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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | The Official Thread

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He's got some defending to do, from the site comments:
the point of the review, as stated explicitly like you mention, was to just set some more realistic expectations for Uncharted 2. The game is a definite purchase, we say that several times that you should buy a PS3 just to play this game, but we couldn't help but feel it just wasn't perfect perfect.

10 doesn't have to be perfect, is has to be perfect Perfect! Basically they have decided that they have been giving too many 10s and so are making uncharted 2 an example, yo, and I quote
This review was meant to try and bring a different angle on things and see if it's worth a 10 because many sites (including GameDaily) have been woeful in doling out too many 10s in the past.

oh he has edited the review as well
But as Nathan walks on the snow, shouldn't his feet make imprints into the ground? Instead, it just looks like the snow billows underfoot, disappearing in the classic video game manner all footprints usually disappear. [EDIT: This was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but still something we wanted to bring up to manage expectations for those expecting the most impeccable visual experience in the history of all of video games; our biggest complaints about the game remain the camera/control issues when grappling walls that are familiar to those who played the first game]

He's still running with the "but the reviewers said it was the second coming of Christ, so I judge it accordingly" what a joke..


theignoramus said:

Well, I was talking about during actual gameplay, not in a cinematic. If we're talking about cinematics, a few games have passed Half-Life 2 at this point in the acting department. But how NPCs act and react while tagging alongside you in Half-Life 2 and its episodes, or even just in random conversations, has a realism to it that I don't think has been matched yet (though I haven't played Uncharted 2's SP).

I feel the Darkness is quite underrated, though. Loved that game.


Still Alive
He's justified now, U2 is perfect, just not perfect perfect! All is well! Don't care about their review or score, but come on now..


I swear, if my 12 year old self (29 now) would have seen the following scene where Drake climbes up the hotel overhang and gets that vast perspective of the mountains and buildings as far as the eye can see, birds flying in the sky....


If I would have took that in back then, to have gotten a glimpse of the future of video games in the context of what I was playing back then (NES) I don't know if I would have believed it, or if so, I would have found myself becoming very interested in time travel. Seriously, video games have come a long way. Really cool to see what they've become, and for me, Uncharted 2 is what I would have always hoped video games became.

So hyped. 13th can't come soon enough. :D
Zeliard said:
Well, I was talking about during actual gameplay, not in a cinematic. If we're talking about cinematics, a few games have passed Half-Life 2 at this point in the acting department. But how NPCs act and react while tagging alongside you in Half-Life 2 and its episodes, or even just in random conversations, has a realism to it that I don't think has been matched yet (though I haven't played Uncharted 2's SP).
OT again:I see what you're saying now, but I feel HL2 has been surpassed in that department as well:I was so blown away the first time I played through this,I know alot of it is heavily scripted, but the animation, the dialogue is just incredible.




A superb storyline, great pacing, smooth character animation, involving cut-scenes, immersive playability and a perfect difficulty curve make Uncharted 2 one of the greatest games I've played. The (occasionally fatal) obstruction by your computer controlled companion, and the slightly intellectually lightweight nature of the puzzling stop it getting the perfect scores Sony's puppet publications are giving it.

So now Eurogamer is a sony puppet *laughs for several hours* I mean what's wrong with these "journalists"? Why do they care so much about other reviews? Talk about the game and your own opinions for christ sake, that's your "job".


From the comment section:

This is the single most unprofessional review I have ever read. You seriously should have your reviewing privilages removed. You not only lack professionalism, it is clear that you harbour huge bias when reviewing this game. Most of your claims are ludacris at best, and your complaints are about issues that do not exist in the game. You had to make up things to complain about. I've been playing my review code for a while now and none of the issues you have brought up exist in my game. This is the most technologically advanced game ever created. It makes games like gears of war 2 look last gen. GameDaily basically lost all credibility as a review site. Control issues? what control issues? Camera issues? Both the controls and the camera in this game are flawless. Pathetic. I hope you get fired.

Thumbs up. :lol


This reminds me of the last Star Trek movie that was getting all these great reviews on rottentomatoes. And some douche reviewers who most likely enjoyed the movie, gave it a rotten score because they felt it didn't deserve 100%.
McLovin said:
This reminds me of the last Star Trek movie that was getting all these great reviews on rottentomatoes. And some douche reviewers who most likely enjoyed the movie, gave it a rotten score because they felt it didn't deserve 100%.


