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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


FHIZ said:
Game just wants to stay FFFFFFFUUUUUU-worthy, till the very end, doesn't it? In the... "low visibility" fight, making good progress, trying to get a grenade launch to take out the last truck, laying low in cover so I can heal, and all of the sudden as if out of thin f'ing air, an armored shot gun dude comes up from behind me, kills me with one shot.

*turn PS3 off*
You're not alone brother.
Really wish they would have implemented footsteps


Jocchan said:
As much as I loved this game, I feel like the formula is starting to wear a bit thin to me. If the next game is going to be on the PS4 (likely, imho), I hope it will get shaken up a fair bit.

I also hope the same


StuBurns said:
You don't have to take them out, well, at the least the one of the left, because I didn't. Just bail for the end.

Are you supposed to just make a break for it? I'll give it a shot. But it's sort of telling of how bullshit this game can be at times if just bypassing a fight all together is what gets me though it.

As much as I love this game, holy f'ing crap, I've never had so much shit given to me on normal. Definitely not in 1 or 2, which let's say was extremely easy for me to get the "kill 75 people with out dying" trophy on normal in those.

I'm finding it even hard to find a spot to sit in cover to heal, when all the enemies are just "FLANK FLANK FLANK! GRENADE! FLANK FLANK FLANK! SHOTGUN TO THE FACE!"


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Bollocks said:
You're not alone brother.
Really wish they would have implemented footsteps
Uncharted 2 gave you visual cues whenever a new wave was stepping in.
I wish this game did the same. Normal enemies sneaking up on you when you think there's no one left in the area might be bearable, but one-shot-kill shotty dudes not so much.

FHIZ said:
As much as I love this game, holy f'ing crap, I've never had so much shit given to me on normal. Definitely not in 1 or 2, which let's say was extremely easy for me to get the "kill 75 people with out dying" trophy on normal in those.
During my playthrough on Hard, according to my stats I killed 73 people without dying. Then, I'm pretty sure I did something silly, like experimenting a jump I already knew I couldn't do, because I wasn't counting them.


FHIZ said:
Are you supposed to just make a break for it? I'll give it a shot. But it's sort of telling of how bullshit this game can be at times if just bypassing a fight all together is what gets me though it.

As much as I love this game, holy f'ing crap, I've never had so much shit given to me on normal. Definitely not in 1 or 2, which let's say was extremely easy for me to get the "kill 75 people with out dying" trophy on normal in those.
You can take out the tanks, there's two rocket launchers, one either side, but I missed my second shot, and I couldn't see anymore rockets, so I didn't bother with the other tank. I took out the one on the right, so I went on the right side. I didn't just run, I stuck to cover as much as possible, but I only really got hit when trying to get thru the door at the end, which for some reason Drake found challanging to step thru.


Unlocked the FAL.
Thing is sweet. It's semi-automatic (single shot). Figured it would be burst like in UC2. Pleasantly surprised.
I don't think its better than the M9, but its damn satisfying.


StuBurns said:
You can take out the tanks, there's two rocket launchers, one either side, but I missed my second shot, and I couldn't see anymore rockets, so I didn't bother with the other tank. I took out the one on the right, so I went on the right side. I didn't just run, I stuck to cover as much as possible, but I only really got hit when trying to get thru the door at the end, which for some reason Drake found challanging to step thru.
there's a second RPG? is it where the sniper on the left was?

in other news, an action I've found to be very therapeutic is during downtime, continuously mash square when drake is walking, so he's basically punching the air. I call it the "Drake Strut" and it makes me giggle like a little school girl.

The little things that stop me from throwing my controller out the window sometimes.


