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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


jett said:
Chloe makes for a much more obvious example:

If this isn't a prime example of goofball gamers overreacting, I don't know what is. Chloe looks so much better now than before. I knew my memory wasn't failing me. Well, not on this matter.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I think Elena looks okay. Better than UC2 anyways.

What I don't like is how short the section you play together with her when compared to UC2.

Also, refresh my memory, what's the deal with the ring she wears on her finger...? Drake gave it to her or something? Did not recall any scene like that in UC2.......
Laughing Banana said:
I think Elena looks okay. Better than UC2 anyways.

What I don't like is how short the section you play together with her when compared to UC2.

Also, refresh my memory, what's the deal with the ring she wears on her finger...? Drake gave it to her or something? Did not recall any scene like that in UC2.......
A ring on a female and males finger who used to have chemistry...I wonder what that could possibly mean?


reggie said:
That 'new' screenshot is a bullshot, she doesn't look like that in the final game.

edit: uh well I dunno to be honest, she does look somewhat different


Probably more due to the different lighting than anything.


speculawyer said:
Well, to some degree you should thank them for their accuracy since one of the best way of defeating powerful foes is to toss back the grenades they generously give you.

The grenade toss-back feature is a bit overly ridiculous . . . but then again, so is the whole game so it is part of the fun. And they over-do the 'shoot the guy while he is throwing a grenade' bit too . . . but again, it is good satisfying fun.

The grenade tossing feature works to an extent providing: you're facing the right direction (don't throw when your throwing direction has a wall in it), there's no weapon nearby that you can pick up (otherwise, oops, you pick the weapon instead), enemies don't throw 2 grenades at the same time, rendering it impossible to throw them both in time. Also, there are times when the green triangle prompt button don't appear (WTF is this shit? Fix this, ND!!) but if you're lucky and manage to guess the timing right, you can actually throw it.

Having said that, yes, the grenade-toss-back feature is very useful on Crushing. I basically passed the 1st wave of the settlement attack (the one with the machine gun high up the ground) doing nothing but hiding behind a cover and returning the henchmen's generous serving of grenades and sniping from time to time. As long as you shoot that annoying fucker on the right hand side, you shouldn't have problem staying in the original cover the game put you on in the first place.

Now, 2nd and 3rd wave is an entirely different question because you need to quickly move your ass, shotgun/hammer a few armored shotgunners then grab the RPG and blow the gate. If you're lucky, you'll kill 1 of the new armored shotgun guys and only has to deal with 1 last armored shotgun guy. If not, um, get your hammer/shotgun back then pray that these two don't flank you before you can finish them.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
MuddyDonut said:
A ring on a female and males finger who used to have chemistry...I wonder what that could possibly mean?

What.... did they get married or engaged or something? Was it stated anywhere during the series or just implied?


bish gets all the credit :)
What is the point of collecting these treasures in MP if they're all just dupes after dupes after dupes?
On chapter 16 (or 19, cant remember). Man this game has been good. It's hard, but I dont think it's due to the aiming...it feels the same as U2 for me. Really liking it so far.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Not that I am even close yet (only lvl 52 right now) but do you keep all of the apperance items you buy when you go into legacy/prestige? I won't bother spending any money on anything that isn't performance boosting from here on if that is the case. My skullface fully armored custom villian looks to cool to ditch.


I'd be in the dick
Laughing Banana said:
What.... did they get married or engaged or something? Was it stated anywhere during the series or just implied?
Drake has a similar ring at the end so it's pretty much confirmed that they were married since only the woman gets an engagement ring.


alr1ghtstart said:
What is the point of collecting these treasures in MP if they're all just dupes after dupes after dupes?

I can't put anything together. They really need to up the drop rate of good stuff, not just fucking cash. And if it's just cash, make it more than just $250.
gdt5016 said:
I can't put anything together. They really need to up the drop rate of good stuff, not just fucking cash. And if it's just cash, make it more than just $250.
That's a good point. Make the treasure chests something worth fighting over. It's a great concept, but the execution could use some work.
jett said:
edit: uh well I dunno to be honest, she does look somewhat different


Probably more due to the different lighting than anything.
All the same, you could not have picked a worse shot of Chloe from UC2.


I believe that's a render of the character model used in cutscenes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but she definitely does not look as goofy as a screencap of her mid-sentence would have you believe.

I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with her appearance in UC3 though, it's just different.


Y2Kev said:
wow old chloe is a dog, yuck

new chloe looks much better

New Chloe almost looks like a new person altogether, that's what mostly wrong. :|
Cutscene, SP high-poly models looks mostly great with some odd exceptions, but the low-poly MP versions, man, it just compounds the weirdness.

I just noticed from jett's images; that is a pretty drastic downgrade in the final game on the left.
It's that face that looks so freaking off. Right side is much closer to the U2 version.

TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Two questions:

Is the competitive multiplayer better than UC2?

Also, how many total maps are there?

Some will argue that question, but I think its a lot better than UC2 MP. There is just a lot more incentive in leveling up and unlocking things.