Dax01 said:

He's a professional troll. His review history shows that every time a movie gets widespread acclaim, he rags on it. Then movies that get universally panned, he gives a glowing review.


This is the single most unprofessional review I have ever read. You seriously should have your reviewing privilages removed. You not only lack professionalism, it is clear that you harbour huge bias when reviewing this game. Most of your claims are ludacris at best, and your complaints are about issues that do not exist in the game. You had to make up things to complain about. I've been playing my review code for a while now and none of the issues you have brought up exist in my game. This is the most technologically advanced game ever created. It makes games like gears of war 2 look last gen. GameDaily basically lost all credibility as a review site. Control issues? what control issues? Camera issues? Both the controls and the camera in this game are flawless. Pathetic. I hope you get fired.


Is not amused.


Zzoram said:
Dax01 said:
He's a professional troll. His review history shows that every time a movie gets widespread acclaim, he rags on it. Then movies that get universally panned, he gives a glowing review.

LoL he wasn't the only one but yeah.. I figured that out after looking at his review history.


he had to edit the review to explain himself and did a laughable job of doing it.

That's when you know a review is really bad.
Jander said:
I swear, if my 12 year old self (29 now) would have seen the following scene where Drake climbes up the hotel overhang and gets that vast perspective of the mountains and buildings as far as the eye can see, birds flying in the sky....


If I would have took that in back then, to have gotten a glimpse of the future of video games in the context of what I was playing back then (NES) I don't know if I would have believed it, or if so, I would have found myself becoming very interested in time travel. Seriously, video games have come a long way. Really cool to see what they've become, and for me, Uncharted 2 is what I would have always hoped video games became.

So hyped. 13th can't come soon enough. :D

Awesome post :)


LeMaximilian said:
Ghad, this game can't look any better. Is there any confirmation of retailers doing a midnight release yet?

My local EB that did one for NHL10 (Canada) and ODST hasn't said anything about one yet. They generally only do it if they have around 50 pre-orders.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
OT:I certainly don't agree. Remember this scene from the Darkness?
Extremely powerful. I cried.


Man those comments are getting better by the minute, I need some popcorn:lol

To clarify on not giving it a 10, we don't expect a game to be perfect when we decide whether to give it a 10 or not. But is there any room for improvement... could it have been (realistically) better? Yes, again, the control and camera issues that were in the first game are still mostly present in the second game. But we understand this is only one person's opinion, and we invite everyone to give us their reviews as they pick up the game (which EVERYONE should do as soon as it comes out next week!)

I don't think we've done that on the whole, but yeah we sometimes express regret for giving a game like, say Halo 3, a 10/10. And we're going to do better moving forward about making those tens count, starting with Uncharted 2. But no, we won't change review scores from the past because, frankly, most of those writers left and changing it wouldn't be fair to them.

He's opening a new chapter in gamedaily, a place where a 10 is perfect perfect but doesn't have to be perfect, a place where the 10 halo 3 got was wrong but the 10 cod3 has was not!, a place where the reviewer focus 50% of his attention on other reviews instead of the game, a place where gaming journalism will flourish.
Dax01 said:
BruceLeeRoy: Don't you think it's time to change your avatar? Something related to Uncharted, perhaps?

Indeed it is good sir! Tomorrow I shall use company time and resources to update said avi.

freitax said:


So now Eurogamer is a sony puppet *laughs for several hours* I mean what's wrong with these "journalists"? Why do they care so much about other reviews? Talk about the game and your own opinions for christ sake, that's your "job".

No way that's a real review who said that?


"It's a 9. Control issues that were present in the first one are still here, and they will lead to death. We bring up other reviews because with all the hype surrounding the game, we couldn't help but look at it with a keener eye. It's the reason why people expect more from, say, The Godfather, Part II than they do Paul Blart: Mall Cop. We expected /near/ perfection, and what we got was a really great game that deserves a 9." ------------- The problem is that you spend infinitely less time justifying your criticisms that complaining about other sites lavishing too much praise on the title. For the record, I don't really care about the game itself. And you could have given the game a 2.0 for all I cared, provided you justified your viewpoints with a decent amount of honest and well-reasoned critique. But you didn't. This review - which was edited later because one criticism (snow footsteps) was so laughably pathetic that even GameDaily's low standard had to acknowledge it - is a bundle of vague gut punches, taking shots without elaborating. Based on your the weight and time you give to your two primary criticisms - camera issues and FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW - we can reasonably assume that you the person reviewing this game did not feel comfortable enough to provide his own commentary without adhering to some ridiculous standard of avoiding the golden "perfect" score. In other words, you guys were trying so hard to stick out from other sites you forgot your journalistic integrity. You guys want to stick out from the crowd? You guys want to be tough and fair? Then do it by writing reviews that are articulate and fair, based not on bias or quests to "temper expectations" raised from other websites. Quality writing. Now that WOULD be something.

