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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Alf-Life said:
Strange, my thread was closed, so I hope they don't mind me repeating it here because I'd really like to get some suggestions.
That first bit was definitely in something fairly recent (or at least past decade), but I can't place my finger on it either, and now it's going to bug me. I'm leaning towards an action movie (superhero, perhaps), and it was probably featured in the trailer. I might comb through some tonight if nobody's figured it out yet.
Net_Wrecker said:
If anyone can find fun in *whole game spoilers*
the arena on the ship if you get caught, the initial ship graveyard shootout, the endless shootouts in the desert, the sandstorm section, or fighting the demons
, God bless you. They weren't difficult in that they were challenging, but they certainly weren't fun for a myriad of reasons.

Hahaha those are my favorite sections.


Finally started this last night. Was kind of bummed at first; the opening sequence wasn't the same thrill that UC2's opening was, and I was like, what, melee combat? This isn't what UC is about. Felt like playing a very long QTE scene.

Over the next hour or so, especially with the next few chapters, the brilliance of UCC2 infused itself into 3 again, and I fell in love.

chase sequence as Young Drake! I was pumped, f'realz.

How does this game look this fucking good?! Argh, amazing. I mean, U2 still looks staggeringly beautiful to me, and this is the same or better. Amazing.

I'm so fucking happy I know nothing about this game. Media blackouts may be the way to go in the future. I haven't followed this at all, save one or two trailers, and everything's a fun surprise.

Regrettably, aiming definitely feels 100% shittier than UC2. I noticed it when playing the game at FanExpo in Toronto in August, but thought that maybe it was my rusty UC2 skills from 2009 not kicking in properly. It's definitely worse. :(
bluedeviltron said:
Remember guys, this is NeoGAF. There's no such thing as a poorly designed combat encounter. You just suck at games.

avatar quote.

exactly how tough is this on Crushing? What are some solid tips as Ive never done an UC Crushing run, but this game is so damn good and fun to me that I aim to do it. Im already close to midway through my 2nd run.
Now that people have it, here's my big complaint about U3, regarding the advertising:

In U2, the cover was the train sequence; the iconic thing people associate with the game is the hanging from the train. The first chapter of U2? The train. Sure, it then jumps back, but you pick back up to the train sequence around what, Chapter 12? And the train sequence lasts for a good 4 chapters. The game kind of builds up to that moment as like the anchor.

In U3, the iconic sequence is the plane crash: it's on the cover, it was presented in the first trailer reveal way back when. And (spoilers regarding the plane crash):
The plane sequence is Chapter 17, the crash is literally the start of the final act. And I dunno, especially with 18 being the "lost and alone" chapter, we only end up having two action chapters regarding the desert, then two chapters in the final city. It's like...the advertising built up the desert being the significant portion of the game and the anchor of the game...but it's really the finale. I got to the plane crash and was like "okay, now it's going to get good" and then a little while later I was hitting the finale and I was just like...wait, what? It's sad because the caravan section and the sandstorm shoot-out were probably two of my favorite points in the game, but I just wish next time Naughty Dog would choose a different anchor for their advertising. Especially since the plane sequence was so...short.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Hahaha those are my favorite sections.

To be honest, those are my favorite sections too (So many things to try out, so many ways to approach enemies !).

However I think the game would be *even more* fun had they toned down the AI a little (Less of a jerk).
D6AMIA6N said:
My point is more that I don't think that the combat scenarios in UC3 are any different then they were in the first two installments. I can't remember if it was UC1 or 2 which had a fight in a large indoor room with staircases, and a mounted machine gun, and just Drake, but I seriously died like a hundred times.

People are making it seem as though the overwhelming odds and being out gunned are new to the series.

The extensive melee encounters and the melee combat itself, are to me, the weakest points of the game.

I get the whole "up against overwhelming odds" thing, but it's not good design if it happens in literally almost every shooting section of the 2nd half of game. You know what I thought was an example of good design?
The part where you're on the roof with Sully, Chloe, and Cutter, and the RPG/Hammer guys start firing at you and everyone tells you to grab the Sniper.
That section had an identity, didn't use every type of enemy all at once, wasn't annoying, and worked within the flow of the level. Once they started throwing armored enemies, and Hammer guys at you in every fight, the experience becomes a shooting gallery, and the battles become man vs. army instead of crafting encounters around certain types of enemies to make every shootout unique.
I have just completed the game!

I've never spoiled myself with so much of the content of the game than I have with this. I've definitely learnt to not try and spoil anything for myself for any future games.