After finishing on normal, I'd say UC3 comes close but never quite surpasses UC2. Everything mentioned already in this thread that people say detracts from the game--aiming, pacing, animations, melee--I tend to agree with. Aiming in story mode is definitely different than (and inferior to) MP aiming. Animations were goofy in parts, and not just the
. In the chase sequence, Talbot jumps around like a crazy flying squirrel, Nathan often pulls people through objects during hanging kills, *late game spoiler*
jumping between convoy and horse looks really bad, although I'll poor animation over the frustration of realistically jumping between horse and car any day
. Up to about ch. 11 or 12, I thought the game moved really slowly. I loved the whole
desert chapter, which reminded me of the Scarecrow stuff in Batman
. But, I thought the ending was really weak.
Marlowe isn't really developed and neither is her organization or motive other than seeking "power." Surely Sully could have provided more insight since he was her lover for a while. I wanted some real supernatural, too. I'm probably in the minority here, but I would have liked to see the genie come out of the bottle, not have some lame fist fight with Talbot. The whole thing was just really anti-climactic


Finished it on normal, bar two or three chapters an enjoyable experience. Uncharted 2 is the best of the 3 because I can't remember anything as annoying as Chapter 12 and 21 in U3, even the stuff that went down in Shambala.

If you could play the whole of the game with the M9 I would love it. I'm fucking convinced that the aiming problem is to do with certain guns because I'm squeezing off single-shot headshots with that gun no problem, yet the snipers and the Tau9(?) felt like aiming through treacle.

So pros/cons list which seem to be popular in here:

+ Set pieces sometimes even surpass U2's. Especially the ones in the latter half of the game, some are mindboggling
+ Graphically no game comes close on consoles. 1080p and 60fps with games looking like this as a standard next gen I'd be fine, it looks that good
+ I liked the new melee but yeah it was kind of useless in big gun fights unless it was a 1-2 with bullets prior to it
+ Length felt about right
+ Cutter is a good addition

- General gunfights aren't as fun as U2's. Not saying U2s were perfect but I thought the game took quite a large step back here
- Drake's movement in general. Dude is the clumsiest game character ever. If he's not randomly stumbling he's getting caught on a wall or a piece of cover
- Too much hopping about, the story is all over the place. I'd prefer less locales in the next game but with longer visits or even a return to a setting similar to the original game
- Checkpoints. If you get caught in stealthy sections you don't get to retry in stealth, you are immediately in combat and sometimes you've been put into a corner. This made certain levels an absolute pain but I made my complaints earlier in the topic
- Where's the unlock system gone? Please don't have held it back for DLC. If you have it better be free, and if its just gone for good... why???
- late game spoiler
I know the hallucinogenic enemies are very few but by god, they were annoying. Super accurate and take one hell of a beating, 2+ rockets on normal... luckily they were very weak to the sniper pistol for some reason

Stats: 38% accuracy which shocks me... something like 15% of kills were headshots which does not surprise me. 7hrs 13 on normal, 56 treasures. May go through again if ND do find out whats wrong with the aiming, looks like they're listening at least.

Now on to try some MP.


FHIZ said:
there's a second RPG? is it where the sniper on the left was?

in other news, an action I've found to be very therapeutic is during downtime, continuously mash square when drake is walking, so he's basically punching the air. I call it the "Drake Strut" and it makes me giggle like a little school girl.

The little things that stop me from throwing my controller out the window sometimes.
I can't remember if he's a sniper, or what weapon he has, but it's the building to the very left of the environment, about two thirds from the arches you enter thru to the tank. The launcher itself is against the left wall, and there's a small corner of cover to use.


After finishing the game on Hard last night and getting to Chapter 7 on Crushing, I thought I'd post my thoughts on the game. I played through U2 the day before U3 released, so some of the differences between the two games were highlighted a bit more than they usually might.

First and foremost, I am part of the group that had issues with the controls. It is not a huge deal and still plays generally well, but coming off of U2, it is significantly harder to pop out of cover and fine tune a head shot than before. The much talked about aim issue, wasn't my only issue as certain aspects of the controls felt sluggish and unresponsive.
In the shipyard battle
, I was hanging from one of the ledges shooting up and tapping L1 rapidly would result with Drake sporadically popping up. This is in contrast to the responsive nature of the U2 controls where Drake would respond with every single press of L1. My issues with the controls got better as I progressed through the game, but they just do not feel as responsive as U2.

