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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Got the Fortune Hunter's Club a few days ago, nice to know I don't have to do anything for those maps.

I would rather see some more UC3 maps (with the really cool scripted stuff that goes on in them). Though, I didn't play a lot of UC2 multi, so these are newish to me.

Mikey Jr.

Well, it says in the blog post that its just some of the maps they are working on. So there will hopefully be more in the map pack.

But then again, its called flashback #1.

So urghhhh.

Come on ND, don't get fucking lazy on me. I was all for introducing U2 maps, but I had no idea that would be ALL you were guys doing.

This kinda stinks of laziness. I know they are redone, but come on.


Mikey Jr. said:
Well, it says in the blog post that its just some of the maps they are working on. So there will hopefully be more in the map pack.

But then again, its called flashback #1.

So urghhhh.

Come on ND, don't get fucking lazy on me. I was all for introducing U2 maps, but I had no idea that would be ALL you were guys doing.

This kinda stinks of laziness. I know they are redone, but come on.
Maybe the other maps in the pack will be themed after scenes in the first two games rather than straight up remakes? Just being hopeful.


I really love how the maps have setpieces now, it would be really cool if they could integrate those into the UC1/2 maps.

I doubt that's happening though. Hopefully we get that stuff in new new maps.


Not worth it. What the hell is this crap? The Fort? Flashback maps? C'mon ND. Give us some quality original scripted maps based on U3 Tech, not re-skins of old U2 maps that most of us here have already played the sh*t out of.


gdt5016 said:
I really love how the maps have setpieces now, it would be really cool if they could integrate those into the UC1/2 maps.

I doubt that's happening though. Hopefully we get that stuff in new new maps.

Well the fort had a plane crash...maybe they'll rework that? Then again they took away the "setpiece" moment from the UC2 map Highrise. :|
Mikey Jr. said:
But then again, its called flashback #1.
Yeah, which means that they will be more remade maps. :x I wanted entirely new maps. *sigh* With that said, I welcome The Ice Cave but I do NOT welcome The Fort. I always hated that map. The Capture Trooper looks pretty cool, I guess.


I'd be in the dick
finalozzo said:
the hell is this shit.
then, like in uncharted 2, i don't like the thing ''online trophies = dlc'', online trophies has to be in the fucking game.
I actually love that. You can platinum the game without grinding MP trophies and those that play more MP can get the trophies.
jett said:
The Fort? The fucking Fort? The fuck is wrong with ND. I never asked for this. They should pay ME for playing in that crap map.

And enough with the UC2 remakes, seriously. Did they fire all their map designers after UC2?

The votes between matches will decide whevener you will play this or not ... Some map are highly rated than other by the players .. so you'll see.
Also this is a flashback map pack . So you can be sure more "normal" map will come in due time. At least give some time for the player not in the subway thing to enjoy the U3 map.

Mikey Jr.

Also, out of ALL the maps in U2, why the fort?

Seriously, why? There are so many better ones such as village and plaza.

I really hope they release 4 U2 maps with this pack, the other 4 U2 maps with the other pack, then we can finally get some new maps with the other 2 packs left.


Not as deep as he thinks
Ugh, The Fort.

Beautiful map when it came out and people played it properly, but became a major FAL camping fest as time passed on in UC2. The only good thing I'll say about it is that it's open so maybe there won't be too much blindfire...

I played the shit out of these maps already in UC2. Give me something new, ND.


gdt5016 said:
I've put 20 hours into competitive, about 8 into co-op. Love it.

I've put in more. Never thought I ever would. UC3 MP is the reason I not only traded in BF3 (for Skyrim) but also a reason I didn't buy MW3.

My only advice is play a lot of co-op first. That way you'll build experience and money to unlock better weapons and their respective mods for use online. M9 hint hint.



Rewrite said:
Dragon Sniper > Any other weapon in the MP.


I <3 being a sniper.

FAL-SS and Flynn's M9 for me. Just trying to unlock Eddy's FAL now but that last treasure of the set is proving to be a bitch to find!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Not happy that Fort is in the first pack, but I'm glad rain is making a comeback. I hate what they did to Molten Ruins, it's not the same without the rain. Ice Cave also looks great without the snow.




Not as deep as he thinks
Yeah, both maps aesthetically speaking look great. The rainy effect was so much better than the lava/fire setting they decided to put for Molten Ruins. Highrise looked so much better in day time than on night.