Magnus said:
I'm so fucking happy I know nothing about this game. Media blackouts may be the way to go in the future. I haven't followed this at all, save one or two trailers, and everything's a fun surprise.

I too went on a blackout around e3 time. It was tough as Uncharted is probably my favorite franchise, I'm glad I did it though, when U2 released I already had a good idea what was going on.
Finished the game yesterday. I have to say I wasn't as wowed as UC2. The graphics are improved but the jaggies killed all the improvement imo. The shooting mechanics seemed off.

The platforming is awesome and so are the puzzles. Hand to hand combat can be too much sometimes.

The story didn't feel as good as UC2 and sometimes felt taken straight out of UC2. Some of the set pieces were great but others not so much. Sometimes the game felt like replaying a chapter from UC2 but not as great. UC3 itself is great game no doubt but when compared to UC2. UC2 still takes the crown.


love on your sleeve
Finished it and I'm not sure what to think. Really uneven as far as quality goes.

Probably have to play it again to form a complete opinion.


Crystal Bearer
reggie said:
The aiming problem is so fucking frustrating. The more the play the more I can't stand it, I hope ND fixes it.

Has ND said anything yet? I'm too lazy to look in that other thread.


Incendiary said:
Now that people have it, here's my big complaint about U3, regarding the advertising:

In U2, the cover was the train sequence; the iconic thing people associate with the game is the hanging from the train. The first chapter of U2? The train. Sure, it then jumps back, but you pick back up to the train sequence around what, Chapter 12? And the train sequence lasts for a good 4 chapters. The game kind of builds up to that moment as like the anchor.

In U3, the iconic sequence is the plane crash: it's on the cover, it was presented in the first trailer reveal way back when. And (spoilers regarding the plane crash):
The plane sequence is Chapter 17, the crash is literally the start of the final act. And I dunno, especially with 18 being the "lost and alone" chapter, we only end up having two action chapters regarding the desert, then two chapters in the final city. It's like...the advertising built up the desert being the significant portion of the game and the anchor of the game...but it's really the finale. I got to the plane crash and was like "okay, now it's going to get good" and then a little while later I was hitting the finale and I was just like...wait, what? It's sad because the caravan section and the sandstorm shoot-out were probably two of my favorite points in the game, but I just wish next time Naughty Dog would choose a different anchor for their advertising. Especially since the plane sequence was so...short.
Completely agree with this. I fully expected that to be much earlier (when he was
, actually), with half a game of unseen material afterwards.

A bit related, but I feel both this game and 2 don't spend nearly enough time in their
final areas. I wanted to see more of Shambala back then, and I wanted to see more of Atlantis in the sands now, but you're in and out within a few chapters. Doesn't help that the heightened end-game pace makes it feel shorter than it is anyway.


Kagari said:
Has ND said anything yet? I'm too lazy to look in that other thread.
They made an official statement detailing some minor differences in the aiming from Among Thieves, but didn't formally admit any issue. The changes were universally framed as positives.

Arne posted in a now-locked aiming thread that their release of that statement indicates that they were "looking into it." Sounds somewhat promising.
patsu said:
To be honest, those are my favorite sections too (So many things to try out, so many ways to approach enemies !).

However I think the game would be *even more* fun had they toned down the AI a little (Less of a jerk).

The problem is that with the introduction of the more complicated Melee I think ND didn't have time to get the procedures of when the AI should rush you and engage in melee or when it should seek cover fine tuned enough. Hence in the more open areas you have enemies making suicidal maneuvers to get in close to you that just feels odd. The later chapters(12 on) greatly alleviate this though because of natural barriers that make it difficult for the AI to do a all out rush on you. The areas are also laid out in a more straightforward manner so that its easier to progress.


Kagari said:
Has ND said anything yet? I'm too lazy to look in that other thread.

arne and crew are looking into it.
They seem surprised at this being an issue, because they explain that the aiming system has the same values internally as U2, that what they did change is how recoil is handled.

EDIT: so late.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
ashbash159 said:
I have just completed the game!

I've never spoiled myself with so much of the content of the game than I have with this. I've definitely learnt to not try and spoil anything for myself for any future games.
Funnily enough, I spoiled myself on the
when I saw it on Jimmy Fallon, and it STILL blew me away when I played it in its entirety.
dwebo said:
A bit related, but I feel both this game and 2 don't spend nearly enough time in their
final areas. I wanted to see more of Shambala back then, and I wanted to see more of Atlantis in the sands now, but you're in and out within a few chapters. Doesn't help that the heightened end-game pace makes it feel shorter than it is anyway.