Other minor issues I had with the game were related to the story more than anything else. The story overall didn't feel as focused and well contained as U2.
The whole departure with Ramses and the pirates, while some of the most impressive, enjoyable, and well designed parts of the game, was completely irrelevant to the main story arc.
I didn't think the final boss was as well executed as U2 (I know, I know, heresy on GAF, but I beat Zoran without the use of grenades on Crushing less than a week ago and still enjoyed the experience).
Marlow was underwhelming and somewhat swept under the rug at the end
. I would have liked to see Elena more in the story, but the amount of Sully in the game more than makes up for it. My other issue is the there seems to be a notable lack of the humor that was found in U2. I don't really think I laughed at any of the lines which, at least for me, took some of the charm out of the story.

Complaints aside, this game is incredible through and through. The pacing and gameplay felt tweaked from U2 to make the tension in certain scenes all the more palpable
The collapsing chateau roof and the collapsing city at the end both gave me a sense that Drake was just BARELY getting out alive compared to the bridge scene in U2, which I never really felt in danger.
The story, despite the minor gripes above, is a nice departure from the formula of the series and remains fun and unpredictable throughout. I loved the relationship between Sully and Nate (I think Sully has got to be one of my favorite characters in video games). Chapters 2 and 3 were incredible in every way and really set the tone fro the rest of the game. The writing is also and another level compared to other games. Dialogue always felt nature and snappy.

Visually, this game is on another level. The detail put into every environment (like in every Uncharted game) is absolutely incredible. There really should a thread dedicated to screenshots of the minutia in the Uncharted series. The later half of the game got progressively more and more impressive and the sand tech is easily the most impressive thing I have seen in a long time. Animations have also been dramatically improved to the point that cutscene animations and gameplay animations almost look the same. The soundtrack was also hit out of the park. Edmonson has a much more diverse soundtrack than in the other two games and is able to really bring out the emotion in every scene. The
Cartegena chase
soundtrack is one of the best pieces I have heard a game and has been stuck in my head since Tuesday.

Overall, it is a must buy game that outpaces it's predecessors in many respects while stumbling behind in others. The good in the game outshines all of the missteps and helps create and memorable experience. I still prefer U2 a little more just because of the charm, pacing, and controls, but U3 has done the seemingly impossible task of matching the masterpiece which is Among Thieves.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Jocchan said:
The problem with melee is that it often takes way too long to be over, and if you happen to start meleeing during a firefight on Hard you'll most likely end up dead.

Yeah, this is my problem with it. I don't mind the scenarios where it's all a fistfight against like 5-6 people much, but in actual gun combat when people rush you the melee is much worse than 2 to me. It literally does the exact same thing, it just takes over twice as long to get it done.
Jocchan said:
As much as I loved this game, I feel like the formula is starting to wear a bit thin to me. If the next game is going to be on the PS4 (likely, imho), I hope it will get shaken up a fair bit.

I know many have suggested this, but what can they really do? It'd be very difficult for them to go with an open world setting while keeping the set pieces that the series has become known for. I honestly can't think of any open world game that has set pieces on the same level as Uncharted. They're usually much more simple and don't involve destroying levels. I'm really not sure what they can do to change things up while still keeping the the memorable set pieces.
I played the multiplayer last night, and I'm wondering about something. Do I suck at aiming, or is the reticule suppose to fire around the enemy? I try my best to aim right at the enemy, and sometimes the reticule does stay on the enemy. Other times it doesn't, and I wind up not doing so well in the match. The weapons I've been trying to use are the AK47 and the M9, each doing the same thing for me. I don't remember it being this difficult to kill enemies in the summer beta. It seems like there is way more recoil this time around or something.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Personally, I consider the gameplay to be secondary to the experience; I simply thoroughly enjoy watching the story unfold. The action-adventure tropes that Uncharted rigidly stick to, coupled with the creative emphasis on lost civilisations and treasure hunting combine to make an experience that ignites the delight of my inner child.


JaseC said:
Personally, I consider the gameplay to be secondary to the experience; I simply thoroughly enjoy watching the story unfold. The action-adventure tropes that Uncharted rigidly stick to, coupled with the creative emphasis on lost civilisations and treasure hunting combine to make an experience that ignites the delight of my inner child.