12 MP Maps, 5 Coop Missions


I'm on Chapter 12 and I don't think I can deal with the gunplay in this game anymore.

I don't know if it's me or what, but I beat Uncharted 2 on crushing and had a great time. Uncharted 3 on normal... It's one of the most frustrating and disappointing gaming experiences I can recall. I wish I could just skip the combat because everything else is awesome.


C-Jo said:
I'm on Chapter 12 and I don't think I can deal with the gunplay in this game anymore.

I don't know if it's me or what, but I beat Uncharted 2 on crushing and had a great time. Uncharted 3 on normal... It's one of the most frustrating and disappointing gaming experiences I can recall. I wish I could just skip the combat because everything else is awesome.
I kinda feel the same way. I just beat the game on Normal, and the controls are actually complete garbage to me. Any time you need to use a little finess, you can't because controlling Drake is finicky as hell. Fine tuning movements is horrid, plus the aiming problem that is obviously there.

Also, let me just say this, the last section/area of the game is fucking shit. I didn't like it one bit, nor the encounters in it.
Probably because the combat just forces cheap scenario down your throat. 2 snipers, grenade launcher guy, a couple of armored jackasses (takes even more hits then the one in Uncharted 2 for crying out loud), guys with shotguns, and then regular enemies.

It was pretty bad in Uncharted 2, but it got way worst in this game. Uncharted 1 the scenarios were pretty fair.

Like the final church battle for example. It had snipers, but they also gave you a sniper rifle and slowly approaching targets that give you enough time to kill the snipers and then focus on the grenade launcher threat.

If any Naughtydog member is reading this. I hope you guys take it down a huge notch in the cheap tension factor for upcoming games.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Cudder said:
I kinda feel the same way. I just beat the game on Normal, and the controls are actually complete garbage to me. Any time you need to use a little finess, you can't because controlling Drake is finicky as hell. Fine tuning movements is horrid, plus the aiming problem that is obviously there.

For some reason Drake seems somewhat... jittery in this game. IMO the combat itself is nice, and some of the fights--like the big firefight in the open shipyard--are quite enjoyable since the game forced you (well, me, since I rarely toss back grenades) to move around all the time.

Jumping into the ship! Oh fuck grenades jump into the water! Jump into that ship! Take cover! Fuck grenades again! Hahaha it's so chaotic I could not help but to like it.

I cannot imagine how frustrating it would be for me in Crushing, though :eek:
Grisby said:
I want my elena cat ears dammit.


I think they have just tried to made her look more like her voice actor/concept art. The changes are pretty much in line with the changes to the other characters, but the result is the eyes are just too different.

I say we all hit ND up again for a patch? (U2 Elena eyes in options please).


deepbrown said:
Actual I felt there weren't enough big encounters, didn't think there were enough enemies and felt they could have gone on a lot longer. And on normal I found them too easy - I'm not especially good at games. So, yeah there were so many more encounters, harder and longer ones too, in Uncharted 2.

Also the story and its integration within the gameplay is much stronger in Uncharted 3. So personally I feel you're off the mark.

We will have to agree to disagree there.

I actually enjoyed U1's and U2's stories and felt that they were strong from start to finish. I don't see how you can say the same for U3. As others have said, it seems to lose focus as it goes on. I thought it started off great. Introducing how
Nate and Sully first met
made me really think "man this is gonna be awesome." They set the stage for a great ride that went to the roots of this journey. It then went down a path that included stupid combat scenarios that got very repetitive and clumsy. Lets see, the basic formula for a battle scene is: first put some snipers on every corner of the roof tops, next mix in a bunch of guys on various floors, add in an RPG and/or grenade launcher guy in the middle somewhere on a higher up level of a building, and finally just when the player is pissed off enough at all of this at once, add a few heavily armored shotgun guys. I just thought that was poor design and below my expectations based on how U1 and U2 were.

By the last 40% of the game or so, I was starting to go "ok...and so who are these guys? and wtf do they want?" Several characters near the end were briefly introduced with no prior mention and then barely held any real weight in the story. Tenzin in U2 was a more developed character than some of the others in U3, and he barely could talk.

There may have been more encounters in U2 than U3, and I don't doubt that. My issue isn't with the number of encounters. It's the way they were designed towards the later half. It seemed they got sloppy and did a copy/paste method. When you finally reached the
city in the desert
at the end of the game, I swear you walk from one room to the next with almost the same enemy layout every time, just with a slightly different room configuration. I was just irritated at that point and wanted to finish the game so I could move on to something else. I NEVER felt like that with U1 and U2. In fact, I beat those games multiple times because I enjoyed them so much (U1 like 9 times I think lol).


The whole ship level was a nice filler to increase the overall longevity of the game.

That level has no connection to the main story line what so ever....


aka Mannny
Octacamo said:
The whole ship level was a nice filler to increase the overall longevity of the game.

That level has no connection to the main story line what so ever....
A lot of games do this. most recent I can think of is the pointless quest for fuel in gears 3


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
To me:

0-10% - Awesome set-up, great beginning.

