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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Beat it. Was glorious. Cant believe people keep saying 'Gee its like Uncharted 2 and i kind liked that one better'. Naughty Dog must be scratching their head as to what more they could possibly do to make things more awesome. Like always this series has some of the best writing around and the flow of the game is the best as well. You get sucked into playing more and more until you finish.

Only annoyances i really had were some aiming issues, weird checkpoints and some difficult shootouts.
RyanardoDaVinci said:
jett said:
I'm seeing a couple of my friends with reset stats. Has ND implemented that prestige crap from COD?
Of course they did.

I really don't care for any prestige-like system tbh. I liked the way it was in Uncharted 2. Yeah, it's like almost impossible to get the highest level, but I sure did enjoy getting those large roman numerals next to my PSN name. Having a prestige-like system reverting back to level 1 just isn't my cup of tea at all, especially since you lose most of what you worked hard to get in the first place. Actually, I wonder what you do lose due to this system.


Cruzader said:
I just saw the TV spot and holy cow mega spoilers, batman!

Damn I think I'd kill myself if I wanted to get the game and saw that ad. Thank god I got it day1 and skipped all media.

Ya it kinda sucked that pretty much all parts (aside from the end) in the game were covered by previews and ads.


ThisWreckage said:
Introducing a new character is going to ultimately take screen time away from established characters. Cutter was an awesome addition, but his screen time ate into Elena's and Chloe's. This will be an issue from here on out unless someone dies.
Is there a need for Chloe to return? For the "women" factor in the game Drake has clearly chosen Elena. I am off the opinion that Chloe should just be kicked to the side.


leng jai said:
UC2 is far better than UC3 in this regard. Chloe is a useless character now and lost all her appeal.

I for one was kind of irratated that Chloe was kind of a throw away character. All her attitude seemed to vanish. Both of the females were kind of subdued.
bwahahahaha holy shit



Meisadragon said:
They already showed off most of the locations before that ad.

Reveal trailer (VGA's) -> E3 gameplay -> Gamescom gameplay -> Beta 1 -> TV spot 1 -> Beta 2, etc.

Yeah, I saw them all except that last TV spot. :\

You must not have noticed it, check the trophy list. Otherwise, bad luck lol.
Well, what I mean was that an ad on TV shows alot of the locations on the game and the epic scenes are spoiled.(most)

The E3/Gamescon stuff is stuff that you can watch on your own time and its not like its widely known. If I were watching TV and a random ad came up and it was the U3 TV spot...that would suck major balls.

Anyways not sure why people still go out of their way to see all the media and spoilering the whole or most of the game. I just saw the E3 scene and a youtube ad that had you in the plane. After that I said screw it and all the Gamescon and allof the beta stuff. Glad I did.


brandonh83 said:
I did beat the chapters on crushing out of order, do I need to beat the last level again or something in order for it to register?
The same thing happened with Drake's Fortune; the Crushing trophy was bugged. So yeah, you may need to do the last level again.


lastinline said:

I really don't care for any prestige-like system tbh. I liked the way it was in Uncharted 2. Yeah, it's like almost impossible to get the highest level, but I sure did enjoy getting those large roman numerals next to my PSN name. Having a prestige-like system reverting back to level 1 just isn't my cup of tea at all, especially since you lose most of what you worked hard to get in the first place. Actually, I wonder what you do lose due to this system.

People that like this prestige garbage are masochists.


AEREC said:
What the heck...that what I loved about the first 2 games (changing character model, enabling slow mo, floating weapons, etc...).

I wonder why they skimped on this for the third game?

Yea I go through a fast mo run in UC2 every once in a while, now I can't do that in 3 :((


I JUST beat the game, and I loved it. I can't wait to replay it.

And for some reason, it just felt so different from the past two games. I mean, the basic gameplay is the same. But the game just felt so much more....personal than U1 and U2...maybe I'm over exaggerating?

Now, onto multiplayer!
daoster said:
I JUST beat the game, and I loved it. I can't wait to replay it.

