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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

Just finished it, took me about 10 hours on Hard (and one treasure away from sixty, argh). Some of those final sections really grind my gears, but it wasn't too bad. Excellent ride.


Ok, just finished it on hard. I have to say that I'm disappointed that the environment of chapters 20 & 21 was totally under utilized. As a whole, those two chapters were maybe an hour of game play, with little to no ability to explore. I felt rushed, and so did the game through that portion, as though there wasn't enough time to really flesh the environment out. Not a single puzzle either.

I did enjoy having the focus more on Nate and Sully, but missed Elena playing a more integral role. Her and Nate's banter form UC2 was awesome, for example, while Nate was adjusting the arms of the giant Shiva puzzle type thing. Now that I think of it, I suppose UC2 was really more focused on Nate, Elena and Chloe's relationship.

However as a whole, the single player campaign was fantastic. Not as good as UC2 in my opinion, but still great none the less. I hope Naughty Dog doesn't tire of the series as I think it is an extremely unique franchise without peer. Love me some Uncharted, but more Elena please!


Sean said:
It sounds exciting the way you described it, but the way it played out was like every other
fist fight in the game. It may have had a greater impact if Naughty Dog didn't force us into melee combat like two dozen times earlier in the game. Plus, they already did the fist fight thing with UC1's final boss (Navarro) too.

I didn't think that fight was necessary, escaping the crumbling city was already cool enough on its own. The fight itself was not really exciting to me, maybe if there was some kind of cool context-sensitive/environmental things (bashing Talbot in the head with a rock or something) it would have felt more satisfying.

I would rather Talbot have died trying to rescue Marlowe from the quicksand and just have the end be a slightly longer escape sequence.
But the final level was much better than UC2's ending.
Talbot was clearly wanting
revenge on Drake for his hesitation in trying to save Marlowe which probably resulted in her death and attacked him for it

Do you think if that was Elena Drake would have hesitated like that, or given such a half assed effort? I doubt it. Talbot was clearly pissed at him for that.


Chamber said:
Dry Docks isn't in the game.

Oh shit, really? I just googled Uncharted 3 maps and it said that was a map, and it sounded awesome. Why isn't it in?

tigerin said:
so they fixed most of the stuffs people complained about in the beta? i haven't got a chance to try out the mp yet.

I only played the summer beta, was never in the Subway one, but it seemed the main complaint was people constantly sprinting and blind firing. I haven't noticed much of this at all, luckily, so I would say it was fixed.

Although I still think they need to reduce your agility while sprinting. That's about the only thing I can think of to change. Maybe increase stopping power a little bit too.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just finished. If you're not able to take any negative opinions, I'd stop reading this post now. Pre-warning. :)

Overall, I have a ton of gripes with UC3. First, the things I liked/loved.

The OST here is my favorite in the series, for sure. It fit the pace of all the action happening, and even in Multiplayer it adds a lot. I always liked the uncharted theme but the rest is usually forgettable, but this one stands out.

The graphics, as usual, are nuts.
The jungle in France looks INSANE, even over Uncharted 2. I loved the water, the entire ship level with all the objects rocking around, and being inside that big room with the sideways chandelier while you look out the window and see the ship half underwater looked incredible. Visually the game is a nonstop feast.

I liked where they were going with the plot.
This isn't a total "like" though, as I feel like the story had way too many forced moments, like Drake just KNOWING that the piece of the ship he needed had to be in Marlowe's secret library, the entire section of no plot movement with ramses, and the pretty anticlimatic ending of Marlowe in general.

Characterization is as good as ever, Sully, Drake, and Elena were all great here. Even Cutter, who I thought based on the fairly generic appearance would either be a traitor or just get killed off, ended up being a great addition for the parts he was in. I genuinely felt bad in the scene where Sully got shot, with the way the faces all reacted. Chloe is the odd one out, she had no place in the game and really didn't seem like Chloe. She also looked like crap.

Puzzle wise, the ones in UC3 are pretty damn good. I think it's the best of the series here, BUT one of my biggest gripes is also about this same point. The game has 22 chapters, the last puzzle is in chapter 11. So yeah, about that pacing...

The game starts out very slow, there's a ton of maneuvering, you don't shoot your first gun until chapter 4 or so, and even that is only on a lock. It takes awhile to ramp up--and that was perfectly fine with me. I loved soaking it all in. For me, the game quickly peaks at the Chateau which is chapter 7 and 8, I think?
This was the most Uncharted part of the game to me, just you and Sully making wisecracks in a gorgeous locale, a good mixture of puzzles, traversal, and gunplay, topping off with a giant setpiece that combines traversal and gunplay well. It was an amazing sequence to me. After this, the game still kept holding up alright with me. Syria wasn't all that interesting, but it started moving plotwise when Cutter gets hit by the hallucigen, and to me PERSONALLY, I got really interested in the way Talbot nearly vanished after this, and later got shot but wasn't affected. Sadly, that kinda never gets explained, sooo yeah. I also really liked the levels up to chapter 11, which had good old fashioned tomb raiding and puzzles with some combat.

Chapter 12 is where the game gets sketchy for me. I know people keep heralding 12-15, and I do think they were interesting, but at the very least 16 on the game gets BAD. Not even sugarcoating it.
The locales around the water where you can dive in, swim around, and grab people was very neat. But after this, all the combat encounters start becoming clusterfucks. It's not even about the aiming at this point, it's literally just the game throwing way too much at you at once, without giving Drake anything new to compensate. OKay, sure, you can now throw grenades back, but the AI literally just runs straight at you. While you get ready to throw a grenade, chances are a shotgunner is damn near in your face, there's more often than not some variant of a sniper, RPG user, or hammer user. It gets old, quick. It gets cheap in many cases, which I'll specifically touch on in a minute.