I totally agree. We get there, everything looks amazing, but you get to walk around and explore or do puzzles and shit, you're just rushed through shootouts and action sequences, because its the big finale and that's what you do, I suppose.
I hate to say it, but so far I'm disappointed. I mean I still love the game, but I feel like after I'm done, I'll probably want to rate it an 8/10 instead of an 10/10 which I thought was basically a given.

I really hate the controls, I really hate the "swimmy" movement, I hate the extremely limited camera angles they allow you to work with (the most egregious example so far is the camera facing you while you're running on the top of the collapsing roof), and I hate the way the camera locks onto something during certain parts and you can't do anything about it.

Oh, and worst of all, I fucking hate that I specifically went into the options and turned Game Hints off, but sure enough, if I don't solve shit fast enough, Sully comes in and blabs out the fucking answer as clear as day.

It's ironic, because now that I look back on those reviews that everyone was complaining about that mentioned things like this, at the time I felt like the reviewer was stupid or just "didn't get it", and now I can kind of see myself thinking the same things.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
ViewtifulJC said:
I totally agree. We get there, everything looks amazing, but you get to walk around and explore or do puzzles and shit, you're just rushed through shootouts and action sequences, because its the big finale and that's what you do, I suppose.
Which is really unfortunate. I don't even really enjoy the shooting sections in Uncharted. It's everything else I thoroughly enjoy. If only they gave more weight to those other aspects in the late game.

I don't know if that's the case in U3, as I'm not finished yet, but I do find it to be a downside to the series.
Net_Wrecker said:
I get the whole "up against overwhelming odds" thing, but it's not good design if it happens in literally almost every shooting section of the 2nd half of game. You know what I thought was an example of good design?
The part where you're on the roof with Sully, Chloe, and Cutter, and the RPG/Hammer guys start firing at you and everyone tells you to grab the Sniper.
That section had an identity, didn't use every type of enemy all at once, wasn't annoying, and worked within the flow of the level. Once they started throwing armored enemies, and Hammer guys at you in every fight, the experience becomes a shooting gallery, and the battles become man vs. army instead of crafting encounters around certain types of enemies to make every shootout unique.

So basically your the type of player that likes the game to lead you more. You want encounters that are specifically a sniper encounter or a close quarters or rocket launcher blow the humvee up encounter. That is fine but its not the strength of the UC games and never has been. ND has given you all the tools you need to beat any of the combat scenarios of the game. You just have to utilize them. If you don't like them fine but don't try and act likes it their fault cause its not how you like your encounters to go.

cpp_is_king said:
I hate to say it, but so far I'm disappointed. I mean I still love the game, but I feel like after I'm done, I'll probably want to rate it an 8/10 instead of an 10/10 which I thought was basically a given.

I really hate the controls, I really hate the "swimmy" movement, I hate the extremely limited camera angles they allow you to work with (the most egregious example so far is the camera facing you while you're running on the top of the collapsing roof), and I hate the way the camera locks onto something during certain parts and you can't do anything about it.

Oh, and worst of all, I fucking hate that I specifically went into the options and turned Game Hints off, but sure enough, if I don't solve shit fast enough, Sully comes in and blabs out the fucking answer as clear as day.

It's ironic, because now that I look back on those reviews that everyone was complaining about that mentioned things like this, at the time I felt like the reviewer was stupid or just "didn't get it", and now I can kind of see myself thinking the same things.


Let me guess your not passed chapter 9.
30 more minutes before I get out of here and play some more. ARRGHHH I CAN DO THIS.

Someone mentioned the iconic sequences in the games that are depicted on the games covers. So what was the iconic sequence in Drake's Fortune? =P


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
I just received via e-mail a code to redeem my Beta reward(s). I did qualify for all of them, but after redeeming it it only says it's a special avatar? Does everything else unlock automatically ingame?
I'm literally blown away that the aiming is causing some people so much problems. I noticed it was off, and it obviously is, but man I can't say it ever slowed me down on my first playthrough on hard mode.

Guess people just play differently. Hopefully they patch it.
Just finished it. I'd give it a 9.5/10. By comparison, I'd give Uncharted 2 a 10.

+ The graphics and the music are absolutely phenomenal.
+ Some of the setpieces are really fun and just as epic as UC2.
+ Really enjoyed the amount of platforming and puzzles.
+ Loved the story and all the character interaction btw Nate and Sully.
+ The multiplayer and coop are very solid, guns and maps feel good.

