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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Alright, reticle problem solved...I turned off the PS3 and then booted it up again, and it's working fine. Funny how the problem persisted even after exiting the game before.

Metal B

Lightning said:
If Uncharted 3 did anything wrong, it's that it basically copied itself from Uncharted 2. There is NO WAY there is that big a difference between the games...
That is the problem. There is no difference. Besides a much more weaker story. But without a good story, there is not much left for the game. Properly the gameplay was just as weak as in UC2, but they could hide it better or i didn't care this much then. But know there is just one ugly true. UC3 is not bad, its just boring. A much more horrible conclusion then beeing a bad media product.


StuBurns said:
UC2 and 3 are significantly different.
I don't believe they are. The concept of the games is near identical.

Atlantis of the sands>Shambhala

The hallucination
fire demons
are not anymore cheap than the supped up resin monsters. Stories of both games have plotholes and can be picked apart if one wants to be nitpicky enough. The puzzles of Uncharted 3 are infinitely better than those of Uncharted 2, the graphics of both games are outstanding. One could argue that the pacing in Uncharted 2 was better but I don't think it is. The enemies are more aggressive in Uncharted 3 and charge more but I don't really see this as a major.

In what ways do you think they are significantly different?


Crystal Bearer
Metal B said:
That is the problem. There is no difference. Besides a much more weaker story. But without a good story, there is not much left for the game. Properly the gameplay was just as weak as in UC2, but they could hide it better or i didn't care this much then. But know there is just one ugly true. UC3 is not bad, its just boring. A much more horrible conclusion then beeing a bad media product.

I thought the story was much better in UC3, especially the ending. UC2's ending pales in comparison. If you think UC3 was boring... I'm kind of interested in what you feel about other games.


Lightning said:
In what ways do you think they are significantly different?
The pacing and frequency of 'set pieces' is massively different. The encounter design is considerably different, the aiming is very different. Tonally it's more serious, drier. I'd say it's change is similar to that of from 1 to 2 personally. It's continuing down the same path, but I think with a leap as large.


I'm around chapter 19 and goddamn, Nathan Drake isn't a normal human being.

Nate: "Trains? Pftt!!! I'm taking down chateaus,boats and planes this time baby!!"
Not to mention surviving in the desert for 2 days without food and water and still able to kick massive ass with just a handful of water.

How lucky can one guy get?

UC3 is like a Michael Bay movie but better.


great game so far but it's obvious some of the systems in the game are in upgrade flux where they aren't quite right, like in the animation system it seems they had a goal to make the characters seem more life like but some animations are repeating in an unnatural way (like a mime would exaggerate) or with an inappropriate frequency (the wall touching). the problems with animations also extend to the melee where some of the choices in the mechanics of melee resulted in what looks like weird warping or odd transitions. it's "like" batman but it's missing some of the subtleties that an expert on beat em up would probably notice right away


bish gets all the credit :)
i absolutely love what they've done with the coop in this. Full of in-jokes, heavily relying on teammates, and hard as nails (even on Hard). That ending of the Syria level is ridiculous. The treasure drops are terrible though, as I'm constanty getting duplicates.


Almost broke my controller.. Chapter 14
Ball Room
on Crushing... Total BS! I finally beat it by taking out the sniper on the right and then the grenader guy, and using his weapon to clear the first wave. It was smooth sailing until now. I have a feeling chapter 22 will be the real test of my patience.
How does ND improve, expand, and draw in more fans and critical acclaim without going overboard next time?

I'm only at 18 or so,
just got to the storm in the desert
and already I am blown away but also wondering how they can top it without going into comedic territory.

Maybe ND should embrace onscreen markers and let us go nuts in open environments with a marker indicating our destination. But various paths, puzzles and enemy encounters are scattered throughout to thwart our progress. Tackling each obstacle rewards you with treasures. Bam... I just made an open-ish world game in the UC universe.
Yeah chapter 14 was the worst for me so far, totally unfair to have two shotgun armored guys come from both sides of cover with two snipers on top.


