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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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I actually like the patch. :(

Of course, I haven't tested to see if Blindfiring has been fixed yet. I haven't used it much since the last update when it got screwed up.

Still, you can definitely tell less skill is required now.


Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?

After playing for a few more games I can't believe you guys are moaning, but then again aren't you the same guys that complained because the dlc wouldn't be free? :lol

There is a LOT less bullshit now, If a guy is lagging it doesn't take a full clip then a reload, then some more of another clip....only for him to kill you while you're reloading which happened ALL THE TIME before the patch.

Is it because you love running round carelessly dodging bullets and now you can't?


msdstc said:
COMPLETELY disagree. I just went 18-3 in the last round, and since I started today have gone about 4-1... it's a campfest now, less aiming skills are needed due to quick kills, and evasion and tactics are removed from the game now.

I'm not mad that it makes it "harder", it makes it EASIER. The guy above said get some skill? If you're all of a sudden dominating doesn't that mean something?

I'm glad we can carry out this discussion since it appears we both have a love for counter-strike.

Alrighty: Here's why I like it more. PS I said "get some skill" but I did say it jokingly. I'm well aware that the people who play on GAF are very good.

I'm not all of a sudden "dominating" I was a good player before, but I just feel it's alot more thrilling now and the fact that I can die alot faster makes me much more cautious. That's why it feels like Counter-Strike. The anticipation for the next encounter is much higher because it's much more exciting.

In that respect, the game is definitely harder. I find people are playing more cautiously and if you're gonna play the game like any other shooter, you will die. I've been playing this game like CS which is, moving slower, taking more cover, not taking loose or wasted shots and playing more tactically.

I find it has increased the level of tactics and gun fights feel legitimate.

This is from my quick experience of a couple of rounds though. Maybe I'll get caught up in a campfest and hate it later.


CozMick said:
Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?

After playing for a few more games I can't believe you guys are moaning, but then again aren't you the same guys that complained because the dlc wouldn't be free? :lol

There is a LOT less bullshit now, If a guy is lagging it doesn't take a full clip then a reload, then some more of another clip....only for him to kill you while you're reloading which happened ALL THE TIME before the patch.

Is it because you love running round carelessly dodging bullets and now you can't?

This is what I wanted to say, but i don't wanna come off as condescending. The players here are very good, but I can't imagine how you can hate this patch if you were just running around all out in the open in the first place....

90% of my kills were from people who were running around randomly when they thought no one can see them.


bish gets all the credit :)
The only "tactics" this patch brought about was more people camping. The game was great with the traversal and multi-tiered level gameplay.

turn off DTI and see how you do.


alr1ghtstart said:
The only "tactics" this patch brought about was more people camping. The game was great with the traversal and multi-tiered level gameplay.

turn off DTI and see how you do.

Alright, sounds good, I'll get on now.

if anyone is in the UC2 chat, hopefully I can play with some of you.


Not as deep as he thinks

I am not looking forward to playing Plunder matches now with some of these impressions. :|

If it's like the experimental weekend...then I really don't think I'll like this patch. I'll update and see how I like it when I get home.

I'm also disappointed The Fort glitches weren't fixed. /sigh

I fee like a broken record here, but will we be able to use the Uncharted 1 skins on co-op objective?
Call of Dutyfied my ass. I was expecting to drop people with 3 bullets. It still takes a good amount. I like it alot more but there is some whining in here for no good reason.


Let's see:

CoD health? Check!

Getting disconnected every 20 minutes after the new patch? Check!

Matchmaking that doesn't work (again)? Check.

Naughty Dog - fucking their own game up one patch at a time.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
alr1ghtstart said:
what the hell is with your aiming shoulder randomly switching when you're close to a wall?
Was wondering why the hell that kept occurring >_<

They also forgot to update the start ammo in Sniper & Pistole. The Sniper starts at 15 but the new max is 6.


CozMick said:
Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?

After playing for a few more games I can't believe you guys are moaning, but then again aren't you the same guys that complained because the dlc wouldn't be free? :lol

There is a LOT less bullshit now, If a guy is lagging it doesn't take a full clip then a reload, then some more of another clip....only for him to kill you while you're reloading which happened ALL THE TIME before the patch.