The one thing I'm really dreading right now is Ice Cave's return. That's going to be a terrible map to play because it's mostly close quarter combat in the inner bottom caves where all the action happens. KAL, M9, and Uzi blindfire fest is a given 100% of the time and with the inclusion of sprint, it'll be much, much worse I believe. The Fort should be the complete opposite experience with its open areas so hopefully it'll have more people aiming.

nib95 said:
FAL-SS and Flynn's M9 for me. Just trying to unlock Eddy's FAL now but that last treasure of the set is proving to be a bitch to find!
The absolute worse is when you have 2/3 or 1/2 of the treasure set almost complete...but you NEVER get the last piece of the set!
What is this one week later DLC shit? Am I misunderstanding or are a bunch of Killzone wearing folks going to be sprinting about in MP? I'm sorry but what. Out of place skins and old maps? I don't mind the old maps so much, but where is Sanctuary? Train Wreck? Better maps than Fort? Honestly no matter what it is I'll feel burned because this comes out a week later for something I paid 60 USD for. These old maps should be in the game day one. No? Ice cave looks nice though. I like the reskins (sometimes).

Random spoilers from various parts of the game.

As far as the game, I loved it. Uncharted 3 was a great ride, though I was iffy at first I came to love everything about it. Enjoyed the focus on Sully and toward the end
I honestly wondered if they would remove him, but once the scene progressed a bit I was in much less belief, but they got me for a minute!
. I wish
had more screen time but I can't complain with all the amazing Sullyness. I don't care much for Chloe in this game especially - her entire appeal in Uncharted 2 was a sultry style of affection with Nate. She is just a stand around character here almost as a fill in. Cutter is much more interesting, but what's not interesting at all is how
they just bow out without much more than departing gesture
. I get the reasoning, but I wouldn't have minded him to stick around a bit longer is what I'm saying.

Graphics are incredible. Just incredible. There are no words for some of the moments or angles in this game, not to mention character animation and design. Christ. And to those of you complaining about the dynamic animations, shrug, I love them to death. Every blue moon Drake looks wonky, but most of the time I was very much enjoying Drake's dynamic movements. This was one of the more impressive pieces of technology to me and I can't wait to see it fleshed out some more. Drake felt FAR more alive than ever in this game, as did all of the characters. Insane.

I loved the water areas. Holy shit, every chapter from the "abduction" to landing back in town, love it. Any area with platform motion comes to life so amazingly well, I enjoyed leaping stealthily from dock to dock, or to ship, trying to eliminate the enemies stealthily diving into the water when discovered to have a massive shootout that has a much different flavor. The cruise ship was a great piece, but could have been more in depth and expanded upon to great effect I would imagine. Either way, favorite portion of the game. Would love more "extreme" conditions (toward the end it's raining, storming, you're still fighting on the docks, ships, and platforms while they sway heavily from the current, it's damn awesome and reminds me of when I was absolutely floored with the collapsing building in 2).

Sadly the gameplay is a regression, if only in the manner of controls. I went back and immediately replayed the entirety of Uncharted 2 because I just couldn't remember accurately (aside from the fact that the game is god tier). It was nice to revisit, the pacing, gameplay, and graphics are really stellar. Uncharted 2 is still absolutely a damn masterpiece.

End of the day I'd put them in similar places, but for different reasons. Both games are absolutely stellar.

Rewrite said:
The absolute worse is when you have 2/3 or 1/2 of the treasure set almost complete...but you NEVER get the last piece of the set!

I had a question about treasures really. When I played the beta when it was first available, treasures seemed to drop from people and pretty often randomly in the boxes. I was playing Hardcore mode. Now on the retail game, I am playing the same mode and it is SO rare that treasures drop, or spawn in boxes. I am level 30 or so and perhaps have literally only seen less than 10 treasures in my entire play experiences or so. Is it because of the mode? Or what?

I was kind of sad t olearn the treasures don't unlock new clothing sets for the characters (or don't appear to). Not like they show up anyway, but!
I wouldnt be surprised if they kept it available. Most people wont be buying any DLC and those who do will maybe buy a couple costumes or a Map pack.

If you have the Fortune hunter Pack sitting there some folks might reason that they should buy that for a bit more. In any case ND is making more money and less people are being separated in multiplayer.

Of course, thats just what I would do.

Rainy Dog

Any UK/Euro gaffers want to team up for some co-op then eventually competitive MP?

I was on a U3 blackout so didn't sample any of the beta's and never really gave U2 MP enough of a chance at the time. Would love to get stuck into this however, but none of my regular PSN buddies are interested in anything other than COD or BF. I fancy something different as my go-to MP game though, so would be great to team up with some gaffers for once.