And for some reason, it just felt so different from the past two games. I mean, the basic gameplay is the same. But the game just felt so much more....personal than U1 and U2...maybe I'm over exaggerating?

Now, onto multiplayer!

Yep. Just beat it as well. Same feelings as yours.


BPK said:
In multiplayer, are the other players still bullet sponges. I realize this phrase is overused - and I apologize - but in the Subway beta I definitely noticed that it took a lot more bullets to bring people down than it did in UC 2.

seems fine to me. they fixed the bullet sponge things near the end of the subway beta.


i'm starting to love the multiplayer for this game. i think this will be the new call of duty for me this year. hopefully naughty dog will continue to support this game for a long time.

The Lamp

It really surprises me that the prerelease media for this game almost spoiled every major setpiece for the game besides
Iram of the Pillars itself
. Glad I mostly held back.


Just finished.

The end game was much better than U2. No obnoxious twist, and the change in enemies is temporary and doesn't require you to completely alter your play style an hour before the game ends. The whole last few levels were crafted quite well. Reminded me of U2 at some points. Marlow was a bit wasted I think. She should have had more screen time, and they clearly did not know how to kill her off. Final fight with Talbot was cool. He seemed upset when Marlow died - they should have explained their relationship better. The last platforming sequence was awesome, and so fucking beautiful.

The game certainly felt more adventure-y than U2, with shooting being reduced for long stretches of the game. I think they should maybe continue this but open up the design a bit more, integrate the shooting better, improve the platforming and continue to improve the puzzles. Also, while the chases were fun, I'd say there were a couple too many.

Overall, U2 was better, but Uncharted 3 was pretty damn fantastic either way. Gonna replay it on hard in the summer, I think.
Whew, just beat the game on Crushing. I thought UC2 was harder on Crushing, but almost entirely because of the last boss. There was nothing in UC3 that really stood out as just being almost impossible to beat, including the Ch. 14 ballroom.

Now to go back and finish up the statistics-based trophies.


I'm at 9 hours in MP, level 38. Loving the shit out of it. Pretty sure I'm gonna get the fortune hunter thing DLC pass thing. I have a $20 coupon for kmart, probably pick up a psn card there.
Oh man, I just noticed this.

There have been four cast members in all three games, not three. Robin Atkin-Downes played Navarro, Tenzin (physical not voice), and Talbot.


NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Oh man, I just noticed this.

There have been four cast members in all three games, not three. Robin Atkin-Downes played Navarro, Tenzin (physical not voice), and Talbot.

Not really?


Man co-op is so fricken fun. I am surprised when you pick Crushing someone doesn't ring your door bell and kick you in the nuts though.
Just hit the
ship graveyard thing
. I think the game's pacing been pretty average to downright bad up to this point. Too much downtime/puzzle solving with the combat being limited to a handful of enemies in dull arenas that don't have much verticality or room for traversal in general. And
three dark tombs where we have to fend off huge spiders with torches?
That's just lazy design. Granted, U2 had some lousy pacing too. The stealth intro + Borneo were average at best and the monastery all the way to Lazarevich dragged while you fought a billion enemies, but in between those is game of the forever shit. Hopefully things picks up soon
this shipyard looks more like the better U2 environments fwiw
. Also pretty surprised at how "guided" the game has been. I thought that was just malarkey that people threw as a series criticism but it's way more directed than U1 and 2 so far.
Is there a particularly easy place to get the "kill 4 guys with one explosion" trophy? Hard to find that many guys all bunched up in the same place.


Around 85% complete on my second Platinum run. Just need to complete Crushing and I'm set. I'd probably go for a 3rd Platinum run when the motion blur/aim patch hits. lol
Late game spoilers, could use some help nearish the end.

I am at a fountain with what seems to be 4-5 demon flaming-heads dudes. I have died upwards to 30 times, and haven't gotten close to beating them all once. ANY ADVICE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU.


So I'm going through my Crushing run, and...

