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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Defuser said:
This patch they're rolling up is all too wrong. smh

It would probably be unrealistic to expect them to roll out a patch like that in a manner of days. I was hoping it was the patch, but oh well.


benevolent sexism
JohngPR said:
I think you are misunderstanding my intent and maybe it's may fault for making it more clear.

I'm referring to those like the guy stating that this game is tarnishing the brand...I mean really?

The shooting is different than Uncharted 2, and when you change things you will have people that won't like it, but to go as far as to say that the game isn't good because of it is probably going a little too far with it.

Hell, I like the shooting in Uncharted 2 better as well. If they kept the same exactly shooting, I doubt many would have complained. I just think stating that this game isn't any good because of it is overstating how different the shooting is.

Someone woulds be literally wrong if they said the shooting in Uncharted 1 is better than Uncharted 2. :p

I guess I wasn't reading your post in the proper context. I basically agree with everything you just said.


bish gets all the credit :)
i seriously cannot play the MP. Disconnections and controller desyncs galore. Zero problems with other games, U3 beta, U2, etc. Fucking ridiculous.
Something happened to my post earlier? Like it disappeared or something.

Just to say again, I think Elena's new model isn't so great, and the facials animations sometimes aren't that great.

I must say the lighting in the


hey_it's_that_dog said:
I guess I wasn't reading your post in the proper context. I basically agree with everything you just said.

Yikes, typos galore in my post. Sorry about that. LOL That's what I get for posting while there's tons of stuff going on around me. :p


Just finished the campaign... So damn good. So many memorable settings, great characters, challenging puzzles. Found some of the more dynamic platforming a bit annoying with some very narrow sweet spots for success or failure. About combat, it certainly felt to me that ND tried to bring the player to use melee more often. At least I used it much more than on the previous games, and not because of the faulty aiming, at 10-12 chapter mark I already had accustomed to the diagonal inconsistent movement of the reticule.

The water chapters were the high point of the game to me. Just crazy in scope and really fun to traverse and use different pathways to take on the enemies.


alr1ghtstart said:
i seriously cannot play the MP. Disconnections and controller desyncs galore. Zero problems with other games, U3 beta, U2, etc. Fucking ridiculous.
Controller desyncs??


Sigh, I wanted to do an epic review but that just got deleted. So I'll stick with a short version after having a couple of days to collect my thoughts on the game.

First off, the MP portion is fun and the co-op is great. It could have been cool to see some more UC3 levels in there and some sound effects seem to be missing but overall I'm having a great time.

For the SP part nothing can really be said against the presentation although I think I hit a couple of audio bugs in the game. Uncharted 3 is gorgeous, even without this motion blur stuff thats apparently going to be added in later. I don't even know how ND pulled off some of the set piece stuff, it's crazy work. My only caveat would be Elena and Chloe's models just feeling off and disconnecting. Greg Edmonson did a fine job on the score and the fact that it makes its way into the Mp section rocks.

The story was fine, more than fine really, with my favorite scene, and definitely one of my all times,
being Nate on Elena's lap, just saying he's sorry for how things worked out. Pretty touching stuff and something you don't see much in games.
I could have done without a lot of the 'just so happened to be there moments' like
conveniently washing up on the beach after the ship level.
but overall I liked the focus on Nate and Sully. Still Chloe and Cutter were vastly underused but Marlowe kind of made up for it by being a damn good villain. I have other issues with the story but it was fun.

Now come the part where I rate UC3 a lot lower against its peers and even it's very own predecessor, namely the gameplay. I had this shooting issue that a lot of others have talked about which made it hard to hit anything. Mostly though i felt like the pacing of the game was off and the combat encounters poorly designed. Uncharted 2 cemented the series as a legitimate shooter contender and it feels like things have regressed here.

Clown car enemies have always been a problem but here the spawns and waves just seem comical. You beat your regular dudes only to be greeted with rocket launcher guys and snipers and shotgun heavys. So I'm hiding behind cover only to get grenades tossed at me every few seconds. Fine, ok, but then I'm having trouble hitting the guys and other enemies are bum rushing me to get into ND's awful new melee stuff. The melee never clicked with me and all of the big brawls just felt boring and very uncinematic for what they were trying to do. It's already been mentioned but Batman AA did a much more respectable job then ND did, and that was 2 years ago! There's nothing too terrible about it but just it feels useless. Stealth was kind of a pain in that I'd kill a couple dudes, someone would hear me, and than I wouldn't have time to shout, "I am already dead." Checkpoints often started me in an area I didn't want to be in. Alot of it just didn't click.