I feel the exact same way. Which is why I may even consider it better than U2 despite the inferior aiming and controls.


No! Elena looks stupid, and Chloe looks worse too.

Actually, any word on Chloe being in the PSV one? I know there's a new girl, but maybe she's there too?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
StuBurns said:
No! Elena looks stupid, and Chloe looks worse too.

I'll say it again: Elena looks like a love doll. Even as a video game character her face seems disturbingly artificial.


Edit: On the subject of her eyes, well, considered as their own element they're fantastic - Naughty Dog did a fantastic job correcting the "dead" look that plagued the characters of Among Thieves.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
SolidSnakex said:
I know many have suggested this, but what can they really do? It'd be very difficult for them to go with an open world setting while keeping the set pieces that the series has become known for. I honestly can't think of any open world game that has set pieces on the same level as Uncharted. They're usually much more simple and don't involve destroying levels. I'm really not sure what they can do to change things up while still keeping the the memorable set pieces.
It would require some serious planning, indeed, but I'm starting to feel like it's going to be needed to avoid things getting stale. I'm not talking about making the game any less linear, and making it open world would be frankly unnecessary (not every game needs to be open world). I'm talking about overhauling puzzles, traversal and combat and possibly introducing new mechanics to make the game more varied. As much as I believe most of it was completely intentional, Uncharted 3 already had a lot of deja vu, but for the next outing I'm not sure getting even more would be entirely justified.


I don't think that new Elena looks bad. She just doesn't look like Elena.

It reminds me of Anya in the Gears series, although that was much worse since she looks completely different in all three games.


I realllly like UC. Be it 3, 1, or 2, they are all so awesome.

On my lunch I run home so I can play for an hour, and it's always so exciting. The plane scene!? Soooo goood, love this franchise!

Still have a few chapters left, then it's on to co-op, and MP, good value for $60!


HixxSAFC said:
- late game spoiler
I know the hallucinogenic enemies are very few but by god, they were annoying. Super accurate and take one hell of a beating, 2+ rockets on normal... luckily they were very weak to the sniper pistol for some reason

Hated that part. That entire chapter was the low point of the game for me.


JaseC said:
I'll say it again: Elena looks like a love doll. Even as a video game character her face seems disturbingly artificial.

Yeah I didn't like it at that scene, but for some reason, from the scene where you meet up with her again and on, I felt like it looked better/different.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
FHIZ said:
Yeah I didn't like it at that scene, but for some reason, from the scene where you meet up with her again and on, I felt like it looked better/different.

Yeah, there are some cutscenes in which she appears slightly more normalised, but at no point does she return to her more human form. If the game ended with you battling Elena as she was discovered to be a Terminator, I wouldn't have been surprised.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
JaseC said:
I'll say it again: Elena looks like a love doll. Even as a video game character her face seems disturbingly artificial.


Edit: On the subject of her eyes, well, considered as their own element they're fantastic - Naughty Dog did a fantastic job correcting the "dead" look that plagued the characters of Among Thieves.
She looks a lot more similar to her UC2 self in this picture. I'm not sure it's the final model?


JaseC said:
Yeah, there are some cutscenes in which she appears slightly more normalised, but at no point does she return to her more human form. If the game ended with you battling Elena as she was discovered to be a Terminator, I wouldn't have been surprised.
What the ell human form? some of you are truly crazy.


The design is probably fine, but it was very surprising to me to see both girls get a hot injection of some Asian fluids. Especially consider Drake and Sully look better than ever.
Finished Hard in 9 hours

Presentation is the best of any video game I ever played. That is all that needs to be said about that.

I'm judging this compared to other Uncharted games!

Aiming was sluggish. It took me awhile to adjust, but never felt comfortable like UC2. I'm thinking the enemy encounters has a lot to do with that.

In trying to make every set-piece a spectacle, the game put you in situations where you can't aim because the environment keeps shifting or visibility is low. In addition to the aiming sluggishness, it makes gunplay a chore more often than not.

Enemies don't react to bullets when they run to cover. That is the single worst feature in the game. Changes the battle from a mobile cover shooter to melee-a-thon/bullet sponge feel. There's no flow to the feeling of disposing each enemy.