Amir0x said:
That is the dumbest review I've ever had the displeasure to read. I never bitch about reviews, and the game could have got a fucking 2.0 for all I care, but the first part is dedicated to quoting other reviews and saying "well they got my hopes up, and it wasn't that good!"

Wait was it Amir0x that ripped the guy a new one?:lol or just a coincidence?:lol


Neo Member
Captain N said:
it looks like i wont be able to go to the event tonight..my ride fell through. :(

Sorry to hear that, dude! I wish I didn't have plans. Maybe I could've at least bought your ticket off you to ease your troubles :(
freitax said:
Man those comments are getting better by the minute, I need some popcorn:lol

He's opening a new chapter in gamedaily, a place where a 10 is perfect perfect but doesn't have to be perfect, a place where the 10 halo 3 got was wrong but the 10 cod3 has was not!, a place where the reviewer focus 50% of his attention on other reviews instead of the game, a place where gaming journalism will flourish.

Before you know it, they will regret being so strict and start to send out 10s left and right again.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I dont see what the big deal is. The game is getting excellent scores across the board, I like hearing differing opinions on a game before I buy it (Id buy this even if it got a 0.5, but Im just sayin). And TBH I find that when you go back and look at the criticisms of alot of reviews for big budget titles they are usually spot on, when looking back post mortom. Giving a game a 9/10 or 96% is a huge complement no matter how you look at it.


tapedeck said:
I dont see what the big deal is. The game is getting excellent scores across the board, I hearing differing opinions on a game before I buy it. (Id buy this if it got a 0.5, but Im just sayin) And TBH I find that when you go back and look at the criticisms of alot of reviews for big budget titles they are usually spot on. Giving a game a 9/10 or 96% is a huge complement no matter how you look at it.

Nothing wrong with the scores at least I don't (try not to) care much for scores, the problem is the review itself.


freitax said:
Wait was it Amir0x that ripped the guy a new one?:lol or just a coincidence?:lol

What! That's absurd! I would never waste my time posting in the comments section of Gamedaily!


hide your water-based mammals
I would like to announce here and now (in the presence of fellow gaffers) that I am selling my PS3, house, LE Michael Jordan Underpants, for hookers, Ramen, and vinegar. Thanks U2!



Will drop pants for Sony.
tapedeck said:
I dont see what the big deal is. The game is getting excellent scores across the board, I like hearing differing opinions on a game before I buy it (Id buy this even if it got a 0.5, but Im just sayin). And TBH I find that when you go back and look at the criticisms of alot of reviews for big budget titles they are usually spot on, when looking back post mortom. Giving a game a 9/10 or 96% is a huge complement no matter how you look at it.

You should read the review.

Amir0x said:
What! That's absurd! I would never waste my time posting in the comments section of Gamedaily!

Totally agree.


In reading the comments, some guy representing gamedaily said "We get it, Uncharted 2 fanboys! It's a good game! Just not as good as Halo 3 ODST!"

Then he had his comment removed and replaced by a more user friendly comment from gdresponds.

god now you guys have me wasting my time reading the comments section at gamedaily!
Amir0x said:
In reading the comments, some guy representing gamedaily said "We get it, Uncharted 2 fanboys! It's a good game! Just not as good as Halo 3 ODST!"

Then he had his comment removed and replaced by a more user friendly comment from gdresponds.

god now you guys have me wasting my time reading the comments section at gamedaily!
Not as good as Halo 3: ODST? Now I KNOW their trolling.


In reading the comments, some guy representing gamedaily said "We get it, Uncharted 2 fanboys! It's a good game! Just not as good as Halo 3 ODST!"

Then he had his comment removed and replaced by a more user friendly comment from gdresponds.

That is hilarious:lol

god now you guys have me wasting my time reading the comments section at gamedaily!

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