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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Rickard said:
There is a scene in UC2 where a gutshot man wearing jeans and a t-shirt shoots a shitload mercenaries and then passes out flat in 20 inches of snow.

Totally fine the next day.

Or how about the beginning of the damn game (which I loved). The dude gets shot, then survives a massive train wreck (we see this part later on obviously, but for the sake of the point) and ends up sitting (lol) and hanging from a cliff. Then he wakes up and climbs up.

I mean come on... There's no end to Uncharted's unbelievable parts.


jett said:
Here's the difference, it can take hours to die from shot to your stomach, and it can be explained that adrenaline gave Drake a last rush of enegry. After the soldiers are gone your movement goes to shit and you can feel he is on his last ropes. As soon as he drops to the snow he's found by Tenzin, and we assume given help imemdiately. Game makes a point to explain that he was in a coma for three days.

I mean, it's not realistic, but fuck at least the game gave us something.

I am satisfied. I can now enjoy UC2.


In Raiders, we had this periscope moment with Indy.... UC3 has many periscope moments, maybe one or two too many... they should have fixed the desert-moment. they went too far. I bet Spielberg and Lucas were thinking about crazy shit for Raiders like aliens or something, but they left that stuff out. They were smart back then. One periscope moment was enough.

The responsibility of the director, designer is to have the audience to suspend their disbelief. But don't be sloppy, it is a very fragile state...
I bet you guys were really losing your shit in UC2 with Drake in the middle of a gunfight in temperatures below freezing and seems to be fine. Rubbing his arms! That wouldn't do anything! This shit is preposterous who can play it!?


jett said:
It was awesome, made even better by the fact that you can stealth your way entirely for the first half of it.
Practically no one wants this but me, I'm guessing, but I'd love the option to be able to stealth through every encounter. Gimme that option in U4, ND. Give it to me.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I bet you guys were really losing your shit in UC2 with Drake in the middle of a gunfight in temperatures below freezing and seems to be fine. Rubbing his arms! That wouldn't do anything this shit is preposterous who can play it!?


Drake was doing rolls all over the snow. That gets the energy pumping thus heating his body up.

cackhyena said:
Practically no one wants this but me, I'm guessing, but I'd love the option to be able to stealth through every encounter. Gimme that option in U4, ND. Give it to me.

Yeah, me too. I'm a stealth junkie.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I bet you guys were really losing your shit in UC2 with Drake in the middle of a gunfight in temperatures below freezing and seems to be fine. Rubbing his arms! That wouldn't do anything this shit is preposterous who can play it!?
10 minutes in the snow vs. 72 hours in the arabian desert.


cackhyena said:
Practically no one wants this but me, I'm guessing, but I'd love the option to be able to stealth through every encounter. Gimme that option in U4, ND. Give it to me.

You're not the only one, I was hoping we'd get that in UC3. :|

jax (old)

btw. I actually agree with Jett regarding the
insanity effect
. I think that in UC3; they actually...
went too far with it. There was that warpy stupid thing in yemen, the hazy gorgeous desert craziness, and then the final drugged out weirdness in the arabian sands bit - assuming both instances when he's drugged; its the same drug, why does it look so different and why does drake react to it differently

Now that I'm moved onto the MP game; there's that youtube clip of the bald guy with the googly eyes talking about "expectations" after UC2 and how they've got to up and meet it. And I watch him and think; dude... looking at the title they released; way to drop the ball in so many areas.

mr. puppy

i'm on chapter 21, and i still can't believe how high of scores this game got. the AI is fucking ridiculous, especially in firefights where your allies will just run against a wall for the entire fight, or enemies will walk in circles instead of engaging you. who programs this shit.

yes, the game is pretty, and the cinematics are awesome....buts it still controls like ass.


You guys are being slightly ridiculous about things and you have some rose tinted glasses on Uc2. Both games have a lot of oh isn't that convenient moments