The cruise ship sinking was neat looking, but it doesn't come close to the chateau for me. It's visually amazing, but there's one room with some combat, which isn't really affected that much, and the rest was just standard platforming(with seemingly no time limit, I felt far more rushed in the burning building, though I have a feeling there's no time limit here either). Then the airport. Oh my god, the airport. This area is horrible. The one room here to stealth through is just mindboggling, how the fuck do you take out the 2 at the end stealthily? I tried 2 quick headshots, even though the other guy had no time to react, they still "alerted" and here comes a giant wave from BEHIND, the area I just cleared out. Come on. Then you die and actually redo the stealth part...which it didn't let me do in the cruise ship ballroom. So now, when I actually want to not redo the stealth stuff, I have to anyway.

This time I try throwing a propane tank, shoot it and kill them both at the same time. Doesn't matter, alert, here comes an armored shotgun guy from the back, and a guy with a hammer on top of a container somewhere. Yay!

Now the plane. The plane is great looking, but is EXTREMELY SHORT. Just another generic big guy beat up, a shooting sequence redoing the sliding stuff from the boats, boom. That's it. Then, as visually stunning as the desert is, you just walk forward for 10 minutes and then after a few flashes around you're now at chapter 19. Then the game ends oddly similar to UC2 in a lot of respects, and it just left me underwhelmed.

To be more specific, the pacing is basically ALL combat with some mixed traversal after a certain point, and the game for me completely lost what made the combat in UC2 fun. Fixing the aiming will help, but the actual encounters are just frustrating in so many ways. The new melee system is at odds with the "WHAT IS COVER? LOL" enemies that run right at you. It accomplishes the same thing UC2 did but takes three times as long, and never on its own accord is even remotely difficult, it just adds more visual flair at the impact of gameplay. Aside from 4-5 pure fist fight encounters throughout the game, it's only even really used on the big guys which are literally the EXACT SAME FIGHT, and it must happen atleast 8-10 times. I don't see them and go "yay!", I think "...another one of these?".

There seems to be more ways to tackle each fight, but in the end that doesn't mean much to me. If anything it meant I would stumble around until I died a few times, eventually I run to an area and realize there's an RPG just sitting on the ground which then makes the fight a breeze. That isn't interesting to me, any third person shooter can do stuff like that. I want tiers of elevation in more fights, play to Uncharted's strengths!

Three especially bad segments are in Chapter 14, 20, and 21.
The ballroom in the cruise ship...oh my god. Two snipers, a guy with a hammer, two armored shotgun guys, and other generic guys in a fairly small area. Really? It's easy if you get the hammer and take out the shotgun guys while running at the top so the snipers can't see you, but any other way I tried to tackle this fight was just frustrating as hell. Getting stunned by the hammer meant instant death.

Chapter 20 has a sandstorm, which could provide a cool stealth segment. Oh wait, the enemies have perfect fucking clarity, and the moment they turn hostile I immediately get two grenades thrown directly at my feet, and sniper sights aiming right at me, even though when I pick up a sniper you seriously can't even see these guys, you just have to shoot where the laser sight was. In that case, how to do they see ME, who is giving off no signal? While this is happening, a bunch of machine guns are perfectly aimed at you and the cover is spread out just enough to make it insanely annoying as you wait to regen health while getting pounded by grenades and a few enemies make their way behind you.

Then chapter 21 has these great fire guys that don't seem to care about bullets shooting them. One of these fights is against ~4 fire guys, while there was water on both sides of me. Well these guys teleport, sometimes behind your cover, meaning you have to GTFO, but they shoot you immediately, and I would basically instantly die if this happened because I can't kill them quickly enough without a hammer/rpg, and the other enemies on the other side of the cover shoot me once I try to move. Talk about great. They also have an instant kill move that would hit me off screen a lot, like they would charge up fire or something and hurl it like a grenade that explodes on impact. Fun.

I just have no idea what on earth happened to the combat in this game. Spawns are all over the place, you can instantly die on a whim and redo the entire encounter, stuff is just out of whack. People may find some way to enjoy that stuff, but to me it was just insanely frustrating. My jaw would drop at some of these deaths, and considering the game is just non stop combat near the end it just got insanely old.

Oh yeah, and about the endgame stuff...
the horse segment didn't really do much for me, that convoy stuff just felt like UC2 retread to me. Then the whole city collapsing, climbing the rising gears(ice cavern), etc. The boss fight, if you want to call it that, is better then Lazarevic's shitty one, so that's something.

This post is pretty unfocused and messy, but I'm really just insanely disappointed with this overall. I didn't even go into it expecting much, I didn't think it had a snowball's chance in hell to match UC2, but it not only didn't come close, it completely messed up something I never even was worried about. I'll dabble in MP and hopefully find enjoyment in the co-op stuff, I'll give the game another shot with the aiming patch, so I guess I'll see what a second play entails.

Oh yeah, and even though I already knew about no unlock modifiers, it still bears repeating on how disappointing that is. On top of that, there was quite a few oddities I noticed near the end of the game that didn't have the attention to detail ND usually has.
I picked up the pak80 or whatever in the desert town, and drake made no sound whatsoever. Footsteps crunching on the sand, completely silent. How did they miss that? In chapter 22(maybe 21), I saw a stream of water as I was going down a staircase. I have a knack for always rolling in water and soaking drake, so I did. Then I see...I just rolled in sand? WHAT? I waited and tried it a few more times, and every time I rolled in this water drake got covered in sand. Oh, and opening the door to the city near the end, I climbed the ladder and dropped off the right side for the treasure, then dropped down and reclimbed the ladder. As I did this, Sully apparently climbed the ladder then started climbing down, blocking me. He kept going down and ended up launching drake through the floor and I had to restart.

I also had a weird thing with my guns on the last two chapters, where I would reload, the animation would finish, but the gun didn't reload. This happened atleast 5 times here, and wasn't something that happened to me in other spots in the game.

