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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally

jax (old)

Its great that the patch is coming. And the DLC map stuff is great. 4 weeks into the game and that helghan bullshit gets released into the UC3 universe? Not sure if want. I'd rather keep it strictly UC universe. Bring back pinkerton/riki.

I want to get fortune hunters but not at $15 more than my US counterparts. Its kind of annoying. I need to import the US disc. Hey; can someone look at the US UC3 and tell me what the store menu says regarding disc types for DLC? On the Aus version its something BEUS201031 (eg) I'll do a photo/screen of the Aus version later. I doubt the DLC is compatible across regions.
This map is a non Uncharted 2 remake. It called Dry Docks.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
finalozzo said:
yeah but you have to pay and to wait for that dlc.
Games like Uncharted 3 and Call of Duty should come with two independent Trophy sets - one for SP, and one for MP.
DownLikeBCPowder said:
I had a question about treasures really. When I played the beta when it was first available, treasures seemed to drop from people and pretty often randomly in the boxes. I was playing Hardcore mode. Now on the retail game, I am playing the same mode and it is SO rare that treasures drop, or spawn in boxes. I am level 30 or so and perhaps have literally only seen less than 10 treasures in my entire play experiences or so. Is it because of the mode? Or what?

I was kind of sad t olearn the treasures don't unlock new clothing sets for the characters (or don't appear to). Not like they show up anyway, but!

Hard core doesn't drop nearly as much than something like team objective IMO.
I always have like 2,3 treasures chances per match in team objective while 1 every 2 matches in hardcore...

jax (old)

I wonder if any of the DLC maps will have the procedural moving surfaces; if yes - that would be absolutely incredible. But I doubt it :'(
Rewrite said:
Ugh, The Fort.

Beautiful map when it came out and people played it properly, but became a major FAL camping fest as time passed on in UC2. The only good thing I'll say about it is that it's open so maybe there won't be too much blindfire...

I played the shit out of these maps already in UC2. Give me something new, ND.

Seconded. Of course, since you have Sniper and Tbolts kickbacks, I'm sure it'll be better.

I would honestly like new maps, the recycled ones I've played to death already.

jax (old)

R_thanatos said:
Hard core doesn't drop nearly as much than something like team objective IMO.
I always have like 2,3 treasures chances per match in team objective while 1 every 2 matches in hardcore...

normal mode - I've had drops of 4 max on arena. Hardcore; I can go an entire round and not get any.

I'm only really interested in unlocking outfits now. weapons; eh. I can do without.

As of right now; much much prefer to play the arena/co-op modes - a lot of fun. Like I've said before survival; late game; a well timed cluster grenades = mad bomber + hell of a lot of kills. I'm using the grenade booster(LVL3) so you can actually have 3 cluster grenades. The key is not to get killed as you will lose them.

so awesome explosions going off everywhere.

The MP game is so so fun.


jett said:
I think ND is trying to kill off UC2's MP entirely, lol.

Putting all/most of the Uncharted maps is not that bad of an idea. Especially if UC3 is the last Uncharted on PS3.
jett said:
The Fort? The fucking Fort? The fuck is wrong with ND. I never asked for this. They should pay ME for playing in that crap map.

And enough with the UC2 remakes, seriously. Did they fire all their map designers after UC2?

Fort is not a bad map, I would rather have the village though, glad the ice cave is in, didn't even recognize it without the snow.


Art aside, I think the Ice Cave and Fort remakes actually won't be too too bad gameplay mechanic-wise for UC3. Neither are really big maps (unless you count Fort being long, but I don't see many people camping sniper on that map in this game anyways), and might work out pretty well, depending on what they do to map effects and weapon spawns.

In other news, I care more about patch that would fix many of the overall game's problems over a couple pieces of character parts and 2 map remakes...


ProfessorMoran said:
Fort is not a bad map, I would rather have the village though, glad the ice cave is in, didn't even recognize it without the snow.

Well it's not that bad if you're not playing TDM, but there's better selection out there. Ice Cave was my favorite non-DLC map though, so to be honest not feeling too bad about it being here. :p I wonder how is that small-ish map gonna work with UC3.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
New map screens look great. I'll probably wait to see what the word is on how frequently they appear before deciding. Everything that is in MP will also work with Arena Co-Op, right?