How about that the evidence of the shipwreck was literally just a few feet behind the camp that the enemy was sitting on, and the enemy found absolutely nothing. They didn't bother looking a few minutes' walk the other direction? How about running right to the exact temple that you needed to be in? Or how about passing out in the snow and miraculously getting found. And taken to a village with a guy that was at an expedition looking for the exact same thing you were? And why is Lazaravic attacking some random village that Drake happens to be at and that a guy who went on expedition for the stone years ago is at? And how/why did he conveniently get there days after Drake could recover, go spelunking, and find the proof he needed? We don't really know, do we.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, the
shipwreck on Yemen isn't really that implausible. They were in Yemen to begin with. Drake wasn't out that long when he was taken to the ship graveyard, so the graveyard is off the coast. Also, most ship graveyards are literally right off the coast, so during that part he's still right near Yemen. Yeah, there's the part where he's getting on the cruise liner, but you don't know what direction that boat is going. Could be going pretty parallel to the coastline. So the location of him washing up makes sense. And him washing up on shore isn't that implausible in a sort of "movie logic" way. Sure that shit doesn't necessarily happen in real life that often, but it's a movie trope, especially with adventure type movies and serials that it really shouldn't have you scratching your head.


cackhyena said:
Practically no one wants this but me, I'm guessing, but I'd love the option to be able to stealth through every encounter. Gimme that option in U4, ND. Give it to me.
the level design and enemy placement would have to be allow for both stealth and run-n-gun, for every area in the game. that to me, who is not a game designer, seems like it would require a ton of work. i think as long as they remove the 'waves' of enemies, stealth becomes viable even if you can't take out every enemy in an area. For example, in UC3 even if you stealth 3 or 4 guys, if the 5th guy sees you 20 more are going to roll in anyway, so stealth was less effective. In UC2 there are no waves [with one exception], so even if that 5th guy sees you it doesn't matter, the stealth already made the encounter easier by not having to take on all 5 at once.
jett said:
10 minutes in the snow vs. 72 hours in the arabian desert.


Not even remotely close to 10 minutes. He is taking the train with a t-shirt to the Himalayas. Fights the whole way up as temperatures are plummeting wrecks the train, climbs out of the train fights wave after wave and then promptly passes out and then dies because his internal organs are trying to save his heart. I have to say that last part was a bummer.


Drake was only in the desert for a 1.5 days. You arrive at the airport (night) and board the plane. Soon after that 'incident' happens and the plane goes haywire. At this point it's daytime. You land, walk the desert until sundown. It's nighttime and there's a wind storm. Day comes again and you walk around some more. The sully mirage happens/you find the ghost town, it's still daytime.

1.5 days I think... the events and how they unfold imo are not out of place or even impossible. It needed to be explained how drake got into the desert and how he picked up the trail of marlow. I thought the whole section was awesome and don't see what the problem is honestly.

mr. puppy

RDreamer said:
You guys are being slightly ridiculous about things and you have some rose tinted glasses on

all of that stuff really didn't bother me. Its exactly what happened in the Indiana Jones movies (remember the submarine ride across the ocean?) and nobody cared until that ridiculous fridge scene in Indy 4, but that got a bad wrap b/c the whole movie was stupid.

The only thing that bothers me is how crappy the controls are and how crappy the enemy AI is, but fuckit lets give it a 10/10.


Jax said:
btw. I actually agree with Jett regarding the
insanity effect
. I think that in UC3; they actually...
went too far with it. There was that warpy stupid thing in yemen, the hazy gorgeous desert craziness, and then the final drugged out weirdness in the arabian sands bit - assuming both instances when he's drugged; its the same drug, why does it look so different and why does drake react to it differently

It's not the same drug in both instances. The first is from Talbot. The 2nd is from drinking the water in Ubar

mr. puppy said:
all of that stuff really didn't bother me. Its exactly what happened in the Indiana Jones movies (remember the submarine ride across the ocean?) and nobody cared until that ridiculous fridge scene in Indy 4, but that got a bad wrap b/c the whole movie was stupid.

The only thing that bothers me is how crappy the controls are and how crappy the enemy AI is, but fuckit lets give it a 10/10.

The stuff I mentioned doesn't bother me either, but I'm not complaining about silly shit in 3, because I know if you examine things there's a lot of silly shit in all of the games. They're filled with conveniences. But they kind of have to be.


I did a quick search and I found that a human can last up to 3 days in the desert with no water. I imagine that in most cases it would be less with such high temperatures, but it's possible.


For those who are annoyed by too much disbelief, I think the gun shot > train wreck > climbing > running, shooting, rolling and fist fighting on freezing temperatures can easily match Uncharted 3's
72 hours without water on high temperature > climbing > shooting > rolling and fist fighting like nothing happened.

jax (old)

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=451164 <--- MP community thread.

Its amazing to me; that the thread is so dead. Is it because people don't use the community forum? Its not even on 2 pages (or 1 for me). The subway beta thread was lively but this is .. like, no one is playing the MP game?