The game is great otherwise. I loved the story, Cutter, locations, and the puzzles. If the gunplay was similar to UC2, I would easily put UC3 over UC2. Because the aiming and shooting regressed, I'd would even consider putting UC3 at the same level of UC1 with each having its own set of gunplay issues.

Overall, it's an awesome. Just not as satisfying in the gunplay department compared to UC2. Everything else is better.

Oh, I died 163 times in my first playthrough. The Uncharted series is where I see the death screen more than any other game I play by a huge margin.


I'd be in the dick
StuBurns said:
The design is probably fine, but it was very surprising to me to see both girls get a hot injection of some Asian fluids. Especially consider Drake and Sully look better than ever.
I really don't see how Chloe looks Asian. Her hair is shorter, that's pretty much the only thing that looks different to me. Elena definitely has more Asian eyes, although I think she looks better in this one than in the other games.

Mr. Sam

krioto said:
This post should be quoted for as long as there is a GAF.

This game is shit-hot - whiners gonna whine

Are we going to go round this circle again? The one where someone complains, then someone says they're whining, then another person points out that this game shouldn't be exempt from criticism, then someone complains, then someone says there's whining, then another points out that this game shouldn't be exempt from criticism...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Jocchan said:
She looks a lot more similar to her UC2 self in this picture. I'm not sure it's the final model?

That's a concept render. Elena's actual Among Thieves model is markedly different to its Drake's Deception counterpart.

Loudninja said:
What tehell human form? some of you are truly crazy.

...what? I mean "human" within the context of the game itself, not real life. Elena's character model in Drake's Deception seems decidedly out of place, as if Naughty Dog modelled a love doll as it would exist in the game world and then made it an actual character model.

Edit: I'm not complaining - Elena's model didn't impact upon my enjoyment of the game. It's just strange to the point of being impossible not to notice.


RoboPlato said:
I really don't see how Chloe looks Asian. Her hair is shorter, that's pretty much the only thing that looks different to me. Elena definitely has more Asian eyes, although I think she looks better in this one than in the other games.
Well that's the first thing that came to mind when I saw both of them again. I don't think that's the intended response.


So uh...I'm trying to play co-op adventure, and I can join others people's game just fine...but how do I start one myself?

I go to custom game>game type>co-op adventure, and then i just wait...but nobody ever comes into my game. How do I get other people to join me?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
JaseC said:
That's a concept render. Elena's actual Among Thieves model is markedly different to its Drake's Deception counterpart.
I wouldn't say her actual ingame model from UC2 is much different from the concept render I posted, and I chose that one because of the neutral expression and lighting making for an easier comparison.
Elena does look very different in UC3, but not so much in that screenshot (which was my point).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Jocchan said:
I wouldn't say her actual ingame model from UC2 is much different from the concept render I posted, and I chose that one because of the neutral expression and lighting making for an easier comparison.
Elena does look very different in UC3, but not so much in that screenshot (which was my point).

I know what your point was. My point is that I disagree.


I was just thinking, I know why UC1 is called Drake's Fortune, and why UC3 is Drake's Deception, but why is UC2 called Among Thieves?


StuBurns said:
I was just thinking, I know why UC1 is called Drake's Fortune, and why UC3 is Drake's Deception, but why is UC2 called Among Thieves?
because he is among thieves and you're not sure who to trust in that game.


Crystal Bearer
StuBurns said:
I was just thinking, I know why UC1 is called Drake's Fortune, and why UC3 is Drake's Deception, but why is UC2 called Among Thieves?

I think they even said it right in the game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
It's a scientific fact that UC3's endgame is at least 200 orders of magnitude better than UC2's.
Yeah. God. The last boss fight in UC2 is one of the most jarring, annoying sequences in any recent game (that I actually enjoyed).


StuBurns said:
I was just thinking, I know why UC1 is called Drake's Fortune, and why UC3 is Drake's Deception, but why is UC2 called Among Thieves?

It might be a reference to Honor Among Thieves. One of the running themes of the game was
Harry being a bastard who sold out his friends and also whose side Chloe was really on.
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