The forced cinematic stuff also got in the way a couple of times. One moment that stands out to me was at the end of the airport, before the gate where Drake tells Elena to leave. You need to jump from the roof onto a ladder, which has a cool camera view of the plane as you climb down. When I first came here, I saw boxes below me, held onto the ledge, and dropped below. Instant death, how dare I not take the ladder. I also had a moment where I was fighting in the Chateau, dropped down onto stairs from not a very high distance and just died, despite taking much bigger falls perfectly fine.

Which this isn't a glitch, I also feel I should point out how stupid the Sully rescue in chapter 20 is. When he actually jumps onto the main convoy and is getting strangled by the big guy, I ended up getting onto a raised piece of ground(don't know if that happens to everyone or not), but from this spot I COULDN'T jump to the convoy, so I did the obvious thing, took out my gun to shoot the guy. Then I see a black reticule specifically not allowing me to fire my gun...why? Why can I not shoot the guy strangling sully right next to me? Because then I would miss the cinematic brute fight!

Oh, and I also though it was dumb the way Chloe and Cutter vanished out of the story, and how Salim & co. mysteriously vanish in the sandstorm but show up at the end of the city anyway. I'm sure someone will call me bad at the game for this post, but I played UC2 on crushing just fine, and can see the significant ways the combat here changed(for the worse/blatantly cheap). A reply insulting me is as predictable as me fist fighting another copy and pasted brute in UC3.

I still have a few things to mention but I really need to just end this post already. Drake is always insanely unlucky in these games, and I really felt like I was channeling his horrible luck with some of the insane bullshit deaths I witnessed in some of these fight sequences.


I have spent more time with the multiplayer. I've already talked about flaws I see in the anti-competitive mechanics, but lately I've been thinking about the shooting.

Two things bother me and I want more people's input on it since I haven't really looked into it yet.

1) Sometimes it is a little hard to tell how many times you hit someone(I know there are subtle indicators with the UI) or how close they are to dying. I am having a hard time adjusting to it. Whereas in Halo or Call of Duty or MGO(forget UC2, and know it was patched) my brain can do the work in real time, it seems like in UC3 they die usually fast(no headshots) or they take in a lot, even after being being hit by a grenade.

2) Does the game has a wide or random spread? I think the above may be caused by something like this. Firefights can be really messy, even when aiming is on point.
beast786 said:
Uncharted has always been the game that is greater than sum of its parts. Its not the best platformer, best puzzle design, cover system, best shooting, best weapons etc etc.

But it adds its own twist to each one of them. Its unique platforming/shooting but best in the business of cinematic shots with caring characters and story to put you on edge and makes you smile.

I can see how people who are not happy at each of the category might have a gripe against uncharted, and rightfully so. But as a package its above all of them for me.

Uncharted replaced God of War for me in this Gen. I love story , amazing battles set pieces with platforming and puzzle.

To me ND kind of perfect what Santa Monica did in God of war.

EDIT: I also want to mention. How amazing art is in Uncharted series. If anyone knows anything about these cultures, you will really , really appreciate the art. Right down to every single part of the city.

Excellent post. Can't agree more. These comparisons to other games seem a bit redundant as most other games do not tackle the same breadth of gameplay to any equivalent degree. And the amazing artwork and design is sublime.
Damn. That is a intense write up Papercuts I read the whole thing and definitely understand where you were coming from. Good impressions.

This is kind of coming from nowhere but I just got done watching Captain America and holy hell does that movie suck. Kind of puts into perspective just how far cinematic games have come. I think any one section in UC2 or 3 is better paced and implemented than most action/adventure movies.

Playing through again and hitting chapter 16 makes me really really appreciate how phenomenal this game is. I still rate it lower than UC2 because I completely agree with the consensus that the combat scenarios are better implemented in that game but I just don't think its as wide a gap as most.

Going by the reviews I would say Edges 9/10 fits how I felt about the game perfectly.


Lightning said:
Talbot was clearly wanting
revenge on Drake for his hesitation in trying to save Marlowe which probably resulted in her death and attacked him for it

Do you think if that was Elena Drake would have hesitated like that, or given such a half assed effort? I doubt it. Talbot was clearly pissed at him for that.

the dude has no right to be pissed at drake. drake almost got drown in the middle of no where cause of them. plus it not like drake didn't try to save her. i doubt they would do the same thing for drake. btw, what's the deal with talbot and marlowe? why is he so loyal? i heard him yelled out mother once at the end but i probably misheard it.
Papercuts said:
*snip big review*

Yeah, a lot of your criticisms about the combat are exactly how I feel. And I never thought about it until you posted it, but I think the Chateau, despite how many times we've seen it this year, is also my favorite part of the game. Everyone was raving about Chapter 12+, but when I got there all I could think was "Really?" The Chateau is Uncharted perfected. If the whole game could be nothing but levels like that, this would be a 20/10.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn. That is a intense write up Papercuts I read the whole thing and definitely understand where you were coming from. Good impressions.

This is kind of coming from nowhere but I just got done watching Captain America and holy hell does that movie suck. Kind of puts into perspective just how far cinematic games have come. I think any one section in UC2 or 3 is better paced and implemented than most action/adventure movies.

Playing through again and hitting chapter 16 makes me really really appreciate how phenomenal this game is. I still rate it lower than UC2 because I completely agree with the consensus that the combat scenarios are better implemented in that game but I just don't think its as wide a gap as most.

Going by the reviews I would say Edges 9/10 fits how I felt about the game perfectly.

As harsh as that is, I still do want to see Uncharted continue. I still love the series, and as weird as this may sound, I WAS wishing for UC3 to end near the end because the combat was just dragging me on, but I'm weirdly sad it's over. Funny how that stuff works.

