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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

Crakatak187 said:
The supernatural aspect is handled better in this game since it's pretty well justified and not as spongy as the previous games and the final boss battle isn't stupidly cheap.

I partly agree.
I absolutely loved the way Drake trips out after drinking the water; the whole following sequence had a genuine feel of menace and panic, the fire demons were awesome, the skewed effects were mind blowing. Although, I have seen more convincing reactions to friend's death in South Park.

I would have like to have seen a bit more of what the Genie could do during the near-end scenes where they were raising the flask, like some effect of the flask or a moment of doubt in Marlowe's quest. Maybe not Raiders face-melting extremes, but something - the whole conclusion went by a bit too fast. And I would have liked to have seen more of Marlowe and Talbot's connections with the tarot fleshed out.

I have always thought that the reaction to Boss Lazaravich(sp?) and the supernatural enemies/elements in the previous two games was blown out of proportion - I thought they were reasonably well integrated; to me that stuff feels like the sort of thing that naturally crops up in the genre, and I appreciate the enemy variety. And Lazaravich wasn't the perfect boss, but I thought he was far from cheap. Seemed a standard learn a pattern and adapt affair, imo. Uncharted 3 just petered out with a standard fist fight, I would rather have had another Lazaravich than that.


Co-op adventure is sooooooo good. I love the quips between the characters and I get to face Lazarevic,Eddy Raja and Flynn? I say damn.
Salz01 said:
It bugged me to no end, that the character models for the women looked lower res than UC2. The environment detail, and Drake model, was awesome. Just the supporting cast looked less than stellar to me.
What bugged me more than anything was the moment Chloe bent over to get behind a low wall for cover and her entire body folded at the hips like a piece of paper. Origami butt.


Just finished the story, fucking awesome game!!

also a question:
Why didn't the evil guy die from the bullet that the english guy shot at him somewhere in the middle of the game (in the castle)


I'd be in the dick
Feature said:
Just finished the story, fucking awesome game!!

also a question:
Why didn't the evil guy die from the bullet that the english guy shot at him somewhere in the middle of the game (in the castle)
Bullet proof vest.
The writer weighed in on that and some other "plot holes". Her explanations are in the OP. Pretty interesting read.

bob page

So I finished last night and I'm pretty much with the 8/10 crowd. The people who rated it a 10/10 have some serious blind-love / riding-with-the-blinders problems, given the glaring flaws in the game.

-Graphics were great (despite the jaggies) especially in the latter half of the game
-Amazing soundtrack & sound editing
-Nate's voicework was probably the best I've heard in a long time
-Some real "holy shit" moments, especially the

-Floaty controls that sometimes got the character stuck in cover
-Picking up weapons / throwing back grenades when there's other stuff lying on the ground. I often had issues picking up the wrong gun, not being able to throw the grenade back
-Enemies falling through the ground when blowing up
-The Jaggies
-Secondary character models lacked detail and seemed rushed
-The story collapses in the last few chapters, despite being incredibly action-packed. The story seemed irrelevant in the long run
-Aiming was indeed janky, especially when trying to handle multiple enemies on screen
-The melee. I couldn't keep track of how many times enemies would rush at me to force melee combat, then more guys would come out of no where and start shooting me while in the middle of a fight. Incredibly frustrating.

But yeah, Uncharted 2 was, without a doubt, a superior game. This one definitely lacked the polish of its predecessor. I did enjoy myself throughout the second half of the game though.

Demon Ice

Lovin the game so far, just got to Ch 10. Few minor quibbles though.

The jaggies are incredibly noticeable and I don't remember them being that bad in UC2. I haven't been keeping up with the discussion in this thread since I just got the game yesterday but has it been established that this game uses less AA than UC2 did? In general the graphics don't seem as smooth as UC2 did, although they are still technically very impressive.

The shooting controls, as mentioned, are janky. But my biggest complaint:

What on earth did they do to
face? It just looks terribly off.