I'm finally able to join the party.

I'm enjoying the game a lot and there are a few new things that I really like: gun sounds (much better), gun variety, many more opportunities for melee, puzzles and some of the new animations. Regarding melee, I think the system they got here is fun, but there's a lot of room for improvement. That and new animations for brute fights. I hope we get to see a better version of it in the future.

There's some stuff that I don't like quite as much: as has been mentioned countless times, aiming feels strange, but it works (by the way, props to Naughty Dog for the fix and the way they handled it). Also, sometimes, some of the animation feels off. And... Well, that's it, so far.

The villains are MUCH more interesting than the ones in the previous games, Charlie is a pretty funny character and I'm digging the focus on
Drake and Sully's relationship
[not sure if it's a spoiler, but I'm not taking any chances]. Right now I'm at the
(chapter 16? I'm not sure).

Sully was hot.
<- Spoiler for Chapter 2
Beat the game. Took about six hours (I feel like that is 2 hours shorter than Uncharted 2).

Things I love:
The game is beautiful.
The music is more melodic than the first, or I noticed it more.
Environments are substantially better than Assassin's Creed 2.
I liked the reasoning they gave for the enemy shift near the end of the game. I thought it was clever and nicely done.
I loved the "007" nod. I was thinking in my head "they can't ignore that, it looks just like 007!"

Things I didn't like:
The main antagonist (Helen Mirren) is very forgettable. I never understood her motives, she never stood out in a scene (except for being the direct inspiration of Helen Mirren), and was a substantial downgrade from the main antagonist in Uncharted 2.
The environments and set pieces felt like a downgrade as well. I didn't like the ending environments in the desert (even though the vistas were pretty). That, and the market areas seemed kind of odd with the people in them. Nothing matches the Nepal town/tank sequence in this game, nor the train (plane comes close).
While I liked the reason for the enemy change near the end, I did not like the
"psyche out" they pulled to a certain character
I don't like how certain characters disappear for the rest of the game.
I don't like the color palette for the game. It seemed much more muted than Uncharted 2.
I think
kid Drake
was wasted and lent nothing to the overall story, motivation, and character backgrounds. It felt completely shoehorned and irrelevant.
In fact, there's no emotional anchor in this game for me, especially compared to Uncharted 2.

Personally, it seems like a set back from Uncharted 2. Some of the set pieces felt like modified retreads of Uncharted 2's, but not as grandiose nor surprising. The writing didn't impress me as much, and, regarding gameplay, I felt lost in a lot of the free running segments. Most of my deaths (50-ish in total) came from an early section of the game when running away from people because I didn't know where to go and I felt there was no indication on what to do. Also, I I experienced some strange glitching in the game. Near the very end, you need to ride a wheel up to the top of a tower, and I clipped through the floor and had to jump in place, through the floor, for about 3 minutes until Nathan finally clipped fully though the floor.

To end on a happy note, I do think all of the character acting was much improved.


Kagari said:
I thought the story was much better in UC3, especially the ending. UC2's ending pales in comparison. If you think UC3 was boring... I'm kind of interested in what you feel about other games.
I found the ending of U2 to be superior. Maybe its the conversation between Drake and Elena that make it so memorable. The 3rd one, not so much and disappointing since its ends too soon.

I think U3 is missing something. Like I was never blown away except for Ch.18 scene. Else everything while looking cool, didnt give me goosebumps like say the Hotel/Heli scene in U2. I mean that blew me away on the E3 reveal AND when I played it. How is that possible? Normally once you see something, the excitement and amazement dwindles. Never got that on U3 at all.

I wish Marlow
was a bit younger on U3 since she seemed even crazier when she met young drake. When she is older, she doesnt seem that threatening really. Lame way to die too.

I wish I could replay U2 with the new engine. That would of been fucking surreal.


Anybody talk about the stealth? The game seems to really encourage stealth, but it always break from it. After being caught, they send a couple guys at you. Bugged me enough to restart a couple of times. Thankfully, the game doesn't load much if at all when restarting.