@RDreamer.. Be honest man, they strain a lot of the credibility of the plot/reality in 3. Much more than they did in 2. I honestly never questioned UC2 too much - if at all; but 3... constantly had me sitting there thinking "um, wtf?". I don't think jett or rickard + co are being overtly negative. I think the stuff in U3; all things considered is less believable then the zombie and purple magical creatives in U2.


Jax: the community forum is where threads go to die. Such a stupid thing. Nevermind that there is not a big community here for uncharted multiplayer. Probably 10 guys tops that've been playing consistently since UC2.

Patapwn said:
Drake was only in the desert for a 1.5 days. You arrive at the airport (night) and board the plane. Soon after that 'incident' happens and the plane goes haywire. At this point it's daytime. You land, walk the desert until sundown. It's nighttime and there's a wind storm. Day comes again and you walk around some more. The sully mirage happens/you find the ghost town, it's still daytime.

1.5 days I think... the events and how they unfold imo are not out of place or even impossible. It needed to be explained how drake got into the desert and how he picked up the trail of marlow. I thought the whole section was awesome and don't see what the problem is honestly.

No, two nights pass while you're in the desert. day-night-day-night-day again. 3 days.


mr. puppy said:
all of that stuff really didn't bother me. Its exactly what happened in the Indiana Jones movies (remember the submarine ride across the ocean?) and nobody cared until that ridiculous fridge scene in Indy 4, but that got a bad wrap b/c the whole movie was stupid.

The only thing that bothers me is how crappy the controls are and how crappy the enemy AI is, but fuckit lets give it a 10/10.

Neither are crappy and those 10/10 are well deserved, though an 8 or 9 is also legit. It depens what you expect from the medium.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
New York Times review:


Adventures Worthy of the Big Screen

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is the finest, most exciting action-adventure movie in years.

Oh wait, did I just say movie? Sorry. I meant, Uncharted 3 is the finest, most exciting action-adventure video game in years.

The confusion is a compliment. No game has so gloriously melded interactivity with the visual and narrative vernacular of Hollywood


If I had to choose a moment where I thought: "Man that was kinda BS"... It was ironically in Uncharted 2 when Drake and Elena fell of the cliff with Elena still inside the truck and they magically held onto the rocks.

I was like GTFO.
Platinum get, "crushing" was definitely more fun than "hard" (which felt like easy to me), I don't understand the complaints, the game is beautifully crafted from start to finish, to each its own I guess.

I only miss a couple of cutscenes/flashbacks telling a little bit more of what happened between Elena and Drake after UC2 before the events of UC3.

jax (old)

read the NYTimes review and all the comparison to indy made me think - you know for all the spelunking; nate never really has to deal with traps. I mean, no saw blades in the walls, no trip wires traps (well there was some in the forest in 1?) - the series really needs more environment death traps.


Played Some Games last night with my bro, my cousin and my friend and wow it got intense. I really like overtime, the last few games were really close. Once overtime kicked in we blew the other team out every time. I cant believe I had more fun then i had with U2 and i loved U2 multiplayer. I wanna play with some Gaffers too.


Will drop pants for Sony.
BruceLeeRoy said:
You guys are absolutely ridiculous.

Reminds me of all the complaining about the uncharted 2 VGA trailer that showed Drake in the snow walking bloodied up and everyone was complaining he does not have a winter coat.

Ricky_R said:
I did a quick search and I found that a human can last up to 3 days in the desert with no water. I imagine that in most cases it would be less with such high temperatures, but it's possible.


For those who are annoyed by too much disbelief, I think the gun shot > train wreck > climbing > running, shooting, rolling and fist fighting on freezing temperatures can easily match Uncharted 3's
72 hours without water on high temperature > climbing > shooting > rolling and fist fighting like nothing happened.

In uncharted 2, Drake got shot and survived a train derailment then mowed down a bunch of military guys.

In a ton of action movies and games things happen that suspend belief since it is a work of fiction.


Ace_235 said:
Played Some Games last night with my bro, my cousin and my friend and wow it got intense. I really like overtime, the last few games were really close. Once overtime kicked in we blew the other team out every time. I cant believe I had more fun then i had with U2 and i loved U2 multiplayer. I wanna play with some Gaffers too.

Check the community thread.


Square Triangle said:
I really need to start my crushing difficulty run before Naughty Dog adds the multiplayer trophies to the list.