PSN ID is RainyDog.


Can anyone explain to me the rationale behind requiring so many bullets to get a kill in the multiplayer? I feel like it should be toned down... at least a little bit.


Siaynoqq said:
Can anyone explain to me the rationale behind requiring so many bullets to get a kill in the multiplayer? I feel like it should be toned down... at least a little bit.
So encounters aren't always determined by who sees who first.


Not as deep as he thinks
Siaynoqq said:
Can anyone explain to me the rationale behind requiring so many bullets to get a kill in the multiplayer? I feel like it should be toned down... at least a little bit.
It really doesn't take too much bullets. It's fine the way it is. I think people have this complaint because of some of the recoil the weapons have and because of the sprint allowing players to get away or dodge bullets. If you face someone directly, you'll see that it really doesn't take a full clip to take someone down.


Rewrite said:
It really doesn't take too much bullets. It's fine the way it is. I think people have this complaint because of some of the recoil the weapons have and because of the sprint allowing players to get away or dodge bullets. If you face someone directly, you'll see that it really doesn't take a full clip to take someone down.

Yup, make for a lot of possibilities in a gun fight instead of who sees first, kills first mentality


The new DLC maps look very promising. :0
Art-wise, my first impression is that they may be better revivals than what we've seen so far.
I actually enjoy Fort, would play it many times over before Highrise. Hell, its structure might even force quite a few players out of their hip fire habit.

Fort's also the backdrop of some of my fondest memories of U2 GAF melee only matches. <3

I welcome the 'remade' content, and there's still quite a bit more to go.
What will end up disappointing me is if that's all that the Fortune Hunter's pass will cover: 3 packs of U1+U2 skins, 3 packs of U1+U2 maps.

There's a lot of potential for original content. If it can't be entirely new, there are still several SP locations that could make for interesting backdrops as well.
Nobody else has had major mic issues? I have the first version of the official ps3 bluetooth mic, my friend has the newer slimmer model and another friend has just a regular bluetooth phone mic. My first friend and I have robot voice and cant tell what were saying. my friends unofficial mic works better than all of ours. When i play by myself the my mic seems to work but when im in a party with my buddies its just robot voice. I've deleted the mic settigns and redone everything. did the echo setup too. Still doesn't work. and its only with uncharted 3????

i hope this is a problem for others and itll be addressed in a patched. its the only thing not allowing my friends and I to have a blast with this game.
darkwing said:
what do you mean robot voice?
Just very low staticy sounding. On both ends between the official sony mics? I thought i read online it might have to do something with the new Wireless 7.0 headset?


Loach said:
There seem to be plenty of sections where the game encourages you to
use stealth (Drake will say something like "we'll have to do this quietly"). From memory the airport, the ship yard, the castle in Syria and the dust storm all encouraged this. Did anyone manage to complete any areas using stealth (killing everyone in that section)?
Yes, I completely stealth my way through
Citadel tower (before you open the big gate), the section with cutter, and airport car space area.

I half-stealth
The ship yard and early sandstorm level. Sandstorm area can't be completely stealthed because there are armored shotgun guys and you can't choke them for some reason. I tried it multiple times. I think you're only meant to sneak pass him, choke the guy near the crate and get the stealth bonus of Hammer as a reward.


bish gets all the credit :)
lol @ just recycling U2 maps. They'll probably be uglier too, as all of the remakes so far have been. Game shipped with a pitiful number of maps.
Mikey Jr. said:

New info about skins, plus new map DLC pics.

The Fort is back!! Someone kill me right now please.

Also, Ice Cave is back. Mehhh?
So first all the costumes from the last two games except fat Lazaravic, now two maps from the previous game. Oh and here's some KZ3 stuff. That Fortune Hunter pass is looking like a better deal everyday.
Replicant said:
Yes, I completely stealth my way through
Citadel tower (before you open the big gate), the section with cutter, and airport car space area.

I half-stealth
The ship yard and early sandstorm level. Sandstorm area can't be completely stealthed because there are armored shotgun guys and you can't choke them for some reason. I tried it multiple times. I think you're only meant to sneak pass him, choke the guy near the crate and get the stealth bonus of Hammer as a reward.

Yeah if they are shotgun guys or heavies(guys with helmets) You have to know their helmet off before you can melee kill or stealth kill. Making it impossible to get a perfect stealth which is unfortunate.

They should have made it so you could if you have the patience stealth every open arena encounter. Keep the shotgun/heavies if the normal guys are alerted.
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