When is Naughty Dog going to fix the issue where you get a loss instead of a win on your stats page if you win a 3-team deathmatch game.


AgentChris said:
I hope Naughty Dog brings back the M4. That was my favorite weapon from Uncharted 2 and it's not even in Uncharted 3.

That's what the M9 is standing in for, more or less.
I liked the 92FS quite a bit more than the Para-9 too, but there won't be any adds like this.
Shame, too, the silenced 92FS in SP is seriously sweet.

BruiserBear said:
No word on the patch? Really?

Considering what the expectations on the whole subject have become, I can't blame them from holding back until everything's a sure thing.
The last thing NDI needs right now is to make any promises that could see any changes before they deliver.


Awesome. Game turned up today and I had a quick go this evening. Yep, it's Uncharted (which is a damn good thing of course).

I'm a way off MP I think. But seeing the 2nd locale was great as I was in Cartagena only recently! Shame they didn't recreate it more accurately but the Maritime Museum made me smile. The main square with the Museum of the Inquisition would've been great too. Such a pretty city and I'd recommend anyone who can should visit (although the influx of tourists at, say, Havanas or the salsa club just down the way from it was kind of sad).

God, I sound stupid.


Not as deep as he thinks
Darkatomz said:
Ice Cave and Fort remakes actually won't be too too bad gameplay mechanic-wise for UC3. Neither are really big maps (unless you count Fort being long, but I don't see many people camping sniper on that map in this game anyways), and might work out pretty well, depending on what they do to map effects and weapon spawns.
Bottom caves in Ice Cave will be the equivalent of the zip line area of the chateau. I guarantee you. Fort will be good, I think. Ice Cave however, I don't think will be good. Blindfire fest. I can see it already. I hope I'm so fucking wrong, though.

City of Brass is the worst map in the entire MP, btw. Terrible, terrible map.

No one likes it. It hardly gets voted.
Kagari said:
It's in testing.
I know, I know. But they also know they have lots of people waiting on details of this patch. Surely they could say something more than "it's in testing".

They've said the absolute bare minimum, and they've already passed one suggested date for when we would hear more, and they haven't acknowledged that.
Rewrite said:
Bottom caves in Ice Cave will be the equivalent of the zip line area of the chateau. I guarantee you. Fort will be good, I think. Ice Cave however, I don't think will be good. Blindfire fest. I can see it already. I hope I'm so fucking wrong, though.

City of Brass is the worst map in the entire MP, btw. Terrible, terrible map.

No one likes it. It hardly gets voted.
YES! I fucking hate that map. Arne slap the chap that designed that map :p


BruiserBear said:
I know, I know. But they also know they have lots of people waiting on details of this patch. Surely they could say something more than "it's in testing".

They've said the absolute bare minimum, and they've already passed one suggested date for when we would hear more, and they haven't acknowledged that.
We hear more this week.

@Kaswa101 notes coming this week.

Last week they were not certain this week they are.

jax (old)

jett said:
I think ND is trying to kill off UC2's MP entirely, lol.

that's like saying dance central 2's import feature 400ms point is killing off dc1 (which it does). Considering its ONLY 400ms points; it does comparatively make these map pack seems like terrible value even if they are changing how they look.


While playing earlier, the menu background changed to what looked like the area before boarding the cargo plane at night.

Possible new map? Anyone else see it?

jax (old)

Rewrite said:
Bottom caves in Ice Cave will be the equivalent of the zip line area of the chateau. I guarantee you. Fort will be good, I think. Ice Cave however, I don't think will be good. Blindfire fest. I can see it already. I hope I'm so fucking wrong, though.

City of Brass is the worst map in the entire MP, btw. Terrible, terrible map.

No one likes it. It hardly gets voted.

the worst is highrise and CoB don't get much love because its confusing as all hell to navigate. There isn't a quick sense of what the space is like.


