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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yoshichan said:
Yeah I guess you're right... but what about motion blur? Can you really notice the difference ._.?
It's a damn beautiful game, as is. One of THE most beautiful games, ever.

I imagine the reinstatement of motion blur would look wonderful... but you shouldn't worry about this affecting the amazing visuals.

In short: GAF is not wrong about aiming/motion blur.. They might improve the game. But as is, it's a fine title. Don't give into the idea that it's "broken/you must wait for a patch". That's not quite what's going on here. GAF wants an alteration of (perhaps) poor creative decisions: they haven't identified bugs.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
BocoDragon said:
It's a damn beautiful game, as is. One of THE most beautiful games, ever.

I imagine the reinstatement of motion blur would look wonderful... but you shouldn't worry about this affecting the amazing visuals.

In short: GAF is not wrong about aiming/motion blur.. They might improve the game. But as is, it's a fine title. Don't give into the idea that it's "broken/you must wait for a patch". That's not quite what's going on here. GAF wants an alteration of (perhaps) poor creative decisions: they haven't identified bugs.
Thank you so much, then it's settled - playing it in an hour or two! :)
Almost done with a game, and maybe I am completely wrong on this, but here it goes

The game's production value is amazing and the design and the scope of everything is top notch, step up from UC2. Character development (at least for returning characters) are awesome. There's a reason why we look so highly on Naughydogs

The gameplay, however, sickens me. I am not talking about the aiming. I am talking about the melee that's really not melee but a full set of QTEs- rinse and repeat- in order to defeat certain enemies. I could be missing something, but same thing for shield guys who can really defend pretty much most move you make until you somehow get behind them, AND in the meantime they spray you with semi-autos? Fuck that.

And a lot of parts really is just being thrown at a situation that I will initially be at an disadvantage in. I got nades spamming at me, grenade launcher and RPGs all happy to see me, while fucking pistols do tons of damage as well, not to mention having enemies simply run towards me and spray as well.

Then there's the grenade, which is inconsistent in my experience as well. Why is it that the ones I can't throw back do the most damage, and why can't I throw them back when I am next to them? Seems arbitrary as hell. And I hate how once it explodes I am exposed out of my cover and stunned for like a second, then all the enemies spray at me with whatever weapons they have, especially snipers. What the fuck?

Then the enemies toward the game (remember, I havent' finished it yet) with the fire soliders. Wow, really? Enemies that can teleport, have nades, AND fireball? ok, I get it, I need to move around, then the moment I move around I see my health to low, I hide, then I get firebombed. Whatever.

The game's design is great, but the gameplay is lacking. I really do not like how I don't get to keep my weapons. I know it's been like that since Uncharted 1, but there are times where I die, and I lose all the powerful weapons I get from the previous area, and now I am stuck with shitty handgun. Sometimes I lose nades too when I restart, which make the fight against Shields and Armored guys with shotguns more frustrating. I personally would appreciate more a sense of keeping my own guns and upgrading them rather than just constantly picking them up at the level area. I don' tknow, I need something different than just pick up guns - run - cover - shoot.

Finally, going back to the melee --- terrible, TERRIBLE. Unresponsive, really just a form of QTE that's forced on the player. Can't tell you how many times I pressed Triangle and the counter didn't register.

The gameplay is really the only thing that's holding me back from declaring this as the GoTY, AND I fucking love Batman and Arkham City.


I forgot to mention earlier about these dudes in London. I noticed them on my first playthrough, and didn't get a good look but thought they was strange.

Then I saw this image (from ND Forums).


I also recall them vanishing into fog. I don't know if they can be killed?

So, what are they, dudes with funny hats on or some spooky supernatural fellas?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Uncharted: Killzone Edition

jax (old)

charted on hard.

re plot:
: I kind of wish there was more to marlowe/talbot then the finale we got. The warlord in had much more of a presence all the way through and while you were chasing them; and yes they were entwined with the story; they didn't seem to figure in as true villians as much. There wasn't much supernaturalism here this time but I kind of wish there was. The end fight was neat but it needed more. I mean, they shot down the arm of the winch so we didn't even get to see what the bronze pot was about despite the camera lingering on the logo on the top for a bit.

kismet factor. there is so much dumb luck at play here that it seems like Nathan is super nathan. What with surviving a planecrash, surviving that storm/ship and then washing up just where he needs to be, surviving the desert etc. Things like that. a little too convinient.

as for characters; yeah, I wish there was more elena/chloe but this was the father/son parable and I think they took criticism from 2 (too little scully; and made this all scully - while ignoring the others. I'd really like to know what happened to drake+elena btw the last 2 games. Their romance was so lovely in 2.

as for the game; mechanically there were issues; already mentioned in an earlier post so I'll copy and expand:

  • FACES. elena. distracting
  • shooting. also off.
  • pacing issues. the start was really slow and boring. and too many instances of not enough gameplay (shooting/tactical shooting) for cinematics. There was no helicopter to shoot down; no tank to fend off. non of that. There was sort of a
    mid boss on the ship with the guy who would throw 3 grenades and shoot that minigun thing
    but that was it!
  • melee. boring. The room
    after you get captured on the boat and you escape and you literally have to fight 20+ guys to get through. Wasn't difficult. Very ordinary. They opened the game with this and it never got better
    Also thought sometimes; even when you have a grenade; they force you to fist fight - when I'd happily thrown a grenade at their feet to kill them.
  • seems to have a lot of instances where i went "what do I do next?" - maybe it was me but I felt some times; some of the things were telegraphed well. I ran around the room with golden hide for ages til I worked it out.
  • companions bumping you/blocking you. Never experienced so much of this in the prior uc games. constantly.
  • movement seems worse in this. I also don't recall so constantly getting caught in corner etc el... and i don't like the constant look left/right that drake seems to do in UC3. weird. They seemed to have exaggerated the effect so much so that he seems to be doing idle animation while moving and I really dislike it.
  • escape/chase/dream
    sequences. well, there sure was a lot of these in the 3rd game. And they weren't very good as the movement in the 3rd game seemed clumsy. I kept dying as
    at the start and there was something off there for sure. I'd rather shoot shit.
  • camera. there was a lot of times when you climbed - the camera doesn't move fast enough and you end up just mashing X to climb to the next thing without even seeing it first. U2 has more measured handgrips that telegraphed where you needed to go; but it never made you climb without seeing what it it is you're climbing to.
    enemy repetition. The later enemies didn't bother me so much. But man, if the start didn't have so many MATRIXY agent lookalikes. At least made some of them black/women for fuck sake. And a lot of bald people in the uncharted universe. And very little women

Game didn't blow me away. The final act was really kind of great but I wanted more. As is; its more uncharted but not better uncharted. I'm thinking about the replay but there are so many sections of this game that should play the same in crushing mode but... which being unskippable; I thought were tedious to get through
... just a few too many of those in U3.


PaddyOCanager said:
My ultimate point is that Drake does not change, and that's why I'm disappointed. If the next "great treasure hunt" comes along (i.e. UC4), he'll walk away from Elena again and drag Sully along. That final scene/speech from Sully was unconvincing to me because of Drake's aforementioned behavior.
You are being too harsh on Drake. In Uncharted 1 Elena is the one pushing Drake to continue if I remember correctly when halfway through Drake gets cold feet. In Uncharted 2 after the train Drake again wants to walk away but Elena will have none of it and pushes him to stop Zoran Lazarevic which he does but Elena was largely responsible for Drake doing it.

Now in Uncharted 3
This was something that Drake had wanted to do for 20 years, of course he wanted to see it through. Drake cares for Elena a lot, there is absolutely no doubt about that. The thing is, Drake is an explorer by heart and even when he comes back with nothing it doesn't seem to bother him. In Uncharted 3 though, Elena hit the nail on the head, Drake was obsessed with outsmarting Marlowe and making sure she didn't get what she wanted, whatever it was (Obviously it was the Djinn for power but at the time Drake didn't know that).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I personally forgive the emphasis on melee quite a bit, as it's clearly meant to fulfill the fantasy of this scene:


The thing about Indiana Jones fights is that they were gritty, back and forth, and brutal. Nothing was supposed to be 'slick' about them at all... just duking it out, back 'n forth. Both fighters are gonna get their share of ugly blows. There's supposed to be something a little clumsy about all the hits - this isn't highly skilled martial arts. I kinda think a bit of "aggressively mashing attack button" is appropriate to capture the feel of those fights.

If you want clean gunplay and slick tactics... it will be frustrating... but I personally think it plays into the Indy Jones simulation that Uncharted was always meant to be.

I'm sure melee could be done better. "Batman Arkham-style", etc. But I see what they were going for from an "experience" point of view.
BocoDragon said:
I personally forgive the emphasis on melee quite a bit, as it's clearly meant to fulfill the fantasy of this scene:


The thing about Indiana Jones fights is that they were gritty, back and forth, and brutal. Nothing was supposed to be 'slick' about them at all... just duking it out, back 'n forth. Both fighters are gonna get their share of ugly blows. There's supposed to be something a little clumsy about all the hits - this isn't highly skilled martial arts. I kinda think a bit of "aggressively mashing attack button" is appropriate to capture the feel of those fights.

If you want clean gunplay and slick tactics... it will be frustrating... but I personally think it plays into the Indy Jones simulation that Uncharted was always meant to be.

I'm sure it could be done better. "Batman Arkham-style", etc. But I see what they were going for from an "experience" point of view.

Now everything made much more sense.