Net_Wrecker said:
Yeah, a lot of your criticisms about the combat are exactly how I feel. And I never thought about it until you posted it, but I think the Chateau, despite how many times we've seen it this year, is also my favorite part of the game. Everyone was raving about Chapter 12+, but when I got there all I could think was "Really?" The Chateau is Uncharted perfected. If the whole game could be nothing but levels like that, this would be a 20/10.

I agree. They got too hung up trying to out do the "epic" setpieces in UC3, when more subdued stuff like that area are perfect for me. I guess to be fair the fanbase was basically begging them to top it, though, so it's a harsh position. Seeing a lot of people say the game picks up at chapter 12 and never lets up when I think the game got much worse here doesn't exactly get my hopes up.
Lightning said:
I think it's more than Victor, Chloe and Elena had concerns that Drake was getting reckless and was endangering himself and those closest to him. Drake's motivations were a key factor in this story and imo I still don't understand what they were. Was Drake obsessed with everything Francis Drake did or was he more concerned about making sure Marlowe did get what she wanted because Drake felt he was superior?

Either way, those closest (Elena and Sully) to him didn't want him to throw everything away in what they felt were foolish motivations. The ring at the end was Sully's way of showing Nate to make the most of the greatest treasure (Elena) he has and that is what makes true greatness.
To me it was about
Drake being obsessed with "the one that got away"and his need to prove that he was more capable than Marlowe who had bested him in his youth. The early chapters, especially the one in the bar and the flashback are meant to do a couple of things:

- Expand upon and deepen the relationship between Sully and Drake. We know that they are life long friends but this game gives us the opportunity to see Sully take Nate under his wing as a child and we start to view them more in a father/son dynamic than in previous games.

- Establish the macguffin (the deciphering tool) and Marlowe one-upping Nate in the end by stealing the deciphering tool he was after.

Flash forward to Nate and Sully now on the brink of trying to find the deciphering tool by using the ring as bait and Marlowe all of a sudden shows up as the "client". This adds extra motivation for Drake to get the deciphering tool, find the clues to the location of the lost city, etc. etc. Regardless of who he puts in danger or what he has to sacrifice (at least early on). So the commentary about him having his pride tangled up in all of this AND the fact that Chloe is willing to cut loose from the whole thing is because she doesn't see it as just another treasure hunt. It's more personal than that which is evident by how much Nate is pushing to move forward despite the fact that Cutter nearly died! I know folks lament Chloe's place in the game as fan service but I think her inclusion was to really sell that even someone with her more questionable motives when it comes to getting a good treasure knows when to bow out.

Elena plays much the same role she did in the previous games. She's the one person that seems able to keep Nate grounded (to an extent). She is willing to help Nate to the point where they are able to discover the location of the lost city but she's constantly warning him about his need to push forward and the possible consequences it might have for him and especially to Sully.

Once Sully is kidnapped, the story moves away from Nate's obsession with beating Marlowe and more towards his need to find Sully. It just so happens that finding Sully means finding the city as well so the two plot points converge nicely in that regard until Salim comes into the picture and tells Nate what Marlowe and her group are likely to find in the lost city. Once he makes the connection with the water (after drinking it and hallucinating Sully's death), he knows he has to stop it.

The finale is the final declaration of the relationship between Sully and Nate. With Sully acting once again as the father figure and pushing him to rekindle his relationship with Elena via the rings. Something that's been hinted at several times in the game
BruceLeeRoy said:
This is kind of coming from nowhere but I just got done watching Captain America and holy hell does that movie suck. Kind of puts into perspective just how far cinematic games have come. I think any one section in UC2 or 3 is better paced and implemented than most action/adventure movies.

Pretty much. The entire last third of the game is what I like to see in adventure films, and I must say I... haven't gotten many of those lately. The last movie that came out that really has this style of action was Indiana Jones. Movies are such pussies these days, people either want hyper grittiness or movies that teach you them important life lessons.

Well, I grew up in the 80's and my preferred type of cinema has almost completely vanished. If I have to get my fix through videogames, so be it. Maybe that's why I liked the last Indiana Jones and everyone else hated the shit out of it, it was the closest movie to come out in a while that actually somewhat resembled the films that I grew up on.


I have to agree that it's bewildering that Naughty Dog decided the majority of enemies should just rush you. I get wanting to implement more melee scenarios, but it did become redundant. Every fight for me was just straight up button mashing.
brandonh83 said:
Pretty much. The entire last third of the game is what I like to see in adventure films, and I must say I... haven't gotten many of those lately. The last movie that came out that really has this style of action was Indiana Jones. Movies are such pussies these days, people either want hyper grittiness or movies that teach you them important life lessons.

Well, I grew up in the 80's and my preferred type of cinema has almost completely vanished. If I have to get my fix through videogames, so be it. Maybe that's why I liked the last Indiana Jones and everyone else hated the shit out of it, it was the closest movie to come out in a while that actually somewhat resembled the films that I grew up on.

Yup me too. The golden age for action/adventure has passed my man.

Papercuts said:
As harsh as that is, I still do want to see Uncharted continue. I still love the series, and as weird as this may sound, I WAS wishing for UC3 to end near the end because the combat was just dragging me on, but I'm weirdly sad it's over. Funny how that stuff works.

I would be very curious how you feel playing it a second time if you ever get around to it. When your able to judge each individual section based on its merits cause you already know whats coming it makes you appreciate things in a whole new light. At least for me it did.


Working on my platinum run,and am trying to clean up my gun related trophies. Just finished getting the 30 Dragon Rifle kills, but am missing the 30 RPGs :( Anyone know a good spot/chapter to farm RPG related kills?
Papercuts said:
Just finished. If you're not able to take any negative opinions, I'd stop reading this post now. Pre-warning. :)

Overall, I have a ton of gripes with UC3. First, the things I liked/loved.

The OST here is my favorite in the series, for sure. It fit the pace of all the action happening, and even in Multiplayer it adds a lot. I always liked the uncharted theme but the rest is usually forgettable, but this one stands out.

