the previous health system made me HATE the multiplayer. It was silly and frustrating prior to 1.05 because it took way too many hits to kill. It was silly because we play as normal human beings with super duper skin armor. :D

With that said, I realize there are people that feel just the opposite which is fine. Im going to review the last few pages of this thread to get a better understanding of all of the different perspectives.

What I don't understand right now is why Naughty Dog doesn't just add more modes to the multiplayer like MW2's Hardcore settings? I must be missing something because adding a hardcore-like mode would make everyone happy.
new patch makes me wish I hadn't lent this game to a friend.

I always liked UC2 mp, but found that killing people is too hard.

have they increased the frag limit for team deathmatch?


works for Gamestop (lol)
That's why I voted for adding these new changes as a playlist. I wouldn't mind playing with the new balancing system in a playlist every now and then but to make it a wide change makes me disappointed. I prefer the gameplay pre 1.05 patch than what they've implemented. I never found lag or shooting people down an issue before the patch so I don't see why there needed to be changes.


The changes are minimal to be honest, one thing it does is hold back run-n-gunners a bit more, which is not a bad deal. :p

Speaking of lag, I don't play multiplayer games often(pretty much just UC2), but is this how it is in every console game? The persistent lag in this game annoys me a bit. Oh so tired of killing a guy and then somehow having the guy kill me "back".

Also, I insist that the "chrip" killsound is fixed so that it sounds off the exact moment a player dies. The way it is right now it makes the lag seems worse than it already is.


CozMick said:
Just like every other game, either get used to it or play another. It's not hard math.

You really need to shut your fucking mouth. Why the fuck did you, with your DtI BS and only 52 hours played, have to ruin the game I've put 320 hours into instead of playing another?

Also, only 10% of the total playing population participated in that poll. I'm not really sure you can get an accurate representation of the population's wishes that way.

Hell, I voted for it having it's own playlist simply because I knew other people might like it. If I knew ND would focus on the first part of that phrase, I would have voted for what I truly felt. (hated it)

I'm a close quarters fighter and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I knew exactly how to manipulate my surroundings so my opponent's fell right into my traps and where to go to catch them off guard. However, with each and every change ND has made, it seems like they are trying to tell me to play the game a certain way. That way involves sitting way in the back with DtI and a FAL and camping until the sun rises.

I'll play through until the DLC comes, but once March 2nd hits, I might just have to:


for good.

BTW, here's my stats page so you can see exactly how I play.



Irish said:
You really need to shut your fucking mouth. Why the fuck did you, with your DtI BS and only 52 hours played, have to ruin the game I've put 320 hours into instead of playing another?

Also, only 10% of the total playing population participated in that poll. I'm not really sure you can get an accurate representation of the population's wishes that way.

Hell, I voted for it having it's own playlist simply because I knew other people might like it. If I knew ND would focus on the first part of that phrase, I would have voted for what I truly felt. (hated it)

I'm a close quarters fighter and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I knew exactly how to manipulate my surroundings so my opponent's fell right into my traps and where to go to catch them off guard. However, with each and every change ND has made, it seems like they are trying to tell me to play the game a certain way. That way involves sitting way in the back with DtI and a FAL and camping until the sun rises.

I'll play through until the DLC comes, but once March 2nd hits, I might just have to:


for good.

BTW, here's my stats page so you can see exactly how I play.


Couldn't give a flying fuck how you play to be honest,

So you whored the game, big fucking deal

As for "ruin the game" that's your personal opinion, but as stated the people that did vote wanted the permanent change.

After playing for 320+ hours I'm sure you'll be able to adapt, if not I hear co-op is good.

EDIT :: but then again, I looked at your stats and I sure see why you're complaining,

Pistole, pistol, shotty and melee, four kills that are now the hardest to get because you aint a bullet sponge anymore.
The developers intend the game to be played a certain way? Surely you jest. You mean they actually had honest to goodness intentions behind what they made, instead of just slapping things down? Colour me shocked.
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