It's basically handled the same way as U2 (I'm not sure about the extra enemies when you get caught), but having played Batman right before playing U3, it bothered me more this time.

Will F

Wish they would split the online coop into easy/normal hard/crushing lobbies. Found a couple people playing on crushing and had a blast, but it seems hard to get people that want to play even on hard. I suppose it would be easier if I had more people on my friends list playing, need to get on that.
Charted the game, such a fantastic experience. I'd say U2 is better not because of a better campaign or setpeices (because U3 easily matches/surpasses U2) but some of the mechanics of the core gameplay went through some changes for the worst.

-Enemies just rush at you completely ignoring the bullets your pumping in them to get you locked into a QTE melee sequence, which can result in cheap deaths.
-Armored guys are especially horrible because of this, they can just walk up with their shotgun despite bullets or grenades and shoot you.
-The enemy encounters also seem messed up, I swear I've had enemies pop out of nowhere behind me, made a few fights more h
- No unlockables, and cheats, really cuts down on the replay value.

On to the good.

-Animations are fantastic, graphics are fantastic and the best on consoles, the soundtrack is..you get the drift, everything presentation wise is sublime.
-Pretty good writing.
-Puzzles were very good, especially
lining up the body parts
, shame they fizzed out towards the end.
-Amazing set pieces that surpass U2, chapter 12 and 20 holy shit.
- Hand to hand combat is great, feels like Batman Arkham City lite, steel fisting is so much better in this game because of all the different ways Nate takes out his enemies.

4/5 spiders.


Not as deep as he thinks
So many bugs in the MP. Some stuff that was fixed in the Subway beta are no longer fixed in the retail version. In The Museum, if you're one of the heroes, you'll spawn inside the object where the grenades are and die immediately as soon as the match begins.

In co-op, if I'm down and my partner revives me, but he dies, it will count it as a loss despite me being alive. This problem was in UC2 and it's still here too. There's more and more...


Just beat the game and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. After I beat it I thought to myself "This is it?" I guess my expectations were really high for the final chapters.

Aiming was fine for the most part. I'm no beast at the game, but I could shoot good enough to where I didn't feel like I was being cheated. What does piss me off is when like 8 guys are coming at me with shotguns and then I got like 3 snipers targeting me.

The graphics were simply amazing. I'm going to have to play through again just so I can take my time and look around more.

The soundtrack was better than 1 and 2 for me. I felt like this soundtrack had a better theme to go along with the game.

While some of the set pieces were similar to Uncharted 2 they were still pretty fun and had me on the edge of my seat at times.

I feel like ND really nails the main good guys in the series, but they're terrible with the bad guys. I feel like they're never given much screen time, and I just don't connect with them. I guess I want to either feel like the bad guy is awesome or I want to hate them and really want to kick their ass at the end of the game. All of the Uncharted games I could care less about beating them up or stopping them from getting the prize. I like seeing Nathan, Sully, and Elana banter, but want more connections with the bad guys.

I think the next Uncharted needs to be on PS4 and really take things to the next level. Hopefully they are given longer than a 2 year cycle and can really make an extend campaign. I would like the story to last about 30+ or so chapters to flesh out the characters more. They can even add more cut scenes since they're done so well.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I felt like it ended to quickly and it left me wanting more. I would rate it UC2 > UC3 > UC1. I think my expectations were set so high nothing would ever meet them. Naughty Dog if you're reading this, great job and hopefully you will team up with Ballistic Publishing again to create another art book. Will purchase.
Finished Chapters 20-22.

Holy shit, this is one of the best games I've ever played. The ending was fucking fantastic.

I loved the hallucinations, mind games, and 'smokeless fire' that Drake was forced to deal with. Very cool stuff. Villains were dealt with a bit neatly than I would have hoped, but other than that, very cool ending. I almost hope Talbot survives somehow and returns at some point, there is potential in his character.

But holy shit, amazing stuff. Loved the ending scenes between Nate and Sully and Nate and Elena.

The desert! The desert! It's so beautiful!