The graphics, as usual, are nuts.
The jungle in France looks INSANE, even over Uncharted 2. I loved the water, the entire ship level with all the objects rocking around, and being inside that big room with the sideways chandelier while you look out the window and see the ship half underwater looked incredible. Visually the game is a nonstop feast.

I liked where they were going with the plot.
This isn't a total "like" though, as I feel like the story had way too many forced moments, like Drake just KNOWING that the piece of the ship he needed had to be in Marlowe's secret library, the entire section of no plot movement with ramses, and the pretty anticlimatic ending of Marlowe in general.

Characterization is as good as ever, Sully, Drake, and Elena were all great here. Even Cutter, who I thought based on the fairly generic appearance would either be a traitor or just get killed off, ended up being a great addition for the parts he was in. I genuinely felt bad in the scene where Sully got shot, with the way the faces all reacted. Chloe is the odd one out, she had no place in the game and really didn't seem like Chloe. She also looked like crap.

Puzzle wise, the ones in UC3 are pretty damn good. I think it's the best of the series here, BUT one of my biggest gripes is also about this same point. The game has 22 chapters, the last puzzle is in chapter 11. So yeah, about that pacing...

The game starts out very slow, there's a ton of maneuvering, you don't shoot your first gun until chapter 4 or so, and even that is only on a lock. It takes awhile to ramp up--and that was perfectly fine with me. I loved soaking it all in. For me, the game quickly peaks at the Chateau which is chapter 7 and 8, I think?
This was the most Uncharted part of the game to me, just you and Sully making wisecracks in a gorgeous locale, a good mixture of puzzles, traversal, and gunplay, topping off with a giant setpiece that combines traversal and gunplay well. It was an amazing sequence to me. After this, the game still kept holding up alright with me. Syria wasn't all that interesting, but it started moving plotwise when Cutter gets hit by the hallucigen, and to me PERSONALLY, I got really interested in the way Talbot nearly vanished after this, and later got shot but wasn't affected. Sadly, that kinda never gets explained, sooo yeah. I also really liked the levels up to chapter 11, which had good old fashioned tomb raiding and puzzles with some combat.

Chapter 12 is where the game gets sketchy for me. I know people keep heralding 12-15, and I do think they were interesting, but at the very least 16 on the game gets BAD. Not even sugarcoating it.
The locales around the water where you can dive in, swim around, and grab people was very neat. But after this, all the combat encounters start becoming clusterfucks. It's not even about the aiming at this point, it's literally just the game throwing way too much at you at once, without giving Drake anything new to compensate. OKay, sure, you can now throw grenades back, but the AI literally just runs straight at you. While you get ready to throw a grenade, chances are a shotgunner is damn near in your face, there's more often than not some variant of a sniper, RPG user, or hammer user. It gets old, quick. It gets cheap in many cases, which I'll specifically touch on in a minute.

The cruise ship sinking was neat looking, but it doesn't come close to the chateau for me. It's visually amazing, but there's one room with some combat, which isn't really affected that much, and the rest was just standard platforming(with seemingly no time limit, I felt far more rushed in the burning building, though I have a feeling there's no time limit here either). Then the airport. Oh my god, the airport. This area is horrible. The one room here to stealth through is just mindboggling, how the fuck do you take out the 2 at the end stealthily? I tried 2 quick headshots, even though the other guy had no time to react, they still "alerted" and here comes a giant wave from BEHIND, the area I just cleared out. Come on. Then you die and actually redo the stealth part...which it didn't let me do in the cruise ship ballroom. So now, when I actually want to not redo the stealth stuff, I have to anyway.

This time I try throwing a propane tank, shoot it and kill them both at the same time. Doesn't matter, alert, here comes an armored shotgun guy from the back, and a guy with a hammer on top of a container somewhere. Yay!

Now the plane. The plane is great looking, but is EXTREMELY SHORT. Just another generic big guy beat up, a shooting sequence redoing the sliding stuff from the boats, boom. That's it. Then, as visually stunning as the desert is, you just walk forward for 10 minutes and then after a few flashes around you're now at chapter 19. Then the game ends oddly similar to UC2 in a lot of respects, and it just left me underwhelmed.

To be more specific, the pacing is basically ALL combat with some mixed traversal after a certain point, and the game for me completely lost what made the combat in UC2 fun. Fixing the aiming will help, but the actual encounters are just frustrating in so many ways. The new melee system is at odds with the "WHAT IS COVER? LOL" enemies that run right at you. It accomplishes the same thing UC2 did but takes three times as long, and never on its own accord is even remotely difficult, it just adds more visual flair at the impact of gameplay. Aside from 4-5 pure fist fight encounters throughout the game, it's only even really used on the big guys which are literally the EXACT SAME FIGHT, and it must happen atleast 8-10 times. I don't see them and go "yay!", I think "...another one of these?".

There seems to be more ways to tackle each fight, but in the end that doesn't mean much to me. If anything it meant I would stumble around until I died a few times, eventually I run to an area and realize there's an RPG just sitting on the ground which then makes the fight a breeze. That isn't interesting to me, any third person shooter can do stuff like that. I want tiers of elevation in more fights, play to Uncharted's strengths!

Three especially bad segments are in Chapter 14, 20, and 21.
The ballroom in the cruise ship...oh my god. Two snipers, a guy with a hammer, two armored shotgun guys, and other generic guys in a fairly small area. Really? It's easy if you get the hammer and take out the shotgun guys while running at the top so the snipers can't see you, but any other way I tried to tackle this fight was just frustrating as hell. Getting stunned by the hammer meant instant death.