Trick_GSF said:
I forgot to mention earlier about these dudes in London. I noticed them on my first playthrough, and didn't get a good look but thought they was strange.

Then I saw this image (from ND Forums).


I also recall them vanishing into fog. I don't know if they can be killed?

So, what are they, dudes with funny hats on or some spooky supernatural fellas?

wow, they look pretty creepy in that shot. i thought it was just sniper gun light but it's their damn goggles or maybe EYES, lol


BocoDragon said:
I personally forgive the emphasis on melee quite a bit, as it's clearly meant to fulfill the fantasy of this scene:


Gameplay comes first.

Melee taking such a long time to execute makes it a death trap in firefights, especially with these big grunts. Whatever they tried to execute on a specific functional/instance level just broke the flow with the bigger picture -- i.e. shitty game design.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wtf they have costumes, I just noticed...


BocoDragon said:
It's a damn beautiful game, as is. One of THE most beautiful games, ever.

I imagine the reinstatement of motion blur would look wonderful... but you shouldn't worry about this affecting the amazing visuals.

In short: GAF is not wrong about aiming/motion blur.. They might improve the game. But as is, it's a fine title. Don't give into the idea that it's "broken/you must wait for a patch". That's not quite what's going on here. GAF wants an alteration of (perhaps) poor creative decisions: they haven't identified bugs.

thank you


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
hsukardi said:
Gameplay comes first.

Melee taking such a long time to execute makes it a death trap in firefights, especially with these big grunts. Whatever they tried to execute on a specific functional/instance level just broke the flow with the bigger picture -- i.e. shitty game design.
I don't entirely disagree.. I just fully appreciate what they were going for. Nate is that kind of duke-it-out gritty hero.

And I will tell you that I, personally, was thrilled emotionally by those melee sequences.. Even as I can appreciate that such sequences might not gel with the tastes of others. It is, essentially mashing buttons and waiting for QTE prompts..

Hopefully we can see interesting developments in melee combat in future titles, Uncharted or otherwise.
BocoDragon said:
I don't entirely disagree.. I just fully appreciate what they were going for. Nate is that kind of duke-it-out gritty hero.

And I will tell you that I, personally, was thrilled emotionally by those melee sequences.. Even as I can appreciate that such sequences might not gel with the tastes of others. It is, essentially mashing buttons and waiting for QTE prompts..

Hopefully we can see interesting developments in melee combat in future titles, Uncharted or otherwise.

I got tired of it because there's no variation and it's always the same enemies that you need to use them on. So really, once it gets started, it's just a matter of when it ends --- not how or by what.


BeautifulMemory said:
I got tired of it because there's no variation and it's always the same enemies that you need to use them on. So really, once it gets started, it's just a matter of when it ends --- not how or by what.

I enjoyed using melee during the gun fights it was enjoyable.

Only against big thugs it was boring but against Normal one their were some variations


BeautifulMemory said:
I got tired of it because there's no variation and it's always the same enemies that you need to use them on. So really, once it gets started, it's just a matter of when it ends --- not how or by what.

Ding ding.


BeautifulMemory said:
Then that's how I get killed =( As in, I melee, then I become exposed, then enemies rain their bullets on me

You should blind fire and keep cover, try jumping on to them from an object and its one hit kill.

Even against the shield guy, you can jump on them and its one hit kill

jax (old)

BeautifulMemory said:
I got tired of it because there's no variation and it's always the same enemies that you need to use them on. So really, once it gets started, it's just a matter of when it ends --- not how or by what.

this; I much rathered shooting them, well because it involved at least; some skill. :/
Good GOD at the ship level in this game. I was fucking screaming at my TV!

Comparable to Uncharted 2? The second half of this game was so fucking mind blowing and EVEN BETTER than Uncharted 2. ND went fucking insane. Holy fucking shit I am still in awe of what I just experienced.



In Melee system what i wanted was more freedom and to know what i want to do.

In uncharted 3, the moves which you did mainly depended on where you were standing to the enemy.

I liked that move where we can pull the trigger of the grenade of the enemies but i would also had liked to be given more control to kick the enemy in the direction i want ^_-
Loudninja said:
I would like to see a prison level for UC4, that would be interesting.

What would you guy like to see next?

The next step HAS to be Nathan Drake, inside a volcano, trying to find the lost treasure of Doom Temple. Insane lava physics that will blow the mind of even the most derisive volcanologist.


PaddyOCanager said:
Sully questions Drake's motives, Drake blows him off. Chloe tells him to stop, he blows her off. Elena tells him to stop, yet Drake blows her off - she gives a whole speech about it in that one tomb. She even asks him to stop for Sully, because Sully will follow Drake to the end - yet he brushes that off and Sully gets captured. What is his driving force for most of the game? The hunt, nothing more and he doesn't stop to consider anyone else until Sully gets captured.