The main thing this game lacked was character development, there was like NONE. The villian's back story was like non existent. Very sad. When you go back as kid drake I thought the story was just going to keep building on stories and we'd go back several times to Drake and Sully. None of this happened. My biggest complaint was story and character development.


kingslunk said:
The main thing this game lacked was character development, there was like NONE. The villian's back story was like non existent. Very sad. When you go back as kid drake I thought the story was just going to keep building on stories and we'd go back several times to Drake and Sully. None of this happened. My biggest complaint was story and character development.

There really isn't that much character development in the Uncharted series when it comes to back story. I thought that Uncharted 3 explores back story a lot more than the previous 2 games. It also explores Drake & Sully relationship deeper which was pretty nice if you ask me.

I do agree that it would be cool to know a bit more about Talbot, Marlowe and Cutter, but I think they got the same treatment all characters get in this franchise. Hell, we don't even know that much about Nathan.
Loudninja said:
I guess patch notes are coming today maybe?


I know this tweet is 15 hours old :p
Yay, about time we are going to get some information about the patch. :) Thanks for posting Loud.


bob page said:
-Picking up weapons / throwing back grenades when there's other stuff lying on the ground. I often had issues picking up the wrong gun, not being able to throw the grenade back.
Regarding this (but not strictly related): i'm so tired of changing weapon, when all i actually want to do is pick up some ammo (or a granade) next to it.
Here's what you do ND: triangle to pick up a new weapon - simply walk on them to pick up ammo/granades, you know, like the goddamn multiplayer.
I mean ofcourse if i go over some ammo i'll want to pick them up, so why bother me with having to press triangle, with the (costant) problem of instead changing my weapon?
Not a big deal if it's after a fight, but losing your good weapon during a firefight, just because you were running to refill the clip, is bullshit.
in syria
. so obviously I haven't beaten it yet. but man...what a clumsy experience so far. there's been quite a few "Dragon's Lair" moments: Basically, the game intends for you to do something and if you don't do exactly what it wants, then you die and repeat until you guess correctly. That is SERIOUSLY not acceptable gameplay in 2011. But what should we expect, this game is pretty much an amusement park/rollercoaster ride. I'll stop short of calling it on rails, but maybe that's not far from the truth?

Maybe it'll pick up in pace. Like I said, I'm not writing it off. But that's been my experience so far.

But you know, I could see how game reviewers wouldn't even DARE give this game anything less than an 8. When perhaps it deserves it? The retaliation alone from the community would be catastrophic. But for who? The reviewer? Or our industry as a whole? What does that say about us when a Eurogamer gives the game an 8 and suddenly it's a "controversy". And for the record, I haven't read the Eurogamer review, just "the controversy".


Not as deep as he thinks
So is there any bonus videos in the game like there was in UC1/UC2? I tried looking in the main menu for the bonus features, but I didn't see anything.
Rewrite said:
So is there any bonus videos in the game like there was in UC1/UC2? I tried looking in the main menu for the bonus features, but I didn't see anything.

Yes, I believe there are 4 videos. They're in a menu somewhere. You unlock them all when you finish the game.


Saw some folks in the GAF chat calling the game boring and unrewarding. Um, you guys just spent who knows how long replaying the same section of co-op over and over and over trying to farm for rare treasure drops, and somehow that's the game's fault? If you choose to grind, it's going to be boring. Solution: DON'T FUCKING GRIND. If you do, it's your own goddamn fault if you're bored.

;) Love you guys, but come on.
UrbanRats said:
Here's what you do ND: triangle to pick up a new weapon - simply walk on them to pick up ammo/granades, you know, like the goddamn multiplayer.
That is a damn good point. There is never a reason not to pick up more ammo.


I actually thought Uncharted 3 was just as good or perhaps even better than Among Thieves. Doesn't get all the blind hate being thrown around for very superficial reasons. While the story wasn't as good as Drake's Fortune, I thought it was better than Among Thieves and unlike either actually had very intense and personal character development (read: revelations) in the form of Drake and Sully. I also enjoy the fact that Hennig cuts out the fat and doesn't give us the complete back story on a lot of these characters. Most of which are probably unrelated to the plot at hand. I like figuring out on my own how they are involved with the greater mystery/adventure.