Finished the game last night. Some thoughts on it below:

The Good:
- Graphics were outstanding, as expected.
- Character banter was pretty good. Story was decent, though nothing special.
Would've preferred that the story included Chloe and Cutter in the last third of the game. Felt like a waste of good characters.
- There were some really great scenarios throughout
(Chateau, Horse, Desert sequences)

The Bad:
- Is it just me or did ND took control of the camera/character movement more often in UC3, in comparison to UC2? There were many times where the game would take control from me, not allowing me to go back and explore, or move the camera to a fixed position. I don't mind this for certain sequences, but I felt this happened too often.
- Nate's movement was just odd. It was almost as if he was "hyper-aware" of the surroundings, resulting in his movement stopping abruptly (either slowing down when crossing a door, getting stuck behind a wall when the intent was rolling, etc.)
- I also experienced what many did; the aiming being off.
- Maybe this was just me, but I get the impression UC3 had more emphasis on combat, in comparison to UC2. I guess I didn't enjoy some of these "gunplay" moments nearly as much as the rest of the game. The aiming issue exacerbated this too.

Overall this is still a great game, but I enjoyed UC2 quite a bit more. I felt UC3 moved in a direction opposite of what I desire from UC. That is, they took control too often from the player, and added more emphasis to combat. So, in a way, this was a bit of a disappointment as UC2 had set the bar pretty high.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just got to chapter 12. Goddamn. It's getting better with every chapter. (ch.11)
Nate's poison trip was pretty sweet. I wish unlockables were in so I could play the whole game like that.


Chapter 18 was really well done.
It actually made me thirsty irl lol
second half of the game is really nice.


I have been in a funk and felt kind of burnout with VG for past few months. Was waiting for U3. What a ride so far. By far my favorite series now. It surpass U2 in every fashion of the way.

The attention to detail is unbelievable. Its hard to imagine they have made this product in just a 2 year cycle. From drakes clothing crease moving while he is walking and the art work around the places that shows they have dome some amazing research.

My fav game so far. I <3 ND.
beast786 said:
I have been in a funk and felt kind of burnout with VG for past few months. Was waiting for U3. What a ride so far. By far my favorite series now. It surpass U2 in every fashion of the way.

The attention to detail is unbelievable. Its hard to imagine they have made this product in just a 2 year cycle. From drakes clothing crease moving while he is walking and the art work around the places that shows they have dome some amazing research.

My fav game so far. I <3 ND.

You say it surpasses U2 in every way. Do you think the antagonist is better? Do you think the character dynamics, the emotional arcs of the characters, are better than U2? Were there more surprises or payoffs for you than U2? I'd love to hear you expand on things.

I get that some people will like the game more, but when people use superlatives so much, I begin to discount their opinion as nothing but fanfare.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
SolidSnakex said:
Well, she knew Cutter, so she wasn't going to leave him. Plus his injuries weren't left threatening like Jeff's.

Her (perhaps reluctantly) agreeing to leave Cutter to fend for himself after his insistence to do so would have been consistent with her attitude in Among Thieves.

Edit: What you said earlier about a Chloe spin-off allowing ND to channel Tomb Raider is true. Still, for my money, I'd prefer to see a Sully spin-off.


brianmcdoogle said:
You say it surpasses U2 in every way. Do you think the antagonist is better? Do you think the character dynamics, the emotional arcs of the characters, are better than U2? Were there more surprises or payoffs for you than U2? I'd love to hear you expand on things.

I get that some people will like the game more, but when people use superlatives so much, I begin to discount their opinion as nothing but fanfare.

I want to love a bad guy. The antagonists had more potential in this one than UC2, it just wasn't fleshed out more. Especially since they kind of hyped one up early on. Makes me think there were cut levels or cinematics due to time constraints.