10-50% - Felt repetitive and fairly standard Uncharted (not a bad thing but it didn't grab or excite me and it actually made me start questioning if this was going to be a great game).

50 - 100% - Great stuff. Ever from the moment
Drake gets drugged I thought it was really, really fun story-wise and gameplay wise but I did feel we completely lost Chloe and whatshisname

Been meaning to play MP but had connection issues the first time I tried. I have Batman to finish still and Rayman is coming up.
Finally beat Uncharted 3, wtf is up with that game getting perfect scores? I understand I'm in the vast minority but by no means is this a near perfect game. It was disappointing and not as enjoyable as Uncharted 1 or 2. Enemies take a full clip and still don't die on top of shitty shooting mechanics. The game favors a cinematic camera in some places rather than pointing in the direction the user should move towards. I want to play a video game, not watch some Indiana Jones wannabe movie.

By no means is this a bad game, an 80 at best. The action scenes (running and jumping) can't be beat. Lots of cool oh shit moments. I'm just baffled that a game with major flaws is being hailed as it is. Did this game have more shooting than the last two? Or has frustration just made me feel like there was too much of this shit?
Reminiscing over this game, I liked the SP more than U2 by a hair.

The origin and stories between Drake/Sully/Elena is all the more interesting. Marlowe is a much deeper and better villain than Lazarevich. Also,
Djinn > Guardians
The supernatural aspect is handled better in this game since it's pretty well justified and not as spongy as the previous games and the final boss battle isn't stupidly cheap.
Darknessbear said:
Man it really sucks that everyone has made Uncharted 3 basically the enemy of the year.

I think there are a lot of flaws in U3 which I am interested in discussing. It is still my GOTY.

You'll see it with every big release.

Phase 1: Pre-release hype. Always day 1.
Phase 2: Game is released. Generally it is agreed that it is awesome. Questions are asked, and answers are always positive. People believe all is well because they want to. This generally lasts for about 2-3 days.
Phase 3: Cracks start to appear. People start to discuss the game more realistically. Often a flaw appears, is debated but eventualy proven right. This lasts about a week.
Phase 4: People put down their guns and move on. The truth settles down somewhere in between. People look forward to the sequel or the next big thing, hype rises again, world keeps spinning.



So, did they say anything else about the big patch?
I know someone at Naughty Dog mentioned that they would comment on it by the weekend.. and it's Monday. :O
toddhunter said:
I think there are a lot of flaws in U3 which I am interested in discussing. It is still my GOTY.

You'll see it with every big release.

Phase 1: Pre-release hype. Always day 1.
Phase 2: Game is released. Generally it is agreed that it is awesome. Questions are asked, and answers are always positive. People believe all is well because they want to. This generally lasts for about 2-3 days.
Phase 3: Cracks start to appear. People start to discuss the game more realistically. Often a flaw appears, is debated but eventualy proven right. This lasts about a week.
Phase 4: People put down their guns and move on. The truth settles down somewhere in between. People look forward to the sequel or the next big thing, hype rises again, world keeps spinning.

Yea, definitely agree with this. But I feel people are being even more critical due to the whole 8/10 debacle -- and the negative connotation that it gave the Uncharted community.

I'm actually disappointed with a lot of aspects of U3 and there are a bunch of flaws throughout. But realistically in the bigger picture of things, there is NO other game that does it like the Uncharted series and comparing it to any other game in its genre is impossible.

And honestly I disliked the game much more when I beat it the first time, almost because I felt like I had to in a way. I can't explain it exactly, but after all the negativity that arose from that 8/10 fiasco -- I felt the only sane thing to do was to not like it. I've stepped away from that feeling however and I actually really appreciate what the game does and really enjoy it now. Its just scary to realize how easily I was altered in my views and made me feel that it probably happened to a couple of others.

(wrote this crap around 2am, my mind is not as stable as it should be)
Don't let other people's opinion weigh in on your enjoyment. Judge it on your own. Despite the flaws I still love the game. It could have been a bit better, but I'm satisfied.
Crakatak187 said:
Don't let other people's opinion weigh in on your enjoyment. Judge it on your own. Despite the flaws I still love the game. It could have been a bit better, but I'm satisfied.
Exactly how I feel. I view it as its own game and not as uc2-2. It didn't have the same feel because it wasn't the same game.

jax (old)

I tell you what; I might have issues with the SP game but the MP game; throwing a well timed cluster grenade in any mode = FUCKINGGLORIOUS!



Gyrian said:
New Chloe almost looks like a new person altogether, that's what mostly wrong. :|
Cutscene, SP high-poly models looks mostly great with some odd exceptions, but the low-poly MP versions, man, it just compounds the weirdness.

I just noticed from jett's images; that is a pretty drastic downgrade in the final game on the left.
It's that face that looks so freaking off. Right side is much closer to the U2 version.


It bugged me to no end, that the character models for the women looked lower res than UC2. The environment detail, and Drake model, was awesome. Just the supporting cast looked less than stellar to me.
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