Chapter 16 spoilers:
I was trying to do the airport in stealth. You know, the big main area with lots of patrols and Elena just sits back. So after basically memorizing all their patrols, I got all of them in stealth, until I remembered there are 2 guys sitting in front of the exit, both with backs against the wall. I tried to hit one in the head and quickly take out the other, but nope. The second you take out one, Drake goes "HERP THERE GOES THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE" and the rest of the 20 dudes come out. I ended up beating them all without dying, so that's good. It's just lame I couldn't complete that area in stealth. I loved trying to do areas in complete stealth in UC2. And even thinning out some of the dudes helped in Crushing.
TheMissingLink said:
Late game spoilers, could use some help nearish the end.

I am at a fountain with what seems to be 4-5 demon flaming-heads dudes. I have died upwards to 30 times, and haven't gotten close to beating them all once. ANY ADVICE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU.

Is this the very first time you've seen that particular enemy type? Right after Marlowe and Talbot get on the elevator? If so, there's not really much advice other than do what you've always done.

There's a spot later that might also be what you're talking about, during a sequence in which you're
. If that's what you're talking about, make use of the RPGs and T-Bolt Sniper in the area. Both will always kill 2 in hits.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
TheMissingLink said:
Late game spoilers, could use some help nearish the end.

I am at a fountain with what seems to be 4-5 demon flaming-heads dudes. I have died upwards to 30 times, and haven't gotten close to beating them all once. ANY ADVICE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU.

I stuck to the left side. There's a pillar in the corner that you can use. One dude will spawn in front of the pillar, the others will come from the right. Kill the dude in the front quick, then move to the other side of the pillar so you're protected from the guys flanking you.
cpp_is_king said:
There's a spot later that might also be what you're talking about, during a sequence in which you're
. If that's what you're talking about, make use of the RPGs and T-Bolt Sniper in the area. Both will always kill 2 in hits.

Sorry, being more clear, this is the part. It's like, the checkpoint spawn is ridiculous. I always get to the left as quick as possible and half the time I die without making it over there.


Luthos said:
So I'm going through my Crushing run, and...

Chapter 16 spoilers:
I was trying to do the airport in stealth. You know, the big main area with lots of patrols and Elena just sits back. So after basically memorizing all their patrols, I got all of them in stealth, until I remembered there are 2 guys sitting in front of the exit, both with backs against the wall. I tried to hit one in the head and quickly take out the other, but nope. The second you take out one, Drake goes "HERP THERE GOES THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE" and the rest of the 20 dudes come out. I ended up beating them all without dying, so that's good. It's just lame I couldn't complete that area in stealth. I loved trying to do areas in complete stealth in UC2. And even thinning out some of the dudes helped in Crushing.

Elena actually dies too if you just ignore them and try to leave the area by climbing to the exit


TheMissingLink said:
Sorry, being more clear, this is the part. It's like, the checkpoint spawn is ridiculous. I always get to the left as quick as possible and half the time I die without making it over there.

What guns do you have?
I don't remember all the weapons in that one area, but the entire section at the end have a lot rocket launchers/grenade launchers/TAU lying around, so keep those handy, but yea TAU kills them in 2 shots and the easiest to use, I spammed grenade launchers on those dudes myself before they get a chance to move around much.


TheMissingLink said:
Late game spoilers, could use some help nearish the end.

I am at a fountain with what seems to be 4-5 demon flaming-heads dudes. I have died upwards to 30 times, and haven't gotten close to beating them all once. ANY ADVICE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU.
What I did was stay left, always crouched, and shot where available. What I did was always targeted those in the 2nd stage and when they changed to the 3rd stage killed them straight away. The main weapons I used was the Tau Sniper and the T-Bolt Sniper but there is a grenade launcher and even an RPG if I recall correctly. Whatever you do, do not stand in the same place and just shoot. You will die, you need to keep moving (I stayed on the left hand side so I could duck or hide behind something if they were shooting at me).
TheMissingLink said:
Sorry, being more clear, this is the part. It's like, the checkpoint spawn is ridiculous. I always get to the left as quick as possible and half the time I die without making it over there.