City of Brass reminds me of the early Halo maps which consisted of ramps going into ramps, which were then going into more ramps. Also, it just hurts my eyes to look in the background of that map.
Diebuster said:
While playing earlier, the menu background changed to what looked like the area before boarding the cargo plane at night.

Possible new map? Anyone else see it?

not a new map .. you can already see that background when playing "airport" chapter 5 of co-op .. and it's IMO the hardest co-op map in hard mode EVER( just before monastery )
DigiMish said:
City of Brass reminds me of the early Halo maps which consisted of ramps going into ramps, which were then going into more ramps. Also, it just hurts my eyes to look in the background of that map.

There were a lot of light-dark-light-dark transitions which can be hard on the eyes, the thing that worked with U2 maps is that yes you get the light and dark but it's more gradual and it's more persistent, the submarine level didn't work as well because of that, while the ice cave and the village worked.


Not as deep as he thinks
Jax said:
the worst is highrise and CoB don't get much love because its confusing as all hell to navigate. There isn't a quick sense of what the space is like.
I disagree. I like Highrise...not as much as I did in UC2, but it's still great. With City of Brass, I just don't get a general flow of things. I feel like ND didn't know what they wanted to do with that map and just threw a bunch of different stuff in it. the online community doesn't like both maps because every time they come up for vote, they don't get voted. I don't blame them.

R_thanatos said:
and it's IMO the hardest co-op map in hard mode EVER( just before monastery )
That's a little bit funny to me because me and my friend did back 2 back on the co-op adventure maps on Hard to unlock Crushing...and not once did we die in The Airport level compared to the numerous amount of times in the other maps. To me, The Monastery is the hardest of all because of the rocket launcher guys at the end. With 2 people, it was tough as fuck because not only do you have to pay attention to where the RL guys are going to spawn, but you're getting shot at from those armored guys. Borneo is a close second.

It goes like this for me in terms of difficult (with 2 people only):

Monastery, Borneo, London Underground, Syria, and Airport.
Had a weird glitch in Co-op Arena earlier. I don't know if one guy just quit, or lost connection, but he vanished, resulting in all of the enemies freezing. The other guy and I spent awhile running around, shooting at the frozen enemies, who would shake and bleed when shot, but would not die. If you approached to melee they would suddenly hit you away before going back to their frozen state. The other guy managed to finally kill one with an RPG, but I don't know if it actually gave him the kill. Eventually we blew each other up and the game refused to respawn us.


On the whole I find the MP to be very well designed and fairly balanced. In some ways it's even deeper than MW's. So many things to unlock, and the missions, treasure sets etc literally pave the way for countless hours of gaming. The maps are also very well designed and unique compared to other shooters. Having pumped so much time in to it, I'm still baffled Sessler called it 'tacked on'. Clearly he didn't delve very deep in to it.

There are some big issues that need to be remedied though. My main ones for now would be...

Spawns in Free for All (appallingly bad, with majority of kills and deaths being from behind).
Kill limit in Free for All (so low it's over before you blink)
Treasure drops are unfair and way too rare (grinding FF style often for nothing)

The game is also definitely advantageous to higher ranked people (FAL, M9 plus mods etc) as they really do make a difference. So my advice to new players is play lots of co-op first to level up and unlock stuff for MP before you jump in.

Rainy Dog

jett said:
City of Brass is cool. I want more of that crazy design in the game.

I've not played on it competitively yet, so I can't judge it how it flows etc. But I love the presentation of the layout, reminds me of complex old school FPS map design like Quake and UT which is missing from most MP shooters these days.

It's astoundingly pretty to boot too. When I was playing through the SP, I was hoping they'd use certain locations for MP and this was one of them. I'd also still like to see a fully fledged jungle environment in Uncharted MP. I recall some of U2's maps incorporating quite a bit of greenery, but I'd love to see a dense jungle map with tons of foliage.


In what resolution does the game run in 3D ? There was a lot of aliasing when I played the game in 3D on the Sony HMD, but it looked better when I was it on a LCD screen in 2D.
So my buddy finishes the game last night and calls me up to let me know as soon as the credits finished rolling, he got the YLOD on his launch fattie.

Apparently Drake doesn't like fatties.
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