If UC2 is any indication, multiplayer-specific trophies will not account towards the platinum. The only ones that are required would be Play One Coop Match and Play One Competitive Match, which are already there.
jett said:
It's just half-baked. I mean
he didn't just fall among the wreckage of a supply drop, he literally fell hanging on one of the supply crates. I found it weird that the game didn't let us walk through the wreckage either, and try to find something on our own. Hell they could've made find Drake a canteen or something, have him sip some water every day, with water quickly going out day by day until in the final morning you're left with nothing and Drake resigns himself to death until oh surprise he finds the citadel. BTW, holy convience Batman, arriving the place you needed to be after walking aimlessly around the arabian desert for three days(and that's right after conveniently washing up on the shores of exactly where he needed to be). Nothing about this part of the game made any sense, and the random narration from Marlowe's voice actress is inexplicable.

The game should have been subtitled: Drake's Convenience. :p

Jax said:
LOL @ the flight of the movie clip. Yeah. the
bit is a tad convienient. As was the
shipwrecking up @ yemen
. UC2 never really had moments that made me go "um, righhht"

The thing I absolutely hated in U2 was
when the truck Drake and Elena are driving flies off the cliff at 80mph, the soldiers roll up, "No way they survived that." And 2 seconds later they climb up perfectly fine. There was no way either of them could have gotten off/out of the truck in the 5 seconds the scene lasts, especially when the truck was almost on its side when it went over.

RDreamer said:
You guys are being slightly ridiculous about things and you have some rose tinted glasses on Uc2. Both games have a lot of oh isn't that convenient moments

All I want is 5 second scenes to make it more believable instead of "this is the story of the luckiest man to ever exist."
Show him picking up a canteen from the plane wreck, and have him climb aboard one of the lifeboats.


Will drop pants for Sony.
RyanardoDaVinci said:
The game should have been subtitled: Drake's Convenience. :p

The thing I absolutely hated in U2 was
when the truck Drake and Elena are driving flies off the cliff at 80mph, the soldiers roll up, "No way they survived that." And 2 seconds later they climb up perfectly fine. There was no way either of them could have gotten off/out of the truck in the 5 seconds the scene lasts, especially when the truck was almost on its side when it went over.

All I want is 5 second scenes to make it more believable instead of "this is the story of the luckiest man to ever exist."
Show him picking up a canteen from the plane wreck, and have him climb aboard one of the lifeboats.

Maybe there were no canteens to find.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Jax said:
read the NYTimes review and all the comparison to indy made me think - you know for all the spelunking; nate never really has to deal with traps. I mean, no saw blades in the walls, no trip wires traps (well there was some in the forest in 1?) - the series really needs more environment death traps.
There was one such place in UC2, where the ceiling was slowly going down and you had to figure out what to do to escape the room.

Also, you're right, trip wire traps were in UC1 and you could use them against the enemies as well.
Finished my Crushing/Treasure run last night. Many many deaths, but overall the challenge made me play smarter and I still loved the combat system (despite a few flaws) up to the last bullet fired.

Some combat tips from my Hard and Crushing runs
-If you can use the environment to your advantage, use it. Funnel enemies, put your back to a wall, etc.
-If shit doesn't go as planned, improvise and stay moving. I have the tendency to hunker down and always stay in cover. If the area is open you can really maneuver to your advantage. Run and gun works surprisingly well in some "arenas"
-Look for better weapons through out the area. Really important later in game.
-You can shoot weapons very fast! I had no idea how quick I could shoot the grenade launcher and Tau 7. This is very handy during Crushing.
Review is up

I didn't agree with his issues on the cover system, I think he is just terrible at games ;)

I totally agree Gutterboy, funneling my enemies have helped me so much. And just staying in one cover spot is actually a bad idea, make use of the environment you have.


To all the people discussing the believability of the 3 vs 2. I'm already a big, overweight guy that will die from trainwreck or from wandering the desert for days. I don't want to play one in a video game. I'm perfectly fine suspending my disbelief. Sure, I did say to my brother if this was a movie and all this shit happened I would hate it, but its not a movie and I'm fine with all the insanely unrealistic stuff that happens.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
RyanardoDaVinci said:
The thing I absolutely hated in U2 was
when the truck Drake and Elena are driving flies off the cliff at 80mph, the soldiers roll up, "No way they survived that." And 2 seconds later they climb up perfectly fine. There was no way either of them could have gotten off/out of the truck in the 5 seconds the scene lasts, especially when the truck was almost on its side when it went over.