I always went right immediately, this is how I beat it on Crushing. Either there was a sniper rifle already sitting there, or the first guy I killed dropped one. But from there I would take cover behind the podium there and snipe a few of the guys. What difficulty are you on?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
TheMissingLink said:
Sorry, being more clear, this is the part. It's like, the checkpoint spawn is ridiculous. I always get to the left as quick as possible and half the time I die without making it over there.

I went right to the right each time and picked up the T-bolt. That fight is really, really dumb so I feel your pain. For me it wasn't dying from the start, but I would get hit off screen by an instant kill attack.

Luthos said:
So I'm going through my Crushing run, and...

Chapter 16 spoilers:
I was trying to do the airport in stealth. You know, the big main area with lots of patrols and Elena just sits back. So after basically memorizing all their patrols, I got all of them in stealth, until I remembered there are 2 guys sitting in front of the exit, both with backs against the wall. I tried to hit one in the head and quickly take out the other, but nope. The second you take out one, Drake goes "HERP THERE GOES THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE" and the rest of the 20 dudes come out. I ended up beating them all without dying, so that's good. It's just lame I couldn't complete that area in stealth. I loved trying to do areas in complete stealth in UC2. And even thinning out some of the dudes helped in Crushing.

Yeah, stealth is fucked in this game. You always thinned crowds in 2, so even if you got caught near the end, your reward was only fighting whoever was left, so it was a minivictory with each kill. In 3 people start spawning all over, so it doesn't matter. That part you mentioned is especially moronic regarding this.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Papercuts said:
I went right to the right each time and picked up the T-bolt. That fight is really, really dumb so I feel your pain. For me it wasn't dying from the start, but I would get hit off screen by an instant kill attack.

Yeah, stealth is fucked in this game. You always thinned crowds in 2, so even if you got caught near the end, your reward was only fighting whoever was left, so it was a minivictory with each kill. In 3 people start spawning all over, so it doesn't matter. That part you mentioned is especially moronic regarding this.
There is a room in Syria, after the rocket chase, that can be done entirely by stealth.

I don't recall being able to do any of the others.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I played few online matches yesterday for the 1st time, and it seemed to me maps were gigantic. Please someone tell me there are shorter maps you can quickly memorize as in U2. The ones I played felt like mazes.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Rez said:
There is a room in Syria, after the rocket chase, that can be done entirely by stealth.

I don't recall being able to do any of the others.

Me either. I got caught at the end of syria(one guy left) and then had to fight an entire army. :\

But yeah, atleast that one is clearly possible.
The one at the start of the shipwreck stuff might be possible too, need to try that again. But that airport one...no way. I actually liked the part, too; stealth killing the guy on the left most part of the area gets you a silenced pistol, which helps taking everyone else out. But no matter what I try on the two guys at the end, everyone gets alerted. I've even killed them both at the same time with a propane tank while they were unaware, no dice.

And fuck the ballroom level regarding this too. And the fight that ensues.

The Lamp

Papercuts said:
Me either. I got caught at the end of syria(one guy left) and then had to fight an entire army. :\

But yeah, atleast that one is clearly possible.
The one at the start of the shipwreck stuff might be possible too, need to try that again. But that airport one...no way. I actually liked the part, too; stealth killing the guy on the left most part of the area gets you a silenced pistol, which helps taking everyone else out. But no matter what I try on the two guys at the end, everyone gets alerted. I've even killed them both at the same time with a propane tank while they were unaware, no dice.

And fuck the ballroom level regarding this too. And the fight that ensues.

I know for a fact that
you can beat the beginning of the ship-dock area completely in stealth
but with the
airport and ballroom, holy shit, there is no mercy there. It's really stupid because there's no way to stealth it up completely, so why even tease you into trying?
marc^o^ said:
I played few online matches yesterday for the 1st time, and it seemed to me maps were gigantic. Please someone tell me there are shorter maps you can quickly memorize as in U2. The ones I played felt like mazes.

Yeah there are definitely some smaller maps that you can quickly get used to after a few matches, you just got to remember how much verticality comes to play in the MP.

SolidSnakex said:
I'll just post this here



lol crazy how quickly I recognized Salim too. WTF! He was that guy in 24...lol
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