Chapter 20 has a sandstorm, which could provide a cool stealth segment. Oh wait, the enemies have perfect fucking clarity, and the moment they turn hostile I immediately get two grenades thrown directly at my feet, and sniper sights aiming right at me, even though when I pick up a sniper you seriously can't even see these guys, you just have to shoot where the laser sight was. In that case, how to do they see ME, who is giving off no signal? While this is happening, a bunch of machine guns are perfectly aimed at you and the cover is spread out just enough to make it insanely annoying as you wait to regen health while getting pounded by grenades and a few enemies make their way behind you.

Then chapter 21 has these great fire guys that don't seem to care about bullets shooting them. One of these fights is against ~4 fire guys, while there was water on both sides of me. Well these guys teleport, sometimes behind your cover, meaning you have to GTFO, but they shoot you immediately, and I would basically instantly die if this happened because I can't kill them quickly enough without a hammer/rpg, and the other enemies on the other side of the cover shoot me once I try to move. Talk about great. They also have an instant kill move that would hit me off screen a lot, like they would charge up fire or something and hurl it like a grenade that explodes on impact. Fun.

I just have no idea what on earth happened to the combat in this game. Spawns are all over the place, you can instantly die on a whim and redo the entire encounter, stuff is just out of whack. People may find some way to enjoy that stuff, but to me it was just insanely frustrating. My jaw would drop at some of these deaths, and considering the game is just non stop combat near the end it just got insanely old.

Oh yeah, and about the endgame stuff...
the horse segment didn't really do much for me, that convoy stuff just felt like UC2 retread to me. Then the whole city collapsing, climbing the rising gears(ice cavern), etc. The boss fight, if you want to call it that, is better then Lazarevic's shitty one, so that's something.

This post is pretty unfocused and messy, but I'm really just insanely disappointed with this overall. I didn't even go into it expecting much, I didn't think it had a snowball's chance in hell to match UC2, but it not only didn't come close, it completely messed up something I never even was worried about. I'll dabble in MP and hopefully find enjoyment in the co-op stuff, I'll give the game another shot with the aiming patch, so I guess I'll see what a second play entails.

Oh yeah, and even though I already knew about no unlock modifiers, it still bears repeating on how disappointing that is. On top of that, there was quite a few oddities I noticed near the end of the game that didn't have the attention to detail ND usually has.
I picked up the pak80 or whatever in the desert town, and drake made no sound whatsoever. Footsteps crunching on the sand, completely silent. How did they miss that? In chapter 22(maybe 21), I saw a stream of water as I was going down a staircase. I have a knack for always rolling in water and soaking drake, so I did. Then I see...I just rolled in sand? WHAT? I waited and tried it a few more times, and every time I rolled in this water drake got covered in sand. Oh, and opening the door to the city near the end, I climbed the ladder and dropped off the right side for the treasure, then dropped down and reclimbed the ladder. As I did this, Sully apparently climbed the ladder then started climbing down, blocking me. He kept going down and ended up launching drake through the floor and I had to restart.

I also had a weird thing with my guns on the last two chapters, where I would reload, the animation would finish, but the gun didn't reload. This happened atleast 5 times here, and wasn't something that happened to me in other spots in the game.

The forced cinematic stuff also got in the way a couple of times. One moment that stands out to me was at the end of the airport, before the gate where Drake tells Elena to leave. You need to jump from the roof onto a ladder, which has a cool camera view of the plane as you climb down. When I first came here, I saw boxes below me, held onto the ledge, and dropped below. Instant death, how dare I not take the ladder. I also had a moment where I was fighting in the Chateau, dropped down onto stairs from not a very high distance and just died, despite taking much bigger falls perfectly fine.

Which this isn't a glitch, I also feel I should point out how stupid the Sully rescue in chapter 20 is. When he actually jumps onto the main convoy and is getting strangled by the big guy, I ended up getting onto a raised piece of ground(don't know if that happens to everyone or not), but from this spot I COULDN'T jump to the convoy, so I did the obvious thing, took out my gun to shoot the guy. Then I see a black reticule specifically not allowing me to fire my gun...why? Why can I not shoot the guy strangling sully right next to me? Because then I would miss the cinematic brute fight!

Oh, and I also though it was dumb the way Chloe and Cutter vanished out of the story, and how Salim & co. mysteriously vanish in the sandstorm but show up at the end of the city anyway. I'm sure someone will call me bad at the game for this post, but I played UC2 on crushing just fine, and can see the significant ways the combat here changed(for the worse/blatantly cheap). A reply insulting me is as predictable as me fist fighting another copy and pasted brute in UC3.

I still have a few things to mention but I really need to just end this post already. Drake is always insanely unlucky in these games, and I really felt like I was channeling his horrible luck with some of the insane bullshit deaths I witnessed in some of these fight sequences.

If you ever decide to expand on this post, I am sure we will find more things to agree on.

Great post.
Papercuts said:
I agree. They got too hung up trying to out do the "epic" setpieces in UC3, when more subdued stuff like that area are perfect for me. I guess to be fair the fanbase was basically begging them to top it, though, so it's a harsh position. Seeing a lot of people say the game picks up at chapter 12 and never lets up when I think the game got much worse here doesn't exactly get my hopes up.

It wasn't even the real post-Chapter 12 set pieces I had an issue with (
The ship, the horse riding, the plane
). I loved all of those. It was all the combat surrounding it. Basically a ton of kill rooms with some of the most dickish enemy types and placement I've seen in a long time.

brandonh83 said:
Yeah lately all we've gotten is like... Avatar... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and uhm

and uhm

Have you seen The Good The Bad The Weird? It's a Korean Western/action-adventure that's probably the closest I've seen in a long time to those 80's adventure movies. The stunts, and cinematography are off the charts AMAZING. The characters aren't Indy iconic, but it's a fun as hell movie. Check it out.
Net_Wrecker said:
Have you seen The Good The Bad The Weird? It's a Korean Western/action-adventure that's probably the closest I've seen in a long time to those 80's adventure movies. The stunts, and cinematography are off the charts AMAZING. There characters aren't Indy iconic, but it's a fun as hell movie. Check it out.