I wanted to enjoy the game more then I did. UC3 was fun and the Mp made me glad of my purchase. ND did pull of something special in pretty much all areas except the combat.

Drake would say, “Here we go.” And man if I didn’t just sigh.


Just finished it. Let me get the negatives out of the way first. The aiming is off and this will be addressed by ND but how can they release a game with such a flaw, it just doesn't seem right. The game had some pacing issues but nothing too bad. The fierfights sometimes feel forced and with the aiming issues became annoying more than fun or satisfying.
The end level seemed way too similar to UC2, the last fight was atrocious and it should have been a cut scene instead of a QTE fight.
I feel like sometimes enemies take too many bullets to kill and I still think the worst enemy in the franchise are those heavy armored shotgun guys.

I wish they changed up the animation when you fight against the big guys, you keep doing the same thing Dodge -> Kick in the balls -> punch face and rinse/repeat.
Also, I was hoping they worked on the death animation. I had one where I spun into a 720 before dying, it just looks ridiculous. Enemy placement also needs work, I would be climbing something and I'd be getting shot in the back by 2-3 guys. Game had a good story with excellent character interaction but I felt like the game was
split into two. You first play with Chloe and Charlie then move on to Elena. Since this is a trilogy, we didn't really get a proper closure to Chloe/Charlie's story unless I'm forgetting something.

Now on to the positives: Some of the best animations I've ever seen, Nate's interaction with the environment are just too good. The graphics look amazing and sometimes they look mediocre, but most of the time they are great albeit the inconsistency. Definitely not the best looking game ever IMO. The set pieces were jaw dropping, especially the
cargo plane, ship, and the desert area. The water physics inside the boat were amazing and platforming when the ship is on its side was something you don't see everyday, reminded me of Inception. When you are in the canyons for the first time, it was such a gorgeous sight to behold.

Puzzles, finally we can actually call them puzzles and not the baby-crap in UC2. Some were actually challenging, I'm not a puzzle guy so they weren't all "easy" compared to UC2 for me. I also liked the new gameplay element in picking up grenades and throwing them back but when there are weapons near you, you can't throw grenades back that are near you but instead you pick up weapons and ultimately die from the grenade or lose most of your health. Like I said, I thought the story was good and the whole
Nate/Sully back story was awesome. I loved the flashback and explaining how their relationship came about.
Overall the game was great but not UC2 great, I still think UC2 is the better game. I thought UC2's set pieces were much better along with better pacing. I'd give UC3 a solid

Just my quick thoughts


Jesus, how long is multiplayer coop arena? Played a game for an hour, leveled up three times and figures "oh this must just go forever", so then I left and lost my levels. Really?! I need to stay in a match THAT long?!
Juice said:
Jesus, how long is multiplayer coop arena? Played a game for an hour, leveled up three times and figures "oh this must just go forever", so then I left and lost my levels. Really?! I need to stay in a match THAT long?!

You play until all lives are lost I thought.


Juice said:
Jesus, how long is multiplayer coop arena? Played a game for an hour, leveled up three times and figures "oh this must just go forever", so then I left and lost my levels. Really?! I need to stay in a match THAT long?!
They can last a bit if your team isn't up to snuff or there are two of you.


Neo Member
Its been a couple of days since ive "charted" the game and wanted to give my two cents.

First let me say that U2 is/was my favorite game of all time and I never had much love for U1. This game made me want to replay U2 to see whether I still feel the same about that game. Before I expand on the positives, let me get the negatives over and done with first.

-Controlling Drake felt like a slog through some of the levels. It was not a pleasure like it was in U2. I did experience some problems with aiming, but not game breaking, just frustrating.

-The AI seem very dumb and none responsive to bullets which can bring you out of the experience.

-The difficulty spike is ridiculous. This is my biggest gripe. The graveyard level was so frustrating I had to walk away from the TV.

-I felt the villians were underused.

-The pace of the game was uneven. 1st half and 2nd half of U2 feel like different games.


+I appreciated what they tried to do with the melee system. Although not as refined as both Batman games, I felt it was good enough for its introduction into the series.

+I don't know of any game on any platform that looks better than this, it tops the graphics of U2 easily. Some have complained the graphic are unpolished...i totally disagree.