If it ever took you an entire clip to kill someone before, it's because you can't aim for shit.

CozMick said:
Is it because you love running round carelessly dodging bullets and now you can't?

That's not very careless. I can still do that without a problem because of terrible players that can't aim without DtI and like to bitch about people being "bullet sponges".


I'm dying a lot more quicker now and find it harder to escape when spotted. However, I think I'll manage with this new patch. Takes a little bit getting used to, though.

Edit - Sniper sure is deadly now.


alr1ghtstart said:
It seems old cinema files no longer work if either Marco Polo or Khan are in them. It just never loads.

There's some issues with older cinema files for some reasons -- I've heard of wrong skins being loaded as well. We're off for the holiday today, but I let some guys who know will check on it later.


Incredibly Naive
CozMick said:
Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?

After playing for a few more games I can't believe you guys are moaning, but then again aren't you the same guys that complained because the dlc wouldn't be free? :lol

There is a LOT less bullshit now, If a guy is lagging it doesn't take a full clip then a reload, then some more of another clip....only for him to kill you while you're reloading which happened ALL THE TIME before the patch.

Is it because you love running round carelessly dodging bullets and now you can't?

Full clip? 12 shots for me, if it take a full clip you weren't doing it right. The aiming took skill and tactics. My opinion on games whether it's video games or sports, the better player should always win.

DrPirate said:
This is what I wanted to say, but i don't wanna come off as condescending. The players here are very good, but I can't imagine how you can hate this patch if you were just running around all out in the open in the first place....

90% of my kills were from people who were running around randomly when they thought no one can see them.

Carelessly dodging? If you can't hit those people who just run circles then that's your own fault, if you can aim they were an easy takedown.

DrPirate said:
I'm glad we can carry out this discussion since it appears we both have a love for counter-strike.

Alrighty: Here's why I like it more. PS I said "get some skill" but I did say it jokingly. I'm well aware that the people who play on GAF are very good.

I'm not all of a sudden "dominating" I was a good player before, but I just feel it's alot more thrilling now and the fact that I can die alot faster makes me much more cautious. That's why it feels like Counter-Strike. The anticipation for the next encounter is much higher because it's much more exciting.

In that respect, the game is definitely harder. I find people are playing more cautiously and if you're gonna play the game like any other shooter, you will die. I've been playing this game like CS which is, moving slower, taking more cover, not taking loose or wasted shots and playing more tactically.

I find it has increased the level of tactics and gun fights feel legitimate.

This is from my quick experience of a couple of rounds though. Maybe I'll get caught up in a campfest and hate it later.

That's not true though CS is about aim and precision, the better player always wins in that game. This game took the health concept of CS without the aiming AKA Call of Duty. If you get the jump on someone you automatically win. This promotes heavy camping especially when the FAL is as accurate as it is and kills in two hits. let me post my match history.

Now this is starting in order from first game with new health to last one I just played.

Temple- 16 kills 4 deaths.
Sanctuary- 18 kills 3 deaths
Lost City- 11 kills 2 deaths (got kicked that's the 2nd game today.)
The Village- 51 kills 15 deaths.

I killed so many people just walking around from a huge distance with the AK in seconds, I destroyed anyone going towards the treasure, anybody coming out of the spawn and I have position they are screwed. The problem is this works both ways. It's become a spam/camp fest in a sense just like call of duty, the player behind you wins, there is less skill it's about position.

edit- I'm just gonna leave it at that, I really don't want to be that asshole guy, but I'll leave it at agree to disagree. This is the type of game some people prefer, it's much more nooby friendly and it's more of an arena deathmatch sort of game in a sense that it's more kills faster paced. I will say it goes beyond that because I like fast paced games just not in this sense, more like Quake where once again the better player wins.


bish gets all the credit :)
Adding a medals section to the main menu (in MP), would be welcome. As would the display of how much cash you are making when hitting select. The new medals display is nice, but moving it to where it used to be would prevent it getting hid behind the respawning screen when you die.

also, glowing eyes
I like most of the stuff changed. Not as bad as the experimental weekend that's for sure. The new medals are great! Didn't like he new placement or sound at first but it grew on me pretty fast. However....