I just watched a trailer for it. Looks right up my alley Ill definitely check it out thanks.
Net_Wrecker said:
Have you seen The Good The Bad The Weird? It's a Korean Western/action-adventure that's probably the closest I've seen in a long time to those 80's adventure movies. The stunts, and cinematography are off the charts AMAZING. There characters aren't Indy iconic, but it's a fun as hell movie. Check it out.

I'll check it out for sure. Sounds good.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Net_Wrecker said:
It wasn't even the real post-Chapter 12 set pieces I had an issue with (
The ship, the horse riding, the plane
). I loved all of those. It was all the combat surrounding it. Basically a ton of kill rooms with some of the most dickish enemy types and placement I've seen in a long time.

Oh yeah, I didn't have an issue with them, but I'm guessing they had to spend A LOT of time for all of them together. Time that could've been spent putting any puzzles at all in the second half, please?


I think the only issue that I have with U3 compared to U2 is that in U2 there were some boss style fights like the helicopter battle on the building and train along with the tank battle. U3 was really lacking in that department and really, it was the only thing that dragged it down for me.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Don't flame me, I know there are a lot of Sony die hards here and that is ok, but imo......

Gun play, it needs to feel closer to Gears and I only say that as it is in similar style of the cover 'n' shoot system.

Fighting. Man, if the fighting felt responsive instead of a button mashfest then it would feel rewarding. Get some fighting tips from Indiana Jones and the Emporers Tomb (Google it if you think it's a 2D point and click adventure). That had fantasic fighting mechaincs and you looked forward to each fight due to the satisfaction after.

The puzzles. STOP HOLDING MY HAND AND PUSHING ME ALONG WITH TIPS! Sorry, I had to type that in caps. I chose my first play through on Hard for a reason, I wanted a challenge, not enemies with stronger bullets while mine were weaker. How about letting me work out the puzzles on my own instead of Sully or Elina telling what I have to do within 30secs of coming across a puzzle. 'Hey look at that switch' or 'Hey, what about those things there, they look vital to the puzzle'. I wanted to use my brain, not have the game constantly tell me what to do.
Gen X said:
Don't flame me, I know there are a lot of Sony die hards here and that is ok, but imo......

Gun play, it needs to feel closer to Gears and I only say that as it is in similar style of the cover 'n' shoot system.

I agree with the hand holding for the puzzles but this is sheer lunacy and I love Gears(Though 3 just wouldn't end).
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just watched a trailer for it. Looks right up my alley Ill definitely check it out thanks.
brandonh83 said:
I'll check it out for sure. Sounds good.

Hope you guys enjoy it. The adventure genre is is ghost town in recent years, and that movie is probably the only one I've found with the "attitude" of a real fun, sprawling, great stunts adventure flick. I love it and I wish there was anyone besides Johnny Depp and his pirates crew taking shots at the genre.
Gen X said:
Don't flame me, I know there are a lot of Sony die hards here and that is ok, but imo......

Gun play, it needs to feel closer to Gears and I only say that as it is in similar style of the cover 'n' shoot system.

Fighting. Man, if the fighting felt responsive instead of a button mashfest then it would feel rewarding. Get some fighting tips from Indiana Jones and the Emporers Tomb (Google it if you think it's a 2D point and click adventure). That had fantasic fighting mechaincs and you looked forward to each fight due to the satisfaction after.

The puzzles. STOP HOLDING MY HAND AND PUSHING ME ALONG WITH TIPS! Sorry, I had to type that in caps. I chose my first play through on Hard for a reason, I wanted a challenge, not enemies with stronger bullets while mine were weaker. How about letting me work out the puzzles on my own instead of Sully or Elina telling what I have to do within 30secs of coming across a puzzle. 'Hey look at that switch' or 'Hey, what about those things there, they look vital to the puzzle'. I wanted to use my brain, not have the game constantly tell me what to do.

Your complaints are not valid.
The system waits and if you are stuck and stand like a dofus then the hints start. You can still do them at your own pace.

Gun play need to feel close to Gears? .. NO FUCKING WAY. It needs to get closer to U2.


The combat system still feels good, imo. It's just that for some reason the encounters in this game were botched. With my main beef being AI that doesn't know what cover is. I've had enemies literally run all the way to behind my cover to just stand there wide in the open. Sure they may get some shots in on me, but who in their right mind would do that.

There's also the AI that only cares about killing you. Sully is wide out in the open 10 feet from them. I peek my head out 200 feet away, and they all aim at me. All games do this, but that doesn't stop it from pissing me off.
Net_Wrecker said:
Hope you guys enjoy it. The adventure genre is is ghost town in recent years, and that movie is probably the only one I've found with the "attitude" of a real fun, sprawling, great stunts adventure flick. I love it and I wish there was anyone besides Johnny Depp and his pirates crew taking shots at the genre.

Uhhh man I forgot about the Pirates movies. Makes me sad for this generation of kids.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Luthos said:
The combat system still feels good, imo. It's just that for some reason the encounters in this game were botched. With my main beef being AI that doesn't know what cover is. I've had enemies literally run all the way to behind my cover to just stand there wide in the open. Sure they may get some shots in on me, but who in their right mind would do that.

There's also the AI that only cares about killing you. Sully is wide out in the open 10 feet from them. I peek my head out 200 feet away, and they all aim at me. All games do this, but that doesn't stop it from pissing me off.

There were still glimpses of great feeling moments, for sure. I love using the hammer, hearing the PLOONK and seeing bodies fly. The encounter design just bummed me out.


sparkle this bitch
BruceLeeRoy said:
I agree with the hand holding for the puzzles but this is sheer lunacy and I love Gears(Though 3 just wouldn't end).
Gears gunplay would be far too heavy for Uncharted. The vertical element adds too much movement, and the heavier shooting would just feel awkward. Imagine hanging from a sign, popping fools with that Gears feel. It just doesn't click. Odd to describe, but the weight of your character in Gears matches the shooting, but it wouldn't match Drake's much lighter feel.