+The puzzles are the best in the series, hands down. Im ashamed to admit that I got stumped once or twice.

+Combat more challenging than previous Uncharted games. Yes I know I put this point in the negatives, but sometimes the difficulty spike made the game more tense.

The biggest positive of all rounds out how I feel about the game. The set pieces on this game is world class. This game provided me with a gaming experience that is unlikely to be topped probably until the next God of War or Uncharted game. I cant stress how much my jaw was on the floor during this game. The
French castle, Talbot chase, cruise ship and plane
are magnificent, truly magnificent and put the set pieces in U2 to shame. The
scene had the biggest impact on me though, it showed the thin line between gameplay and emotive experience that ND were trying to walk.

If you cant be bothered to read all of the above, let me summarise:
Uncharted 3 is a great great game. One that has grown on me since finishing playing. It has flaws, but the overall experience out ways them. My fav gaming experience of this year no doubt.

Let me finish by saying I hope the next Uncharted (and God of War) is a PS4 launch. I think both these great franchises have time to breath.


Just started today, having fun so far. I got a little bit into chapter 6 I think and the Chateau level is absolutely beautiful. I don't think I will have much time to play the whole way through cause of my busy schedule, but I will definitely play in large blocks whenever I can.

The aiming issue was noticeable, but to be honest, I just quickly adjusted it to it and keep playing. Why ND changed it? I don't know... But I will say that this was definitely just another case of GAF over reacting to something (nice job guys). I've seen some impressions that suggested that this was nearly game breaking issue when it wasn't even close to it. I'm still able to pull of head shots believe it or not and I wouldn't even describe the aiming as frustrating AT ALL, lol...

It doesn't feel as precise and even as Uncharted 2, but the experience has been still very enjoyable for me. If this is the slow part of the game as people have stated, I guess I'm in for an amazing time.

I've already gotten into the Uncharted co-op modes and it's turning out that Uncharted 3 is really a fantastic package of game. I'm disappointing in the lack of cheats and other goodies cause that would have set this game over the top. Still, the multiplayer makes up for it (sorry for those who avoid that).

Nice job ND, thanks for an awesome game so far.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Just "charted" Amazing game :D


Not as deep as he thinks
Man, playing co-op adventure...it's good...but me and my friend kept getting constant disconnection symbols throughout our playthroughs...is this normal? It doesn't happen in any of the competitive modes or co-op arena, but in co-op adventure that symbol is constantly on my screen.


Well I just reached chapter 11 and I have a couple of things to say about what I 've experienced so far.

First of all, I'm a HUGE Uncharted fan and with that said, here I go.

I honestly think Uncharted 2 was more polished overall. I kinda feel like Uncharted 3 was a bit rushed. I could be mistaking of course as I'm no expert at this stuff.

Uncharted 3 is filled with great attention to detail, but I feel like there's less in Uncharted 3 compared to Uncharted 2. There are quite a few in-game cut scenes that don't look or animate too good IMO. The pre-rendered cut-scenes look great so far, but for some reason I think they were also more polished in Uncharted 2 overall. Stuff like making you run with the torch while you're exploring or villains being on alert when you die (making the stealth kills kinda crappy) makes me feel like the game needed more work. I have also experienced some noticeable slowdowns, the pace is not as natural and sometimes it feels anti-climatic.

I don't know man... I just feel like there's a bit lack of polish in this game. I hardly rant or express negativeness towards video games in this aspect, but Uncharted a kind of a big deal to me.

Anyway, this is all personal opinion and I still love the game so far. The story is interesting, the characters are great as usual, in-game dialogue is awesome and funny, visuals are amazing, the gameplay is different, but good IMO. I love the melee, etc.

Just wanted to give my thoughts about what I've played so far.


i think the blind fire and melee is really fun in this game. it gave me a new experience that other games hasn't. it kinda reminds me of a arcade version of socom 2.


Co-op arena is fun, but can be oh so much better when you get some competent teammates. We just ran through an arena on hard, and I think we all dyed together only once. It was fun. And there was the small things, like tossing the treasure to the other teammates, just working together. (of course this was with 2 random people, I'm sure it's easier to get this experience with people you know, but alas, I don't know many people with the game to play online with)

On the other hand, I've had some stupid teammates that NEVER paid attention to people getting choked out, or that need reviving.


Luthos said:
Co-op arena is fun, but can be oh so much better when you get some competent teammates. We just ran through a hardmode arena, and I think we all dyed together only once. It was great.