The sniper rifle is too powerful now. The fact that you can aim anywhere on the body and get an insta kill is BS.
It's like a long range noob tube now. :/

Nothing was done about DTI. With the FAL it's an even more deadly combo than it was before.

Everything else seems ok for now. Only played a few games today though so my opinion might change. Call me crazy but i think blindfiring got somewhat better. Got a lot of consistent shotty kills , and pistol + melee combo seemed good need to try it out more. Could just be the damage scaling.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Instant kill snipers is more than enough to make me not play the game until they change it, I can't stand stuff like that. There's no point to a sniper when there's no skill(headshots) involved.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Papercuts said:
Instant kill snipers is more than enough to make me not play the game until they change it, I can't stand stuff like that. There's no point to a sniper when there's no skill(headshots) involved.
Yeah, that's what I have to say about this patch too. I'm actually ok with the DTI + FAL combo, but this is just ridiculous. Plunder is completely ruined now.

The other changes are great, but the Sniper as it is right now is completely game-breaking.


msdstc said:
COMPLETELY disagree. I just went 18-3 in the last round, and since I started today have gone about 4-1... it's a campfest now, less aiming skills are needed due to quick kills, and evasion and tactics are removed from the game now.

I'm not mad that it makes it "harder", it makes it EASIER. The guy above said get some skill? If you're all of a sudden dominating doesn't that mean something?

I haven't played the new patch yet, but those were my thoughts after the first experimental crushing weekend. It made the game easier in a bad way. Placing headshots became irrelevant and adaptive survival tactics went out the window. Hearing that FAL is uber powerful again is disheartening, because that was easily the worst part of it. FAL whoring (especially on trainwreck and fort) was just gross. Also, plunder matches became quite shitty in general with most people preferring to not even pick up the treasure as it meant certain death and instead opted to camp the treasure from a distance.

CozMick said:
Why exactly did you guys love the "full clip to kill someone" routine?
It rarely ever took me a full clip to down someone. I think it's fair to say you didn't place your shots well if you burned a full clip on a kill. Besides, the power weapons exist for a reason. If you want an overpowered weapon, you have to seek it out and (often times) earn it.

The fact is, I should be a bullet sponge if someone is shooting me in the legs/lower body or only gets a few pot shots off from behind.

Uncharted 2 isn't the type of game that benefits from speedy deaths with basic weaponry (and yeah, I consider the FAL pretty basic/common) because it has all those traversal mechanics that suddenly become prohibitive to use in the face of so much death. The overall playstyle changes.

I hope Naughty Dog realizes in the poll they conducted that when people voted "Give it its own playlist" that was merely a neutral diplomatic answer; not wanting to deny those who enjoyed it, but not necessarily wanting it on all the time either. I know I voted that way but had no intention of ever really playing it -- I'm a plunder playlister for life.

"Coming in at a close second, 33% of you felt that it was a good thing as well, but that we should keep it within its own playlist, rather than have the lowered health active across all playlists and game types. "

I wonder why they interpreted that response as a positive?

Chamber said:
Finally got into a match. First impression is that this isn't nearly as bad as the experimental weekend. That was pretty much instant death. You still have a chance here.
I'm happy to hear this, although some of the other comments about the FAL still cast some doubt. I'll give the game a go later. As long as it's not crushing health with a different name, I think I'll be OK with whatever Naughty Dog has decided.

I have to say I didn't really mind the sniper's power during the first crushing weekend in relation to the other weapons. Though I think 1 hit kills should only come from scoped, upper body hits. And they probably need to slow the re-fire time and add some kickback.


bish gets all the credit :)
the sniper is ok as is, it was pretty useless before. They should probably make it a manual reload, with 1 shot per.
Played a little more. It's actually not that bad. I think it really depends on the map, for example I prefer the new setting in the Lost City map, before the patch it was way too easy to take cover or just disappear behind some ruin or something, whereas in open map like Train Wrack I prefer the old health level. Why not adjust the health level based off the map? Yeah it sounds pretty stupid but..

edit: wow at the leg damage*_* That's fucked up. Also, I think the headshot damage should be increased.


alr1ghtstart said:
the sniper is ok as is, it was pretty useless before. They should probably make it a manual reload, with 1 shot per.
Actually, it was fine until they cut the mag size to 6 instead of 10. Now, it's just too cheap.


bish gets all the credit :)
yep, no differentiation between legs and torso. If anything, they should have decreased the number of headshots for kills.