Last bit also factors down to what each game goes for. Gears is all about quick, lock and pop combat with satisfying kills. You are blowing guys to pieces in it. Uncharted's more about character interaction to the environment with shooting. The focus is different.

The problem with combat doesn't come from the feel of shooting.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
But when you're hanging you're only using a pistol. I'm not asking for the pistol to weight 40kgs. As for the weights of the other guns, well, they are fictional weapons with chainsaws attached. Drake is an average Joe using AKs and the like, but it would be nice if they all didn't feel as floaty. It's not as if Drake is the size of Arnie and he's holding a twig. ;)

BruceLeeRoy said:
I agree with the hand holding for the puzzles but this is sheer lunacy and I love Gears(Though 3 just wouldn't end).

Sorry, I should've just expanded on that a bit more instead of just saying Gears but I was distracted during replying. Maybe it's just the analogue sticks, but I always preferred the gun play (Not roadie run) in Gears over Uncharted, it just never quite felt right and definitely not as exciting but maybe that's just me. Like I said, I didn't want flaming, but Mr Unregistered007 goes right ahead anyway..........

Unregistered007 said:
Your complaints are not valid.
The system waits and if you are stuck and stand like a dofus then the hints start. You can still do them at your own pace.

No they don't. You can still be constantly walking around a room trying to suss it out for yourself and you will still get told audible tips from Sully/Cutter/Chloe/Elina. You do not have to stand like a dufus. Sure you can ignore the 'Press up' prompt, but you can't ignore audio unless you want to turn the volume down.

Maybe you're standing around waiting for tips but I guarantee you they come just as fast as your looking as much as you're standing around. When playing on Hard they should take atleast a few minutes before appearing and give the player a chance to use his brains.


You could turn off hints in the options right? I think I thought I remember seeing an option for it, or was that just for combat?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Anteater said:
You could turn off hints in the options right? I think I thought I remember seeing an option for it, or was that just for combat?
Yes but that doesn`t stop the other characters telling you what to do. I knew what to do
when you had to stand on the moon symbol and line up the pillars
but that didn`t stop Sully from blabbing about what I should be doing while I was looking for it. Same thing happened with Elena while I was looking for
the gears
and that was almost right away.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Anteater said:
You could turn off hints in the options right? I think I thought I remember seeing an option for it, or was that just for combat?

I think those are just for on screen hints, not the audibles.

Speaking of options, did anyone else find it weird you had to enable weapon switching? I thought it was removed during the first half of the game till I stumbled across it when I was going through the options.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Gen X said:
I think those are just for on screen hints, not the audibles.

Speaking of options, did anyone else find it weird you had to enable weapon switching? I thought it was removed during the first half of the game till I stumbled across it when I was going through the options.
I was used to it since you had to turn it on during the beta also.


I just finished it. It's an overall great game but the gunplay in it is not good at all. I kind of wish they would have taken the shooting out of the game.


aka Mannny
did anyone notice that you can get parts of drake wet (such as just his left pants leg) as opposed to getting his whole body wet like in previous entries.
anyone want to play Uncharted co-op? My friend and I are looking for a third and matchmaking keeps putting us in the middle chapters

Add me on PSN: BurritoBushido


EloquentM said:
did anyone notice that you can get parts of drake wet (such as just his left pants leg) as opposed to getting his whole body wet like in previous entries.
I'm pretty sure you could do that in U2 as well.
Question about Marlow/Nathan relationship. End game spoilers below.

I thought I had read something about Nate/Marlow being son/mother? Did I imagine this?

In the cutscenes she talks to him like he is really familiar - did I sleep through a critical cutscene or something?
@papercuts, great post

I just finished it today and am trying to take a step back and think about it before a second playthrough. Ironically, I'm playing U2 again and it's kind of reinforcing some gripes I have. The behind the scenes stuff is kind of telling.

For starters how about those villians? While the main villian is more three dimensional than U2's psychopath, I never felt that their motivations were as clearly spelled out as U2's villian. All that trouble to find LSD? People harp on it, but I actually like the supernatural elements of Uncharted, which was missing this go around.

Secondly, and this is a biggie, there's nearly no character development for the No. 2 villian. Watch the behind the scenes and they say that that whole chase sequence with him in Yemen was done for a year and a half before the designers even knew who that character was supposed to be. That leads to my main gripe. Whereas U2 feels like this fluid experience, U3 feels, save for the first few chapters, like 22 somewhat disjointed chapters. Take the cruise ship. Amazing fucking level and the chapters that surround it. Problem is it has almost zero impact on the plot. It's like they created this awesome setpiece and then tried to figure out how to shoe horn it into the story. For me the most visually stunning part of the game was the desert parts. By the time you get there, though, it's like a race to the finish and the setting is underutilized. The place you are trying to find the whole game has the personality of a matte painting when you reach it. Contrast that with U2 and the whole post train levels and lead up to the end game. Weird tone shifts too. Everyone is bitching about Nate wanting to keep going, yet in U2 he just wanted to go home after the train level. Also, while I get the whole psuedo father son thing they were going for with Sully, there's almost too much Sully to the point it gets kind of sappy. Chole and Elena were under utilized IMO. Even though that sounds harsh, I really did enjoy the game. Just my big gripe was with the villians I guess and the desert taking up so little of the game

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
nismogrendel said:
Question about Marlow/Nathan relationship. End game spoilers below.

I thought I had read something about Nate/Marlow being son/mother? Did I imagine this?

In the cutscenes she talks to him like he is really familiar - did I sleep through a critical cutscene or something?

After Nate is drugged in the streets of Yemen and he comes to at the table with Marlowe shes talks of how Drakes mother committed suicide and his father sold him or gave him away/abandoned him or something
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