EDIT: I know this post makes it sound like I thought the first and second had very little character development. Not true. I think each have had great character development, but none so personal or relevant (emotional) as UC3.

jax (old)

Rewrite said:
So is there any bonus videos in the game like there was in UC1/UC2? I tried looking in the main menu for the bonus features, but I didn't see anything.

no zero grav mode. no cinema viewer (which is the only thing they said they see themselves patching back in)... etc.. Really disappointing. I really should check out the 4 vids which are there.


There seems to be a lot of negativity in this thread.
I don't really get it. I absolutely loved the entire experience. Though I found the final fight to be a bit weak. The idea is cool, but because
of the way the melee works, seeing the same animations over and over was a bummer

I feel they did a lot to show the strong relationship between Nate and Sully that I never got from the previous games. A lot of the little comments really made me smile. Like
when Sully made the "well, well, well..." joke and Nate was like "that's cute." Elena had no idea what was going on, but Nate and Sully totally got each other. I loved that scene
. Sure the secondary characters and villains didn't get much development, but I didn't expect them to. None of the villains or secondary characters in Indiana Jones ever got anything.

There were so many great scenarios. The only real downgrade from UC2 that I feel is that there just aren't as many cool climbing sequences in this one.

But I don't normally like games like this so I don't really have much to compare the "bad aiming" to or anything like that. I actually finished this game on Crushing after Normal... and I never play games above Normal (in fact, I play most action-y games on Easy). This is literally the first game I have ever played above normal setting in over 20 years of gaming. I suck at aiming. Like... really bad. But I still made it through the hardest difficulty without much trouble. It took like 2 sittings.

I don't know. I don't know what it would be on a 10 point scale, but I can certainly say this is my favourite non-RPG experience this year by far. And I like it more than UC2. I did not like UC1 at all.
speculawyer said:
That is a damn good point. There is never a reason not to pick up more ammo.
Sure there is. If you have just 2 bullets missing, surely you wouldn't want to pick up a potential full clip when all you need is 2. Better to save it when you're getting low, then boom... another full clip.

jax (old)

Basch said:
I actually thought Uncharted 3 was just as good or perhaps even better than Among Thieves. Doesn't get all the blind hate being thrown around for very superficial reasons. While the story wasn't as good as Drake's Fortune, I thought it was better than Among Thieves and unlike either actually had very intense and personal character development (read: revelations) in the form of Drake and Sully. I also enjoy the fact that Hennig cuts out the fat and doesn't give us the complete back story on a lot of these characters. Most of which are probably unrelated to the plot at hand. I like figuring out on my own how they are involved with the greater mystery/adventure.

EDIT: I know this post makes it sound like I thought the first and second had very little character development. Not true. I think each have had great character development, but none so personal or relevant (emotional) as UC3.

UC2 had stronger/greater inter character development. Sure sully dropped off but the relationship that drake had with chloe, elena and flynn were all very developed. There was a moment in the game when chloe tells drake to go after Elena and then she drops off and it makes perfect sense. As an offside; there's an UC2 trailer - E3 where nathan reads a poem and he's on the side of the train and he has that look of resignation. Its quite telling.

Anyhow; I really want to replay the game! PATCH!!!


benevolent sexism
Barkley's Justice said:
in syria
. so obviously I haven't beaten it yet. but man...what a clumsy experience so far. there's been quite a few "Dragon's Lair" moments: Basically, the game intends for you to do something and if you don't do exactly what it wants, then you die and repeat until you guess correctly. That is SERIOUSLY not acceptable gameplay in 2011. But what should we expect, this game is pretty much an amusement park/rollercoaster ride. I'll stop short of calling it on rails, but maybe that's not far from the truth?

Maybe it'll pick up in pace. Like I said, I'm not writing it off. But that's been my experience so far.