- The gunfights aren't as well designed as UC2
- The enemy AI is incredibly dumb mainly because ND wanted them to rush you so you'd use melee more.
- Speaking of melee, there is far too much of it and its way too QTE driven.
- I feel like ND added too many animations, Drake moves clunkier than UC2.
- I wish there were more competitive MP maps from the get-go.


Replaying the game on hard with aiming on max sensitivity feels slightly better.

Still don't understand some of the battles though.
End of chapter 11, small rectangular place with the smoke. Very little room to navigate or hide. No problem, but then a big guy comes up that you have to melee while the other guys are still shooting at you. Can't really understand the fun in that. It feels like sloppy game design

Also, i found Chloe and Elena looking really weird. Seem they both went to the digital plastic surgeon. Found them a lot more natural looking in previous games (beside the eyes).
linzin said:
Well, for those of us who like puzzles, the game gets much worse after chapter 9.

It gives you the best puzzles in the series and then promptly ramps up to absolute holy shit levels. To each their own. Truly though I loved the puzzles in UC3, so well done.

DevelopmentArrested said:
Just finished it. I'd give it a 9.5/10. By comparison, I'd give Uncharted 2 a 10.

Good write up thats pretty much exactly how I feel as well.
BruceLeeRoy said:
So basically your the type of player that likes the game to lead you more. You want encounters that are specifically a sniper encounter or a close quarters or rocket launcher blow the humvee up encounter. That is fine but its not the strength of the UC games and never has been. ND has given you all the tools you need to beat any of the combat scenarios of the game. You just have to utilize them. If you don't like them fine but don't try and act likes it their fault cause its not how you like your encounters to go.

Not at all. I enjoy "sandbox shootouts" as much as the next person, but there's no build or pacing to them in Uncharted 3. You hit a point in the game where it's like ND decided, "Ok, let's go batshit crazy with the enemy types now" and you get normal soldiers, armored soldiers, Hammer Bros, RPGs, snipers, and the shotgun rushers in like every single shootout. You'd think that after these huge set pieces that they'd scale back and gradually build to another flustercluck arena, but that's not the case. It's Nathan Drake vs. Everyone every single time.

You come off wave after wave after wave of annoying enemies in the desert, and go into this epic ass horse back sequence. You'd think there would be a lull, or they'd change enemy logic right after that to let the player come down off that high, but you're thrown right into the sandstorm fight where you've got 2 snipers, multiple Hammer Bros, multiple foot soldiers all rushing you with no regard for their own life, 3 turret trucks in the distance shooting you from God knows where, and more foot soldiers and snipers behind that
It's like Jesus Christ no wonder people get all up in arms at the whole "Nathan Drake is a murdering psychopath" thing, Naughty Dog made him this way.

On top of that, you're dealing with enemies who don't flinch until the 4th or 5th bullet, and multiple bullet sponges throughout these sections. I'm sorry, but I didn't enjoy them.
BruceLeeRoy said:
It gives you the best puzzles in the series and then promptly ramps up to absolute holy shit levels. To each their own. Truly though I loved the puzzles in UC3, so well done.

puzzle was fucking shit mang.


Unlimited Capacity
DevelopmentArrested said:
Just finished it. I'd give it a 9.5/10. By comparison, I'd give Uncharted 2 a 10.

+ The graphics and the music are absolutely phenomenal.
+ Some of the setpieces are really fun and just as epic as UC2.
+ Really enjoyed the amount of platforming and puzzles.
+ Loved the story and all the character interaction btw Nate and Sully.
+ The multiplayer and coop are very solid, guns and maps feel good.

- The gunfights aren't as well designed as UC2
- The enemy AI is incredibly dumb mainly because ND wanted them to rush you so you'd use melee more.
- Speaking of melee, there is far too much of it and its way too QTE driven.
- I feel like ND added too many animations, Drake moves clunkier than UC2.
- I wish there were more competitive MP maps from the get-go.

This really bothers me.


_tetsuo_ said:
This really bothers me.
Theres this one door in the chateau level. I walked through it 5 or 6 times, and he had a crazy spasm every single time due to the 'put hand on wall as i walk past' animation.


The Xtortionist said:
puzzle was fucking shit mang.
I wish they'd put in a quick hint there that you can rotate the damn thing with both sticks. I was only doing it with one for the longest time, and it nearly drove me up the wall.
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