On the other hand, I've had some stupid teammates that NEVER paid attention to people getting choked out, or that need reviving.

I can't stand when your doing "survival" and your teammates just run around looking for enemies instead of holing up in a safe spot.
all praise naughty dog! uncharted was amazing, uncharted 2 was even better, & uncharted 3 tops them all. tremendous accomplishment - thank you :) ...


I feel like this game forgets that Uncharted 2 existed but I can't put into words why.

Edit: And Elena's face looks fucking weird.


george_us said:
Edit: And Elena's face looks fucking weird.

Yeah. That too.

I don't understand why it looks like that. It's uncomfortable looking at her when you have a nicest more delicate look in your mind.

Some scenes make her look like she had a pretty bad plastic surgery.
Ricky_R said:
Yeah. That too.

I don't understand why it looks like that. It's uncomfortable looking at her when you have a nicest more delicate look in your mind.

Some scenes make her look like she had a pretty bad plastic surgery.

Yeah. I guess they tried to change her eyes and areas around it. Does not make her look a young woman.
I'm only on chapter 10 right now so I can't judge the game just yet but I will say:

A) gameplay is janky as fuck even with sensitivity maxed out in the options
B) Drake's movements are really overanimated or something, it's kind of hard to walk in a straight line when he's doing his best jack sparrow impersonation flailing all over...flat surfaces
C) Story was never that good in any of these games (yeah I said it, once you notice this pattern of Sully asking the same god damn questions, Nathan giving the same god damn responses etc it gets a bit tiring) but I really liked the flashback near the beginning, and I enjoy T.E. Lawrence references so I'm gonna say that so far it's better than U2 in terms of setting and plot
D)lol at London, it's like Victorian era London or something, have they ever stepped foot in England?

Still enjoying it but yeah they really need to patch up this game's controls.

As it stands right now:
Presentation -> Uncharted series > Gears of War series > Vanquish
Gameplay -> Vanquish >>>>> Gears of War >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uncharted series

All the guns feel like pea-shooters (with the exception of the hammer and shottie)


I'm sad that you can't buy and unlock sp skins. Since we don't get alot of time with
Elena and Chloe, it'd be nice to play as them on sp. I want improved dat ass on my face. Lol

Btw I thought both Chloe and Elena looked better. Its obvious they now have make up on unlike the past games where I'm sure the engine didn't allow hem to portray that nicely. That plus the fixed eyes make them way better. Elena looks fine to me,maybe they didn't get the face animation, 100% like it should since there were
alot of emotional scenes between her and drake.

jax (old)

Discotheque said:
D)lol at London, it's like Victorian era London or something, have they ever stepped foot in England?

its london underground; they kind of start at an
old school pub of sorts; go to a back alley and then move into a derelict underground trainyards.

that said; your other points echo my sentiment. my copy of vanquish is still wrapped so I might have to visit it.

add spoilertags just in case... :)


Gold Member
nitric0 said:
Since this is a trilogy

Says who? ND have never said that Uncharted is a trilogy. In fact, when asked about this a while back, they (Hennig, I believe) specifically said that Uncharted has not been planned out as a trilogy ending with U3; rather, they will keep making new games in the series for as long as it makes sense to do so (this does not necessarily mean that their next project will be U4, of course).

alr1ghtstart said:
Character freezes for a good 5-10 seconds during the middle of match. The game pops up a little desync logo when it happens.

That's not controller desync, that's you losing your connection to the server.

jax (old)


I honestly don't understand what happened here. Its pretty widespread the complaint about how she looks. I think it really ruined some of the emotional resonance of her scenes. Its like when you meet/see something not quite right; and the whole time; you just fixate on it.
late game when she had nate on her lap;
that was a great scene but the whole time I was like "that face".

The Lamp

Her face just looks worse compared to other character faces in the game. Sully and Drake and Chloe seem to have more detail on their faces and Elena looks plastic and unnatural.
I appreciate the game for what it is and like it a lot. However, (and this goes for UC1 and UC2), how can you not have at least a reprise of that AWESOME title screen song throughout the game? It's so good, and sort of a disappointment. Did I miss where that happened, GAF?
I just finished it, I really liked the ending (and the game in general), but there is something I don't understand. I sense like a gap in the story..

In Syria, Cutter shot Talbot, who was left magically uninjured, as Cutter himself noticed. But this is never explained, even at the end (and I really thought it would be).
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