New patch is awesome. Just went 19 - 6 in a deathmatch where my team only had 3 guys and the other had 4 on train wreck. Much more about reflex and skill now. People are trying to spray bullets at me but I put them down with my pistol before they can do a thing :D

So far I'm liking it but we'll see what happens in an objective game.
alr1ghtstart said:
the sniper is ok as is, it was pretty useless before. They should probably make it a manual reload, with 1 shot per.
Your just saying that because YOU couldn't get kills with it. Hows a weapon that used to take 2 shots to kill useles? You and CHRP were just running around with it earlier today just racking up the kills. How is that not overpowered? Was never a big fan of the sniper rifle myself, but it took skill/ luck before to get an insta kill. At least before if you were getting shot at you could dodge. Now anyone with decent aim will always get a kill.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Somnium986 said:
Your just saying that because YOU couldn't get kills with it. Hows a weapon that used to take 2 shots to kill useles? You and CHRP were just running around with it earlier today just racking up the kills. How is that not overpowered? Was never a big fan of the sniper rifle myself, but it took skill/ luck before to get an insta kill. At least before if you were getting shot at you could dodge. Now anyone with decent aim will always get a kill.

This. It was especially prevalent in UC2 with how mobile you are, if a sniper fucked up they lost their target. This is the exact same reason why I never even tried to really get into Gears of War 1 Multi, the active reload sniper downed you no matter what. Incredibly stupid and frustrating for the person who has no chance to ever fight back without risking a nick to the foot killing them.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Dibbz said:
New patch is awesome. Just went 19 - 6 in a deathmatch where my team only had 3 guys and the other had 4 on train wreck. Much more about reflex and skill now. People are trying to spray bullets at me but I put them down with my pistol before they can do a thing :D

So far I'm liking it but we'll see what happens in an objective game.
Yeah, my skills at this game suck. I was walking around The Fort when this l33t skillful guy came behind me and shot me 4 times in the leg. Bam, I was dead. He had such good reflexes.

I liked UC2 multiplayer 'cause it wasn't fuckin' MW shoot-bam-dead stuff like every last friggin' shooter out there. So much for that. But it's even worse: just shoot anywhere for profit. It's actually WORSE to aim for the head.

I still love Naughty Dog. The single player is one of the best I've ever played, and the game was a perfect package pre-1.05. I trusted that this patch would come for the good, but it just fuckin' breaks the game for me. I have no interest in it anymore. That said, I hope things go back to the way they were before (and not the interface changes. Those are awesome).

Oh, and congratulations on your awesome skillful K/D.


Incredibly Naive
alr1ghtstart said:
the sniper is ok as is, it was pretty useless before. They should probably make it a manual reload, with 1 shot per.

Huh?! It was a gun of skill that could be used properly if you were good. Now just point and shoot auto kill.

Brazil said:
Yeah, that's fuckin' awful. Just shoot anywhere and you get the kill.

That's what this patch does... game is a joke now.

Dibbz said:
New patch is awesome. Just went 19 - 6 in a deathmatch where my team only had 3 guys and the other had 4 on train wreck. Much more about reflex and skill now. People are trying to spray bullets at me but I put them down with my pistol before they can do a thing :D

So far I'm liking it but we'll see what happens in an objective game.

Skills man! You went 19-6 which is better than before because now it's HARDER and more about SKILLS right? Oh wait a minute it could be, because the game is a nooby spam fest now, that might be why you did better.

edit- Read down, it has NOTHING to do with aim or skill anymore, the hitboxes are all the same, they turned every shot in the game to an automatic headshot.

MidnightRider said:
I might get into this game now. We will see.....

I wish I could get away from the 360 and MW2.