But you know, I could see how game reviewers wouldn't even DARE give this game anything less than an 8. When perhaps it deserves it? The retaliation alone from the community would be catastrophic. But for who? The reviewer? Or our industry as a whole? What does that say about us when a Eurogamer gives the game an 8 and suddenly it's a "controversy". And for the record, I haven't read the Eurogamer review, just "the controversy".

Keep going, it gets better. I wasn't very impressed with it by that point either.

I don't think it's too unfair to liken some of the running segments to "on-rails" gameplay because even the camera adjusts itself for you in a suggestive manner. And that is helpful, of course, but doesn't change the fact that minor deviation from ND's plan results in deaths and repeating parts of what is supposed to play out like a thrilling action movie scene.

frequency said:
There seems to be a lot of negativity in this thread.
I don't really get it.

You should try to think of it as critical analysis rather than "negativity." Big games need to be criticized, too.
See, I guess I like to view them all as seperate games (I feel like a broken record).

1 had the small adventure that introduced us to the characters.

2 threw a wrench into Drake's relationship with the ladies by tugging him back and forth between the good girl and bad girl.

3 showed us how Drake and Sully met and how much Sully means to Drake.

I really wouldn't have wanted to see all of these characters playing the same roles as previous entries. The settings, themes, and tones were much different so expecting Elena to be as cherry as she was about the seperation as she was in 2 or Chloe being in jungle gear ready for an adventure at Nate's side is silly.

If you think about it, Chloe's role/personality in this game is almost just like it was in 2's during the heist scenes when a relationship with Nate wasn't in the picture... which is how it is in 3. Just friends.

jax (old)

Also... Its 2 weeks post launch now? You'd think a map pack or something other than skins would be announced? Its not like they've signalled they're doing more than a map pack so...I will probably get the UC2 mappack for temple/sanctuary/village

hey_it's_that_dog said:
You should try to think of it as critical analysis rather than "negativity." Big games need to be criticized, too.

yeah; especially when I think the SP game has a lot of issues - plot/story I can ignore.


are all vital to the experience and definitely worth a look at. I can't wait to play again to see the crumpled chloe butt I keep reading about.


Jax said:
no zero grav mode. no cinema viewer (which is the only thing they said they see themselves patching back in)... etc.. Really disappointing. I really should check out the 4 vids which are there.

I hope they do patch it in. I missed a couple bits from friends talking over the game and would be insanely grateful if they patched the cinema viewer back in, as I don't want to watch cheap youtube quality videos when I have an excellent home theater setup with game in hand. I also hope they patch in the mirror world and sepia tone extra. Made crushing in the original that much harder. :)

Jax said:
UC2 had stronger/greater inter character development. Sure sully dropped off but the relationship that drake had with chloe, elena and flynn were all very developed. There was a moment in the game when chloe tells drake to go after Elena and then she drops off and it makes perfect sense. As an offside; there's an UC2 trailer - E3 where nathan reads a poem and he's on the side of the train and he has that look of resignation. Its quite telling.

Anyhow; I really want to replay the game! PATCH!!!

This is not a fact, and is frankly disturbing that you think that it is. People can have different reactions to events and plots. For example, I didn't think Nathan was the guy to chase women around like Sully... ala Chloe from UC2, but there it was. Yes, it's character development but it didn't convince me. I was glad Chloe stepped down for Elena. It was a great moment, but it was also expected.

The thing that impressed me the most with the characters in UC3 was how Hennig went about explaining their back stories (Drake and Sully). I almost cried in the second and third level. I was so happy with the way she chose to connect their origins and solidify what their relationship is. For me, nothing can compare to those opening levels in Colombia. I was a wreck after the chase sequence. It was exhilarating, yet gut-wrenching. So beautiful. I have never felt this strongly for a video game character before. Add to that Marlowe's revelation about Drake's past, and it sent me over the edge.