Then he suddenly 'cares' about Elena and tells her to stop following at the airport. Wait a minute, didn't she get blown up by a goddamn grenade in the last game and nearly die? You'd think that would have been enough to not involve her at all in this right? Yet he uses her to sneak illegally into the country, fight hordes of soldiers, and break into a secured airport. Deep connection? From my understanding, he walked away from her to go treasure hunting in the first place. Oh and you completely misinterpreted my point about the reward, that's not what I meant at all.

My ultimate point is that Drake does not change, and that's why I'm disappointed. If the next "great treasure hunt" comes along (i.e. UC4), he'll walk away from Elena again and drag Sully along. That final scene/speech from Sully was unconvincing to me because of Drake's aforementioned behavior.
Didn't Elena break up with him between UC1 and UC2? It was hinted at when Chloe and Elena met in UC2, I think. Tbh, I'm quite fed up with the whole them breaking up then getting back together only to break up again thing. I bet UC4 is going to start like that as well just so they can have a random meeting like UC2 or have Elena be in a place where she can help Drake like UC3...
reptilescorpio said:

The next step HAS to be Nathan Drake, inside a volcano, trying to find the lost treasure of Doom Temple. Insane lava physics that will blow the mind of even the most derisive volcanologist.
I say put Drake in Africa and get chased by lions


So, uh, only hard manual saves can copied over to other PS3s? I have an auto-save I tried to transfer (Ch. 18) but once copied to my other PS3, it will only let me continue from last hard save (Ch.5) I made on that console, despite the save being successfully copied and overwritten the last save in the 'Saved Data Utility' and reflecting my recent progression, it defers to my last hard save (that doesn't seem to show up in the XMB anywhere)

Anyone know the deal?


Okay, had to get rid of my game data for it to acknowledge the auto-save (that's where the hard save must be hidden?)

Um, that's rather annoying.


Can anyone tell me how many save slots we get for this game? Is it unlimited like Dead Space? Or is it annoyingly limited like Deus Ex?

And do we get different sets of save slots for each difficulty like Mass Effect?
finished the game. the ending.....

scratch that, the whole story was underwhelming. the pacing was off and i just didn't care about what was going on most of the time. the old wench could've been an interesting villain, but she barely got any screen time. i can tolerate a bad story and underdeveloped characters in some games, but since 1&2 didn't lack in that departement, i can only leave disappointed here. i wish ND would get more time for their next entry, i feel like this one got tied together at the last minute. the story is a huge drive in a movie-like game, i'm sad to see that they got high scores for this story across the board.

nothing in the game bothered me as much as this, so i'm not gonna waste time mentioning it. yes, the set pieces were great.


Nearing the end and just jesus fuck ND.

Honestly if it wasn't for the controller lag I would say this is the best action game I've ever had the pleasure of playing.

When GAF started complaining about the lag stuff I thought it was just GAF being GAF and I'd barely notice it but it's actually really, incredibly annoying when you're trying to aim at someone at a medium/long range. I pray that ND fixes this as soon as possible. It hasn't ruined my gameplay experience but it sticks out in an otherwise masterfully crafted piece of entertainment. To be honest there are also a few encounters that don't feel quite as finely tuned and polished at others but nothing that would really bother an experienced gamer, at least I hope not.

Some of the sections are so batshit crazy that they make me squirm in my seat and curse by myself with tears of disbelief running down my cheeks. citizenkaneclap.gif


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I can see what people are saying about the aiming but I am not having any problems taking down enemies without frustration. It doesn't feel as good as UC2 though, I agree with that.

As for the melee, I quite enjoy it. It's nowhere near Batman level but it's still a lot of fun and this time I make the effort to do all the different melee attacks which I never did in UC2. For some reason the melee felt almost perfect in the opening scene but after that dropped a bit in precision. Not as much as AV Club says though, it's rare for me to perform the wrong action.

It is a shame that they changed the aiming that was already great in UC2 but I think it may be partly due to them speeding up Drake's movements. He feels a lot faster/nimble in UC3.


Augemitbutter said:
ending boss:

this shit isn't a boss fight. i want lazarevic back and the guy from the first game. what a lazy QTE job.

Uc1 boss maybe. That was well done. Uc2's? No.

No, no, no.

Just, no.

Uc2's ending boss was a terribly designed piece of shit that dragged down an otherwise perfect game.


PhiLonius said:
"The Adventures of Charlie Cutter"


"The Best of Charlie Cutter"
I really like his addition as one of the staple good guys. Uncharted can benefit from the infusion of more side characters like him so we're not stuck with just Sully, Elena, and Chloe as allies.


Augemitbutter said:
ending boss:

this shit isn't a boss fight. i want lazarevic back and the guy from the first game. what a lazy QTE job.

Because Navarro wasn't a lazy QTE job? U3's boss is by far the best of the three.
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