Well jump right in, because this is the demographic it caters too now, just like pretty much every other FPS there is.

edit- Just read the hit boxes... that's awful head the same as the leg.

Just had a few games. Man this game is fun MP. It took a longass time to get into a game though. Once I was in it was lagfree but it took like 5 minutes to load everything and find a game, is this normal?

Also figured I'd ask this here but the iPhone bluetooth headset should be compatible with the PS3, right? Do I have to register it with the system before it will pickup?

anyway add me in to some games PSN is El_Fixer.


bish gets all the credit :)
sniper/pistole matches are now sniper matches. Reload after every shot could help. 2 hits to the leg should kill someone, not one.
Dibbz said:
New patch is awesome. Just went 19 - 6 in a deathmatch where my team only had 3 guys and the other had 4 on train wreck. Much more about reflex and skill now. People are trying to spray bullets at me but I put them down with my pistol before they can do a thing :D

So far I'm liking it but we'll see what happens in an objective game.

HAHAHA, WOW. That is all. Great job, ND. I guess you got what you wanted. Catered to the lowest common denominator.
Had a few matches myself. I like it. I've missed the lethal power of the Sniper Rifle since the beta days. Yeah, maybe I just suck with "no skill" but it's so much more satisfying to take out people with one shot so easily. Before I would waste a good clip of bullets only to graze them (again, I know I suck).

But even aside from that, I've been able to take out people a lot easier with my Run and Gun approach even with a pistol.

EDIT: Really hope that Cinema bug is fixed though, I have some saved matches I've been waiting to capture and record when i get that Hauppage device in a couple weeks with my Tax rebate. As of now, I can't load them.


Not as deep as he thinks
By the way, I don't remember but can someone answer this question for me?

Does this Crushing Health thing also affect the co-op modes? For the life of me I can't remember if it affected it during the experimental weekend.


Run and gun.. :|


I haven't played this game online in a month. Too busy with MW2. Seems like Uncharted 2 multi has gone down the shitter. Might as well sell it at this point as there is no reason to keep it since I've already gotten all the trophies and the multi is now broken.


msdstc said:
Skills man! You went 19-6 which is better than before because now it's HARDER and more about SKILLS right? Oh wait a minute it could be, because the game is a nooby spam fest now, that might be why you did better.

edit- Read down, it has NOTHING to do with aim or skill anymore, the hitboxes are all the same, they turned every shot in the game to an automatic headshot.
lol like I've never had a run like that before 1.05 right? go look at my stats I get that kinda score in most games. Basically the new update hasn't affected me as much because I knew how to play the game before 1.05 can't say the same for others.


bish gets all the credit :)
please fix this awful auto shoulder switching. If I want to switch shoulders, let me do it. It feels terrible and it glitches some of the levels (you can see through the walls).


Incredibly Naive
Dibbz said:
lol like I've never had a run like that before 1.05 right? go look at my stats I get that kinda score in most games. Basically the new update hasn't affected me as much because I knew how to play the game before 1.05 can't say the same for others.

I actually have a 3.2 to 1 KD if you wanna go check my stats, but what you just said signifies all that is wrong with the game friend. 4 vs 3 and you're able to beat up on people due to "skill and reflexes". What they really did is change the entire body to one massive headshot hit box and make it so anyone who can hold the controller can hop on and play, rather than the people who actually took time to learn.
Whether or not it took a full clip to kill of someone before the patch, players did absorb way too much damage. I can't count the number of times some lumbering shootgun noob would just run at me and kill me with one shot while I was landing 4 or 5 shots at him with no effect. Anything that balances the game is a good move, imho.


Incredibly Naive
Zombie James said:
Whether or not it took a full clip to kill of someone before the patch, players did absorb way too much damage. I can't count the number of times some lumbering shootgun noob would just run at me and kill me with one shot while I was landing 4 or 5 shots at him with no effect. Anything that balances the game is a good move, imho.

Read the hitboxes man, if you aimed for the head it took the same as it does now. Like I said the game was more about skill and precision before the patch, if you were the better shot you would've won those shotgun matches, I actually enjoy seeing those guys, basically a free kill.
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