You may have wanted Chloe to get more screen time, but I felt her presence was adequate. Believe it or not, she wasn't a main character. It makes sense that she decided not to stick around. And what about Tenzin in UC2. I suppose he just stopped caring about Drake after he got his kid back, amirite? Characters have dropped out of the picture before. Not every character on screen will serves as a focus of development. If I remember right, Chloe was originally just supposed to be a foil of sorts to Drake. I'm surprised you actually felt she deserved some sort of catharsis in this installment as well, when the story was clearly about Drake, Sully, and Elena.

Also the parallels between Marlowe, Talbot, and the MI6 were awesome. Pretty frightening stuff considering all the massive foreshadowing.


Basch said:
I hope they do patch it in. I missed a couple bits from friends talking over the game and would be insanely grateful if they patched the cinema viewer back in, as I don't want to watch cheap youtube quality videos when I have an excellent home theater setup with game in hand. I also hope they patch in the mirror world and sepia tone extra. Made crushing in the original that much harder. :)

This is not a fact, and is frankly disturbing that you think that it is. People can have different reactions to events and plots. For example, I didn't think Nathan was the guy to chase women around like Sully... ala Chloe from UC2, but there it was. Yes, it's character development but it didn't convince me. I was glad Chloe stepped down for Elena. It was a great moment, but it was also expected.

The thing that impressed me the most with the characters in UC3 was how Hennig went about explaining their back stories (Drake and Sully). I almost cried in the second and third level. I was so happy with the way she chose to connect their origins and solidify what their relationship is. For me, nothing can compare to those opening levels in Colombia. I was a wreck after the chase sequence. It was exhilarating, yet gut-wrenching. So beautiful. I have never felt this strongly for a video game character before. Add to that Marlowe's revelation about Drake's past, and it sent me over the edge.

You may have wanted Chloe to get more screen time, but I felt her presence was adequate. Believe it or not, she wasn't a main character. It makes sense that she decided not to stick around. And what about Tenzin in UC2. I suppose he just stopped caring about Drake after he got his kid back, amirite? Characters have dropped out of the picture before. Not every character on screen will serves as a focus of development. If I remember right, Chloe was originally just supposed to be a foil of sorts to Drake. I'm surprised you actually felt she deserved some sort of catharsis in this installment as well, when the story was clearly about Drake, Sully, and Elena.

Also the parallels between Marlowe, Talbot, and the MI6 were awesome. Pretty frightening stuff considering all the massive foreshadowing.

IMO, Drake and Sully should be the only constant characters (unless it doesn't suit the plot) and they can use the others to play around with the story and screen time.


Ricky_R said:
IMO, Drake and Sully should be the only constant characters (unless it doesn't suit the plot) and they can use the others to play around with the story and screen time.

Sully needs to go back to being a tertiary character. Chloe and Elena were much stronger sidekicks in UC1 and UC2.


hey_it's_that_dog said:
You should try to think of it as critical analysis rather than "negativity." Big games need to be criticized, too.
I don't mean that big games are immune to criticism. I guess what I really meant was that I was a bit surprised when I came into this thread to see there were so many people who had so many problems with things I didn't.

I don't mean that everyone should like what I like or anything like that. I was just a bit surprised is all. I guess I worded my post poorly. It was just meant to be a throwaway comment... which I guess brings to question why I even posted it. I'm slow.


I'd be in the dick
jett said:
Sully needs to go back to being a tertiary character. Chloe and Elena were much stronger sidekicks in UC1 and UC2.
WAT? I can see the argument for Elena but Chloe wasn't a great sidekick. She was entertaining for a while but just felt kind of dull compared to the other characters for me.


RoboPlato said:
WAT? I can see the argument for Elena but Chloe wasn't a great sidekick. She was entertaining for a while but just felt kind of dull compared to the other characters for me.

O rly? I really enjoyed the banter between Drake and Chloe. She's also a better and more interesting character in UC2 than Sully is in any game. :p Sully is quite honestly extremely one-dimensional, which is fine as long as he isn't in the spotlight.