JumpingTheGun said:
any tips? any tips?
None from me but playing on Crushing and the melee feels amazing. Like I beat it hard first and melee combat seemed boring. You can see when to press to counter/evade etc but its way cooler in Crushing as you see no HUD and you do feel more immersed in the action. Feels fresh haha.
So yea, I finally got some time to start playing this game, and Holy shit does it start out good.
Im at the part where you play as young drake and damn is this awesome and the animation is amazing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The hell is this piece of shit part in chapter 16? Impossible stealth segment that then spawns a bunch of enemies behind you. Awesome design here.
Salz01 said:
I want to love a bad guy. The antagonists had more potential in this one than UC2, it just wasn't fleshed out more. Especially since they kind of hyped one up early on. Makes me think there were cut levels or cinematics due to time constraints.

I know it'd be cliched, but the sudio's writing and acting seems to be good enough to pull off: I want a Professor Moriarty type antagonist for Nathan Drake in the next game. Someone who is his equal in every way. Maybe he was a romantic partner with Chole before she met Drake? Or maybe Elena tried to hire him before she got Nathan in the first Uncharted? Basically, we had the skeevy guy in the first game, the strong brute in the second game, and the... bland old Helen Mirren in the third game. I want an antagonist that is going to challenge the characters more than just "i'm after what you're after", because with out such a character, there's going to be no emotional arc like there was in this game.


Does anyone have DLC they want to trade?

I have several extra PAX East shirts, one AMC Cinema Event shirt, several Red Shirt/Baseball Shirt Drake skins and a G-MAL clip size mod code that I'd be willing to trade for anything I don't have.


Luthos said:
can we all agree that the soundtrack is amazing? IMO, it's probably the best in the series. The music seemed more memorable in this one.
Yep. Even though it's not exclusive to this particular game, as soon as the menu booted up for the first time and the main theme started playing, I had a smile from ear to ear. Love that song.


I can't believe they showed majority of the locations in trailers and stuff. It's actually my fault though, I shouldn't have seen them :/
brianmcdoogle said:
I know it'd be cliched, but the sudio's writing and acting seems to be good enough to pull off: I want a Professor Moriarty type antagonist for Nathan Drake in the next game. Someone who is his equal in every way. Maybe he was a romantic partner with Chole before she met Drake? Or maybe Elena tried to hire him before she got Nathan in the first Uncharted? Basically, we had the skeevy guy in the first game, the strong brute in the second game, and the... bland old Helen Mirren in the third game. I want an antagonist that is going to challenge the characters more than just "i'm after what you're after", because with out such a character, there's going to be no emotional arc like there was in this game.

Speculation based on UC3's ending. Spoilers!:

I think that Talbot could fit this mold if ND decides that he survived the shot and the fall into quicksand. He has a lot of potential as a character, with his nature to fuck with people's heads and his theatrical tastes. Plus, I like how Robin Atkin-Downes plays him.
FHIZ said:
Yep. Even though it's not exclusive to this particular game, as soon as the menu booted up for the first time and the main theme started playing, I had a smile from ear to ear. Love that song.


Always played it in UC1 UC2 and i realized they used it for UC3 (during the Subway beta) as well.


BeautifulMemory said:
Did anyone freeze at
the desert stage where you have to shoot down the red pillars in order to bring down the machine gun?
Nope. The only technical issue I faced was audio skipping. It's more prominent if you use headphones.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Speculation based on UC3's ending. Spoilers!:

I think that Talbot could fit this mold if ND decides that he survived the shot and the fall into quicksand. He has a lot of potential as a character, with his nature to fuck with people's heads and his theatrical tastes. Plus, I like how Robin Atkin-Downes plays him.

I'd actually hate if they did that. He was a one note character, a toady for Helen Mirren, and if he magically survived off screen, it'd be lame as hell, even with their great writing talent.
If anything, I think I'd complain if they suddenly introduced him in the fourth game. Where would such a character have been all this time? If anything, I hate the whole "trilogy" aspect of games. ND could do a cool 2 game arc with such a character where he pops up in the first, lives, and comes back full force in the sequel.

I think trilogies are destroying games.


CatPee said:

Holy crap, people weren't kidding when they say the visuals are ridiculous for consoles.
Lol. It was okay. The visuals in the latter chapters are much better.
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