All I want is 5 second scenes to make it more believable instead of "this is the story of the luckiest man to ever exist."
Show him picking up a canteen from the plane wreck, and have him climb aboard one of the lifeboats.

I agree, I hated that part in UC2.
ESPECIALLY Elena getting out, she was inside the truck and had even less of a chance to get out.

The worst part thinking sensibly isn't the whole shootout in the snow, though, it's right beforehand
Drake was just shot, blew the trains off the rails, and all that shit just flew off. He then scales the entire train immediately after. You could argue adrenaline for the whole gunfight thing, but perfectly climbing the train while you're shot in the side...yeah.

I don't think it's ridiculous at all to have issues with parts like this. Yeah, it's a game, but the characters are still set in realistic settings, and as much crazy-lucky shit happens to Drake, some things still push it way too much. I thought the parts in 3 people are harping on were dumb too. The desert was moronic as hell.
Square Triangle said:
Review is up

I didn't agree with his issues on the cover system, I think he is just terrible at games ;)

The cover system is definitely more clunky than in U2, thanks to the new animations.

There's a reason Drake's Fortune didn't animate like this: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/34832

Because it removed too much control from the player. With U2, they hit the perfect blend of control and character animation; I never once felt I died because Drake didn't do what I pressed -- in U3 that happened more times than I can count.

It is cool to finally see the melee system from that video put to use in U3, though. Now I'll just have to hope for melee weapons in Uncharted 4.
Maybe I'm being minor, but story-wise, the biggest issue I had with UC3 was the part very early on in the secret library when they're looking for the head of the antelope or whatever it is and Drake says "it's gotta be here". Like how the fuck would he know that? What about this place makes it so certain that the thing absolutely must be here? Cutter even gets it right when he said "it could be in Buckland Abbey for all we know", and then Drake responds "no, no. It has to be here. I know it." At that point I honestly, literally felt like the developers were mocking themselves and their bad story writing. The tone of Drake's voice made it sound like even he knew how stupid it was to be insisting that a random object absolutely has to be in one specific very small room out of all the other places in the world it could be with equal probability.


cpp_is_king said:
Maybe I'm being minor, but story-wise, the biggest issue I had with UC3 was the part very early on in the secret library when they're looking for the head of the antelope or whatever it is and Drake says "it's gotta be here". Like how the fuck would he know that? What about this place makes it so certain that the thing absolutely must be here? Cutter even gets it right when he said "it could be in Buckland Abbey for all we know", and then Drake responds "no, no. It has to be here. I know it." At that point I honestly, literally felt like the developers were mocking themselves and their bad story writing. The tone of Drake's voice made it sound like even he knew how stupid it was to be insisting that a random object absolutely has to be in one specific very small room out of all the other places in the world it could be with equal probability.
Oh, I don't know. A room full of stashed treasures related to Drake's journey.

Yeah, one definitely can't think that it won't be there after recognizing a million antiques belonging to Francis Drake.
Well, having finished Uncharted 3... I really, really enjoyed it. I really can't decide which I enjoyed more. I loved both Uncharted 2 and 3 equally, which to me, is a very good thing. Both are equally amazing experiences that each have features that are stronger than the other.

Uncharted 2 was quite remarkable, so for Naughty Dog to match that almost stride for stride is really impressive. Granted, Uncharted 3 could've used an extra month worth of polish, but I rarely encounter any major issues. Mostly just the odd clipping issue here or there or broken wall (camera going through to see the abyss below). However, I must say that even without the benefits of motion blur in Uncharted 3, it was absolutely the more impressive game visually. There are so many moments where my jaw was on the floor... I don't even.

Amazing work, Naughty Dog. Uncharted 3 is most definatly my Game of the Year, but Skyrim is Friday. We'll see... it'll be a war.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
JWong said:
Oh, I don't know. A room full of stashed treasures related to Drake's journey.

Yeah, one definitely can't think that it won't be there after recognizing a million antiques belonging to Francis Drake.

There was no reason for Drake to be so certain about it. And then cutter even raised a good point that it could even be something like a chair made out of the Hind's wood, and you'd have to break all the chairs to find it. Drake just says "Yeah....no, it's gotta be here".

It's reaching.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'm only about halfway through but Uncharted3 has blown me away so far.

You can nitpick all you like but its a magnificent effort on ND's part, as somebody's who has spent many years working in game production and is therefore a bit more aware than the average lay-person of the amount of work required to achieve certain effects - I simply have to take my hat off to them.

Its an absolutely staggering piece of work.
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