I'd be in the dick
jett said:
O rly? I really enjoyed the banter between Drake and Chloe. She's also a better and more interesting character in UC2 than Sully is in any game. :p Sully is quite honestly extremely one-dimensional, which is fine as long as he isn't in the spotlight.
I guess I just love the relationship and banter between Nate and Sully too much. I always felt like Chloe was ND's attempt to just force in a super hot female character.


RoboPlato said:
WAT? I can see the argument for Elena but Chloe wasn't a great sidekick. She was entertaining for a while but just felt kind of dull compared to the other characters for me.
Chloe was the best character in U2.


Chloe was a refreshing/fun character and I liked her a lot (I agree that their banter was pretty good). I just don't see her as strong as Sully when it comes to building a deeper relationship, back story or twist with Drake.

Will ND keep making Uncharted experiences while not going too deep into the characters as they get older or will they try to get more intense between characters as they think the series is reaching the end?

I wouldn't mind some more Cutter love either. They should introduce a new character in their next game that shares some personal past experiences with Drake and Sully to make shit more interesting.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Sure there is. If you have just 2 bullets missing, surely you wouldn't want to pick up a potential full clip when all you need is 2. Better to save it when you're getting low, then boom... another full clip.
How about the game just picks up 2 bullets out of the full clip on the ground, like Resident Evil 5 does, leaving the rest of the clip there to pick up later, for example?
Also, it doesn't apply on granades.
Better than having to hunt for right inch of ground, to make the right context sensitive input pop up.


aka Mannny
UrbanRats said:
How about the game just picks up 2 bullets out of the full clip on the ground, like Resident Evil 5 does, leaving the rest of the clip there to pick up later, for example?
Also, it doesn't apply on granades.
Better than having to hunt for right inch of ground, to make the right context sensitive input pop up.
The game is too fast paced for micromanagement of bullets. Hording bullets is not part of uncharted game design whereas it's a necessity in RE.


Defuser said:
Co-op adventure is sooooooo good. I love the quips between the characters and I get to face Lazarevic,Eddy Raja and Flynn? I say damn.
Thanx for those massive spoilers. Haven't touch multi yet nor co-op.


EloquentM said:
The game is too fast paced for micromanagement of bullets. Hording bullets is not part of uncharted game design whereas it's a necessity in RE.
What? I guess you've missed what i'm saying here.
The game is too fast for micro managing bullet: Exactly.
That's why i don't want to stop because a Dragunov and more ammo for my AK are on the same spot and Drake keeps exchanging weapons, instead of just getting the ammo, while everybody are shooting at me.
What i'm saying is: keep the triangle input for weapon changing, and make the ammo pick up automatic (like the granades in multiplayer).
If i only miss 2 bullets and i walk on a full clip (a problem that MoonsaultSlayer suggested), i don't pick up the entire clip, but just the two bullets out of it, leaving the remaining on the ground, ready to be picked up when i later walk on them but it's still all automatic.
There's no bullet management, infact, is faster than the system they have in place now, where i spend 30 seconds trying to get the "pick up granade" input to appear.


aka Mannny
UrbanRats said:
What? I guess you've missed what i'm saying here.
The game is too fast for micro managing bullet: Exactly.
That's why i don't want to stop because a Dragunov and more ammo for my AK are on the same spot and Drake keeps exchanging weapons, instead of just getting the ammo, while everybody are shooting at me.
What i'm saying is: keep the triangle input for weapon changing, and make the ammo pick up automatic (like the granades in multiplayer).
If i only miss 2 bullets and i walk on a full clip (a problem that MoonsaultSlayer suggested), i don't pick up the entire clip, but just the two bullets out of it, leaving the remaining on the ground, ready to be picked up when i later walk on them but it's still all automatic.
There's no bullet management, infact, is faster than the system they have in place now, where i spend 30 seconds trying to get the "pick up granade" input to appear.
Lol I see what you mean. It seems I missed your original post. I fully agree though with what you're saying.
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